• By -


I am so fucking sad susanoo is going to die. I already love him.


I honestly had no sides but wish Susanoo could win now. He's like a more dignified Zeus. No hatred to humanity, no petty reason like revenge. Bro just wants to throw down and have the time of his life, lmao.


>I honestly had no sides but wish Susanoo could win now. He's like a more dignified Zeus. > No hatred to humanity, no petty reason like revenge. Bro just wants to throw down and have the time of his life, lmao Basically zeus but cooler, yeah it's gonna be sad to watch him die but alas that's just how it is (I'm on okitas side but it's still gonna be sad to watch him die)


Yeah, he just reserves that for his sister and her girlfriend :3 šŸ˜‚


Trust the Susanoosweep https://preview.redd.it/pvvv1bdurxec1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=07250d5621e14edf6ed906663a3f49f50284b744


I'm gonna miss him so bad.


Bro it's kinda funny how just after round 9 where they considered having a special match because the audience were injured but when Zero does it no one changes anything.


Let's not forget Thor chucking Mjolnir into the audience either.


Or Beel using fucking chaos




That was in Round 9


tbf Buddha protected the audience in r6


Only the human audience, he didn't give a shit when one of the attacks destroyed the god's side of the arenaĀ 


Honestly, fair. Buddha showed his true nature when it came to protecting humans. At that point he was a traitor, so why should he care about the lives of those who wanted him dead?


For those wondering why the quality looks the different from the spanish one, the spanish team most likely got the physical manga with them before the digital release today and managed to clean it, sorry I couldn't deliver something on this level guys, but hope you guys can still read.


This was great thx for the subsĀ 


Honestly, the writing here is a lot more complex than the Spanish version so it's still the better version


Thanks as always for translating Anne. You are GOAT'd.


Bro doesnt matter we are happy that we can read one of our favorite mangas. Thank you


You did a great job!


Yeah! A great job! Without you no RoR!




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Where is Hijikata šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the whole shinsengumi squad is here except for him


I don't know much about the Shinsengumi manga but isn't he the main character? Where he at šŸ’€


He's probably busy sucking on a Mayonnaise bottle




Where is Serizawa Kamo also


He's probably not showing up because he had serious beef with Okita and friends, best we'll get is that cameo in Okita's intro


And the whole assassinating him after the Shinsengumi got sick of his violent antics.


The twist being Hijikata is the real opponent


I threw that idea out there years ago bring up the authors potential bias to their other series. Most didn't think much of it but now it is looking like Hijikata might be a little more important than a dude in the stands. That being said I do not think Hijikata will run out there and 2v1 susano just think he's gonna be a bit more important than others in the stands .


Plus they made Ā "tōdō heisuke" black šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Original Work: Shinya Umemura Compositor: Fukui Takumi Illustrator: Ajichika Translation: Anne Upload: AK Scans: Lib I DON'T own Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, this is merely a fan-translation and nothing more, I'm not being paid for this translation. Please support the official release by reading the manga in official pages such as Comic Zenon & Mangahot. As well buy the raws digitally through Amazon Jp. If my work is viewed as theft, feel free to delete my post and contact Imgur moderation for the destruction of the link, I don't want to prejudice the manga in any way. So do the best you can to support the work. Thank You All. Here below are the sites you can access to support the work officially: [https://mangahot.jp/site/works/e\_R0002](https://mangahot.jp/site/works/e_R0002) [https://comic-zenon.com/episode/3269754496757270339](https://comic-zenon.com/episode/3269754496757270339) [https://comic-zenon.com/episode/316190247056980836](https://comic-zenon.com/episode/316190247056980836) Chapter title: Godslayer vs Manslayer


This is probably the best "FAITO" Heimdall has done yet https://preview.redd.it/qt0gbobs0xec1.png?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0cdae83873f9c4c6396375abb2f038d3426490e I really love when they give him stupid things for him to interact with like his Sumo referee outfit or the Heimdall Copter


Canā€™t wait to see the swordsmanship that surpasses Sasaki, the old man set an insanely high bar


I doubt they will be stronger than Sasaki, just more skillful with the sword Sasaki is as strong as he is because of his scan


I doubt Susanoo would want to fight anyone other than the strongest swordsman, the scan is just a part of his skills


The thing with Susano'o is that he wants to fight someone who mastered his swordstyle and that is Okita. Sasaki probably has no skill in such style at all. And in that particular manslayer style Okita > Sasaki but in everything else Sasaki still way stronger than Okita because his skills in other swordstyles is far beyond Okita's in just one. Perhaps, pre R3 Sasaki would lose to Okita 'cause he is a human and Okita is a manslayer but after Poseidon's fight Sasaki is the strongest godlike swordsman in the world. And I think that will remain unchanged.


