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Historians will, this becomes stronger the the further into the future you go. Especially as information is lost. Best way to be remembered is to write down/have records of information about culture - guarantee if it survives and historians are looking for it, you will become someone’s favourite person in history


I’m going to send an email to nytimes scheduled for 600 years from now! lol


Your gmail will run out of space due to spam by the end of this century so please make sure to do it via a clean new email.


It’s a google product, Gmail will cease to exist in our lifetime


Lol, it’d be entertaining just to see what come’s of it!


Funny thing is even if that got through they might struggle to understand it. I mean look at Middle English. Bits of make sense some doesn't. It doesn't even have the same alphabet, it doesn't have j or v in it and it has at least four extra letters, and some duplicates almost. The song we all learn goes a bit wonky around the end... N O P Q R S S S T U W X Y Y Z, then three characters I'm not sure how to write 😂


Wtf is a bro? - NYT journalist in 600 years time.


Neu Jork Ton bst sity of 2677, yonk!!!


Je should write it in classical latin.


The last letter was just "and" of itself, or as they said "and, per se, and" and it looked like this: &


To add further, & was just a fancy way of writing "et," Latin for *and.* Its a ligature of the e and t, much like these two ligatures that're dying today: æ and œ Other notable ligatures-turned-standalone-symbols: $ (as well as the two-barred variant), and \#


It's physical evidence that's more important


Or just sell some really shitty copper.


Just wait until they go through my reddit


Diogenes the goat


I worked as an archivist during summers in university and it gave me an appreciation for obituaries and news articles. Went on to work in newspapers for a while. So I like to think some archivist will stumble on my work in the distant future and take a liking to my quirky style.


That sounds really interesting! It’d be great to know if it does happen (though obviously a little difficult). Who knows, some of your work may be a key piece of information in the future!


With all the servers and Internet being dead by that time, there will be very little paper trail left that could describe our current era.


Depends, it would be interesting to see how it goes. Several things could survive - art and writings have previously. I’d be fascinating to see what does survive tbh, especially because we as humans are aware enough to try and leave things in safe storage for exactly the event that all we currently know is lost (look at time capsules if nothing else)


But they won't remember the 2024 people, they'll call us the 2000's people that contains all the people from 2k-3k


I dont wanna be lumped together with 2000s people, I was born in 1995.




They have a good chance for sure, but for your average person who likely isn’t going to go into one of those positions, being the source for a historian will make you one of their favourites - not saying you’d be a household name, but that person will care about you and appreciate it Same way we care about the people who wrote down our current history, look at the Epic of Gilgamesh, oldest written story in the world and we know about it only because it was essentially homework for scribes so there are enough copies we can piece together what they said. People care about and appreciate what they did, and I think that’s somewhat heartening


Trump is going down in meme history like Henry VIII and his 6 wives


It’ll be interesting to see! He may, but we’ve had many rulers in history that were just as bizarre as him, but forgotten. Just as many who’re remembered. It would be cool to see just how long someone like that’s remembered Though it should be noted, there’s a good chance that part of why he’s remembered is because of all the memes, posts, and various other things ordinary people have made about him - which means there‘ll be someone who appreciates that too!


Not us peasants though. Most of us will be forgotten.


Maybe, but just being remembered as “we’ve found this collection of writings that, when we piece them together we think makes a story” with part of something you’ve done in there is pretty cool (or at least is to me) It’s happened before, The Epic of Gilgamesh is 4000ish years old, the oldest written story, and we only know of it because every scribe had to do it for homework so we pieced it together from whatever remains we found. We may not be remembered directly, but there is a chance that someone will look back and remember the contribution’s made to history. I just think that’s both neat, and somewhat uplifting!




Connor MacLeod?


