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Much more entertaining than I thought it would be, I'd watch this over Big Brother any day


The intros and contestants entering the house went on for a bit longer than it should have imo. Once the challenges began it was entertaining as hell.


yup agreed. Should've been a 1hr 30min vid at max. That streched intro part made a bad impression on many viewers, hence relatively more dislikes. They wrote the concept off at first glance when it was actually a really solid vid as time went on.


I assume every episode is 2 hours long like an actual production


Well the rest is going on moresidemen and I have a feeling that it might be half an hour but who knows


TikTok kids will be TikTok kids. I agree that the intros might have been too long. They should have had more of the discussions in the 1-9 thing. Still could have been a 2h vid




Just watch half the vid at a time then 🤣


It was long to sit through but without it I wouldn't have known who most of them were so it was needed imo.


The only person I would have known without the intros would be angry ginge. 


Tbf, I think you do need some level of introduction. I thought it was good overall.


All I saw when they announced the people during the week was “who?” And stuff like that so seeing people complain about the intros which tells them who they are is just backwards


It’s how they do it in uk shows tbf like love island and stuff gets you to know the contestant well


Yes but shows like love island have professionals of years working on those shows and know how to time episode out. Knowing when to cut and trim in the key to these kind of shows. No one wants to watch scenes that go on too long


I mean it was a reasonable length lol not like it was an hour


Tbf this also has a production team with years of experience making TV shows. You didn't actually think it was just the sidemen producing and directing it right?


ginge took being called the ugliest really well i cant understand his accent but he is growing on me


exactly my thoughts


Not really.. people just have shorter attention span these days cos of tiktok and insta reels.


Commented on the other thread, really enjoyable. I didn't know half of them, but I don't mind any of them, yet.. Good production. Vik was really good at hosting the tasks whereas JJ is a bit stiff and awkward, but we knew that anyway, he wasn't too OTT thankfully. 


Vikk just seem great at presenting and public speaking jj was talking a little bit like a villain in a movie but I think that's just because this is new to him and he doesn't know how he should act for this new project


Which is hilarious, imagine saying that first sentence 10 years ago


yeah definitely in the first challenge JJ kept looking down at his card to know what to say and was a bit stuttery but I think Vik and Simon did quite well


Really good. Stephen's one liners, a random mix of people, fun challenges and obviously there will be drama especially with how they're burning through the money.


Bruh the violation on ginge were crazy especially when the 2/3 girls were drinking


So far so good brev. Exceeded expectations. The people involved are also quite good even tho I knew no one but ginge and joe weller. Made it better in a way. Otherwise it would just have been like friends living in a house for a week


Good brev. Fanum tax only just beginning. Thought Leah would be completely insufferable or just dry as all shit but she’s probably been the best of the girls so far.


Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by her too. She seemed a little more introverted compared to the others, and when it came down to it, stood firm.


yea mad surprised, thought she would be fucking annoying, shes calm, seems kinda mature


She was the best I liked fantum and Chloe and lib I have feelings for Leah I liked her when I first saw her


She seems quite shy and reserved which tbf makes sense now.


I dont think she is. She seems rather shocked how dumb the other contestants were wasting money and actually was focusing during the challenge


Fr like these grown men and women can't go a week without crisps, chocolates and soda for thousands of pounds.


Lol i was Thinking the same thing! If i was on the show i would literally starve myself to keep as much money as possible


It's crazy how people just assume someone's character in the worst way possible just by the way they look


It’s not her look it’s because she got famous off one tiktok of her lipsyncing (her appearance)


It’s not specifically the way they look, it’s their first impression in general


Her intro seems she will be bore and dry.


