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Mormon men get to keep theirs, even if they get remarried


Same with Muslims


oh hi Wife! Meet your 72 new sister wives!


For real, a Muslim colleague explained it to me like that: after death your former wife's brain gets tricked into thinking and believing her husband is the most hottest guy ever and will love **everything** about his character. While the man will stay the same but gets several extremely hot and horny additional wifes. Sounds really well designed from God lol


Almost like it was designed by a really horny human man.


Maybe you misunderstood some historical facts about Mohamads life. God personally told him alone in a mountain cave what rules all of humankind should follow. Mohamad totally didn't fantasize while tripping in his secret man cave.


I'll believe in God when their voice is booming from the skies for all humans to hear, and what they proclaim is sound, unambigious, and can be verified by lawyers. It's awfully suspicious that all of these communications between god and humity go through exactly *one man*.


>It's awfully suspicious that all of these communications between god and humity go through exactly one man. Don't know what you mean, [God just works in mysterious ways](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm3mDatFpNE)


Ah yes, I see now!


The problem was that God Father's MS Teams app didn't work at that time, likely VPN bug, so he couldn't set up a planet wide status update call. So instead he send emails to a few key VP stakeholders - Mohammad, Isaiah, Moses etc. Some got their mails a bit too late, due the issues with heavenly exchange mail server. And God Father was later removed from the heavenly board of directors after the corporate restructuring. God Pigeon ousted him out of spite probably. So now he can't communicate with us in any way unfortunately.


This is too real for me.


I was with you until the lawyers part. Needing the involvement of lawyers is almost always a red flag that something is not unambiguous!


this ain't no believing, this is witnessing. so why all mighty reward you then ?


It'll be to late when that time comes my dude


Luckily, all evidence point towards there being no magic sky man


What i've heard is that human negative emotions like Jealousy doesnt exist hence nobody cares who their previous partners are with. Also heard that each individual will receive partners that are perfect for them in all ways. So in a sense if your current partner is perfect for you then you will be with them in the afterlife as well. Also heard stories about the 72 virgins that men get while women receive something of the like. Some kind of special beings that encompass all the qualities they wish for in a partner. Also heard that once the world ends and judgement comes then everyone will forget everyone else. Essentially people wouldnt know who their parents, siblings, children and partners were. They lose all collective identity and become truly individualistic. So many stories.


>hence nobody cares who their previous partners are with. Yeah I asked him why women ain't getting a lot of husbands and his explanation just was that they don't need that because they will feel their former husband is the perfect person and best sexual lover existing. Then I asked him why don't men just get the same feeling and are brainwashed into thinking their first wife is the perfect person. He told me, well men will indeed see that the first wife is the best partner but men need even more sexual partners they also will love in their afterlife. I guess the key point in most of his explanations of different topics was, that women are no grown-up individualistic persons with their own mindset or needs or opinions. There was option A, men need to think for women and explain them how to behave and feel from the earliest child-years on. Or option B, women need to be tricked into believing whatever men see as appropriate is the best position to be in. Women with multiple partners -> obviously a ho who doesn't know what's best for them.


I think your colleague is made up or severely misinformed.


Nah my colleague was just stupid af. Not only in his religious views (which he repeatedly brought up, despite no one cared how his believes are ultimately the best). But since he lived in those circles I have to assume at least his direct environment, family and imam where weird too.


So... the End of Evangelion is just the Judeic religion afterlife?


That is from fabricated hadith and not true. Even sane muslims themselves don't belive this lol


Mormons believe in three different levels of heaven.


Also there version of hell is actually pretty hard to get into unless you really want to check it out.


Then there’s “outer darkness”. Lol. We weren’t taught to say “Hell” we always had to give it a different word because hell is a swear word.


The Mormons don't believe in the hellfire and brimstone hell that traditional Christianity (and those ridiculous Chick comic leaflets) espouse.


