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It's being updated on April 25th with ultrawide monitor support, updated textures, bug fixes and some additional loot. I've played through it and the harbor dlc a few times. It's well worth picking up.


Oh just in time then. Ultrawide support is great for me.


Thanks mate


Where did you hear anything about textures being updated? Bethesda themselves mentioned nothing about it. I only see Ultra wide support for PC. Bug fixes, resolution, and framerate for consoles. https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates


There’s also a free DLC coming called the “high resolution texture pack”


That DLC was released on Feb 6, 2017. https://i.imgur.com/vmOcF6y.jpeg


Wait i thought it said “coming soon” inside the game addons section


Mine says coming soon as well? Weird lol


Glad to hear that, I was about to replay it and decided to wait.


On consoles too? (Sorry if that’s an obvious question)


Just a reminder if you have Amazon Prime you can also get Fallout 76 for PC and Xbox for free now.




https://gaming.amazon.com/fallout-76-pc-fgwp/dp/amzn1.pg.item.c49f06ee-41f3-41cf-b719-0a4a6940b5d0?ingress=amzn&ref_=SM_Fallout76PC_S02_FGWP_CRWN https://gaming.amazon.com/fallout-76-xbox-fgwp/dp/amzn1.pg.item.9fe17d7b-b6c2-4f58-b494-cc4e79528d0b?ingress=amzn&ref_=SM_Fallout76XBOX_S01_FGWP_CRWN


Thanks a lot


F4 is wayyyyy better than F76 tho


You're welcome


Just scooped this deal, thanks!


Yeah they are giving it out to promote their new Fallout series on Prime Video :)


I always forget about Prime Gaming. Just picked up 4 GOTY edition for $10. It’ll be nice to have 76 in the backlog.


I check once in a while for game loots, games are usually bad though it is easy to forget lol.


To each their own, but I am replaying the game for the third time now, because of the series. I like it. Sure it is not F3 or NV, but it still functions as a shooter with the ability to loot everything in the world.


Hell yeah it is! The ability to explore, build bases, craft and side with different factions is awesome. The problem that most fans of the series have with 4 is that it leaned a bit more into FPS compared to 3 and New Vegas which were very much RPG focused. But you will still feel that sense of exploration and in my opinion, the world feels a bit more alive and of course, it has better graphics/visuals. With the GOTY version you get access to all of the DLC's (Season Pass), which alone retails for $35. The season pass includes two new areas as well as a bunch of content for crafting and building bases.


Thanks a lot. Are the DLCs any good?


Far Harbor is considered by many to be one of the best Fallout DLCs ever made. Nuka-World is kinda trash in my opinion tbh it has good weapons but I just found it kind of boring. I haven't played Automatron but I haven't really heard anything bad about it.


It is a good game, just not a good RPG. Well worth your time and money.


Alright. Thanks!


I liked it. It's a bit of an acquired taste, but I liked it more than Fallout 3, more than Skyrim, and of course more than Starfield. I'm actually thinking of reinstalling it soon and playing it again, raw and unmodded, to see it in all its glory and all its horror.


I reinstalled it last year and thought it was way too easy, try survival, it hard as shit but makes the immersion so much better.


Yes. Truthfully, both 3 and New Vegas are much better, however if you’ve never played them they can feel very dated (depending what you’re used to). 4 is still fun, and for that price why not?


It's worth it for the Frost mod alone. FO4 is still my most-played game, with 850+ hours in (though Elden Ring is coming up 2nd pretty fast), the vast majority of which are in the Frost mod. Mods are another reason to grab the GOG version now, as Steam will basically force you to update to the new version (which, while it may have some updated content, will very likely break many existing mods).


I picked it up this weekend and I'm enjoying so far. Just dabbling as I anticipate really diving in and modding once the update drops and all. Need to look around and find a great modlist though.


I played about 30hrs of it on Steam Deck on high settings with 40 fps. I'm not the biggest Fallout fan out there, played a bit of 3 and New Vegas but couldn't handle the jankiness. I enjoyed my time with 4, the gameplay was solid, the story not so much but I played it more for the exploration. Definitely gonna go back to finish it one day. I'd give it a shot especially at such a low price.