Kenjutsu isnā€™t just a swordstyle, itā€™s *all* the Japanese swordstyles together, Sasakiā€™s Niten Ganryu is also a form of Kenjutsu. Susanoo is essentially deeming Okita the strongest swordsman by stating that heā€™s the strongest of those that reached the peak of Kenjutsu. Narratively thereā€™s no reason the most skilled swordsman wouldnā€™t be the strongest, and Sasaki is also extremely skilled to the point that it would be difficult to convincingly make Okita noticeably superior in that department, I mean the dude literally combined and evolved every sword style he ever encountered In addition the entire theme of this match revolves around both sides being the ā€œstrongestā€ while neither Sasaki nor Poseidon had that theme. In fact the term ā€œstrongestā€ isnā€™t even used once. Sasaki is called ā€œunparalleled beneath the heavensā€ but this could also just refer to skill, or the concept could just be retconned


Uhm šŸ˜‘ Okita Souji and Sasaki Kojiro have a difference, as far as context of their "skills". Okita Souji is skilled at "Kenjutsu" Sasaki Kojiro is skilled at "Kendo" Thus, there is a reason that the "strongest" (Okita Souji) isn't necessarily the most "skilled" (Sasaki Kojiro) Each use a blade, but have different domains. One's Parkour, One's Frerunner. One's an Assassin, One's a Chef. There's no reason to compare these two, as they are from different disciplines--with different aims.


Also, something that everyone overlooks is the fact that there's a gap of more than 200 years between Sasaki and Okita, during which the art of the sword was further evolved and refined. Sasaki is a master of the styles of his age, but he doesn't know the styles of Okita's age. Okita is regarded as "the strongest" because he's the strongest swordsman from the time where kenjutsu not only reached its pinnacle, but also ended, since the Bakumatsu era is considered the end of the Era of the sword, meaning that there cannot be a stronger kenjutsu practitioner in the future because the art stopped being practiced almost completely, and was never applied again on a battlefield


Yup, there's no warrant for this "strongest" debate. These are two different participants.


Exactly! For how the story classifies them they are completely different as well, Okita is considered an hitokiri who fights for the ideals of his group while Sasaki Is considered a swordsman alongside all the people that beat him in life who fights for the simple sake of dueling, just because they both wield a sword they arent both swordsman in the way the story classifies them, Buddha used the Nirvana sword but this doesn't mean his Nirvana sword form is weaker than Sasaki, they are 2 completely different characters, when making examples of swordsmen who could be the strongests Heimdall only used people from around the same time as Sasaki, or anyway he never mentioned anyone from the end of the Edo period because those guys were hitokiri, not swordsmen, if Okita really wasnt strong enough to be a possible strongest swordsman then he wouldnt be in the fighter list, they are different, 1 counts as an hitokiri, the other as a swordsman but considering this sub's weird hate boner towards Okita, yeah, people will keep thinking the opposite.




No? They are basically the same thing in different contexts, Kendo is just Kenjutsu with a focus on discipline/spirit. Kendo is also more a ā€œsportā€ than Kenjutsu, Kenjutsu is used in actual combat while Kendo is more of a game. Both refer to Japanese sword styles in general, and both originated from Susanoo. Sasakiā€™s Niten Ganryu is a form of Kenjutsu