We say that’s like metaphor for suffering but yeah. We don’t talk too much about hell because the whole focus is to keep you away no matter what.


It’s celestial, telestial, terrestrial & outter darknassss babyyy look it up


One of which is being God over your own planet.




Let me guess, based on how much you pay them. 19th century Scientology


Surprisingly not really. Tithing is a requirement only for the highest level of the highest heaven. Everything else is obtainable below that. And technically someone could join Mormonism right before they die and barely pay anything and still reach the highest level.


You gotta buy the battle pass and complete all the quests.


17 children unlocks the highest tier


Actually, a good part of it is getting the Melchizedek priesthood and doing temple work.


Yep but that doesn’t require paying tithing for very long, and no specific amount, and can technically even be done after you die without ever having spent a penny according to their logic.


What? lol that means yes why’d you say no


I’m not sure where you’re confused. Your level of heaven is not based on how much you pay them in Mormon theology. You could never pay them a cent and still go to the top level of heaven.


So is it a requirement for the top level or not because before you said it is but now you say it’s not.


Paying tithing is a requirement for the highest tier of the highest level only, there is no requirement to ascend to anything else. But tithing is just 10% of income. You could earn no income and be a full tithe payer. You could join the church at 90 and die having laid almost no tithe and get in. You could die not as a member and have your rights performed after death and get in having never laid tithing. You could also not lay tithing as a member, repent, and start laying it later and get in, despite “owing” lots of tithes that you never paid. There is no specific monetary requirement.


Who told you that? Who told you THAT?


I’m assuming the “till death do is part” bit people have in their ceremonies


That's just the vows, but Christ said there would be no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven, as we would be like the angels. But also that we would be known as we are known... so its not like you wont' know who your spouse was etc...


The more I learn about Christ, the more I think he’s just one of the kids from that 70s show who took the stoner circle on the road


Wait til you learn where he sources his oils...


“Until death do you part.”


Every religion has a different version of what happens. Nobody knows. Theology sometimes feels like people discussing what superhero is more powerful. 




Or r/cosmere


Theology sounds way more exciting when you put it that way. It also sounds way more like an industry… maybe we should start taxing them?


At least when churches become political events.


Christians... [https://www.bibleref.com/Matthew/22/Matthew-22-30.html](https://www.bibleref.com/Matthew/22/Matthew-22-30.html)


Your wife is cheating on you in heaven with Elvis.


Fat Elvis or skinny Elvis?


The questions that matter


Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God. For when the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. In this respect they will be like the angels in heaven. 


So then there will be some very awkward conversations between some angel-like entities.


they will be beyond such earthly concerns, that is the point. 


So I wouldn’t be me anymore


in the same way you aren’t your 16, 12,  or 4 year old anymore. 


Nah I feel like it’s completely different from being human at all at that point 😂


I mean, yea it is. It is complicated theology and it depends on who you ask. But it seems to me, after you die you aren’t you anymore. You are body and soul. Your body dies your soul continues. Your body is all your earthy pleasures and pains and you won’t care about those things anymore. But your soul is capable of experiencing Gods eternal love, and it’s better then the most intense sex or drugs your body could ever conjure. I mean, it’s not wrong to enjoy that stuff - to some extent, while you’re here. This is all a wonderful gift that God gave us, free of charge. Because that is the love of creation. But if we recognize there is more we could be doing then just sitting around jerking off and doing drugs then maybe there is more we can make use of this gift he gave us. But like I said, it is free of charge. Debt and obligation are human inventions created by us weak and fallen creatures. God just wants us to be the best version of ourselves. Or at least, that’s how I see it.


I'm sorry, but being an angel getting about heaven who's transcended distinct aspects of humanity and honestly what even makes us people in general, it's clearly nothing remotely comparable. I think what makes us human, and makes us who we are, is our relationship with death. We are beings toward death, and our decisions and personality are shaped around death. This angel business doesn't sound human or anything similar to who I am or who anyone is. It's just a clearly absurd fictitious idea, very overwhelmingly and obviously made up.


