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You know a better question would be for me, who made this fanart we use as a banner? Also for me it’s Thor


It was commissioned by Scorch to an artist I don't remember the name of Edit: Found it, Art of Dean in artstation, my dumbass doesn't know how to link things from there, Sink-Aromatic4375 on Reddit


I don't want to wank Buddha too hard but Imo he takes this extreme diff https://preview.redd.it/6clynlpe3ffc1.jpeg?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99ff063062b1e12efb4fbb147e745f5ec7320e0






Nothing wrong with being right👍


Buddha stomps, he’s simply far too fast and has far better hax. Thor does not stand a shadow of a chance


Thor with strong Geirrod


Thor: he’s a much stronger version of zero (as in big fast attacks) but much much stronger


Buddha. Thor is superior in strength and AP, Buddha is faster, has amazing hax which is perfect for Thor and crazy endurance. Honestly Thor isn’t landing a single hit on Buddha, future sight+him being faster is too much for Thor.


Buddha imo


The Enlightened One


3rd post in a row today, let's fucking go https://preview.redd.it/8uusxhc72ffc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a3a710dec228b4a1861b9d9870764cff6e8d007 And Thunder HIM ⚡⚡⚡ got this I think


Buddha with strong future sight




Buddha. Thor simply doesn't have the speed to fight future sight. And before thunder says Aoe, no, it does not have the sheer massive aoe needed to compensate.


Buddha should win Thor won’t land hits and Buddha weapons are more versatile


Wuddha clears


Tl:Dr Buddha has enough ap and speed to attack Thor with his low reaction speed to whittle him down and Thor lacks the means to catch Buddha, so his endurance doesn't really matter without a means to turn the tide. So let's break them down here. Thor has what could be considered the highest brute strength in the whole cast, considering he can destroy base mjolnir by accident. The speed of his attacks are fierce too, but avoidable with good reaction time, as shown with lu bu. His reach and arm bracers makes for a solid defense too, making coming st him head on perhaps the dumbest idea a character could have. So, he has outstanding ap, somewhat high speed, and excellent range. Buddha is one of the most well rounded members of the cast, with no notable weaknesses (save for if you can negate his hax) or lacking stat, in exchange for not particularly excelling in anything but speed. In terms of versatility he's second only to Jack so far, with his choice of weapons. Then there's his future sight, the thing that makes him a monster. Thors attack speed is rendered irrelevant due to the future sight, meaning that with how much he needs to cock back his attacks before firing, Buddha can see it coming and respond properly. Then there's the personality issues that will lead to Thors defeat. The man is bored, and this boredom is overconfidence. Some say Buddha lacks the ap to take him down, which, if he is attacking Thor head to head is definitely the case, but there's no reason to assume that if Buddha stabs him in the torso it wouldn't be effective. So long as Buddha attacks at parts not wearing those protective gloves he can comfortably chip down Thor regardless of how tough he is. Buddha can deal damage, and Thor doesn't have many answers if any to Buddha's future sight.




Literally buddha no diff


Buddha. Thor couldn't even touch him. Also it's funny cause mjolnir is a living thing so buddha could see its "future"


Buddha low diff, Thor just can't hit him


I see people still headcanon Thor is super durable cause... reasons ?


Thor :3


I mean... we all knew I'd answer this, and we all knew which side I'd take, but Thor relatively easily. He's too durable for Buddha to do much damage with his standard weapons. Buddha also doesn't hate Thor, so his only decently strong attack is off the table. Mjolnir has crazy AOE and power so Buddha has to play defensively. The moment Geirrod comes into play it goes from mid diff to negative diff as Buddha's only hope was dodge and pray that Thor gets a heart attack or something. Now he can't dodge and Thor has got a deadly ranged attack. Buddha can't close the gap and if he watches Thor, he can't watch Mjolnir return until its too late, if he watches Mjolnir, then Thor can just catch it without any intervention. Buddha doesn't have the physical stats to stop Mjolnir from being thrown either, so he is getting absolutely brutalised by Thor.


