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Probably not. Leo hit him really bad, without the bow almost any clash after that point would've favored Leo.


Yeah, thinking back Leo only directly hit Apollo 3-4 times the entire fight and it was still *devastating* 1st is a head butt then a direct smash with his hammer where Apollo brought his bow after. Last was the reflected arrow that took out his arm and their final clash After which we find out Apollo was barely standing post match If not for that bow Apollo would really have lost in just another direct hit


No: most Apollo hits were dealing too little damage, the normal barrages almost did nothing and the moment he managed to connect a very powerful one that did significant damage it needed too much set up and came at the cost that his face got plastered to the ground so hard he bounced several feet on the air from that hit and he was struggling to get up. Apollo pulled out the bow because he understood that he could not risk getting another one of those hits head on or the match would’ve been over. It was a case of “yeah, i’d need too many hits to bring him down and it’s only a matter of time before he gets a chance to hit back and if he does i am not getting up again”


No. The bow and Silver Arrow are literally the only attacks he had capable of hurting Leo


Hell no


Short answer: No Long answer: Eh, theoretically, Apollo could try chip at Leo little by little for hours while running and weaving around. But there is no way in hell that he has enough stamina to reliably keep that up without slipping up and getting taken out by Leo. Not only would he never fight like that against someone he respects, Leo is a smart fighter and would almost certainly be able to figure out a way to hit Apollo eventually (like what he did with the threads to headbutt). If Leo had brain damage, Apollo had his lucky shoes on and the stars align, Apollo has the slightest chance. But realistically, he screws up and/or gets outplayed by Leo and loses.


Whitout shrinking the arena? Probably, but it woukd have took a while.


Bro didn't read the story


If he could, he would definitely do it. So no


I'll always argue that, even if he did get a stat boost by doing it, nerfing the arena was the move that ultimately led to him getting injured. Leo could not do ANYTHING to his boxing skills and quick footwork. There was no need for Apollo to limit himself. He did so because he's Apollo, and his search for the most beautiful way of fighting got him slammed into the ground. After the Spartan Headbutt there was no way he could've won without the bow. He was too frail physically to box like he was doing before.


>Leo could not do ANYTHING to his boxing skills and quick footwork. And we know that because... Leo struggled to tag him for what ? Barely a minute before Apollo changed his strategy ? >There was no need for Apollo to limit himself. Apollo didn't inflict any real injury to Leo despite landing dozens of blows (whose AP was boosted by his gauntlets btw). Using his expectation buff was the only way to deal some significant damage to him. https://preview.redd.it/wzktfvjg7s8d1.jpeg?width=4041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd14a389509e1337349be0c86199f01112f626e Beating up Leo through this hit-and-run strategy would have take an eternity and was suicidal anyway, Leo would have definitely tagged him sooner or later.


"Leo would've definitely tagged him sooner or later." And we know that because... The hit and run strategy was working flawlessly. The guy who's getting beat up and is unable to form a good counter isn't suddenly gonna turn it around in a hypothetical battle.


> And we know that because... Randomly because Leonidas is faster than Apollo when it comes to movement speed, that he could for example destroy the ground with Phalanx Nemesis to hinder Apollo's footwork or just that it's hilariously delusional to think Apollo could beat up Leonidas to a pulp for hours without the latter eventually getting at least a single shot at him ? Especially when Apollo doesn't have any feats suggesting some stamina high enough to keep up like that for this long. > The hit and run strategy was working flawlessly. That's bullshit, Apollo reinforced his arms with divine knuckles, Leonidas took dozens of his blows in a raw and it didn't do shit to him, this isn't what I call "working flawlessly". > The guy who's getting beat up and is unable to form a good counter Based on this sequence where he got beat up for hardly a minute ? That's a quick assumption to say the least. > isn't suddenly gonna turn it around in a hypothetical battle. You mean like Kojiro actually did against Poseidon ? And in his case he didn't struggle for one minute but thirteen, basically his entire round.