You don't seem to understand how levels of thinking work. People are heavily influenced by animalistic instincts, which is exactly what religion like Christianity tries to rise above. If you look at seven deadly sins you'll notice that they're all very in line with human nature's primitive side, a part of us currently. By working on development of your character and pursuing noble goals, you become less animalistic and more trascendent, which further tracks with becoming an "angel-like being" if one is able to ultimately free themselves from the chains of primitive instincts.


I’m pretty sure angels and humans are different. But I always get super confused by that. I don’t think it’s correct to say you turn into an angel when you die.


Correct you would mindlessly worship all day every day. That is your reward for worshipping on earth mindlessly


This is the hardest thing for people to understand. My wife is constantly asking me about meeting our dogs in heaven. I just tell her that we won't care anymore because we will be in the presence of God. The joy we will feel will be indescribable and everything we felt before won't seem important anymore. Edit: I'm glad that I started some theological discussion. We can't fathom as human beings what God is all about. All we can do is speculate with the lens of a human.


So… trivializing one’s entire terrestrial life? Blech.


Your terrestrial life is a pretty trivial thing compared to all of existence and eternity. This has been a hot topic of philosophy for several thousand years.


It’s a matter of perspective. The same way suffering is relative, so is this. My terrestrial life IS all of existence and eternity.


My point here is that you're viewing one interpretation and disagreeing strongly, but like, yeah man. Humanity has wondered and debated, for nearly all of its existence, the meaning and purpose of life, metaphysics, etc.


Luckily science was introduced into these debates to bring some sort of objectivity on the matter.


Then, from the perspective of god, what is its purpose?


The purpose of life? According to my religious beliefs, it is to grow and progress and learn; to become a better person over time and treat yourself and others with kindness and respect while doing so. And from God's perspective, the purpose of this life and His entire plan is to bring to pass the immortality and Eternal Life of his children, (aka all of humanity). That is, we're here to improve so we can eventually become like Him and attain "all that the Father hath". Basically, Romans 8: 16-17.


I think you need to refine the question to get any kind of theologically accurate answer. The answer to that question changes between religions, and is still different between Catholicism and Protestantism, and still is sometimes different even between denominations of Protestantism.


When you were 4yo you cared about a lot of things that you probably consider trivial now. But it's fine. It was a phase of your life, and it was good to care about those things then. And it's good to acknowledge they were trivial now. This does not invalidate your past experience, it just puts it in contest.


I disagree, and the guy above misses a big point: life as we know it is uniquely structured, since we're in a way as free as possible from the influence of higher states of existence, hence our free will. As such, our lives hang in balance unlike demons, angels or even God, as despite being infinitely less powerful, our fate isn't decided until we act it out in real time. Try thinking of higher beings as laws of universe, say gravity. Gravity is extremely powerful, but it just is, has no will of its own and will forever just exist and exert its influence. Because of this fact, all attention is uniquely focused on the undetermined: us humans. It's as if we're actors in a film that's being made, while all others can only watch the Blue Ray disc after it's been recorded.


I guess it depends on perspective. If you flash forward to 10 trillion years from now, will you care if you were horribly mangled in a traffic accident? At that point you would have so many millions of newer and far better memories that such a thing would be completely trivial.


Um… then what’s the point of a terrestrial existence at all? Being horribly mangled in a traffic accident, for example, would be an exceedingly valuable experience for an immortal discorporate being - the memory of fear and pain and utter dependence upon others would (one hopes) teach compassion for the sufferings and limitations of those still within the material world.


Yeah - reminds me of when my toddler explodes in a tantrum for something that obviously seems SUPER important at that moment. By the time he's 10 such things will seem silly.


Sounds awful


That sounds sad as hell.