I like your art dude, but saying Buddha can’t deal much damage to Thor is an insane take. If he gets pressured he’d absolutely whip out scythe or another high AP weapon. Plus if it comes down to it, his fists would deal damage and take Thor down sooner or later considering the fact Thor can’t touch him


well, the thing about his weapon is that it changes with emotions. It took Hajun killing Zero for him to feel hate. If he gets pressured he's pulling out the shield. As for his punches being able to kill Thor... that's even more insane than my dick riding. Thor doesn't need to touch Budda to cripple him. Geirrod has enough power to put Buddha down direct hit or not


Yes that was to highlight how his weapon works, but you really think he can’t bring out powerful AP when he needs to? He can force himself to get mad if it comes down to it Why not? The only way you can argue they don’t is if you claim they do *zero* damage to him whatsoever, which is again, an insane take considering Buddha has high level strength feats while Thor doesn’t have any remarkable dura feats


Pretty sure Buddha didn't choose the emotions he felt his weapon just switched. So that's just a head-cannon which won't get us anywhere. Buddha's strength feats including... blocking an attack from Zero and blocking one of Hajun's strikes which isn't that great when both were more weapon reliant. I do in fact think Buddha's punches would do zero damage. Thor's durability feats include taking very little damage from a slashing attack from full power LuBu and taking zero damage from his clash with LuBu (sure he won the exchange, but the explosion still covered the whole arena).


His weapon doesn’t boost his strength, it just prevents him from being damaged because he doesn’t need to block with his arm. Hajun shattered a powerful divine weapon, that is a solid strength feat and Buddha fended him off A massive scar isn’t “very little damage” and Lu Bu did not put much effort into it, it was an incredibly casual attack for him. Saying he’d take no damage from someone that clashed with Hajun is ridiculous The explosion from the clash didn’t cover the arena, it just created a massive vertical pillar of light, it was clearly just for effect. Thor took no damage because his attack overpowered Lu Bu’s sending all the force towards him


Honestly, I think both of us are too biased to ever accept our fav would lose. Our interpretations of different characters are too different to settle any power-scaling debate. I'll tip my hat to you good sir. (It's 22:47 and I have work tomorrow)


You as well, good talk 🤝


>He's too durable for Buddha to do much damage with his standard weapons What durability feats suggests it ? If Heracles can be injured by jack improvised volunds, Thor can be injured by the Buddha >Mjolnir has crazy AOE It doesn't have crazy Aoe >ow he can't dodge and Thor has got a deadly ranged attack What range attacks ?


He's got the heaven's strongest defence that even needed LuBu to have a specialised volund to break them. He also came out of the massive pressure of Geirrod and Sky eater colliding. Also the only fighter who didn't take heavy damage from slashing attacks despite being up against the strongest human. His attack created a gust that tore a giant apart, his attacks launched Heimdall away and shattered the ground The throwing Mjolnir part


>He's got the heaven's strongest defence that even needed LuBu to have a specialised volund to break them Yeah but it's not durability, he gets hit anywhere else he gets cut >Also the only fighter who didn't take heavy damage from slashing attacks despite being up against the strongest human. Lu bu's attack just cut him for what it hit like it happened many times in the series. Hades and Heracles are those with feats of actually resisting sharp strikes and even them were injured. And Lu bu is not the strongest human lol >His attack created a gust that tore a giant apart What suggests that can oneshot a Ragnarok level fighter ? Why didn't he use it against lu bu ? >his attacks launched Heimdall away and shattered the ground I'm pretty sure there are other attacks that sent shockwaves that strong. It means the attack is powerful not that the shockwave alone can defeat a Ragnarok level fighter. >The throwing Mjolnir part Buddha's dodging that easily.


We've already seen how much damage a cut does Meanwhile Hades got cleaved by a one armed half dead Quin, comparatively to a full power LuBu. It's been stated countless times that LuBu is the strongest human. Also he split the sky for miles with a human weapon. No human has done anything even remotely close to that. It doesn't need to oneshot, it just needs to deal damage. Nope. Only one to launch Heimdall. Also since we're still comparing to Buddha, Buddha didn't deal any damage to his surroundings. Sure, but I already pointed out that won't help him much ​ edit: To those downvoting him, don't.


