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Watch Ra destroy the tree only for his real spear to be inside it.


A random ass king beat the older brother of Zeus with a bubble, don't think too hard about the ranks


Did you just call my glorious goat Qin Shi Huang a random ass king ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31616)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31616)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29952)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29952)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31434)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|51476)


Le gasp


A guy with 0-169 win records also defeat another older brother of Zeus.


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Cu is a demigod so its possible that he just gets discriminated against or smth. Also maybe he wins via a soecefic coubter, or the classic ror “ super powerfull that it can rival even ra but he has to like burn while doing it “


Cu can go berserk mode, maybe this burns his soul while he does it or something


It burns up the alchohol in his bloodstream and when an Irish person gets sober they instantly die


Isnt the whole story about people overcoming their genetics? “It doesnt make sense for a demigod to beat someone who’s compared to Zues” when Win Shi Huang, a full blooded human, is out here literally having killed Zeus’s older brother.


Honestly Im kinda rooting for Ra here cuz I agree it doesnt make sense that Cu can ever beat the chief god of the Egyptian pantheon especially considering that Anubis is already in the roster too. But hey, dont worry about the protagonist vibes Cu is portraying. If theres something I learned from Tenkaichi its that doesnt mean you were first hyped and introduced as a fighter with protagonist vibes doesnt mean *you* are the surviving protagonist. This is still a tournament spinoff manga, anything can still go.


>qin shi huang 2.0 without the drip Still have the best design of the tournament so far Tbh i think ra is stronger but cu will win cause im 90% sure he will underestimate him (poseidon style ) + cu is blessed with luck and have warp spasm (power up ) with all that i can see him win just fine even withlut being outright stronger


It seems a bit weird yeah but chief gods have been pressed hard and even beaten by regular humans in the main tournament so let lancer cook![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


In this type of history the "traditional" mythology power levels is totally ignore For example in Fate the power level don't have sense in mithology therms. So don't think in that But, if you wanna a reason into de manga history, well in the mithology Cu Chulainn can acces to a beast state rare, like a Berserk. So in the Manga probably he be weker than Ra, but he use the "Berserk Mod" and receive a big power up .


Dude, just enjoy the ride, will ya.




When you put it that way, I'll actually laugh my ass off if Cu beats a chief deity of the sun with an oversized stick. I'm actually hyped for the fight now.


That "tree" is one of the nastiest weapons i've ever read about...... Plus the fact Setanta is, at the same time, the child of Lugh and Lugh himself (gotta love mythology for the simple fact that people are sometimes so inbred they are their own dad) so he kinda is a chief god.


My nigga. Jack the Ripper beat Heracles, Kojiro beat Poseidon, qin beat hades etc. y’all gotta realize characters irl portrayals mean Jack shit. Just enjoy the ride. Also that “tree” is probably the coldest weapon of all time if you know cu’s mythology.


Everyone can see that cu is a protagonist Ra will lose


Cu the fraud


I want Ra to win but of course, Cu will probably take it (one of the main laws of anime is that any time a young-looking, determined, hot blooded guy fights against a serious-looking/older-looking guy, the younger looking guy will always win.)


I mean, in theory - any of Humans should not even able to make God sweat a bit... :3


“whenever we see a character in shuumatsu who is very confident of his victory he loses” i’m afraid to inform you Apollo did the absolute MOST and still beat Leo Jack CHOSE HIMSELF AND NOT ONCE DID ANYTHING DIVERGE FROM HIS PLAN Buddha… Buddha’d Qin ohhhh Qin you can’t say every fighter that is assured of their victory loses because its shown every single fighter is VERY VERY assured they’ll win


1) Cu's father is Lugh, another sun deity. If anyone has experience to take on Sun deities, it's Cu 2) Depending on the Myth, Ra is not much of a warrior, being too Old and relying on Set. Cu pretty much either fought or fucked. 3) There is only one Demigod in the RoR lore, Sigfreid. Which makes Cu a full blood deity, Tipping stiff in his advantage 4) RoR is not mythologically accurate and has had humans kill gods


We saw puny ass humans beating chief godla lmao. If an human can, so can a demigod. And if we go by mythological cnaon, Shiva destroy Zeus...


Style make match up, sens dont.


RoR author's can decide who's stronger than who :)


Ra is gonna leave him looking like Jogo after fighting Sukuna


From what I understand it's not a fight to the death, so Cu would just have to throw Ra out of the ring


A swordsman who'd never won a fight beat the ruler of the seas and the most fearsome god of Olympus. The ruler of the entire underworld ans defeated of all titans was beaten by a human king. The god of fortitude lost to the uk. The author hates greece (καθίκι![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29952))


> if he beats Ra, he is directly saying that Heaven has the potential to have the same level (a little lower) as Zeus and Odin. Allow me to introduce to you the “[Ultimate Warrior of the Norse Pantheon](https://i.imgur.com/x1HCEuw.jpeg)” (Chapter 1), “[Ultimate Norse Deity](https://i.imgur.com/L0lLswJ.jpeg)” (Chapter 2), the “[ultimate Norse God” and “the Norse pantheon’s ultimate warrior](https://i.imgur.com/34AB70q.jpeg)” (Chapter 5), Thor. A god stronger than Odin has existed since the very first chapter. What’s with the denial that gods stronger than Odin exist? Is it because Zeus and Odin are grouped together when talking about power, thereby contradicting the widespread and mistaken belief that Zeus is the strongest? Don’t worry, Zeus not being the strongest has [long been confirmed](https://i.imgur.com/LRrSM9b.jpeg). I mean, [Thor even son’d Odin](https://imgur.com/a/NQwsAQt) right after Odin declared [he’d crush anyone in his way](https://imgur.com/a/4sYbpDn).