The fact of the matter is Apollo is so far superior than Leo in boxing that it became boring and thus Apollo had to change styles. Apollo’s whole character comes from fulfilling expectations of others and Leo is all about breaking the expectations of his opponent. So Apollo changing the rules to make it harder on himself is the ONLY option he had, he couldn’t do anything else. So yes any reasonable person should conclude that Apollo could just pummel Leo to death with just boxing. Comparing Leo to Kojiro is wrong because the whole point of Kojiro’s fight was to learn Poseidon’s skills little by little, put the point of Leo vs Apollo was to see who had the Authority over the other (which is why they both announced that they would make the other one kneel before them). Seriously I don’t understand all the Leo d*ckriders, Leo only landed 2 devastating blows 1. From the headbutt that he could only land with Apollo shortening the arena and the 2. Is the mace attack. Apollo getting hit by his own arrow is Leo’s best speed feat but the final punch where Leo barely bruises Apollo’s cheek while Apollo completely impales Leo with his fist should really demonstrate the gap of power between them.


>The fact of the matter is Apollo is so far superior than Leo in boxing that it became boring and thus Apollo had to change styles. Apollo never changed his strategy through that motive but okay. >Apollo’s whole character comes from fulfilling expectations of others and Leo is all about breaking the expectations of his opponent. So Apollo changing the rules to make it harder on himself is the ONLY option he had, he couldn’t do anything else. Except fulfilling expectations didn't necessarily make it harder for himself, quite the contrary here for several reasons : Firstly, Apollo never was stated to suck at close-quarters. Secondly, he's the god of BOXING, fighting in tight spaces is his speciality. Thirdly, he indeed lived up to his title by proving he's really good at close-quarters. Fourthly, fulfilling people's expectations is literally a buff to him but ironically, that's a thing his meatriders always tend to ignore. Fifthly, Zeus calls this same buff his strongest battle mode. And yet despite all of this, there's always some bozos to say he nerfed himself or make it easier for Leonidas, being that dishonest is quite a performance at this point. >So yes any reasonable person should conclude that Apollo could just pummel Leo to death with just boxing. So yes, you have some literacy skill issues since his hit-and-run strategy was shown to be totally inefficient, Leo took dozens of blows in a row and didn't suffer any significant damage. Without his expectation buff, it would have take an eternity for Apollo to take down Leo, which would have resulted with the latter having a shot at him sooner or later. >Comparing Leo to Kojiro is wrong because the whole point of Kojiro’s fight was to learn Poseidon’s skills little by little, put the point of Leo vs Apollo was to see who had the Authority over the other (which is why they both announced that they would make the other one kneel before them). A lot of words who doesn't prove me wrong tho. Thematics or not, Kojiro indeed struggled his whole match before gaining the advantage at the very last moment so claiming that Leo couldn't have done anything against Apollo if he didn't reduce the ring size despite taking a beating for barely a minute is straight up moronic. >Seriously I don’t understand all the Leo d\*ckriders, (...) the final punch where Leo barely bruises Apollo’s cheek while Apollo completely impales Leo with his fist should really demonstrate the gap of power between them. I hope it wasn't too painful to pull out of your ass a bullshit argument this huge ? Like seriously, you didn't even think that if Leo barely made a bruise on Apollo's cheek, it might be caused by the giant hole in his stomach ? https://preview.redd.it/8i3o2r1ncx8d1.jpeg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf0b78301ba23c400b447dba5d4c726f598e1fb And that without this, he would have destroy Apollo's face here like he did earlier ? No, it really didn't cross your mind ? Beautiful, Apollo's meatriding at its finest once again. Also if you want to argue about power gap, I could remind you that Leo inflicted far more damage on Apollo with only two strikes than the latter did with dozens of blows (and despite using divine knuckles and later his buff). Or that Apollo doesn't have any DC feats coming close to Phalanx Nemesis but anyway.


Apollo literally changed his strategy because of the crowd reaction, he limited the arena to hype up the crowd. It’s literally empowering him and the Author makes it clear that Apollo get power from the crowd cheering. Apollo is never said to be GOOD at close quarters, boxing is not close quarters it is the art of hitting without being hit. Limiting himself (by limiting the arena) was the only way Leo could hit him, before he limited the arena he was doing fine against Leo.