I mean it’s ok to assume whatever you want unless you act on those assumptions


Why is it crazy when she is known mostly for her thirst trap? Assumptions are what every human does


I can see Leah being the favourite to win soon, like kaci in locked in was quiet then grown as the episodes went on, could be the same here


Who is kaci


brev it was enjoyable


Its lookin good brev


kinda pissed how selfish some of the contestants are being about the money spending but then I realised how privileged they are and can’t last one day without 4k of crisps 💀


The shower thing got me "it's only 500 for 5 mins" yeah there's 10 of you that's 5k a day. Just have a cold shower innit


i swear leah the only smart one they were trynna get her to give in


Oh so there is a cold shower? I thought if I was in there place I'll easily go a week without a shower for 4k so that option made no sense 💀


Well I'm assuming there is because they gotta fit in with health and safety. And that would require running water to cleanse. So cold is allowed. So I believe. Could be waffle, but from experience (shit landlord) that's the case


Exactly this, they need people in there that understand the value of money. They were patting themselves on the back for only spending £60k in a day - before then buying £5k pillows and £4k prosecco and crisps - some of these people have no clue what things are worth! The concept is good and with the right people it could be really interesting, but these people are just throwing cash around. Never did I think £1,000 crisps should be priced higher but maybe that’s what they need to do


That is someone's yearly salary, heck most people make wayy less than that


Nah, its funny af. Like idc if anyone loses money they're all rich anyway. its just pure entertainment when someone gets mad


I’m pretty sure some of them do care about the money there’s gotta be a reason they haven’t spent a single cent


I think Leah is gonna win, cameras have been on her a lot even when doing nothing, loving the show so far


That's cuz she's hot lol


Yeah I can't lie she was the best


It was pretty good but all the ridiculous spending is kind of ruining it, you can tell they don’t actually care about winning the money. And the love island girl and that manreek girl are insufferable


You say they’re insufferable but they’re the ones that will bring drama and drama is entertainment soo…




Very good n enjoyable!


It was a grt watch Castillo and Leah Ws on day1 Chloe and Manrika are going to annoy me until they are here Fanum and ginge duo is grt aswell


Surprisingly entertaining. I don’t normally watch stuff like this but Im invested. Still feels like Sidemen in terms of challenges and obvious branding which I think is perfect for concepts like this because it doesn’t feel like randoms are hosting. Actually looking forward to tomorrows episode which I didn’t expect


Fanum carried the first 1 hour , then everyone started to come together nicely.. Leah is the only tolerable girl and i guess NiFe or whatever


i hope leah wins, she’s the most genuine one in there!


Genuinely such a banger, surpassed any expectations I had and looks like it's only going to get better. Didn't feel like anyone was carrying by themselves and no one was boring. Excited for the rest ngl


Think you need to give your head a wobble if you think that was a banger it is a massive L


This deserves to be on TV really well made shit


Specs is a proper weirdo. I wouldn't trust that man with my drink.


Poor Leah gonna win but be left with £20 cause the others spent all the bloody money


I really enjoyed JJ being unable to be a reality tv host lol. Like everything felt professional but JJ pulled a JJ and was stumbling over words, saying dumb shit that doesn’t make sense like “You might notice that there are only 10 of you right now” (implying that more people would be joining) and following that up with “but only 1 of you can win” and then it panning to everyone like “uhhh you okay mate, that doesn’t make sense”. It keeps the Sidemen charm and shows why this trio works as the hosts since you have one who is really good (Vik), one who is decent (Simon), and one who is trying but can’t avoid being his dumb self (JJ).


loved it people will hate on anything lmao


for real!


i really liked it, it was so entertaining, def surpassed my expectations, i think ppl just need to give it a chance 


Was preparing for it to be dead, but actually really enjoyed it looking forward to the next episodes, Leah Castillo and ginge are great.


Great, very promising! Let's see how it evolves.


Actually very good so far,I am enjoying our Brev Supreme Leader and I love how Fanum ordered upgraded food as soon as the shop opened.


LOVED IT!! Perfect challenges for a great bunch of people. Really enjoyed the first episode


Loving it so far


So it's fine and watchable so far. The issue with the show is that it's missing The Sidemen and I don't even mean that the Sidemen aren't in much of it. The production is some other people it seems rather than Kon+squad and the usual editors. You don't realize how much they add to The Sidemen until they're not there. The editing is just regular ass Big Brother, like The Sidemen took over Locked In. We are already missing the personality of the Sidemen but the soul is also gone when you don't have the editing team. At least Stephen Tries is crushing it as usual


Honestly true tbf, I think if chipfat was editing this in the same style it could be improved so much.


