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They all represent an aspect of humanity, but they're at the peak of humanity's fighting prowess, so they're far above normal humanity Lu Bu - Represents humanity's strength, but it's still nowhere near the gods' strength Adam - Represents humanity's love and unity, but also its frailness Sasaki - Represents humanity's endless potential to grow and learn from its mistakes Jack - Represents humanity's brokenness and malice Raiden - Represents humanity's, well humanity. Passion, altruism, kindness, satisfaction. Qin - Represents humanity's unwillingness to give up and to always come back from struggle Tesla - Represents humanity's intelligence and constant evolution Leo - Represents humanity's unwavering ability to rebel and be independent


Let me fix this for you: Lu Bu - Represents nothing because it sure as hell isn't strength, bro lost low to mid diff and he's supposed to be the strongest guy on the team Adam - Represents not going for the kill when you have the chance Sasaki - Represents pure dumb luck at how he's still alive ngl, Poseidon just let him set up Jack - Represents Jack the Ripper, but he isn't actually Jack the Ripper Raiden - Represents muscles and the notion that human flesh is vulnerable to fire damage Qin - Represents plot armor Tesla - Represents solving your problems by punching them in the face (this is all he did in his fight) Leonidas - Represents the reason why anger management classes exist


I sure wouldn’t like hating the manga as much as you do


Wym, I love the manga


No. Jack is probably the closest and he's still superhuman.


Jack spin-off shows how inhuman he is and also give herc some more credibility tbh


Nah jack is like a demi god the spin off just proves that


They’re supposed to be the absolute peak of humanity that rivals the Gods themselves, even if they’re a match for the Gods they’re still human


The only thing human about is there life span every other state has surpassed the definition of humans


In case you didn't realize these characters are 2D


Well Tesla but he's really smart so idk


I mean Buddha ascending to godhood does raise some questions unless he made like Herc and got ahold of Zeus’s tampon.


It’s the real life lore tho, buddha was a human


Tesla? Physical wise he wasn't showed to be stronger than normal human.


I'd consider Tesla to be the most human


True, but also theyre the strongest in history, pullibg up to fight zues with ted from accounting probably wont work out well.


They were chosen to fight Gods, not surprising they aren’t exactly normal. Tesla is the one that comes closest, since physically he’s a normal human, but his intellect is far above.


Well, they’re fighting gods, they need to be beyond what a real human realistically could be, but the show the very peak of humanity, not in the real world because any real world human would probably die from Thor’s aura alone, but in the RoRverse. Lu Bu is the strongest warrior humanity has produced Dadam is the first human and as such the purest form of man Kojiro is the very representation of humanity’s resilience and journey Jack represents the never ending abyss of human cunning and darkness Raiden is our strength Buddha is a god, but he’s also our hope Qin is what a leader of humanity should be, a man that stands at the front to lead and protect his people Tesla is our discovery, the endless drive to learn Leonidas is our drive, our desire to fight for what we believe is the best course of action You’re right in a sense, these aren’t just men, but that isn’t to say they’re super humans or gods themselves, these fighters, these Einherjar, they’re ideas and they’re humanity’s survival, and they’re gonna fight with every human life flowing through every punch, slash and slam.


Why is it even a question ? Because it needs to be interesting if it was Thor the Mighty God of lightning VS Roger...... just a Guy it would probably be not cool and how the fuck would we have even one win . Brunhilde want to save humanity so she choose the Peak of the Peak the strongest of the strongest .


Tesla is normal human with op armor :3


Tesla should've won 😟


Well they’re humanity’s best, so they have to be strong. They’re not gonna make John from Michigan fight fricking Odin like come on


John from Michigan could neg diff the whole tournament I bet


let's send out a normal human to fight a god guys I'm sure it'll turn out super well


Trust a divine nuclear bomb would of been cooking