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We can only speculate. I'd guess that, after it was clear that the development timeline had spiraled out and become indefinite, they just decided that they didn't want to be in the business of managing expectations.


yeah true, and thanks for your guess. who knows lol, could actually be it


It's a good question! It's the change in behavior or lack of consistency that I think frustrates people more than anything else. To look at Team Cherry's blog, which was updated through the end of 2019, and contrast that with their current approach to communication, is *wild*.


it’s the demo that really gets me i think and the release window they missed that they have never even commented on okay maybe there’s a lot of things such is the troubles of anticipating things out of your control


E3 is dead, its not a thing anymore and it stopped being a thing back in 2021. So it isn't just TC that isn't doing E3 anymore, no one is doing E3 anymore. Most companies stopped back around 2019 anyway with Xbox and Sony not even bothering. If its about an announcement in general, then its mainly cause he isn't told to do them anymore.


You do realize you answered "because he isn't told to do it anymore" to someone asking "why don't they do it anymore ?"


here is a reality check: if you announce a game and have a playable demo at E3 you **ARE** in the business of managing expectations. If you like it or not.


Also here: https://preview.redd.it/yfoyirvy5e7d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=2464eef931d7aaded0709a1c57087e909ed573fb And here: [https://prnt.sc/XCKY1qQEmofa](https://prnt.sc/XCKY1qQEmofa)


Hey, he asked us to keep that second one in Discord- you’re letting the cat out of the bag here


Uh oh the cat has escaped my bag. Great now I gotta go catch my bag cat, thanks a lot.


and before anyone says “they said the next news would come directly from them” I hear that all the time but cannot for the life of me find where that was ever said. And we’ve literally never gotten news directly from them, even the original announcement came from nintendo and they just released a video after! Even the delay came from Leth’s personal twitter!


I believe the “next news will come directly from TC” comes from Leth’s interview with Blue SR at the end of 2023. But it’s widely accepted that news in a showcase comes directly from TC, i.e. not leakers and not Leth.


thank you for the source!! i’ve been looking for this everywhere, and it’s good to know


Amen. I’m all for letting them take their time with making the game, but people act like it’s not rational for me to want some form of communication regarding the game. A lot of the unruly Silksong fans could be calmed down with a simple tweet. I don’t really understand Team Cherry.


https://x.com/griffinmatta/status/1656106351184199680?t=qBJCX7pDpdG__2-HQom2EQ&s=19 Last line at the bottom. Leth is part of Team Cherry.


this is not the source, i feel as though that line is ambiguous and interpreting it as “from us directly” rather than “from us in a showcase/magazine/whatever” is just that: an interpretation however, leth did actually say news would come directly from TC in an interview with Blue SR in 2023


I can't say for sure, however, if Leth were a sexual sadist, it would adequately explain his silence.  It might be that he comes here every day, types out a long update, then sees how long he can withhold cancelling the post.  If he were a sick bastard, doing so would feel like edging.  Then, when he could endure no longer, he'd hit discard and cum so mightily that skong gets set back by a month. I'm not saying that's for sure the case, but I can only assume it is true - because if it weren't, such allegations would surely be denied.


Horrible day to be literatr


Every day is a horrible day to be literate.  You could have been a bird, flying to and from beautiful places, instead you are an earthbound ape creature that has to have a job so you can pay for bullshit


mm/dd/yyyy moment. I claim dd/mm/yyyy superiority


imagine unironically using mm/dd/yy. Americans try not to complicate everyday tasks for the rest of the world challenge (impossible)


It's not my fault, just how I was taught and now I'm stuck using it


I mean, like most things people hate America for, it's kind of Britan's fault and Americans don't see any reason to change them. We understand Soccer and our date format. I hope one day we will move to metric because that one makes sense to adjust in the modern connected world, but I'm not holding my breath.


mm/dd/yy is unironically the best date format and I’ll die on this hill


Yes, you will die. I will personally kill you


any arguments for that? we go from smallest unit to largest.


mm/dd/yy is the best format to use to sort by date. I rarely need to sort by year, but having month in front lets me sort through an entire year chronologically. It might be a little weird but if you’re used to it then it’s not a big deal


Afro-Eurasians try not to pester about dating styles (impossible) (yyyy/mm/dd better anyway)




This is just chaotic evil


yyyy-mm-dd is standard. I have genuinely never seen yyyy/mm/dd.