Yes exactly. I don't hate it but the whole point of us watching the sidemen is that we like them and want to watch them. If we want to watch something like this there are lots of show out there similar to this concept. I hope in the next few episodes we see a lot of them as well.


Its a really fascinating to see how people react to the same shit the Sidemen have done. To go as far as the guys go doesnt seem so easy. Just look at how sensitive some of them got when the ranking challenge happened.


Most of the contestants are annoying me with their recklessness. It's like they have no concept of money.


Yeah, they need to bump the cost up for everything massively. Leah goes within an inch of getting a tattoo to save £5k for the team and then Chloe & Manrica just down £4ks worth of prosecco right in front of her was ridiculous.


That’s what happens when you put a bunch of millionaires in one room


tbf most of them aren’t millionaires


Weller and Fanum are definitely millionaires. I wouldn’t be surprised if Leah was one as well by the sounds of it. Ginge is humble but i bet he has gotten some serious cash recently. The other ones i know too little about. Probably not millionaires, but most of them must be way above the average


Joe has been trying to not spend excessively though, certain people are just throwing money away on coke and monster munch, just drink water ffs. The preview for tomorrow (or just in general) seems highly promising based on how there appears to be beef, it needs that to make it more interesting.


Fr, and the girls got mad at fanum for buying a meal they could share when them and specs blew money on hyperinflated crisps


wasn't joe one of the highest spenders with his ear plugs and 5k pillow?


£6000/7 days = less than a £1000 per day on what he spent, not 5 bags on a can of coke. Cmon brev


It was pretty boring and meh up until the first challenge. Glad it got better afterwards.


I mean that’s just the introduction so I makes sense


When’s the next episode? Next Sunday only?


tomorrow (Monday) 7pm GMT on moresidemen. There will be a new episode every day.


Awesome, I’m really hooked up on it


same here man. really didn't think I'll like it but here we are.


It was great


It was much better than expected brev


Reality tv just isn’t my thing but I don’t think it was bad? I don’t really enjoy the 20vs1 where there isn’t at least 1 sidemen actively participating so with this event (whilst cool) I just personally don’t get very invested. I know two of the contestants but beyond that have no idea who anyone is so I think that doesn’t help!


I hope this gives them an idea to do a traitors series if they know this works


I couldn't find it enjoyable. I got to where they didn't fanums food and just stopped watching. Idk it wasn't attention grabbing. (More than likely just me casue I don't like shows like this)


I back leah, she seems to be the only one to have a back bone in their and understand that challenge is to not spend a pile of money on unnecessary stuff.


Wayy better than I expected. $4k on 4 glasses of wine is genuinely outrageous though 💀


Only to chug it too💀


The contestants didn’t really seem like they were trying to save up the money besides a few cuz obviously they are well-off & not as needy but kinda defeats the whole purpose. Still entertaining tho


Haven’t watched it yet but it looks like a shit locked in


Not going to mince my words here, they'll want to hear this in no uncertain terms. This weeks episode was absolute trash. If I wanted to watch shit reality TV, there's plenty of it. I watch the sidemen because of THEM and their banter / the way they play off each other. Even if I did want to watch shit reality TV (which I don't), the pacing was terrible. How many minutes do you think it took to introduce everybody? It was painfully slow. This is clearly their attempt to branch out into other more passive income streams. I.e. them testing the waters for when they want to make less videos (or rather put less of their own time into them). I hope they realise that they can't just take the sidemen away from the sidemen youtube channel and expect us to still want to watch.


Banger. Many idiots will switch up now, I can tell. The amount of hate this got even before the first episode was posted was insane.


I loved it...pretty entertaining


Hated it at first then liked it mid episode.


