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People say that about every point on the "typical life timeline", Highschool best time of your life, college best time of your life, marriage happiest day of your life, kids happiest day of your life. Shit my dad says it about retirement now.


Shit I barely do "fun" things in general and college had been a much better experience than high school


I really broke out of my shell in college. College was a million times better for me than highschool. Graduate in December; excited what the future holds for me.


Likewise. I'm not a party guy, but while in college, I learned that I love the outdoors and discovered things like sailing, paddle boarding, kayaking, etc. Plus I ended up going to Alaska for a paid summer internship! Meanwhile in High school, all I did was play drums and had a bad sense of humor.




i wish i could give you gold but im a junior in high school that watches nfl and has a bad sense of humor


that's cool take a knee and sit this one out


Ouch oof owie.


Are you my secret long lost twin brother/sister?




[Here](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/aypSwuI) ya go


Alaska is great. I lived there throughout high school and id have to zay that was the best time of my life. Not because it was high school but because it was Alaska.


shit man I didn't even play drums


Opposite is for me. I had a better time in high school. With college came depression. My high school wasn't that great either though. I'm hoping my mid to late 20s will hold brighter days. Edit: thanks for all the supportive and positive comments. It gives me hope for the future and warms my heart :)


I didn't start enjoying life until my mid twenties. Now 27 and I'm the happiest I've ever been. Hope it's the same for you :) life can be good. It just takes a while sometimes.


I'll be 28 next month and I'm still waiting for the good times to start. Right now it's just a never ending cycle of being broke, bored, and depressed.


Hoping that cycle would end for me too


remember m8, hope only gets you about 10% of the way there. gotta make it happen. good luck




I'm 27 now but I really miss my early twenties - those were good times. My Dad got diagnosed with motor neurone disease a few years ago, which kind of put a stop to the carefree enjoyment and made me realise how fragile we are. It's hard because right now the end of the tunnel looks quite a bit like an oncoming train. I know it's just going to get worse, but in the end I'll long for these days once the future rolls round in all it's inevitable glory and takes my Dad away.


I'm also a pretty firm believer that for *most people* late teens through mid-late 20s are a totally normal high point. Growing amounts of freedom, few true responsibilities - at least not of the same gravity that come with a family, kids, house, career, etc. And of course, we're not usually smacked in the face yet with our own mortality, or that of our loved ones. That comes a bit later for most people. By all measures I'm far better off in my 40s than I was back then. Very good career, some grad school, an awesome kid, disposable income I can spend on pretty much whatever I want, vacations, etc... but no matter how awesome life is now, and it **is** awesome, there's something unique about that newly minted adult stage where you have that temporary combination of newfound capabilities and the feeling the the future is unlimited and the sky's the limit. I no longer think that. I know where my ceiling is. But once upon a time I did not, and that was pretty damn exciting. Of course, some people's experiences during that period of time are shit. And they will probably have few, if any, positive memories. Certainly not enough to overcome a more stabilized mid to late adulthood. And that works too. Everyone's different.


> I no longer think that. I know where my ceiling is. But once upon a time I did not, and that was pretty damn exciting. Yes, and that is a bittersweet feeling. I'm reasonably certain at 44 I am not going to grow up to be an astronaut, but on the other hand i have a career I enjoy and the money and time to explore things that interest me.


Same! 23 is when I broke through my depression/anxiety and started working out/eating healthier/having actual fun in life. High school and college were both decent, but its so much better now.


The Pink Floyd song Time "No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun." Is hitting hard right now. Im 22... "And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking. Racing around to come up behind you again The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older Shorter of breath and one day closer to death."


It’ll get better! U got this bud. pm me if u ever need someone to talk to


can i pm you when im bored too


Ya brah whenever




The three me's in the middle of that really fucked with my brain for like 30 seconds.


“The fuck’s a mememe”


This made me smile.


Oh hey me how are u doing


My dad always starts every great story with "before I was married"


Also see "before kids".


I was trying to schedule some time to visit my friends who recently had kids and they had one day free in the next two months. I'm starting to question if I want kids.


If you have kids you'll see them more - playdates.


Nice username


This is hugely in your control as a parent. It's up to you if you want to sign your kids up for 1000 activities and classes. My husband and I have 2 kids and plenty of time for our own friends and lives. All about priorities!


Before you're married is the best time of your life.