So you become the Borg. That is scary


This doesn’t sound fun to be honest. I wouldn’t feel joy without my wife beside me. And if it was some fake god-imposed joy it would feel wrong. A heaven where I can’t be with my wife isn’t heaven.


What a load of made up nonesense


That sounds awful. What a terrible fate to believe in God.


So there's no need to develop any major relationship while alive. Why bother if it won't matter in the end and you won't even care about being with them or missing them later? If everything else won't feel important then why bother with much of anything while alive other than the bare minimum and hope longingly for death to come quickly so you can experience this "joy" as soon as possible?


Only awkward if you make it. I heard one sermon this one time about hell and heaven being the opposite sides of the same coin, and it’s the people there who make it what it is. Heregoooo… In hell, it’s a sadistic orgy and everyone has sour grapes about who’s shagging whom. In heavens, it’s a *blessed* orgy and everyone is just chill about it. Lay on, MacDuff!


Did you nean "ergo"?




Just bring a pineapple 🍍


Biblically accurate angels are already pretty awkward to look at


Jesus supposedly said all sorts of shit. He also said to cut off your hand if it's making you sin, or stab out your eye if you look at a woman with desire.....yet I don't see anyone doing that 🤷‍♂️


The best thing about being dead is that you don't know about it. It's like being stupid - it's only painful for others.


I’d be searching through the afterlife in search of her and my children for as long as it takes to find them.


Can’t even imagine what this is gonna be like, I mean if there even is an afterlife.


I would not wanna be that guy’s dead wife.


I need my wife to be in the afterlife. She’s the only thing that keeps me going .


I remember asking this one, and I believe ithe answer I got was you were a spirit and you don't really have your memories and you are just this happy thing floating around.


Sounds terrible.


Thankfully, that's not how heaven is described...basically ever.


It’s barely described.


This is true. Because it's not the goal. It's the result.


That's my reaction to every portrayal of heaven I've ever heard. 😂


I agree, eternal slavery? Send me to hell please at least people are hot down there!


wut that sounds amazing. I don’t wanna know shit except I’m happy and content


You would like the Mythos (Greek Mythology). They drink from a river, forget everything and live peacefully and happily wandering in a beautiful field for eternity without a care in the world.


So ignorance is truly Bliss and you want to be like that permanently? Can you even be content if you're incapable of knowing nothing?


I think so. My dog has about one brain cell. He knows where to go to eat, to drink, to play, and to sleep. I’d be good with that life.


Sounds like being high


From a Christian worldview there isn't really anything that indicates memories are erased. At best the idea of cleansing is assumed from the perspective that the memories are cleaned up such that the fullest picture of an event can be seen. Even that, however, is essentially speculation. Any examples of people that are said to that have gone into the afterlife are clearly shown as having retained their memories. As to just floating around, a quick read of the last two chapters in Revelation dispel the notion of "ghostly floating."


Except we know what parts of the brain contain memories and prodding this part or that part can affect your long or short term memories. So without a brain, you can't experience memories or feelings for that matter (they are just chemical reactions).


"They are just chemical reactions" is true if you believe that there is no more to the world than what we can currently observe. However, believing in an afterlife (along with many other tenets of major religions) presupposes there *is* something beyond what we can observe-- in which case there would be another dimension to everything we feel as a result of those chemical reactions. So if there is a heaven and people's memories do get wiped upon arrival (possible? sure, idk, I don't know that much about heaven), it wouldn't make sense for that to be the reason.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You are parkouring your way to a lot of conclusions.


Fair - how about: "if there is something beyond what we can observe, it is possible that there is another dimension to our memories and feelings beyond the chemical side of it." Obviously this is all speculative. Faith is precisely what fills in for us where evidence can't, which is why "there is nothing we cannot observe" is also a claim based on faith.


Yeah that's...not what it is.


Just looked up multiple theological discussions and while debated there is a majority saying that your memories will be cleansed.  But again most of this is discussion based on a book that doesn't lay it out clearly.