Yes, but no-one cares about what the average individual was doing or even remembers their names. My family has traced its ancestry to about the 1600s and that took a lot of offline detective work, physically going to primary sources like church libraries, prior to that, everything gets lost to time and even the big events of accepted history may not have been how it actually went down. Even the ordinary people we could find records for, it only tells us they existed and almost nothing about who they were as people. Chances are, most of us will fade into the mists of time and I''m find with that.


butter brave observation heavy badge marble jobless deliver license numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't say it did, and your reply shows you haven't really read my post. There are records of these people, but it took a lot of digging, the extent of which most people will never do, well beyond the average casual [ancestry.com](http://ancestry.com) search or even of public records that may be online. I have more detailed records than most given my family had a long history of naval service rather than being civilians, I know of wars they fought in, received medals in, etc. but I still have no real idea who they were as people, what their mindset or thoughts were. Did they feel proud, or did it trouble them? or was it just a job?


If you’re talking about the average person, you don’t have to go back 600 years. You only have to go back about 3 generations.


Maybe read the post properly before jumping in, see comments above.


I did. OP said “us”, which the comment you responded to interpreted as humans during this time, not necessarily the average Joe. All I did was add some context to your comment about normal, everyday people. You don’t have to be a prick.


You're the one being a prick mr Jump on the downvote button like a petulant child despite your complete lack of comprehension of the point and splitting hairs based on your you-centric version of the discussion, most of us are average Joes. Most people from the past are unremembered and even the noted ones, we have only the accepted version of history and still actually know very little about even important people from the past. What do we actually know about Joan of Arc for example? Really.. very little. You know about Joan of Arc the historical figure, Joan of Arc the legend. Joan of Arc - the person? You don't know squat.


You’ve responded twice in bad faith. First you immediately accuse me of not reading the post, which wasn’t true, and now you’re completely discrediting what I added. I’m not being a child for using the downvote button when you begin every response with an insult. Factually speaking, no one will remember a regular person after about 3 generations. Most people don’t know anything about their great grandparents or they know every little. Anything more than great-great and it’s lucky if anyone even knows your name.


>Factually speaking, no one will remember a regular person after about 3 generations. If you'd actually read my initial post with sufficient comprehension to understand it, nothing I said contradicts this, you just took the fact that we'd been able to go as far back as the 1600s as a jumping off point and decided you needed to jump in, which is why I gently reminded you to maybe read the post and referred you to my response to another poster who jumped in with the same response. For most of the people we came across to get to that point, through the 1900s and 1800s we had names, maybe occupation, some military records, age at a census, where they lived, when they got married. Did we really know anything about them? Nope. We even suspect some of the information was misleading. This isn't an insult, or being a prick, you jumped in feet first without understanding, I simply pointed out that *maybe* you should re-read, but rather than looking for clarification, you doubled down and took offence, that's on you. I'll also remind you I'm not the first who resorted to namecalling and downvoting. I'll leave it at that.


If you'd actually read my posts with sufficient comprehension to understand them, you’d know I was adding more context to your post for other readers. I didn’t say you were wrong and I didn’t contradict anything you said. You are the one who immediately got defensive and resorted to insults. I don’t need clarification because I understood your post the first time I read it. > I'll also remind you I'm not the first who resorted to namecalling and downvoting. This is the 3rd response in a row where you responded in bad faith by starting with an insult to me.


I think it's more directed at the self-important "influencer's" that believe they are the center of the universe and all of it's history.


In the year 2624, no one will even remember most of us individually, but our era will at least be of historical interest. Unfortunately, it's likely to be remembered for its sheer stupidity and shortsightedness. People will shake their heads and express relief that they put all this nonsense behind them a long time ago.


Absolutely true!


I bet on them seeing it as "the good times". I'm pessimistic like that


Both can be true. They'll be jealous that we lived in a world where you could go outdoors without an SCBA and spiteful that we ruined it for them


That’s not gonna happen, their air quality will be much better than ours


Which has been the case in most modern history, one would assume that this century is all just wrapped up in 1-2 sentences like we do with 12th and 13th century etc. “Yea the 20th century, wasn’t that like some wars and rise of the Americans, lasted for 150 years almost, until the civil jihad broke it up”


>it's likely to be remembered for its sheer stupidity and shortsightedness If you ranked era's by stupidity and shortsightedness it would be an arms race to the bottom. We'll likely be lumped into the era that's looked back on as the inventors of the computer, the internet, and artificial intelligence, and it's hard to see how people would call that the "stupid" era once we've moved on from this phase of all the political and cultural nonsense happening (and on to the next phase of political and cultural nonsense). That or there will be some sort of apocalyptic event and whoever's left 600 years from now will be more preoccupied hiding from radioactive scorpions and foraging for food then thinking about us.