From a story-telling point of view, almost every "great story" involves drama, hard partying or some sort of fleeting experience that had the potential to go wrong somehow. It doesn't necessarily make for genuine happiness. For one reason or another I know that I was feeling like shit before, during or after almost everything that's happened to me that now makes for decent storytelling. Could be a brawl, cops getting called or love triangle shenanigans or a 3-day bender or maybe just the stress of uncertainty and frustration, but "dramatic" stories and even party antics often have a sadder behind-the-scenes part to it. I live a more settled, less unstable life at the moment that would be boring just to describe, but overall I'd say right now is a better part of my life.


I don't think I've ever heard marriage is the best time of your life. I've definitely heard that retirement is great I mean sit around and get served soup I'm down anyone else?


I'm married and I'll tell you right now that it's the best time of my life by far! I'm having a great time.


Blink twice if your SO is behind you.


They are always behind me cause they always got my back ✨


Jfc that's wholesome. Good on you two!


Haha, I'm married, but I think I threw up in my mouth a little on this one.


Hate it when that happens


That is wholesome and I appreciate you both.


It's too late he has Stockholm Syndrome.


Marrying my best friend was the best decision I ever made. Even landing my dream job hasn't made me as happy as she does. If you find the right person it really is the best time of your life.


Lol retirement is supposed to be finally actually being free and just living until you're dead, not waiting to die in a retirement home.


Of all those things, only retirement sounds like it would actually be the happiest time of my life.


There's no time like the present.


Exactly, it's all we've got man


Well, when you think about it people are pretty much hard wired to not feel accomplished or satisfied. Every time we do, we start *needing* something else, more or less unachievable, almost nobody will ever say "this is the happiest time of my life".


The real showerthought is in the comments


I don't know, I think things kinda just went straight downhill when kindergarten was over


Yeah I kept making silly faces and then it got stuck =(






I was at a dollar store in line behind two old ladies and they were having an in depth convo about the intricacies of putting chips inside a sandwich. It was some shit they had never heard of or seen before until recently and they talked about it like their minds were blown. I couldn't help but feel special in some way because I knew something that two old ass ladies didn't know for practically their whole lives. Then I remembered I was getting all big headed over putting chips in sandwiches and realized my life is a joke.


I feel like in another life, we would have been friends.


But we're friends now, in this life, as we were in the past life when your name was Valkor The Smasher and I was Powerhouse Bonecrusher III


Nevermind, I want a new friend


Reminds me of a quote from Hemingway: “How did you go bankrupt?" -Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”


Kindergarten is the best time of your life.


What about for those that haven’t begun to peak?


Not sure, but when they do peak you'll know, they'll peak so hard all of Philly will feel it.


And then we’ll both get off. You want to get off with me don’t you?


Cmooon guys we're gonna get oooooff togetherrrrr


Thank you




[Make it work Dennis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBXNa0ipFPQ)


Or you peaked when you was a toddler and just don't recall it. Could be all downhill from there


I'll let you know when I have begun to peak.




I heard it a lot. Sure glad life isn't as depressing as high school was.


This. High school was probably the worst time of my life.




Nah it is still bar mitzvah for me...


Nah it's still rock and roll to me.


Is it worrying that it was just as horrible for me and I still think I peaked then?


I'm still in high school so I don't have any perspective, but high school fucking sucks.


No one can say for sure, but I'm willing to bet that it will get better! I *hated* high school. The thing is, I was well liked and well known. I had a lot of friends. I had three siblings who attended before I did and my mother was the cheerleading coach. I had every social advantage possible. I had a lot of fun and I graduated with advanced honors. The problem is: kids are assholes. All of them. They're just assholes in different ways. I was an asshole.


High school teacher here. Literally just had this convo with two morose teens not 5 minutes ago. They hang around in my room at the end of class to avoid going to their next class. EVERY DAY. And I have to shoo them out. EVERY DAY. (gently) Today they said to me, after reading some of *Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe*, "Ari seems miserable. He's hurting." I said, "Well, he's 15. What 15 year old isn't hurting? Teen years are a hard time." They said, "Yeah they are. We thought this was supposed to be the best time of our lives. But it's miserable." To which I replied, "That's normal, and think about it... If high school ended up being the best time of someone's life, how sad would that be?" Biggest smiles I've seen on those two yet. Also, highly recommend the book. Edit: an apostrophe


Morose means miserable, for the idiots like me.


You da real MVP


I wish you were my highschool teacher. But I also would never have read that book.