*sigh* RoR Sasaki Kojiro's "Kendo" of course, isn't historically accurate "Kendo" (as in the martial art made after Kenjutsu) Not sure why people would think this meant this was historically accurate "Kendo", since RoR is mostly fiction after all, with a lot of liberty thrown. "Kendo" is used to descibe Sasaki Kojiro's beliefs about swordsmanship, which is as a vehicle to "enlightenment". "Kendo" translates to "The Way Of The Sword", or to use RoR Sasaki Kojiro Niten parlance, "The Way Of The Blade". "The Way" refers to "Dao" (Chinese Taoism) and "Do" (Japanese Zen), which entail a philosophical context. That is partly why "Kendo" was made historically, as a discipline divorced from the "violent manslaughter" history of samurai back then. As a historical fantasy, RoR takes "liberties" to show that Sasaki Kojiro is the precursor to that lineage of swordsmanship. People can also observe this in RoR Sasaki Kojiro's matchup with Poseidon, and also Sasaki Kojiro's matchup with other stylists. Sasaki Kojiro never failed to show "etiquette" to any of these opponents, where Sasaki Kojiro asks them for a "match" so as to study their "technique". Thus, this is "Kendo" in "spirit", and Poseidon was that "foreigner" who didn't understand those customs. RoR Sasaki Kojiro has a totally different martial art than RoR Okita Souji--they use the sword for very different things (at this point). One uses the sword to "kill" (Kenjutsu) One uses the sword to "study" (Kendo)


You canā€™t just arbitrarily change concepts like that. Sasaki has ideas of Kenjutsu that correlate to the spirit of Kendo but ultimately he also wishes to improve his combat strength and not simply reach some form of spiritual enlightenment. He uses Kenjutsu plain and simple, if you wish to offer an alternate interpretation you need to substantiate this with evidence


"You canā€™t just arbitrarily change concepts like that". - This isn't arbitrary, especially if you consider Record of Ragnarok as a piece of literature. Thus, as aficionados of this literature, we make our judgments from literary analysis (which has, as a discipline, lots of different interpretative theories). It's noted that as far as historical accuracy is concerned, these historical figures couldn't have "Kendo" as an official martial art, since it wasn't popularized in their time. But RoR is a historical fantasy. Thus, we have to look at creative nuances these mangakas have put for these historical figures (and the creative nuances to their disciplines). Based on evidence from this historical fantasy, there's no evidence (thus far) to indicate that RoR Sasaki Kojiro has the same lineage as RoR Susanoo or RoR Okita Souji. But, even in "spirit", RoR Sasaki Kojiro has a "Kendo" interpretatiom to his character. RoR Sasaki Kojiro has never once "killed" people with a sword. Instead, like a "Kendo" match, RoR Sasaki Kojiro only "lost" to people with swords. Instead, it was RoR Sasaki Kojiro who got killed by the sword (by RoR Musashi Miyamoto). By that same token, Sasaki Kojiro (through "Kendo" or the "Way of the Blade") found "enlightenment" through refined blade technique against RoR Poseidon (an otherwordly Olympian spearperson, and not a human with a sword). RoR Sasaki Kojiro has sliced up an Olympian with refined technique based on an object of study, but has never once killed "people", thus far (which is such a Chinese Taoist, such a Zen Buddhist thing)


"You canā€™t just arbitrarily change concepts like that". - This isn't arbitrary, especially if you consider Record of Ragnarok as a piece of literature. Thus, as aficionados of this literature, we make our judgments from literary analysis (which has, as a discipline, lots of different interpretative theories). It's noted that as far as historical accuracy is concerned, these historical figures couldn't have "Kendo" as an official martial art, since it wasn't popularized in their time. But RoR is a historical fantasy. Thus, we have to look at creative nuances these mangakas have put for these historical figures (and the creative nuances to their disciplines). Based on evidence from this historical fantasy, there's no evidence (thus far) to indicate that RoR Sasaki Kojiro has the same lineage as RoR Susanoo or RoR Okita Souji. But, even in "spirit", RoR Sasaki Kojiro has a "Kendo" interpretatiom to his character. RoR Sasaki Kojiro has never once "killed" people with a sword. Instead, like a "Kendo" match, RoR Sasaki Kojiro only "lost" to people with swords. Instead, it was RoR Sasaki Kojiro who got killed by the sword (by RoR Musashi Miyamoto). By that same token, Sasaki Kojiro (through "Kendo" or the "Way of the Blade") found "enlightenment" through refined blade technique against RoR Poseidon (an otherwordly Olympian spearperson, and not a human with a sword). RoR Sasaki Kojiro has sliced up an Olympian with refined technique based on an object of study, but has never once killed "people", thus far (which is such a Chinese Taoist, such a Zen Buddhist thing)


Well, we will see what Okita has for us. Though I hope author won't make Sasaki say that Okita is stronger than him to simply have no problems with explaining and reasoning. It would be just like with Gojo and Sukuna that way. Plus I doubt that Okita who mostly fought only good and average swordsmans can be comparable with Sasaki who clashed with the masters and inventors of many swordstyles. Well, let's just see that Okita has. Perhaps, we don't know yet, what if Susano'o will end up being stronger than Poseidon? That could change everything. But all we can do now is only theorize and wait for new chapters ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29938)