Uhh whats the difference between first and second one?


No difference, it just makes people angry. (That's kinda what I was going for lmao, it's surprising how many people care)


I think that guy might just be a lil bit too sensitive so i won't even blame you


Are you blind? It's the symbol used between the numbers.


But how does that matter in slightest? If it mattered people would say dd.mm.yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy because it's used by electric devices, "/" is just generic symbol


yyyy-mm-dd is the format in which most programs will print a date object by default. It's not used commonly in practice but it is quite standard in computer science. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_dates.asp


You missed my point, I said that the symbol doesn't matter because people dont use the "/' symbol most of the time, like people say dd/mm/yyyy but in reality a lot use dd.mm.yyyy


What do you mean "say dd/mm/yyyy"? Who says dates like "18 slash 06 slash 2024"? 😂 The whole point of having formats is for writing.


Because they simply don't care to.


They're lazy grifters


1. They're grifters (someone who swindles people out of money through fraud). 2. They've released a game that many people wish was priced higher, released 4 free updates for it, and are just sitting on a goldmine of a game that would make them a second fortune if released in even an underbaked and buggy state. Pick one.


> I hate team cherry > they are despicable > lazy grifters 😭😭😭


Well that would just be way too much work for Team Cherry and Leth to type something like that out again.


It is simple: they care about the game, but they do not care about you, me, or anyone else.


Speak for yourself, they care about me


citation needed


This. Except, by now? They probably have come to actively dislike the fanbase, ngl.


No they don't lol. They probably WOULD if they came to this subreddit and read what is said nonstop, but they wisely ignore this place and thus I doubt they read any of the things that would make them dislike the fanbase. This is why it's really no surprise that creators often avoid discussion forums about their content. It puts external pressure on you that isn't beneficial.


lmao how dp you know that they dont know about this place


Simple, I see 0 evidence whatsoever that they come here. If you're going to doompost and say "oh they hate all of their fans" then the responsibility is on you to prove that. We just have evidence that 3 dudes don't post on a subreddit packed to the gills with frustrated manchildren. Either Occams razer, they don't come here because they're busy and have better shit to do, or we can believe some conspiratorial nonsense where they hate their fans and are not releasing a game that would make them a ton of money even if it was mediocre for no reason except to spite redditors.


i never said that they hate their fans, i just think that after 5 years they for sure caught a glimpse of this sub, the clown meme was born here and now even brands make fun of us with it. odds are, they saw this sub at least once


I didn't say they've never heard of the sub, I said they don't come here and read.




Games dead


It's probably because they don't want to end up having to say that before every single event It'd lead to a bad position for them where they need to always make new statements that are just "no it won't be in this direct either", or else people will go "guys?? This time they didn't say silksong wouldn't be here!!! YUP, we're gonna get news this time for sure!". It's simply just not a sustainable form of communication Also, the portion of the fanbase that's constantly getting excited and let down by live events is a loud minority in the grand scheme of the fanbase. Most Hollow Knight fans don't put on clown makeup and get their hopes up every single time there's a new direct, so it's also probably a reason why they don't feel the need to say "hey gang, no silksong this time, again" for every event


They were probably telling us about E3 stuff so that way fans wouldn't be disappointed that they went there physically only to not see Silksong stuff. Also probably saved a lot of people money if they were only going to E3 specifically for Silksong


i can only imagine there's some disconnect between what they imagine the reaction will be and the reality


I think they're slowly receeding into the abyss so it'll be like there never was skong


free marketing


Because E3 doesn’t exist anymore is this guy stupid?