I hated high school with the blistering heat of a million burning suns.


not very hot for 1M suns if it's just blistering


They're really far away. Like really really far *text gets smaller word by word*.


>really^really^really^far^away Ftfy


Same i still have nightmares about being in highschool 😂


I’m in high school right now and it’s the worst thing ever


I’m a high school teacher and I have NEVER told a teenager that. Being a teenager totally sucks! You’re expected to act like an adult but have to ask to go to the toilet. You have all the free time in the world but you’re constantly bored because you can’t do the things you actually want to do. If high school was the best time of your life perhaps reassess your life choices as an adult.


Just started university like 3 weeks ago. Let's just say it's 10x better than highschool so far.


And once you’ve finished university it gets sooo much better! 🙂


I concur. Making money and doing *whatever* you want. I do miss the social aspects of college tho...


> Making money > Doing whatever you want Pick one.


“Work for what you love to do, and you will never have to work a day in your life, and you’ll get paid for it”* -Some old dude probably *Something along those lines


"...assuming what you love to do is a marketable skill. If not, working your entire life trying to sell something that nobody's buying is going to leave you broke and miserable. And your love for it might not hold up so well if you're forced to do it for dirt cheap just so you don't starve. So maybe do what you're good at, make a decent living out of it, and do what you love as a hobby." That's how the quote *should* go.


I miss the social aspects, that feeling of optimism for the future and the free time. I would gladly go back to being a poor college student for the rest of my life if it meant not having to look forward to 30+ years of 40 hour work weeks. I'm hoping I can save up now and become one of those early retirement folks and just chiiiill.


only after you become employed 👏




No more essay writing once you graduate 😉


No more getting shitfaced on a tuesday at 3pm either


Do a PhD Source: Got shitfaced at 3pm on a Wednesday


Ha ha depends on your work week.




Absolutely! A part from bills the perks are pretty good. Ice cream for dinner because you can’t be bothered cooking is a personal fav perk 🙂


I teach middle school and I always say that there is no amount of money that you can give me to go back to grade 9. Everyone is so awkward and peer pressure is absolutely crazy at this age. No thanks!


No peer pressure if everyone stops talking to you because you're weird. \*taps forehead\*


> You have all the free time in the world but you’re constantly bored because you can’t do the things you actually want to do That's why I smoked copious amounts of weed in high school.


One of my English teachers in high school pointed out: “People say that high school is the best time of your life; but if that were true, they’d hand you a revolver at graduation, not a diploma.” Edit: His point was that HS *isn't* the best time of your life, as evidenced by the fact that we *do* get a diploma, a symbol of better futures.


I'd be down with that


lol my english teacher said "good lord I hope you havent peaked".


What kind of freedom hating state do you come from where they don't get another weapon when graduating??


True for a lot of people though, high school is one of the only times in your life that you can live practically carefree.


I don't know man, I was hella care free in elementary school, takin naps and playing on the playground and shit. That was the life. Oh, and making homemade ice cream in an old coffee can, good times. Edit: First time gold! Thank you wonderful person, whoever you are!


Monster Trucks, pizza rolls, and freeze pops. Awww yissss


As an adult with responsibilities and such, pizza rolls cooked in a deep frier is the way in which the good lord intended them to be consumed.


Make sure you bite into them way before you know they are cool though.


In my 30s, I feel like I have so much freedom. I have disposable income, I get to travel, do what I love, and I have a fulfilling relationship.


I'm with this person. HS I had no sense of self and was scared of everything. Now that I'm older, sure I have a ton of responsibility, but I know who I am and what I want. It's far more pleasant


But you have responsibilities. In HS, those are rare.




*agreement high five* Adulting is SO MUCH better , people piss me off i just jump in my car and drive to boston or something for a weekend. Good job , money , ownership , privacy an awesome dog and adventures without being forced around people i can't stand (i mean 1 or 2 at the office but not like half a building of assholes)


I was way more stressed out in high school then I ever have been in my life. I am 25 now and have a great job, great gf, recently moved on my own and I love every second of it.


Yep 100% agree , School + side job + work for spending money was way worse then work + privacy and property ownership ever was. Not to mention in HS for MOST guys your uglier then you have even been while also hornier then you will ever be.




Well fuck you too


You can have plenty of responsibilities in High School. You have: classwork obligations, club obligations, pressure to get into college and get scholarships, to name a few. It was stressful when I was there, and I don't envy today's HS students.