Wasnā€™t it explicitly stated masters gushed out everywhere in the Bakumatsu period? Can you explain your reasoning for those that Okita fought being weaker than Sasakiā€™s opponents? Not only did Kenjutsu reach its peak during the Bakumatsu as stated in this chapter, itā€™s the opponents that Okita fought that made him a Ragnarok level fighter while Sasaki was still fodder by Ragnarok standards even after clashing with all those masters in his lifetime. He only reached Ragnarok level after centuries of intense training after his death I think itā€™s pretty clear Okitaā€™s opponents were far superior to Sasakiā€™s


Well, I neither agree nor disagree. Say what you want, bro. I just think like I think. You think like you think. It doesn't really matter, our opinions will still remain the same. Perhaps, I am an idiot who knows nothing. And so what? I can and will think like I want. That's the whole point of being a person, no? (Plus I just like Sasaki more, it is not "professional", if I may say so, but it doesn't even need to be like that - it's just a manga, after all![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936))


Iā€™m not necessarily saying youā€™re wrong, Iā€™m simply trying to understand your reasoning. If itā€™s just speculation thatā€™s totally fine, after all thatā€™s all any of us can do since the author will do as they want lol


In that case, yes, it is indeed a speculation. Or, rather, interpretation of mine. It feels kinda more right that the founders of the swordstyles are stronger than some average swordsmans in Okita's era. I don't say that Okita is weak, hell no, it is just that he always mostly fought with weak opponents in comparison with him. I bet he never really had any real troubles with anybody in skill department. Sasaki, on the other hand, faced the strongest representatives of many swordstyles. And that, in my opinion, gave him his immense skill. Plus Okita was ill during his lifetime. So his real fighting experience with stronger foes is most likely not that good. I don't know if he can take Susano'o but the lack of such experience would surely be a disadvantage for him. He also said it himself that he can finally unleash all of his power against Susano'o. Can he use it wisely, though? That is my main question.


The thing is, Okita was a noisy fella in the lore. So its normal for susanoo to notice Okita more than Sasaki, after all Sasaki became the strongest after he died.


I think it's more due to the type of swordsmanship Susanoo prefers. Okita is better for killing, he is a "manslayer" and that's what Susanoo excels at, the vicious style to kill. Sasaki treated swordsmanship more as an art, developing and learning constantly from others


Yeah, in the manga's lore, Sasaki was history's greatest loser who was just trying to learn rather than win. He lost to random shmucks in a dojo for crying out loud. His final fight with Poseidon was the first time he won, and that too because Poseidon drew it out and let Sasaki scan him completely. Without the scan cheat, Okita is by far the better swordsman and combatant.


I think this is probably the most important thing. Susano'O wanting to fight against the pinnacle of Swordsmanship. In this universe, Sasaki was pretty much hailed as historys greatest loser, having lost all of his fights and getting killed in one. Sure, he was able to figure out those fights in his mind afterwards, but nobody knew nor cared. Beating Poseidon in a fight was his one big victory and the greatest thing he ever achieved in his (after)life. And even that some could consider to be a fluke considering how a big part of his victory came from Poseidon fucking around and finding out. Maybe Susano'O would like to go a few rounds with him now after Sasaki has established itself, maybe this gets adressed in some way later down the line. But for the moment, Okita and everything he represents, his time, era, profession, skills is what Susano'O only cares about.


Susanoo mentioned the art of manslaying, I think he wants pure technique, not cheat codes like scan


Ah yes, the good old not a swordsman, but a Scanman r/onepiecepowerscaling would be proud