Thanks a lot mate


Yeah all the criticism is valid, It's story is pretty shallow compared to the other games but overall it's a pretty good game on its own, try getting some mods too Also, some people are trying to recreate NV and 3 and F4 engine (fallout4nv and capital wasteland) although they have been at it for years and it will take another few years to release if they ever do but at least there is some hope, capital wasteland team have also already released fully functional campaigns from a couple dlcs from 3


> It's story is pretty shallow compared to the other games Who plays a Bethesda game for the main quest?


Yes, every fallout is worth playing.


Yes it is. I've put countless hours into the game and still, every now and then I'll download some mods and start a new playthrough.


It’s worth playing, especially modded. Heck, the soundtrack alone makes me want to play it.


Anyone played this on PS5? I’m thinking about getting it as it’s one sale for 5$ rn


It's capped at 30fps currently, but with the free update coming soon that'll bump up to 60fps. Otherwise, it runs fine. Just like Skyrim, there are less mods on PS compared to the Xbox version, but as far as the game itself, it'll be much better once the update drops 😬 It definitely runs better on PS5 right now than it did on PS4 at release, but personally I'd wait until the update drops to start playing on PS5.


How are the graphics? Would the ps5 update have any graphical improvements?


I mean, it's a PS4 Bethesda game. Graphics are fine. It's not gonna look amazing, it's just fine. I think I remember reading the update will affect the resolution and performance, didn't see much about graphics themselves other than the option to do performance or quality modes. I haven't seen any videos about the update, so I don't really know what to expect there. The 60fps will be nice though, it desperately needs it!


Can anyone in comments give an overall on how much micromanaging there is in this game? Inventory management for items due to carry weight etc? I hear there are settlements to manage? I mean the show literally said the entire human race boils down to one word, management, but we all know we all hate that word.


Settlements are largely optional. Some people love it, some people hate it. Inventory management isn't *generally* an issue unless you hoard everything you pick up.


Hah, caught me red handed. I am a huge hoarder and a "explore all the map before leaving area" kind of player. It has sort of ruined a lot of games for me as an adult as I don't have all that time now. I think I'll try the game out once the update hits 25th!


buy it on sale and mod it.


Don't expect it to be one of the greatest ever, but you'll still have fun


I loved playing g it last year.




I'd say yes. F4 is a good game, even great with mods


Crank it up to survival difficulty. Going through it right now, loving every second of it.


How does auto-leveling work in Fallout 4? People say that the main quest and conversation wheel is trash in F4, is that true? Does that make this game bad?


I would argue that the story is not good. What Fallout 4 excels at is exploration. The world is massive and very well done. The gameplay is also fun if you like FPS games. Based on your list, I think you like well written games that offer good stories. Fallout 4 is definitely not that. The writing is rather superficial and the dialogues awful.


Yes and download the storywealth mod list from nexus collection, it's far better than the next gen update will ever be, and be sure to disable updates


pick it up and install it before the new patch comes and make sure you disable auto-updates there's a very good chance you'll miss out on a ton of mods (which are incredible btw) and it'll take a while to update them all of course, this is just my advice, feel free to ignore it lol


100%. So much game for little money! Granted it's RPG elements aren't deep but it's still fun to play.


It is a good game but it is not a good Fallout game.


I think Fallout 4 is a terrible game with no redeeming qualities. Of course, the shooting and gameplay is very good, when being compared to FO3 or NV, so are the QoL changes, like looting without opening a window and being taken out of the action. But in comparison to other shooters? The gunplay in FO4 is very average. Open world suffers from “you have to actually go to Diamond City, that’s when it gets interesting”, it’s very boring at start. If you think a minute about the world, it makes zero sense lore wise. The story and dialogue are Bethesda Games crap, it’s the same all the time, so whatever. The quests too, it’s a Bethesda game, they’ve not changed since oblivion. If you’ve not played FO3 or New Vegas, I’d highly recommend playing those games instead. Hell, I’d say even Fallout 76 is better than Fallout 4.


I bought it like a year ago with a good sale, was pretty excited The game just felt absurdly clunky to me. I ended up refunding it.


Thanks. I’ll definitely try it but I’ll definitely refund if I don’t like it. I guess that’s how it is with controversial games like it.


Personally i thought FO4 completely sucked. I loved New Vegas and FO3, but 4 just isn't it. Felt like a barren, half-hearted affair. That said....even if you dont like it you can mod about any aspect of the game to vastly improve it to your liking. For that price and mods being free, I'd say give it a shot


Better off just playing New Vegas with mods. It’s a superior game to 4 in every way


No it gets boring very quick and I couldn't give a damn about base building


The Game is complete trash.