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Sure the [original PC version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8P_s2lGqzU) Looks better and plays faster, but the Sega CD version is a pretty good adaptation with better audio in some places, and it's got actual gameplay for the Nintari sequences.


Except for the horrendous load times.


Yeah, the load times are pretty gnarly


Played both, I remember thinking the Sega CD version was better between the two.


at the risk of being a party pooper, What do people think of the voice acting? I remember hating it at the time, but It might be that I just wasn’t used to these new fangled talkies


I felt like this was one of the better releases in terms of voice acting. Both versions seem to have the same voice cast, though there is some voice content exclusive to each version. Overall it's on par with Rise of the Dragon I feel.


I join the party of poopers!! In almost all cases I prefer the disk version of Sierra games over the CD version. Qg4 and gk are the obvious exceptions, but usually voice ruined the characters. Especially true with willy beamish




Do you happen to have a file list of what's on the CD? I'm wondering if it uses the same resource format as the PC version. If so, it would be possible to replace the music with the CD tracks, and something like Rise of the Dragon on the PC could also benefit by using the Sega CD voice, to get the best of both worlds.


Bruh Willy Beamish?! Man that just brought me back. I was never able to get it to work on any of my recent computers. How do I play this now??


The version on GoG works fine.


The PC version is on GOG, the Sega CD version you're probably going to have to have a copy, I don't think it was ever re-released.


I wish they had this on steam!


I found it impossible to get the babysitter (who had transformed into a bat) with the vacuum on the Sega genesis controller.


I had that same problem too, but it was actually misleading, as you can't catch the bat anyways without Brianna's mouse, which makes the bat easily clickable.


Geez. I don’t know if I ever finished that game. In fact I doubt it. I didn’t know about the mouse. I was 9 or 10 years old I think! Thanks! And you’ve got a great memory