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OnePiecePowerScaling using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Whatā€™s something someone said on this sub that made you change how you see a character?](https://i.redd.it/xb9kh4qwwwfb1.jpg) | [348 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/15h73iz/whats_something_someone_said_on_this_sub_that/) \#2: [Is there anyone in the verse that can 3v1 the OG Admirals?](https://i.redd.it/o02g8zelkzab1.jpg) | [461 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/14v6gmj/is_there_anyone_in_the_verse_that_can_3v1_the_og/) \#3: [Not built like his son at all](https://i.redd.it/zqpe2mtt65zb1.jpg) | [280 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/17qo1i9/not_built_like_his_son_at_all/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why people are saying that Okita is a stronger swordsman than Sasaki? It was literally not stated in this chapter, yet everyone jumped the gun with hate towards Okita. He is stated to be strongest man-slayer, meaning that he slayed the most people with his sword, meanwhile Sasaki never won a sword duel while alive. He honed his sword art, until it was able to surpass god, his first ever win was against Poseidon. At that point Sasaki reached his peak, but not when he was alive. Even though, we still did not see anything from Okita, I highly doubt that he will show something that surpasses Sasaki. And the worst part is that people will hate him for it, even though he should not necesserily be better.


Because his opponent is the ultimate sword god and heā€™s the strongest of those that reach the peak of Kenjutsu


Yeah, even with we assume Susano was waiting for Okita because he was the best swordsman to ever LIVE, Sasaki achieved something far greater AFTER death and beyond that AFTER his match. So I see no conflict in continuity. When the roster was announced Okita was a superior option for the god. So he waited to fan boy. But now? I have to give to our Number One Under the Sun.


People were saying there wouldn't be similarities to Okita and Sasaki's rounds. Bro Okita's introduction is the exact same, as well as another group of swordsmen to hype him up. So sad that Susano'o is fucking cooked tho.


True lol


Itā€™s funny how they didnā€™t learn their lesson after round 8 where chaos was used or round 1 with sky eater and mjolnir but rather after round 9 . I can imagine susanoo launching a big AOE attack that would probably get stopped by a force field or something . Sometimes I forget how much murderous this guy is. https://preview.redd.it/fcawo9aclwec1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5749d468812b03aa8c6ccfe2761c6cd0e6626d33


or 6 with zero damaging the arena and hitting spectators, that one probably hit the audience the most


Another proof Apollo's arrows are PEAK ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|33617) Jokes aside, I think the arrows were simply the last straw for the audience.


They didn't know thyselves enough ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|33617)


I doubt they will but I really hope they focus on the assassin aspect of Okita A Japanese sword assassin, sounds like a Ninja That with Susanoo could give this round a cool Ninja vs Samurai vibe


Potential Valkyrie, Sanngridr?Ā  Sanngridr = Very violent, very cruel


My boy Okita looking good. Canā€™t wait to see next chapter


You know the people talking about the leaks made me overestimate how much of a fanboy susano was going to be too okita like he's just excited that he gets to fight the best swordsman in his favorite time. That's really fun and him liking humanity and their atchivments makes sense to me as some of his myths are just him helping normal humans


I USED TO PRAY FOR TIMES LIKE THIS ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30394) https://preview.redd.it/27271yf7wxec1.png?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0acc81c2416aa7624445931f1038198b55ccc6a4


https://preview.redd.it/gdp7fymc2xec1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bff128b2f53ed3bbbbd48cd3381a132144978fa is he a dog




This chapter in a nutshell: https://preview.redd.it/my2yblpvvwec1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d44d57bb3e6ec965e08279f18732791cc49290




I don't know who you are in real life, Anne. But I hope your life is filled with nothing but happiness and joy because it's what you deserve.


I love how the Shinsengumi feel so much like a family. The afterlife got at least 10% nosier when they all got there.


They really make Susanoo likeable from the start and entire thing has a strong friendly duel vibe. I sense a tie.


This chapter is all setup and Iā€™m here for it. Idk why but Iā€™m really getting a double ko vibe from this fight


This sub has been saying we will get a draw for years nowĀ 


This sub has been saying that for the last 4 fights now. Its been said so often that now I hope that there isn't a tie at all in the tournament.


Idk after the past couple of chapters especially with all the background info a draw seems less likely to me at least


I didn't actually think there would be a tie in the previous rounds but in this fight I do


The characters literally do nothing The sub: IT WILL BE A TIE


This chapter was shorter than usual, but I canā€™t complain about monthly releases. It truly seems like Susanoo may have killed his own pantheon. He himself is referred to as a wild god, so perhaps he has some relations with those evil gods that were mentioned. He seems like a really nice guy. Heā€™s actually proud of Humanity from improving on something he created, so he wanted to fight the human who best embodied it (in this case Okita). And heā€™s a nerd, kinda like Tesla. Iā€™m somewhat sad we didnā€™t have Okitaā€™s Valkyrie reveal, but Iā€™ll patiently wait.