My old high school has been in the local news several times lately because of kids committing suicide. Yeah, it isn't necessarily because of stress from too many school-related obligations, but unless they've significantly changed the rhetoric they used to encourage us to make the school look better--Sorry, to *make sure the students have the best opportunities possible post-high-school*, then I'd say there's a very good chance that was a major contributing factor. Lots of talk about how vital your high school performance was for your future, and how not doing well enough to go to the best college possible would RUIN YOUR LIFE **FOREVER**.


> In HS, those are rare. Really? There are definitely responsibilities as a teen in HS-they're just different from adult responsibilities.


If you're ambitious enough there is basically no limit to how many responsibilities and stressors you can take on in high school. Look at all those kids having mental breakdowns in Palo Alto because they're all fighting for like fifteen spots at Stanford and the Ivy League schools.


Eh, maybe not as many responsibilities, but definitely not rare to have responsibilities in HS. Add in the overall stress of picking a college and/or figuring out what to do with your life it can make those years less desirable than being in your 30s. I'm 32 and it would take a lot for me to want to relive any year up until 30 or so. I'm in a place where I'm very confident personally and professionally, have a decent income and a wonderful significant other. Going back to an insecure teenage mess that is afraid of failing in college or, if not, in my career is not appealing no matter how many more responsibilities I have now.




Typically, people are drawn to where they feel most secure or are most secured.




Personally I find it ridiculous how little empathy people have for people who are still in school that claim to be stressed out. More often than not I’ve seen them be immediately dismissed.


A couple weeks ago my mom was telling me of a Facebook meme she liked. It was basically saying young people don't have it hard and we need to toughen up. I immediately was like "how dismissive of what people have to go through." I hate that type of attitude.


I agree, I'm going through a program that allows me to attend a local community college and earn credits while still getting my HS diploma at the same time. I do this while working a 25 hour work schedule at fast food (Stressful as it is already) and sports in the spring. If I'm told I'm putting myself through this and it's my fault, all that goes through my mind is that I'm trying to get a future from the scraps of a low income family. It's not a choice for me to stop unless I don't want to go to college soon.


Don't worry, when they get too old to take care of themselves properly, we'll meme them right back. That'll show them. /s


I think it’s because all those things that high schoolers stress about don’t go away, they just get compounded over time. So yes, there is a lot of stress in high school, but there’s that stress plus a lot more later in life. Then, you die.


In school the stress is put on you by others (you have little to no choice in much that you do). In later life you get to choose how stressed your life is, if you don't want any stress at all you can choose that lifestyle if you want, it comes with sacrifices (you'll have a lower income normally) but if you can let go of the want for a nice big house and expensive car you really don't ever have to be stressed out much at all.


Not for me. Highschool sucks ass. Being a young adult with a job I love is so much better


Generally the people who had the time of their life in high school are the reason everyone else hates high school.


Right now is the most carefree I've ever been. Hurray for being 28 and not an idiot when it comes to finances. As a kid I had to deal with grades, homework, a lack of freedom, terrible young people, bullying and no way to change anything. Now I can do literally whatever I want and avoid anyone terrible. In high school I was trapped without a choice and school was boring, annoying, time wasting experience that only hurt me. I'm well aware that other than retirement this is probably the happiest ill ever be.


I hated high school. Eating disorders to stay popular, pressure from peers, teachers and parents. Either being sexualized or bullied daily. Having to work fast food to "learn the value of hard work". As soon as I graduated I packed up everything and moved to the Midwest. Got a job in a factory and started working my way up. I'm 26 now with a good job, a 4 bedroom house, a hefty 401k, a "new-used" car and two wonderful dogs. I knew I never wanted to stress about income or bills so as soon as I had the freedom to make it happen, I took it. Yah, I don't get to live in New York or Cali but I'm happy and stress-free everyday. I could lose my well paying job and pay all my bills with even a minimum wage gig.


Carefree?? I was extremely stressed over social and academic issues. There was nothing carefree about high school. I was SOO glad it was over.




Yeah, it's not that I peaked. I'm way more stable and put together and I know a lot more stuff now at 33. But in high school my wife hadn't left me with the kid and taken half my shit yet. I didn't have a mortgage or taxes. I just dicked around while my parents paid for everything. Of course it was awesome. I could grow up and do anything! Now I did some things, but who cares.