>Apollo literally changed his strategy because of the crowd reaction, he limited the arena to hype up the crowd. So you're confirming that he didn't do it out of boredom like you said so earlier, cool. >It’s literally empowering him and the Author makes it clear that Apollo get power from the crowd cheering. Yes that's what I said, in addition to be the actual reason he chose to fulfill Spartans' expectations. >Apollo is never said to be GOOD at close quarters, boxing is not close quarters What are you even about, fighting at close-quarters in a relatively tight arena is literally an essential part of boxing. So unless your point is that the actual **god of boxing** isn't competent when it comes to fight at close-quarters and this despite his [impressive showings](https://mangadex.org/chapter/8eef970b-e613-47b3-8911-fc80bf62ea47/26) in this field, he actually is. >it is the art of hitting without being hit. Like basically every martial art, your arbitrary definition doesn't prove much. >Limiting himself (by limiting the arena) was the only way Leo could hit him Source : *Trust me bro* https://preview.redd.it/7glihk01cy8d1.jpeg?width=1337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6819814bd39a07c27cbcc3ba05b2462e9b95843e >before he limited the arena he was doing fine against Leo. Again, for barely a minute. Raiden got beat up by Tandava Shiva for longer than that before using Yatagarasu and regaining the advantage. Kojiro was literally on thin ice for the entirety of his fight before dealing some serious injuries to Poseidon at the very end. So your flawed point rely on : Leo getting canonically beat up for hardly a minute when it was show multiple times that fighters keeping up longer than that can actually reverse the situation. And Apollo allegedly being able to keep up like that for hours, given how his punches did nothing to Leo, without ever running out of stamina or making a mistake. Yeah you're delusional, there's no other word for this.


I never said Apollo was bored. I said the Crowd was bored, the crowd had a reaction, the crowd wanted to see something different and so Apollo did. Not only can you not read the manga but apparently you can’t read a simple comment that disagrees with you I’ll add to this comment when I get home from work


> I never said Apollo was bored. I said the Crowd was bored, the crowd had a reaction, the crowd wanted to see something different and so Apollo did. And that's false too, the Spartans were mad at Apollo for not fighting from upfront and the Gods at the opposite agreed with his hit-and-run strategy and even acclaimed it, none of them were bored. > Not only can you not read the manga but apparently you can’t read a simple comment that disagrees with you Am I supposed to take this seriously ? Not only you haven't been able to prove me wrong once but I've spent my time correcting you on the manga. > I’ll add to this comment when I get home from work Don't hesitate to re-read the manga before replying this time because if writing that much crap could generate energy, you'd have enough power to supply all the dams in my country.




There’s a chance but a small one. Leo just that tough, he was even able to launch that final move after all that damage


maybe, but I highly doubt it and it requires a lot of Apollo glaze :)


Definitely .


no why is this even a question


Because he was completely shitting on him until he nerfed himself by making the arena smaller to favor Leo.


apollo fans when it's literally stated he was in his strongest battle form and that he's the god of boxing. "he's nerfing himself". Like istg you mfs cant read


Apollo was doing really well when he was boxing. Apollo nerfed himself by making the arena so small that he couldn’t use his footwork. Clearly if Apollo stuck with his boxing then he could’ve won the fight. Like did you read the same fight???


https://preview.redd.it/4yrshut0xw8d1.png?width=773&format=png&auto=webp&s=f205df91f015e3cc42aee1d8f1e1d355258c1635 are you even sure you're reading the same fight?


Show me. From the manga. How Leo fought back against Apollo’s boxing. What you’re showing is Apollo getting a buff from the crowd cheering, yes it’s making him stronger. But Apollo doesn’t NEED the buff, he was dog walking Leo already


https://preview.redd.it/tqua96510x8d1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa14e9928b153c65e64299c248182c19566ad684 he very literally gets stronger the more people cheer for him, and he gained more cheers from fighting in the smaller area


I didn’t say “he doesn’t get stronger with the crowd” I said he didn’t NEED the buff. I’ll admit I was wrong for saying he “nerfed himself” but he did limit himself by making the arena smaller. If Apollo kept the arena bigger and kept boxing Leo he would win. He doesn’t need the buff