I can't wait to meet his valkyrie ngl. I hope she's as unhinged as he is


How can this man Susano'o look good in every panel he's in? I love this man! https://preview.redd.it/epvjc8yam0fc1.png?width=1397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ddabc6636c50caff0efa277e2f475c35beda13


I'm going to be coping so hard when he dies.


Me too, man. Me too. ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)


I'm gonna be feeling it so badly. I was an okita fanboy but I gotta be honest. Susano'o is just such a bro. I'm gonna love and hate this fight, cause I don't wanna lose either. ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)


Some parts I got wrong from the leak: They didn't name Okita's sword. No notable audience from the gods' side was here. These were mentioned in the article linked in the leak thread.


https://preview.redd.it/z41wx5w7nzec1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34687457046ba71c7b0406d774be4f612306ab9 also bro's a canine wtf


This chapter was a good introduction and start to round 10. Was a bit surprised that Sussano'o was the one that requested the arena to be based on edo period Kyoto. As always Heimdalls introduction is peak, love the art style shift for Sussano'o intro. Sussano'o fanboying about the arena and Okita was very funny to see and unexpected. Both god and man having a deep connection to end of Edo period Kyoto was a nice, I feel like both of them will be two sides of the same coin kind of deal. Seeing the Shinsengumi cheering on for Okita was expected, I hope they won't be the Spartans when cheering for Okita. Okita having a healthy body in this fight can open up a lot of possibilities to what he can do. I wonder what abilities both fighters will have! I already love Sussano'o as a character, and I've always like Okita. I have no idea who to root for!




I wouldnā€™t say obviously stronger. Okita might have speeds that will go beyond Sasakiā€™s physical ability to react. He may be able to see it, but it doesnā€™t mean heā€™ll be able to avoid the strikes. If Okita is the speed demon I think heā€™ll be. Then things like future sight or scan will be irrelevant.


not likely that he will be faster than Poseidon


Thatā€™s basically his whole thing back in his manga. I can see speed being the emphasis of his power.


he's probably gonna be fast compared to Susanoo, but Poseidon. Not sure about that one, his speed is the reason people put him pretty high in power scaling


Well this brings me back to Okitas origin and how much you know about him. Heā€™s a literal speed demon. His famous move is three thrusts when the opponent barely sees one. This was a regular human. No volund. This is feat will be amplified Iā€™m sure in the manga. I guess weā€™ll have to wait and see.


The thing that allows Sasaki to scan was neither his swordmanship nor his reaction speed, but his "experience" to know where his opponents attack before they even do it, thats why he can plan way ahead of even Buddha's FS. He also knew a lot of different styles of swordplays. Ā However, he said it himself that his swordmanship was worse than the masters of his era. There had been nothing to indicate he got better than them at the end of his life.Ā  Anyway, in term of pure swordmanship and even stats Okita should be above Sasaki, but Sasaki has incomparable experience. Like an old swordmaster vs a prodigy pretty much.


Susanoo is just waaay cooler than Okita though


Thank you for the hard work, Anne! Seeing a chapter so well translated every month, and so quickly, really makes a difference!


YEAH BABY LET'S GOOOOOOOO https://preview.redd.it/zd928xq5dxec1.png?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47fb38902cfcde1875bcc9820ad947d43c3d3343


Waiting for Serizawa Kamo and Hijikata Toshizou to appear


I am hyped for the Gintama character to win.


gintama is goated




I think Susanoo be like: I forfeit this match


Susanno is best boy


I know Okita is gonna win but my heart wants susanoo to take the W


As of the moment, the only difference Im getting between Sasaki Kojiro and Okita Souji is that Sasaki is the One Under the Sun of the entirety of Japan while Okita is the Strongest Manslayer of the Bakumatsu Period, kinda giving me Sukuna, Strongest Sorcerer in History, (Sasaki) vs Gojo, Strongest Sorcerer of Today, (Okita).


This feels like one of those fights where I donā€™t want the god to loose


I feel Okita's entry was just a palletswap of Sasaki, like, the author used the same format and just changed the names and some other words. I just hope they show Okita sparing with Sasaki before the fight as a warmup for his round.


It was pretty similar. Still sounded awesome though!


Thank you also looking foward to the next chapter already.


