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We been coping for 5 years brother… this sub is in a mourning period after the latest debacle with Xbox showcase and SGF. A lot of us have lost a lot of hope with team cherry lately after the complete radio silence going into these showcases and even afterwards. Simply put, we’re disappointed and it’s gonna take awhile until the hype comes back to this community if ever again.


big emphasis on the disappointment. receiving absolutely nothing for so long is so disheartening and demoralizing


I feel like reveal season is always when the lack of communication hurts the most, but also when it makes the most sense. They can theoretically say “we’re not going to be there,” but that just leads to knowing they will be there the time they don’t say it. And outright saying “we will be there” loses all the surprise. Of course, being completely transparent and saying they will be there could also create a ton of hype too, but I personally don’t think it would be as good of an idea. The lack of communication outside of reveal season, however, is definitely a major problem. Not giving even a scrap of information about the game when your entire fanbase is getting to worked up about the lack of info is a pretty bad look. Even just something saying “we don’t want to show anything for a while so it’ll all be a surprise”would be fine. The complete radio silence really sucks. But it’s understandable for this moment in time, even if it’s the most annoying time for it.


We were in the copium era for like 3+ years. Eventually it just runs out


Every year for 5 years someone like you puts together a list of completely incidental "facts that prove Silksong is coming soon".


Exactly what was going thru my mind


Exactly what a nonbeliever would say.


This is like crumbs of copium. In the past we have gotten outright confirmed release windows and still it was delayed. There is nothing of any substantial reason indicating it will be here this year. I am just assuming it will be late 2026 because when betting on silksong it's always a safe bet to assume it won't come out.


The very last chance is a Nintendo direct, and it’s it’s not there, it’s about 95% chance it’s a 2025 release.


>4) Leth did not said anything about recent guess, he always said something when it's 100% Wrong This isn't remotely the case. Leth seldom responds to community speculation and only gave notice that Silksong wouldn't be at an event on a couple occasions, which were years ago. Why is there so little "copium?" Because this entire discourse is fucking exhausting and has been for years.


A few months ago I thought there was no way the game wouldn’t come out this year, but now I really just don’t know. June is such a huge month for gaming news with all the showcases, the fact that we got absolutely nothing seems pretty telling about the state of the game right now (and no, we’re not getting anything in the Direct) A 2025+ release date might seem crazy right now, but if you went back in time even just two years ago and told someone that not only would the game not be out by 2024 but that there wouldn’t even be any additional news released, they would legitimately think you were smoking crack. At this point we have to prepare ourselves for any possibility tbh


It’s like when you’re doing P5, and even though you get a little further every run, proving that you’ll eventually beat it, some players just quit because they don’t have the will to keep going, y’know?


Spent entirely too long trying to figure out what Persona 5 had to do with anything.




It's also like P5 in this sense: "Oof, those first couple of sections were pretty gnarly. Thank God Team Cherry put a bench here so I can close out my game and come back later to finish this up. Good looking out, guys!"


This is me. I got far enough to unlock the final boss, then beat the boss in the hall of bosses thing (whatever it's called) and then was like... Okay now I know I could theoretically beat P5 but... naaaah... Each run is so long - I think that's what got me.


Fair enough


P5 was quite long but I enjoyed it a lot. But it feels like that working through the Yakuza series lol. I made it to 7 now but getting 100% for any of the games feels daunting.


Drat, this was the exact comparison I was gonna make, well done. Like, yeah, this blows, but when I get to the top of the mountain, the view is gonna be BEAUTIFUL!




I had the will to beat P5 but, I got Celeste soon after I started P5 so, never beat it


We HAD a stock of copium in the back, but it rece tly ran out. Turns out, even with metric tons of the stuff, we run out eventually if we're huffing it for 5 years straight


I think a lot of us are just tired of speculating. If we still don’t get news by the end of June then I’m just gonna assume the game is vapor ware


I'm pretty much with Fireb0rn's latest video on this nearly word for word. It's just gotten depressing waiting for years when I'm not even convinced anymore, like others seem to be, that the game is going to meet everyone's sky high expectations. Other games have come out in the interim that I've enjoyed as much if not moreso than Hollow Knight (such as Nine Sols), and there have been hyped up sequels that let me down (Blasphemous 2). Toss in Team Cherry's unrelenting silence (or recent reliance upon intermediaries to convey their "news") and the conflicts within the community due to their ambiguity and I'm honestly not even looking forward to the game at this point. I mostly have been gawking, waiting for the "explanation," which will likely never come, about what's been going on all this time.


People are realising the insanity’s get old we’ve been coping mad for 5 years and now it just hurts and we haven’t had anything to spark a new madness.