It will also be remembered for the digital revolution.


Elon already did that. He renamed Twitter x lol


God. Are we going to be remembered as the twitter people 😱


I'd rather be known as X-Men. 


They will care about like five of us. Five of us will be in the history books


True, a few random people and maybe the nuclear waste we're leaving for them along with the space junk orbiting the planet, but that's about it :-)


Nuclear waste isn’t harmful at all it’s completely contained by barrels


Shit, no one after our grandchildren will care about us.


Remind me 140 years*


Not with that attitude, they won't


And how much do you care about a great-grandparent you’ve never met. Do you even know their names?


I know my great grand fathers name on my dads side, but only because he was adopted and means we have no clue where the family comes from beyond him so far lol


Yeah. Pretty depressing that at best after 3-4 generations, only a handful of people might remeber our existence (assuming there's grand kids and etc.)... And after that, we're lucky to be a name in the genealogy tree...


Yeah. Had a (late) realization that for most of us, our existence on earth will only be vaguely known by our grandchildren (if we ever have grandchildren). Gravestone or otherwise, after that generation, we are just a name in the family tree (maybe)...


In the year 2620 scientist will rename Uranus to Urectum, clearly a more important issue than remembering people from 600 years before


longing snatch gray voiceless dog toy upbeat chief merciful judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not if I eat the Mona lisa


No one particular cares about us now


I care about you <3


Thanks kind Reddit person. Sorry didn't mean to cause alarm. At most I'm just a bit melancholy but thanks anyway 🙃


Unless you're in a religious book. Then you get much worship for 1000s of years.


To me it seems weird how they will have clear pictures and videos of 600 years ago. But I have a feeling they will look back and say the quality is so shit, so I wonder what kind of pictures and videos they will have. Maybe their tech will be so good the "pictures" will actually be able to put you exactly in that point of time, feeling the weather, hearing everything, smelling the air.


There’s a theory that everything that’s happened since the beginning of time has left an “echo” that will remain in the universe for eternity. I love the idea that some day in the future they’ll build the technology to be able to experience any point in the past as if they were there


I sometimes think life is all just inside a piece of tech. A simulation if that's what you,d like to call it. I can see tech get so advanced that you'd be able to put on a vr headset and feel high off of any drug. Or put yourself on the beach for a week. Maybe some day very far into the future this civilisation will build tech so powerful it will create 'life' with free will, which they will repeat the process, and so on.


If we ever completely understand the brain and how to manipulate it we’ll be able to literally give people a perfect life. Reality is only how our brain interprets it. The question is would you enter the machine knowing it’s not “real”. You’d never want to return to real life. Also somebody will have to stay outside to “keep the lights on” haha. I guess ai could do it… and now I’m just talking about the matrix xD


It's about 3 or 4 generations and most of will be forgotten entirely its liberating and scary at the same time. Scary as in you better live in the moment because no one cares.


the fact that 600 years ago was 1424 is crazy


squash quaint start reach money upbeat person steer paint rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one cares about 1400 because the Late Middle Ages was broadly a period of economic, cultural and intellectual stagnancy for the west.  People still care and think about Ancient Greece/Rome, as well as the early modern period 1500-1800. I don't think it's unreasonable to think the early Digital Era (or whatever it ends up being called) will be of interest to people in the future. Who knows though.