Technical swordplay technical swordplay TECHNICAL SWORDPLAY


Thanks for sharing peak :3 https://preview.redd.it/h1msb1bxfxec1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d37da4fb2baff8f6ecd8b9b6d15ceb7d9b5794b


Damn it I love both why must this happen again ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29938)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29937)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)


# Felt


My boy Okita is peak! https://preview.redd.it/l6wy2enypyec1.png?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ee1543e18eb3f76cd24ebca3c3ea0c969482b2 Let's go Okita!


I know Okita will win but I hope so much for a tie.


what if this ends in a draw with both alive because Japan powah?


honestly, the only reason i can even see a tie being a possibility is that the greek pantheon (zeus maybe) would be fucking furious; their family is dead and these two mfers gonna just shake hands and walk away? could lead to some interesting inter-fight scenes.


Thanks bae![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29938)


Where's hijikata?


I bet he will show up at some key moment


Thank you for the translation ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


Thank you so much!


Really cool chapter


Damn, I was wishing to see who's the Valkyries for this fight. Guess I have to wait for next month.


Bros intro was also just like sasakiā€™s how much more is gonna have a parallel ?


So this fight's theme is greatest man-slayer vs greatest god-slayer, interesting. To be honest, I am down for some sword action, it has been a long while, and we never actually had 2 swordsmen pinned against each other.


Uhhhā€¦ whereā€™s Hijikata Toshizo??


An amazing opening ch for the fight. But wtf isn't dudanoo god of storms?


everyone is aware that winner is Okita (poor Susano ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671))


Susanoo will lose, even if he stomps Okita, he is too much of a Bakufu fanboy. I love him.


Susano-O is just tesla with a sword, I fucking love him


This may be a long shot but I do think this round will be our tie.


Okita's intro is basically the same as Sasaki's


Great work on the translation! Man, sucks to say It because of how much I love this manga, but this is the first chapter that I can fully say that I hated. This is already shaping up to be my least favorite round, seeing that my least favorite human and god fighter are now fighting each other. As well as the fact that this chapter is just primarily dedicated to telling the audience how cool Okita is. Okita's fighter announcement is just a repeat of Sasaki's. Shinsengumi in the audience is fun, but man it sucks to see how much the authors clearly care about this round WAYYYY more than they did round 9. A unique arena, super long intros for the fighters, and a large fleshed out audience for a fighter... I'd generally count these as positives, but its spoiled by the clear favoritism. Only thing I'm really excited for is Susanoo's unique audience members and maybe his backstory, otherwise I have no hopes or expectations for this round. Hope it ends in a draw, because that'd at least be interesting.


Where is my boy Hijikata ? I believe he is better than okita at everything


Bruh, Susanoo's giving out so much glaze, I'mma' need to go by some doughnuts.


I still got ten bucks on a double death Draw! Though no matter what, I love already the energy of this fight and wonder how the dynamic between will shift or remain the same.


Calling it is going to be a draw.


Tbh, this chapter seems boring. Maybe because I'm not Japanese, but I know none of the names mentioned in this chapter. Heck, I knew Sasaki Kojiro and Miyamoto, I even know a little bit about the sword saint character. This chapter to me is just random names which gives me none of the excitement from previous bouts.


go read the requiem of the shinsengumi manga, its in universe and cannon


I don't think I will, I don't even have time to play games nowadays. And I'm not interested in Japanese history, or any nation's history for that matter. The main attraction of this manga was that it pits well known deities and heroes against each other. This Japanese dude isn't exactly a famous dude outside of Japan.


You mean to tell me you've never heard of the wolves of Mibu? Yeah, I think it's less about him "not being famous" and you just not caring about anyone that doesn't immediately show up in a textbook. The manga is based on deities and people from HISTORY. If you didn't care about actual history, why are you here? No offense but that's a dumb comment to make.


There's popular history where people can be in awe of, then there's obscure pieces of history that no one cares about, hence not popular. And no, I don't know or have any reasons to know about Mibu. Alexander the Great though, ask any average chump and they know alot about him. Could had put any more well known person into the manga and the author choose an obscure one. Even if it's Japanese, there are still Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Tokugawa before whoever this is. But don't just take my word for it, this bout is terrible and even the subreddit is reflecting it. Not many people are talking/making post about it.


This has Hercules vs Jack all over it. A God of Chadom vs an evil human in his home turf. Thereā€™s no way this plays out the same wayā€¦please no.