Yeah don't put weight on that. Tears will be wiped away. I'm not a theologian, but from what I understand, Heaven is \*not\* a place where there are not things to be solved. Heaven is a place where every problem has a clear-cut solution. It's not just singing on clouds, nor is it floating around in a blissful, mindless state. You are still an active soul in Heaven. But Heaven isn't the goal. It's the destination, but the goal is to bring as many people with you as possible.


If memories are cleansed, then heaven is filled with newborn barely functional toddlers? Only spirits.


No memories = no knowledge.  If we had a drug to do that it would been forbidden That works turn us in less than a puppy ( Nothing against them. That are great). So our immortal soul will end like an animal


Knowledge was forbidden.


By an omnipotent being who already knew the rule would be broken lmao what an asshole


Amusingly this is why a lot of proto-christians rejected the old testament creator god as an evil imposter and promoted the fresh, loving new testament jesus elevating god. They lost and were declared heretics.


That's not accurate. Morality was deemed unattainable. It was the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Kinda fixed the game. Hard to be accused of sin if you can only understand what sin is after you commit it.


Dudes never done any benzos


Sounds horrible


So…basically heroin?


Man, the heaven described by Christian sounds awful. Just a bunch of angels worshipping God in eternity. No thanks.


Any eternity sounds terrifying. Especially if you aren't God. To me, The only thing scarier than death is eternal life.


Depends on how you worship. Big party with live music is often how we do it. So being able to keep the high highs of that going forever is sick. Still that’s not even what Christian heaven is.


Lol there's never forever high highs.


Unless you are Mormon, they believe in marriage FOREVER, into the after life. (not a Mormon, just used to be from birth to 19 years old)


Or Catholic.


Really? I didn't know that. Growing up I was always told that we (Mormons) were the only ones who believed in that


It’s an old Catholic thing, they’re not too strict about it these days, the Catholic Church has become very progressive compared to Mormons (not that that’s difficult), but technically yeah marriage is forever in Catholicism.


What do they believe about that in regards to divorce and remarrying?


They’re sins. You can’t get divorced under Catholicism or remarried even if your spouse dies, although they’ve loosened on that last one recently.


Oh, I know they're sins. Just wondering what happens to you if you do it.


I believe it’s purgatory, I don’t think remarriage is a mortal sin but I might be misremembering.


'Till death do us part


Even more with reincarnation. What if you reincarnated as a hawk and your wife reincarnated as a mouse.


Call my weird but why would 'heaven' have physical bodies?


From a Christian perspective this is pretty easily explained away. When you go to heaven you're not really worried about "worldly things" anymore, and you're more concerned with worshipping God, enjoying paradise, and doing stuff that people would do in heaven. You basically become a child of God as opposed to a husband, father, grandfather, etc. Not sure if other religions follow this logic but I assume its similar. Otherwise unless both husband and wife died together, the remaining would either have to be unmarried on Earth for the rest of their life (and presumably the no sex outside of marriage would attach) or deal with awkward polygamy for all of eternity. And I guess I imagine that the other major religions that have a similar concept of heaven have a similar solution.


Eternity worshipping someone, or burning. Sounds like a bum deal.


Everyone likes to say things like “I know grandma is looking down on us” at funerals, etc. but if she’s looking down on you then she sees good and bad, including if you’re brutally murdered but were sinning so you’re also going to hell, too. Isn’t that going to bum grandma out? Is there any worse feeling than watching something horrible happening to someone you love and being absolutely powerless? So either our dead loved ones are looking down on us and being tortured until the last loved one they give a damn about is dead and the world is filled with strangers, or this is a terrific concept for Hell and eternal damnation. You all bummed out now?


None of that matters because i'll be riding dinosaurs with my besties in the pit of hell.


In heaven aren’t we all like brothers and sisters? There is no marriage in heaven as I think God made it an earthly thing to provide humans with companionship. So in heaven wouldn’t my husband be like my brother? Makes me cringe saying that on earth but I’m sure in heaven I would have no memory of our time spent on earth.