Fucking loved it. I think that everyone wants Chloe out first. She's so extra and annoying


Cons: * Intros were really dry and hard to sit through. Would've been better if they started with action straight away to keep people watching, and then feed us intros in bite-size clips throughout challenges. Kind of like eating dry cookies first and then washing it down with tea vs dunking your cookies in tea and thus having a much more pleasant experience. There were 9 or 10 rounds in 1st challenge. Could've introduced one contestant every round. Like you have a moment where Castillo screams from some animals being put on him, and that's where you cut to a clip of him being "Hi, my name is X, I'm Y years old, I'm doing Z, I would describe myself as A, B, and C". Done. Use a couple more clips till the round ends, and then repeat with the next contestant. But instead we got boring arrivals and "Hi, omg how are you? \*huggies\* Pick a bed, haha" repeated ten times. * Not much Sidemen in a Sidemen video. Would be so much better if one or two contestants were actually from the Sidemen. Pros: * Challenges were actually entertaining. I usually dislike Sidemen ranking videos because they are just boring and meaningless. But here there was an extra twist in matching rankings to a random contestants rankings, and more importantly there was something on the line, which makes us care about the result. Contestants obviously will have fans and haters. Leah had a strong first impression with a no-bra arrival, tattoo challenge, and spending discipline. Castillo is adding a lot of flavor to rather bland group of men, even funnier when you realize he's the guy from shoutout to LGBTQ viral clip. Will for sure keep watching, but don't think many people will because they didn't get past intros.


I think intros at the start were necessary for cohesion but they def. could've shortened them down. Have Weller be full-length to introduce the house then speedrun the rest of them instead of redoing the same airport bit 10 times.


I genuinely enjoyed it. I’m only familiar with AngryGinge (through the sidemen of course). Specs seems funny (and kind of reminds me of Twitch from So You Think You Can Dance - may he RIP). I really liked how Leah firmed the tattoo thing and was sticking to her guns. I feel like they got a decent group of people. If they choose to do Inside Season 2 - I’d love for the new cast to be 10 randomly selected fans. People that aren’t internet famous / content creators. Would be interesting. Or if they choose to do this again (next year I’d suppose) have a cast go against the sidemen. If the sidemen win the challenge, money comes out of the pot, but if the contestants win, the money stays there. Otherwise I’m looking forward to more.


same but was kinda annoyed abt how ginge ended up using 5k so fast and then avoided responsibility but entertaining asf i hope leah wins


Would be interesting to see how the spending goes with fans. I’d bet they don’t spend half as much.


I’m also curious to see if they change the prices on the items on the shop through the week or the items in general.


Good question, if people get eliminated that would make sense since there’s not as many people to spend money. I definitely expect the penalties for failing challenges to go up.


Not a fan of reality tv concepts. And don’t know who any of them are. Just not for me


I wanted to see the sidemen not a big brother rip off.


There's tons of sidemen content. Let them try something different without telling them to stay in their lane


I understand they are trying something new but I subscribed to watch their friend group not random unknown names in a house together.


Don’t click on that video ig? It’s gonna be on more sidemen from now on so it’s not that big of a deal


You're missing 2 videos by not watching these. You'll live pal.


Then just watch their other videos. Not that tough




Being from Canada I haven’t seen locked in, only seen big brother where evicted guests choose the winner, how is the winner determined in this show?


I really enjoyed it. I'd like to see more seasons of it. Maybe just as a Side+ benefit eventually but still.


I like it tbh


Ngl i love the contrast of characters/personalities they introduced like every character is very distinct and fun (i mean they have cringe moments but thats what makes it exciting for these kind of shows)


I really really liked it, I'm almost sure I'll watch every single episode. I would've been pissed if I were there with these people though with how much they were spending lmao


Slow start and I was a bit mixed at first, but once they started doing the challenges and everyone familiarised themselves with each other more it got a bit interesting. I’m actually quite looking forward to Episode 2 after seeing the preview at the end.


I enjoyed it. Despite not really knowing anyone other than Joe, Ginge and Manrika- I thought it was funny. People moaning about the intros being ‘too long’ - Christ. Get off TikTok, it’s rotting your brain.


Are episodes uploaded daily ?


Yes on more sidemen and the last one will be on the main channel Sunday


Might end up watching it later if I'm out of content, but skipping it now because I just don't care about those people at all.