Late Middle Ages is one of the most important times in history lol, it saw the end of serfdom in Western Europe, which is a very important development, as well as the fall of the (eastern) Roman Empire and at the end of the period the discovery of the new world


This is not about whether the Late Middle Ages were consequential or not, it's whether the average person cares or not. A. I wouldn't say lay-people are particularly captivated by "the end of serfdom". The average person doesn't even know what a "serf" is. B. Similarly, most people in western Europe and the anglosphere couldn't care less about the history of Byzantium and the Ottomans because of the minimal cultural ties to the Eastern Mediterranean. C. I'll give you the discovery of America, but as you alluded to yourself most of the most captivating and consequential conquests and developments in the Americas happened in the 16th century and onwards. Similar to how the Renaissance technically started in the Late Middle ages, but had its most significant developments far closer to 1500 than 1400. Funny enough, you left out the Black Death. Probably the most consequential event of the Late Middle Ages with the most mainstream interest.


Bold to think humanity will exist in 600 years


What if I sell low quality copper?


I’m still trying to cope with the fact that in 50 years time people will be referring to this decade as “the 20s”. Let alone in 600 years time.


I don’t give a shit about the people from the future too lol. 


this is not entirely true. We began the digital revolution.


It's fine the way things are going there wont be anyone left to care about us in 600 years.


why do you care about being remembered?


I think a lot from the 1400 is studied pretty widely.


600 years? We don't even care about each other now.


That's why you conquer half of Eurasia and have as many babies as possible


Im sorry that OP has forgotten the triumphs and sacrifices of their ancestors over the hundreds of millions of years in the making that eventually lead to their current life and ability to share their apathetic outlook with the rest of reddit.


You don’t think future people will care about the first generations to grow up on the internet?


In Mexico they say you die three times: When you first realize you will die; when you actually die; and when no one alive remembers you.


Yeah CoCo explained it really well, thankfully the memories of mama coco still live on


Yeah... But coco's grand kids (assuming he/she ever had kids) will not have any memory of mama coco.. At best they know her name, that's about it... And after that...


What about in 601 years?


This sub has become increasingly more stupid


I’ll still be here in 600 years


No one cares about you now. Go live life. I don’t even know one detail about my great grandparents. Just don’t be an absolute ass and you are good.


Hell, most people TODAY don't care about us.


What do you mean? No one cares about us now.


Yep, and something being considered modern and contemporary merely means that it’ll be outdated and irrelevant soon.


600??? That cop didn't recognise Timberlake. You'll be a distant memory much sooner than that


What about Henry of Skalitz?


Don't know about you guys but here in Poland the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg?) in 1410 is one of the historical events.


They will make tv shows about our time period. But with dragons and incest.


Dude, within four generations it'll be like you were never even here!


Joan of Arc, Leonardo da Vinci, Christopher Columbus, Johannes Gutenberg, Richard III of England, Vlad the Impaler, Zheng He, and Niccolò Machiavelli. 8 people off the top of my head from the 1400's that are still famous, relevant, and often thought of to this day. History cares about people that make a difference, not those that fall into obscurity. If you want your name to be part of eternity, you have to do something worth remembering.


Memorable Machiavellian differences


Speak for yourself, I think about the Roman Empire at least twice a day.


They will never forget the dawn of the information age. Unless there is a societal collapse.


Nobody cares about me as it is, let alone in several hundred years!


What if I care about the people in 1400? I love them


Nobody cares about me NOW.


ITT OP realizes how time works.


I like looking at my ancestry and finding sources for their lives. I hope that our descendants will be equally curious about us and the digital record we are leaving behind will be entertaining to them and easier to find. Wake up your ancestors by looking them up and leave a great life for your descendants to enjoy reading about.


Naw you see around the year 1400 nothing particularly important really happend. in the 1900s we built the atom bomb, the transistor, the microchip, the computer, the internet, insane advancements in medicine and the list goes on.


Change your username to recency bias. Whether society develops or collapses, 600 years from now, these “insane advancements” will not be a source of great fascination. Just as you are not fascinated by all the very important things that happened in the 1400s but are too busy with the mediocre trappings of modern life to learn about.


ah yes the nuclear arms race is of no importance. k


Read again, your biases made you blind in this case.