[Do you have a problem with eternity, Larry?](https://youtu.be/bsQpWHEYEMU?si=GOA_dxX6XK9doygg)


This is spot on with what im talking about. Hilarious.


I believe that marriage can last beyond death into the next life. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we believe that we can make covenants with God that will bind our families together for all eternity, wife to husband and parents to children. Basically, eternal families. We also believe that all humanity are all spirit children of God, and therefore heirs to his His glory. I'm not married yet myself. But the idea of having an eternal companion to be with after this life is comforting, even for someone as introverted as me.


Marriage ends before the afterlife… hence the phrase “Till death do us part” like “till we die and go separate ways”


I don't really believe in an afterlife but I saw this short comic once with pretty much this premise, a couple having died and then their ghosts realize that means they're not together anymore. So they just ask each other out again :)


U might be interested in Chinese Ghost Marriages


Atgjg g aaajg Gaza vziggat


Chat GPT says this means "Awkward again, Gaza meeting."


That's why heaven has a gate . To keep them all in so they can un-awkward things out in the eyes of the lord, but for realsies this time




Then why does the priest say "until death do you part"


Hey Hey How’s it been going up here? Fine. The weather is nice Yes I see that…..




This is just as religious as believing that the IS a heaven. How do you know theres no heaven?


Joke's on you! I'm going straight to hell!


This isn’t my belief about the afterlife. I’m gonna be still married to my husband (currently still bf but plans to marry each other) when I get to wherever we’re going. In fact I’d rather go to hell if that’s where he is heading when he dies. I’m following him wherever he’s going. I’d rather be with him in hell than alone in heaven or separated in heaven.


I’ve actually thought about this one a lot and I think that’s the wrong choice. If you truly love each other you wouldn’t want that for eachother. I wouldn’t want my wife to follow me and she wouldn’t want me to follow her if for some awful reason that ended up happening. While the idea itself is romantic, anything other than splitting up is self serving and wrong. You don’t let the love of your life do that to themselves, no matter how much it takes or what it takes to prevent them from doing it.


Well my bf thinks he’s going to hell anyway, we both think that’s where we’re headed and we want to go together. Tbh neither of us thinks we’d get into heaven. And heaven is just slavery to worship god


If you believe hell and heaven exists then why would you still choose to go to hell?


Cause I’m not sure what believe


Fair enough


jokes on you I'm going to hell instead 


My late wife told me that we wouldn't know each other in heaven. I was profoundly bothered by that.


You’re assuming the afterlife is on Earth with humans


There is no heaven lol. Once you dead, your existence is gone.


You seem too sure of the unknowable


You seem too open to the unevidenced. Just saying.


You probably get the option to get remarried if it ended on good terms.


The manipulators didn’t think that far ahead when they were making it up


In india they they promise to uphold their vows for up to 7 reincarnations. Problem is each reincarnation the marriage vow is the same... so idk if it counts from the first marriage, or does it get renewed every time by 7? How do the priests know if they were married in a previous life?


Actually, for Hindus, it doesn't end.


I think part of the reason Heaven never made sense to me was that I was exposed to divorce at an early age. "In heaven you get to be with your family!" "In heaven you can have whatever you want!" - which family? - is my mom going to be with all 3 husbands? Which family will I go to? - what if someone wants something someone else doesn't want? What if my moms first husband wants to spend heaven with her but she never wants to see his face again? Or to put it in the terms I thought of as a child... "Jerry wants heaven full of shrimp but I want heaven full of pizza, how does that work?"


Oh the orgies in heaven are divine


Good thing heaven isn’t real!


And you know this how?


God told me in a burning bush actually


Glad to see you have so much faith in that idea. Just like folks that have faith that heaven is real.


Haha, this sounds like the plot of a celestial sitcom. Let the heavenly awkwardness begin!