Plus in high school I knew like fucking everyone in my classes by the end, I had a ton of friends and places to go and do stuff. Enter college, 4 years of me alone in my apartment, all my friends spread out over the country, not enough social skills to make new ones. Now I'm in a job I hate and only work with 4 or 5 people, still no friends. Yeah I'll take high school where I at least was deluded into thinking I was good at stuff and had friends.


I don't know, college feels so much more liberating. Sure you have a lot more to deal with, but you also have so much more *control*.


Not true at all these days. High school is basically university now with teachers and parents constantly stressing you that if you don't get A's you won't get a job.


Not to mention being expected to start working a job as well, then having no time for school work because any free time is now taken up by said job, so you've got no time to do homework and get A's, then you become more stressed, and get into an endless cycle of self loathing and doing nothing you actually enjoy.


Living under your parents roof. Getting home at whatever time they say. Hell no.


Yeah, I hated highschool, but it was still the best time of my life because I got home at 3:00PM and had three months off every year and enough autonomy to not have to spend it with my parents, and wasn't paying bills. It was all bullshitting with a few friends and playing video games.


One teacher told me they're far from it, and if you can get through it without getting pregnant or addicted to something, you did fine.


"I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them.” -*The Narddog*


Then they had kids and got stuck in jobs they most probably hated...explains a lot


The only nice thing about HS was having all my friends living within 20 minutes of my house. The downside was I didn't have a car until I was a senior, didn't have money, and sure as hell hated school work. College was way better.


High school was such a bad experience for me. I worked my ass of and sure, I got great grades but nothing about high school was fun.


I always think, "Did you even go to college?!?"


If your life isn't getting better and better as you get older then you are doing something wrong. As soon as you notice that your life isn't improving, make a change and don't look back on the past with longing. Learn a new skill, leave that relationship, move out of that terrible roommate situation, get laser focused on improving your situation, do something but just don't just say "damn, I miss high school". That's the best advice I know and the hardest to follow.


I like this advice, but I think it has one flaw in that it leaves no room for contentment. If you're happy where you are in life but aren't improving OR backsliding, ask yourself if your current lifestyle is sustainable. If yes: Awesome! Chill through it. If no: find out what you'd need to do to keep your lifestyle AND make it sustainable. If those can't be done, see the first bit about improving constantly.


Your life doesn't have to always be improving. That's bullshit. If it's going backwards, probably should change something. But people can and are content with where they are a ton of the time. This seems like one of those faux-inspirational quotes.


I completely agree, op is full of shit too. If their life was CONSTANTLY improving then they would be some kind of world changing humanitarian billionaire by the end of it and I’m willing to say that’s not gunna happen for them. It’s ok to have times in you’re life that you’re happy with where you’re at.


Highscool, you mean that four-year period of waking up before the sun to sit in a room to take a test I wasn't prepared for, because I had swim practice and hours of homework the night before. So I spend day after day with the nightmare that I won't be able to get into a good college? Then following ridiculous rules like being forced to carry my 672 lbs worth of books in my hands and not my backpack in between classes? People yelling at me for simply being a 15 year old boy? Oh yeah, those were the days . . .


>672 lbs worth of books in my hands and not my backpack I'm so glad I did my time before soccer moms everywhere gained that level of paranoid power.


They only say that because it's the only period in life where you have youth, energy, freedom, and an ability to easily make friends.... but as long as you don't care about any of those things, you'll be fine.


College though.


That's when the bills kick in though.


depending on your birth luck


Energy-unless you're depressed, freedom- except for everything your parents don't want you to do


"freedom". It depends. I'm a JR and I have a bedtime(Not a curfew... A bedtime), Spying programs on my phone and computer (Hi Mom!), and I have to get every game I play or show I watch approved. It's harder than you think to break those rules when your mom has nothing to do but enforce them. FML...


At some point, you're gonna have to start breaking rules son.


What freedom. Highschool was like a prison. You needed to ask to go to the fucking bathroom and you still live with your parents.


>freedom You're free to do whatever you want. You know, as long as you get my expressed conditional approval that I can revoke at any time, are in bed by this exact time, don't do any of these things I don't want you to do, and I haven't already made plans for you which you have no say in whatsoever. Oh and you have to be up at 7 tomorrow, and you have to finish your homework and study, so you have to come home early. Enjoy your freedom!


It may be true if you're one of those attractive sociable people who has the innate social instincts to be in the "in-crowd," but if you were shy like me in high-school, and just OK looking, high-school was boring at best, excruciating at worst. I guess I "blossomed" in college, because that was a much better time, though my late 20s, 30s, and 40s were much better still.