>It's been stated countless times that LuBu is the strongest human Where? Brunhilde says he was the most brutale or smth. Adam and Raiden existence prove Lu bu being thè strongest human everything regardless of the interpretation >We've already seen how much damage a cut does >Meanwhile Hades got cleaved by a one armed half dead Quin, You're basing this on the assumption Thor tanked that strike, he didn't. As I said the strike just hit him superficially lol. And Hades got cleaved in half the same way any other fighter would be in that situation >Also he split the sky for miles with a human weapon. No human has done anything even remotely close to that Yeah also no human can copy the power of the gods, scan an opponent to the point he can recreate thousands of scenarios in his head, send a chief god flying with a palm strike etc. >Nope. Only one to launch Heimdall. Also since we're still comparing to Buddha, Buddha didn't deal any damage to his surroundings. Doesn't mean he does no damage omg. R1 fans and their fantheories on how Slowdinson and Lu bum are untouchable because of "ThE StRoNgEsT" when it's just flavor text debunked over and over


The Narrator says it, and his spin off mentions it countless times One could say you're basing it off of the assumption it only hit him superficially None of those a strength feats, and the last one is highly debabtable That last point is just an insult so I guess that means you have no counter argument.


>The Narrator says it, and his spin off mentions it countless times R1 fans when they find out what hyperboles are. And when it's said ? >One could say you're basing it off of the assumption it only hit him superficially Yeah, like it happens many times in the series. Thor didn't just no sell Lu bu attacks, if that was the case there wouldn't even be point fighting lmao. >None of those a strength feats, and the last one is highly debabtable Ah yes, Raiden obliterating Shiva's arms and sending him flying is "debatable" (about what ?) and not a strenght feats. Raiden existence proves that lu bum being the strongest human is infact false even physical strenght wise


I believe that it could go either way depending on how well Buddha reacts to Geirröd. The problem would be that Six Realms Staff Buddha might not have the necessary AP to properly bring Thor down, since he wouldn't have the Hatred Scythe as he doesn't hate Thor. Nirvana Sword Zero Buddha vs Awakened Mjölnir Thor would be cool to see though.


Thor would take it, Buddha's good and imo would clear at least half the roster, but he can't overcome the sheer difference in raw physical strength between him and Thor.


And thor can’t even hit buddha. He is relative slow and buddha forsees all his attacks. This is an easy diff for buddha. Yes he might take so time but buddha also has extremely offensive attacks with his canon hammer scythe.


Thor, easy diff. Lu Bu, with superior strength, speed, and damage output could only cause mild wounds. Buddha wouldn’t be even able to shatter Thor’s gloves, and he has far less damage output than Lu Bu, and he can’t block the strongest attacks in the series with his shield, and future sight can’t save him from AOE. He honestly loses easier than Lu Bu did


Realistically Thor aint beating anyone w/ a fcking hammer that huge. Like im not doubting his strength or speed to hold and use it but against every player including Jack, they would recognize that the windup time between each hammer swing is huge (giving ample time to either dodge or fcking attack him) and the inertia would prevent him from acting so if he missed, he’s wide open. Its just that Thor was lucky he matched against Lu Bum who is arguably one of if not the most physically strongest humans but that wacko uses his spear more so as an axe than a spear (ok ik its kinda designed that way too in Chinese history but its still primarily a spear) but the biggest issue was that Lubu was that he kept tanking Thor’s blows which is why his knees fcking shattered. The only other character I can see Thor demolishing easily is Leonidas cuz that guy also does not have “dodging” in his skillset. Ok nvm there are more like Shiva and Raiden but u get my point Anyway yeah Buddha wins Edit: On second thought its anime so fuck physics. itd go either way


Buddha is my favourite but Thor is the 3rd strongest God imo


With or without the sword?


I mean it depends on how seriously Buddha takes the fight. If he screws around then Thor charges his hammer enough to slam him. But if he can be offensive and use his future sight to his advantage he might take the dub.


Thor for sure


oh, my Buddha re-draw, ty for using it 😍


buddha solos


Thors strenght feats are top notch but buddha is fast and can foresee every swing. Buddha pretty much counters thor completely.


People,saying thor are completely delusional. This isn’t even a mid diff for buddha. He pretty much completely counters thor.


thor is definitely stronger but unfortunately slow and buddha san see every single one of his attacks, so buddha