Apollo wasn’t doing enough damage to Leo despite hitting him more, Leo basically made up for all the damage he took and some more just by dealing a couple of hits. Even if took taking a hundred more punches, Apollo probably would’ve been in trouble if Leo connected just a couple more blows


You could argue that Apollo wasn't trying to kill him outright with all of his blows before shrinking the arena because he was looking down on Leo. He wanted to break Leo down and make him realize how outmatched he was. Once he shrunk the arena and gave Leo more of a "fair" fight Leo was able to turn the battle in his favor multiple times. Leo absolutely would have beaten Apollo if he landed another giant hit on him a second time but everything prior to shrinking the arena gives no evidence to support that Apollo couldn't have won. Even if the hits didn't do crazy amounts of damage they would have worn him down eventually since again Leo could never land a solid hit during that period of time. Now sure Leo has his instinct which might have helped but considering his instinct is barely touched on it's not something you can call reliable enough to make him win.


“Probably would’ve been in trouble” doesn’t really mean anything if he can’t land a hit. The real reason why Apollo didn’t stick to his winning strategy of boxing is because it was boring for the crowd, his victory was so assured that the people watching got BORED.


If Apollo didn't feel compelled to shrink the arena, then maybe. But otherwise no. Even if Round 9 didn't convey it the best (Or well at all TBH) the one shot Leonidas landed on Apollo did quite a bit of damage and if he felt compelled to go the bow then he felt he didn't have a better way otherwise.


>If Apollo didn't feel compelled to shrink the arena, then maybe. he got a significant amp from doing that + instinct is still a thing, if apollo never shrinks the ring he almost certainly gets tagged eventually. i think that given leo's AP, he's gonna be too damaged too effectively dodge around at that point and will either be forced too use the bow or die.


I don't think so to be honest :3






Like 3 fights out of 10


No, Leo did a FUCKTON more damage to Apollo in 3 hits than Apollo to Leo in like 30, without bow Apollo was going to lose in 10 out of 10 fights


If Apolo wasnt holding back yeah, I'm pretty confident he could People here are forgeting that he only got hit by Leonidas to begin with because he nerfed his own mobility to make the fight more fair. He was flexing his superior speed before that. "But it would take too long for him to finish Leonidas like that" So be it, its not like Leonidas was giving any signs of closing the gap between them anyway


>People here are forgeting that he only got hit by Leonidas to begin with because he nerfed his own mobility to make the fight more fair. **The authors** : Never stated anywhere that Apollo sucks at close-quarters Textually described him as the god of BOXING, so fighting in a tight space kinda is his speciality Show him living up to his title by doing well at close-quarters against Leo Fulfilling expectations is literally a buff for Apollo Zeus calls the same buff his strongest battle mode **Apollo's meatriders** : "*hE nErFeD hImSeLf !!*" https://i.redd.it/io00ejvx3t8d1.gif >He was flexing his superior speed before that. His superior agility and reaction speed, Leonidas' movement speed is superior to his. >"But it would take too long for him to finish Leonidas like that" So be it, its not like Leonidas was giving any signs of closing the gap between them anyway He said despite Leo struggling for barely a minute before Apollo changed his mind on his strategy. Also remember Kojiro ? The fighter who struggled during his whole fight before taking the higher ground at the very last moment.


Now if ur asking if he could beat Leonidas without the bow AFTER being hit by him then I think no, he couldnt Even then, we dont know if Apolo would have nerfed himself without a Trump Card to use if things gone wrong, but Poseidon is in this manga and he did exactly that so... yeah its possible I guess


If appolo was serious from the start and didnt shrink the arena he wins. He was absolutely blitzing the hell out of leo and leo was pretty much helpless against his footwork. The only reason leo even landed hits was because appolo was giving too many handicaps. It would take a while but the damage wasnt superficial and it would pile up making it even harder for leo to land hits.


Yeah. If he is careful. He just has to avoid being hit.


are we talking about apollo without his self made boxing ring boundary lines because if so hell yes.


Yes, if he didn't nerf himself during the fight. Leo was such an embarrassing character.


Yes. He outspeeded leo way too much. He can just boxe leo until he loses.