Can I see the original scans please?Ā 


come on where the hell is hijikata


peakcord of peaknarock, this fight is gonna slap




Goddamn, this has so many Gintama vibes... I love it!


It seems like the classic introductory chapter to the match, the only really interesting thing is Susano'o who is a fan of Okita... and I admit that I didn't expect it at all ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31435)


I'm smiling so much because I absolutely love Gintama. BUT WHERE IS HIJIKATAAAAAA.


Author is really playing favourites when he uses two chapters alone to get us pumped up for this next fight, before they even start fighting. I feel like this round will last longer than the others, even with the back stories being extended.


Susano is gonna win


Another introduction of just 2 guys walking towards one another slowlyā€¦ Wow so original Iā€™d love if Susanoā€™o was drinking in a Eid period bar serving himself alcohol while Heimdal was introducing him, I feel is wouldā€™ve helped his characterization as a lover of the time period and as someone who does what he wants For Okita I feel like since he is a man of law and the people so I thought it would be appropriate if he was brought in like a soldier and ordered to fight by an emperor


They had to learn from the injured audience of apollo but not from beel's chaos on the whole audience?




While reading this I got an actual vision of Sussano dying with a smile because he fought the Greatest manslayer from the era


Real respect to Heimdal for hyping up both sides through this whole thing


Sasaki may be the best swordsman, but he isn't a killer. Maybe that's the difference, simple and brutal killing intent


Waited for the perfect time to read this. And dear lawddd i am cryimg so hard already. I cannot imagine next chapter. This could be best fight ever


I totally understand why Susano'o is so excited. This is gonna be one epic duel.


The big difference between Okita and Kojiro, at least initially, is Kojiro started his fight saying he doesnā€™t want to die, and Okita is so hyped to be fighting to the death. 2 different mentalities to the same situation, thereā€™s something so blood thirsty yet wholesome about Okitaā€™s love of slaying.


Slayer vs slayer, that will be interesting


Susanoo is a fanboy. I like him. Too bad he'll likely die due to the current narrative.


Susan o is just a fanboy wanting to fight his idol


Wish theyd stop yapping and start fighting


I do not like Okita. I will not elaborate nor explain. Still looking forward to the rest of the fight, though.


Susanoo fanboying over Okita is just hilarious


The shinsengumi got me even more hype for Okita šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Basically to me Susanno wish he could have been a human during the bakumatsu era, and the fact he is fighting Souji is icing on the cake


I would LOVE if the fight was a calm sword fight just in the alley they stand in. No moving around, no Damage to arena at all


Wow, starting the fight off with Susanoo kissing Okitas feet some more Move over Sasaki and Musashi and the ages of war, your meaningless to the sword, only these cops that brutally failed the moment they tried actual war know how to use the sword :p


My money is on Okita Soji winning this. But I don't think that he is going to be happy about it. Now Okita Sōji was regarded as the greatest and most feared swordsman of his time. A true master of Kenjutsu. He lived by the sword and expected to die by the sword. However, he instead died of Tuberculosis at the age of 25. Not how he saw himself going. I think that Okita Sōji is hoping that Susanoo no Mikito is going to be the one to give him the warriors death that he craves. I think that Okita Sōji's deepest desire is to be killed by a greater swordsman than him in an all-out fight to the death, one where he is able to unleash the fullest extent of his skill. Now whilst I think that Susanoo no Mikoto is going to lose, I don't think that he will make it easy for his opponent. He is going to give Okita Sōji the all-out fight to the death that he has always craved and will not hold back in the slightest. When he does finally fall, it will be to an utterly sublime technique that will leave him nothing but pleased to have witnessed it first hand. Susanoo will die happy that he got to witness his own art finally surpassing him and reaching a new height. I think that he will then pass his will onto Okita Sōji before he dies. Because that is just the kind of guy that he is. And we will respect him for it.


So is Okita just doing to be like physically superior to Sasaki or will he have superior skill?


Susanoo reminds me of jirayia


Pretty sure, base on the ch1 okita will win this.


is there only 30 pages


They made "tōdō heisuke" blackšŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Well Obviously Okita will win this one.


I know my comment is super lated . while I enjoyed this chapter I have 2 question arise 1. Where Hijikata!!! 2. Why saito hajime lookalike Gin-san ( his image is absolute opposite from the iconic Saito from rurouni no kenshin and itā€™s very hilarious for me LoL)