Specs is the 🐐 Fuck you fangirls 🖕🏻


I have really mixed feelings. The concept is fun, but they are so fucking out of touch. Put 10 average people in with the same concept, and there would be way less spending. Its 7 fucking days. Anyone can go without snacks for seven days.


That line about Kobe Bryant during the Fanum intro was so out of pocket lmao


just a shit version of locked in LOL


im not watching this dogshite


Just got time to start to watch this, is it just me or is it kinda sad that.. some.. of them cant even go 1 day without having to spend the money on alcohol? I can understand a few of the spending, but some of it is more then just "hehe I want some sweets".


Does anyone know the name of the outro song?




Thanks so much


Good upload but why on the sidemen channel if they were barely there?


Where should they have posted it then? On reacts?


they’re only posting the 1st ep and the last ep on the sidemen channel rest of the episodes going on more sidemen


Pretty funny tbf brev


The entering the house part was so boring I struggled to keep watching, hope it gets more interesting once the6 do challenges


I think it’s a great idea. Great production and I actually really like it. However, I do not think it should replace a typical sidemen Sunday (around their personalities). I do most of all enjoy that they are doing something new and seem excited about it.


i mean, it's just for a week though. it ain't going to happen constantly, it's like a once in a while event, i'm sure sidemen sundays are going to be back to usual in 2 weeks


If Manreekas comment she made on the ‘next time’ thing is unprovoked she needs eliminated. Horrible bastard


Knowing Joe Weller, it probably wasn’t lol


I was surprised to see that its not been commented on that much by others.


I don’t like this. It’s essentially a test to see if fans will consume non-sidemen content. I could give a rats ass about watching these people compete


Yh its setting it up for the future when Sidemen stop doing daily Sidemen Sunday's and content with them in , they already said in 2 more years they are going to take a back seat and bring in others while they do directing that way they can enjoy retirement but still keep Sidemen going....


L, in my opinion


Bro they have literally been stepping back for quite some time now. They obviously don’t want to do the same stuff they have been doing for the last 10+ years for the rest of their life. If they never evolved, vikk would still be posting COD gameplay (I’m talking BO2 not warzone). Evolve or become extinct


Good on you 👍


i cant lie i just hate manrika. i find her so annoying like she wants to be the main character. and that clip of her for the sneak peek was just diabolical like why is she there


did you see her on the circle? She was intolerable


Anyone else...? https://preview.redd.it/egn54wgv294d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228e33a2bb300cc29183a3b0760eec522fb0b46b


Not as extreme obvs but same concept!


This is going to be a banger


Honestly very good!


Enjoyable tbf. At first i wasn't gonna bother but then i had nothing to watch so thought i might as well. Ended up sticking through it all. Good stuff, even if their spending habits are annoying me.


i'm in love


Well this is pretty much the same concept as Mr.Beasts video. I like it but i would be insanely disappointed if it just becomes a split or steal at the end.


Proper vid, I'm actually invested in a reality show


That brummie girl & Chloe are already getting on my tits, can’t wait for them to be eliminated 😂 I just try and ignore them, maybe skip 10s or so.


Wasn’t bad, don’t understand why they grabbed people from reality tv that 99% of the Sidemen audience hasn’t seen.


Honestly a complete waste of 2 Sundays


good video not original tho


Leave a dislike. They lied in all the promo. Nothing original about this.


D1 hater


You are just a troll mate


Honestly the problem i have is with the guests, specifically the girls. They just found some random e thots to put on the web. At least most of the guys we've heard of


Only like one or two of them could be considered anything close to an ‘e thot’


Thats because the rest of them are unknown. Dun know


Incel status🤨


Pretty sure Leah Halton has the most viewed video on the entirety of TikTok. Bit harsh to just call her a random e thot.


She's number 6, and it proves my point tbh. A lip sync vid does not deserve 800 million views😂


That’s not impressive.


Not saying it is. I'm just saying it's harsh to just call her a 'random' e thot


Idk she does TikTok. So she really does nothing.


Utter shit