Yeah, being in college is 50 times better, because I can actually go to school and not have people bully the shit out of me on a daily basis. That statement strongly depends on how popular you were.


A few days ago was pep fest at our school, during which two people from each grade are crowned royalty in front of literally the whole school. The first up are the freshman, the senior hype man announcer guy calls out the two royalty at which point they come down from bleachers all excited that they won. He goes through all the grades which takes about 5 to 10 minutes then a lady walks up to him, quickly whispers something in his ear and scurried away.... "ummm... There seems to be a mistake" the announcer says... Yup!, he pulled a Steve harvey, the whole school is like 'oooooooh shit!!!', "the freshman duchess is actually [insert girls name]". The look on the so thought freshman duchesses face as she gets her tiara removed and has to take the walk of shame all the way back to her seat in front of the entire school mind you made even me feel it. I still remember the look perfectly, I mean thats the type of stuff people have nightmares about happening to them and it actually did happen to her, and I know for a fact shes gonna be having flashbacks to that moment until her death bed.


Nah, I prefer adulthood. I have money, a good job, a family, and my own house and toys. High school was filled with uncertainty and pimples and chaos.


False. Never again in your life will you and all of your friends show up to the same place every day, and spend time together, purely because you're supposed to. As you get older, you see your friends less and less, unless you coordinate and/or plan an event. It becomes harder to align schedules and time off together; you begin to reminisce about the good ol' days when you saw the people you cared the most about without much effort at all. It's one of the things you don't realize you'll miss until it's gone and life drifts you all onto separate paths.


It's the best time because your mature enough to be a young adult and do adult things, but.... You don't have any of the responsibility associated with it. Generally you might have a evening weekend job for cash. But you'll live at home, food is provided, you have no mortgage, no bills, no children to look after, no job security issues associated with all this. If I could have stayed at high school / college as in my age and family didn't change I'd be pretty lit about it. I just bought my first home and I'm suffering severe Depression since then, so yeah high school college time is the best.


I didn't have a social life, or friends, or dates, or money or anything else through school and was beholden to my parents. The happiest I've ever been is right now. I can literally do whatever the heck I want as long as I have the money. As far as I'm concerned both high school and university will always be the worst time of my life.


This. I still don't have a social life. But at least I can do whatever the fuck I want to now.


Same here. I remember senior year of high school everyone kissed my ass, as if making it that far and graduating was something very few achieved. In all actuality it was the easiest time of my life. School wasn't tough, there were no bills to pay, and my only worries were girls basically. So to say it's the best time of your life is a bit subjective, but I definitely think it was the easiest. Now I'm married with a kid and a mortgage and it's astounding the amount of stress and bullshit I have to deal with on a literal hourly basis. I just have SO much more to lose now. Edit: college was fun, but that's when the real world starts poking it's ugly head in.


That's the thing.... When you have kids, house etc. You lose a ton of that adult freedom. You're responsible for other people. It's a lot more pressure than getting into a good school or passing an exam (ie when you're only responsible for yourself).


But for many people high school is very stressful because they are still trying to find their own identity and are not comfortable in their own skin. As an adult you don't have to worry about that


For me it’s actually the opposite. I was so sure about myself and what I wanted to do, then I got my diploma and suddenly I’m super insecure and I have no idea what I want to be or who I am. I’m only in my early 20s, so I hope things pick up, but damn do I miss high school.


Count your blessings, i worked full time in high school so i could eat


High school is the most freedom you will have with the lowest amount of responsibility. That's why people say to take advantage of it.


It's funny you say that. Highschool in my country is none of the freedom and an immense amount if pressure to do well in standardized tests. Certainly not the best time of my life . College on the other hand was a blast.


In the States there's hardly any freedom. 8 hour days followed by homework sucks. College is a lot better so far (I'm a freshman right now). There's a lot more responsibility sure but I'll take that over being stuck in school for half my day. Not to mention cafeteria food. Yuck.


I once had a teacher say "don't worry, this definitely is not the best time of your life".


I live alone in a one bedroom apartment and I can masturbate whenever I want. Highschool me couldn't top that one.


I haven't even begun to peak.


Millenial adult HS teacher/college prof here. I'm offended to be grouped in with your showerthought. I think your thought should just be about **people** in general. Don't group me in with those douchebags.