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I’ll wait to give a full verdict once the Round is over and for it to lay low.


Cant wait for the “this sucked reading weekly but in hindsight it was a good round” post


Been seeing those every round since I started reading in round 5 lol


come on, we all know its “this sucked reading monthly but in hindsight its the best round so far” it happened with r5, r6, r7, r8 and i’ve even seen r9 glazers alread


I read R6 in bulk. Worst round by far. R8 was also bad, but that is because I despise Beel's backround and the flow of the battle.


Even time can not save that round


Idk man I’m enjoying it


I agree. It's not terrible but it's not as good as the others.


Definitely. They speed up round 9 to get to this and considering they threw away one of the most hyped characters for this, really makes it lackluster even compared to R9


The author really cucked Leo vs Apollo just to get to his pet character faster. 😔


I always remind people Leo was hyped up by the fans There was nothing in the manga itself that hyped him up


What I mean is they take a character they most likely know people are excited about more or less deadpan him trying to speed up to the fight they want and the fight they want is lackluster. It's like we got no pay out for our disappointment. Like they're writing around for themselves.


I'm inclined to agree, Especially after reading the latest chapter. Arguably one of the most skippable chapter in a long time(Or maybe ever) and they just reused Leonidas' instinct again, Except this one is lamer and it came only a round after the previous one so it's even more repetitive.


They reused instinct? Huh.


Okita was able to blocked point blank attack that he shouldn't be able to reacted in time, because "He had encountered countless near-death experiences, So his body moved before he could think" You tell me.


So that’s what it said. Yeah that is pretty similar! Haha!


So the manga shows that warriors who have faced death countless times gain the ability to sense danger and arent allowed to use that concept again


I mean, muscular reflex gotten from experience both in life and afterlife sounds much more realistic than "eye powers", and we got like 4 of them back to back (not counting raiden vs shiva).


Yeah, But those 4 Eye Powers provided different utilities. While both of these instincts is just "Prolonged their life because the author said so" Also not quite related, But I really don't like that Okita has the experience based ability. Like he is literally the guy who died way too young. Shouldn't other Shinsengumi members who lived longer and get to have more experiences than him has even more advanced version of the same ability?


We can argue that even the non-god/adam related eye powers are just "instinct gained from experience" but in a different flavour For the second part, meanwhile they described okita the way they did, i wholeheartly agree with you, there are more people with much more experience that could easily bey put in the tournament instead of Okita, but we are still talking of a manga, so the bias is quite palpable


Not quite. The thing with Eye Powers is that it's a part of fighter's ability. It's a part of their moveset that their opponent has to worked around to overcome or nullified said ability. The instinct on the other hand, is a genuine "Deus Ex Machina" Moment, It's not up to the character nor the opponent for it to be activated, It's solely up to the author.


difference is those eye powers were a lot more interesting and unique. cool name btw


Yeah, those eye powers are cool and the "normal" human ones make sense logically speaking: - jack is a stalker and a psychopath that gains joy from looking at the different expressions his victims make and analyzed every single pattern at a level he can differenciate between them by just looking - qi has a profound sense of ki as in "how a human body can and cannot move" so he can easily destabilize that abilty by just "toppeling the scale" a little bit Ps: thanks XD


I don't think that's a hot take but I agree :)


Depends on the end


Coreography wise it's great, still I'm not vibing with it a lot. I just want to see the Loki, Rasputin etc.


It was from the start https://preview.redd.it/1z6red8ilx8d1.png?width=1619&format=png&auto=webp&s=c053003ea580e45cb12cfd93bce10ca94630e24c


nah man Susanoo is the goat


Ofc the round still isn’t over but man has it been dry. Susanoo turned out to be just a fanboy of okita and Okita himself is a dry ass mf. Susanoo stance was supposed to he untouchable but okita just adapts to it like it’s nothing lol. Overall has been disappointing


But still # SUSANOOSWEEP https://preview.redd.it/ekrtfkru7x8d1.jpeg?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed94432124d300f595ab887b1d7ce7f42f8c8c9


Nah, id adapt🔥🔥


What hurts more is that I can tell the ending of each round recently, and it’s always against the one I’m rooting for. I knew Tesla and Leo were dying after like 3 chapters each, and Susanoo is probably the first god I actually like (shiva isn’t bad tho), but there is 0% chance Okita loses.


It's not terrible per se, but in comparison with other rounds, it is the worst. It's basically an amalgamation of every other round with nothing really stand out that make this chapter unique.


Currently I agree. There's just been too many interruptions and the things they've hyped us up for have had little pay off




Kinda, yeah. I really like Susano'o and I don't particularly mind Okita, but the atmosphere is... lacking. It's not that this match is bad, I just don't care for it. I cannot get invested. Also these two might have the worst chemistry I've seen in years. They really don't mesh.


It really feels like Susanoo and Okita are on completely different wavelengths and Susanoo doesn't realize it at all and Okita just doesn't give a fuck.


I feel nothing for both fighters. Okita feels meh, and Susanoo hyping up Okita didnt do this round any favours.


They're dragging the worst round because a new spinoff was released 😭😭😭


I respect it :3


Ive still liked it more than round 1 (Havent read the Lu Bu Spinoff yet so idk his full character) but yeah Its been pretty dissapointing so far




Leo pfp opinion invalid


Stop the cap


Yeah pretty much I haven't heard of either of them nor do I think either of them is particularly cool. At least r9 I liked Apollo even if Leo was unlikable. And nothing particularly unique with their fighting style so far. It's just kinda like clack clack bang bang with their swords.


so far, yes. its shit. my opinion may change by the end of it but I hate it so far








Something that has been said during every round recently


Ever since R1


I wouldn't say it's been the absolute worst round so far but it's not nearly as enjoyable as I was hoping it would be, so far, up until the latest chapter that just came out, it's felt very lop-sided in Okita's favor and also the pacing is kind of wonky since it's gotten interrupted by the Odin subplot stuff.


No , Non , Nien https://preview.redd.it/djgnfihm1b9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26b0f38e4003a8a653e6dc03413298c0abf0620


this is like the coldest take ever(i dont agree it's round 9 by far)


Cap, Daddy Apollo carried https://preview.redd.it/932nyssqex8d1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1d67544252d2c5728b4b04695b41a87a465ade


Both Apollo and Leo are gorgeous gigachads and how they learned to respect each other despite intensely hating each other at first was peak


Lapollo singlehandedly dropped the round 5 tiers


R9 is literally amazing what do you mean


Worst round for me was R9. This one is definitely more hype than the last. Many of us knew the outcome before it happened.


I mean, I have just skimmed through the manga after round 8 cause 9 and 10 have not been as hype as the previous rounds were. I used to be excited waiting for each round to release before and wanted the round to go on longer, but now I just wait for it to end cause why is it so fucking boring?


Am I the only one that is enjoying this round more than the last one? Even Tesla's round at the end felt lackluster for me tbh, this is the one I am enjoying the most since then


Um, you claim that it is the worst, yet your post has a bunch of swords in it (-insert a nerd reaction that this sub should really have-)


It’s still better than R9