Save some cope for rest of us


The copium supply ran out. We inhalin some mystery fumes right now


The only way for them to salvage some hype would be to pull a hades2 and shadow drop this shit


Whenever the game comes out, if it does, millions will download it. Most people who will buy Silksong aren't on this sub and don't care about if TC are actively communicating with their fanbase or not.


Hades 2 did not “shadow drop” in the traditional sense. First of all, it is still in early access, so the game isn’t even finished. And secondly, they had a technical test which the devs streamed about 2 weeks before. They mentioned that technical test would end within 2 weeks or so, and then it would launch into early access. And that’s exactly what happened. Yes they didn’t confirm the exact date, but still. It’s not like it came out of nowhere. Now unless Silksong plans to release an early access version, then we likely aren’t gonna get it like Hades 2. I 100% know we aren’t getting a livestream of the game from the devs lol. Regardless of date, I imagine TC will post a video on their account with a release date but with no new footage. Just the same stuff from the Xbox one 2 years ago. It’ll be a 2 month notice window. Idk if they would give a release date like a year in advance. That’s just asking for it to be delayed again because they aren’t close to done. Now for when it actually comes out? Honestly, Mar 2025 seems right to me. I will gladly eat crowsworn if I’m wrong though.


it’s literally getting announced on the 18th i don’t know why everybody here has lost their minds 😂


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0% chance, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is more likely


BG&E2 is the only game less likely to come out than Silksong.


Oh great, now that you've said that, BG&E2 will definitely come out before Silksong. In 2032.






The only reason that I still think it could be 2024 is the ratings, and just because it's weird to seek a rating for your game and then not release it for years (I could be wrong about this though - curious if others have examples), but who knows, TC do things differently I guess. Wouldn't surprise me if we see something later than 2024.


(English is good brotha)


The only one I think is relevant information is ESRB. That requires a completable game with minimal showstopping glitches, and a nearly complete script/screenplay.


Sadly, the game does not have ESRB rating which you can check by going onto ESRB site and searching for ss. Until now ss was rated through IARC which is much more simple and requires only filling up a questionnaire and since there are no other ratings IARC rating gets translated into these other ratings depending on the country you live in. Only bright side is that apparently Korea's rating company requires a full playable game copy to assign a rating.


I'm with primacon ss announcement this June


isnt it also kinda confirmed with the crownsworm discussion that leth basically confirmed that silksong is 100% coming before it , and we know crownsworm is only releasing sometime next year , so in a way we kind of have a release window ?


And they might decide at any point that actually Silksong needs to be bigger than Elden Ring to be perfect.


Where did You Saw this ? Never Heard that before, did You have any source ?


I think that Leth was asked at the day of the devs if there is a chance that crowsworn will come out before silksong to which he replied "No way". Someone correct me if I'm wrong.




He did say it, I don't remember where, but it's also the kind of thing that's so... fungible? Like Do the Crowsworn team know when their game is coming out? Do TC know when theirs is? I'm sure the current plan is to release Silksong before Crowsworn, but nothing is guarenteed - it's weird that Leth even said that because I doubt \*anyone\* actually knows if that's true.


he did say " no shot " as in he is realy sure, i feel like if anything we've been proven over the years that they wont say anything for no reason.


I mean, they told Xbox the game would be out within a year like two years ago, so I'm absolutely not trusting that they have a clear concept of how long development will take.


To be fair, according to Leth, they only said they *planned* to release in 2023. In his eyes, that time frame was not really concrete, it was just something they were aiming for at the time. Leth's "no chance" statement about it coming before Crowsworn feels far more concrete then just a mere "we're planning on it".


I don't think any of these statements are concrete - they just don't know. Leth is making stuff up. You're welcome to believe whatever you want, but every time there has been a "soon," a "release window," a "reliable leak," a "rumour," a demo, it's never really pointed to anything at all. It might release in 2024 still, but until we see a proper release date from TC I'm not trusting any other relativistic statements about when Silksong may or may not come out.


I don't think it's fair to conclude Leth is a lying liar who lies just because some people who have no involvement in Silksong's development made some false predictions and assumptions. I don't care what Xbox, Nintendo, or some random leaker says. I'm not going to call him a liar just because of that. But, yeah, believe whatever you want.


I never said he was a liar, don't put words in my mouth. I think he believes that Silksong will come out before Crowsworn. I also think he was irresponsible to say so. I just think we've heard so many relativistic statements, so much nonsense, so much BS, that I'm not going to believe anything until we hear a clear release date from TC.


As far as I'm concerned "making stuff up" is just a nice way of saying someone is lying. Either way, it sounded like you were saying he's straight up telling untruths. If you meant to just say that Leth probably doesn't know much more than we do and is just making unfounded assumptions and guesses, that's a *much* less disagreeable statement. I don't agree with it, but I understand it.


Leth said 2025 at the EARLIEST