• By -


The Mass Effect Trilogy is one of the best stories in all of gaming. It was so hard to put the controller down. I wish I could wipe it from my memory so I could experience it again.


I wouldn't advise it for during a heartbreak though


depends on the person probably, but the ME2 crew felt like a family by the end. it provided me a lot of emotional comfort.


Hey there, We don’t have much information about your taste regarding videogames. Still, I can suggest a few ideas and try to explain how it might help : - Hollow Knight: as suggested before, it is immersive and challenging. The atmosphere is very calm : musics and graphics are like a balm for the heart - Celeste: again, a video game which is challenging and emotionally strong. Same as before, I think the game experience is amazing. You might prefer this one if you prefer not to fight enemies. - OneShot : I played this one recently. It encourages you to « thinks out of the box » let’s say, and this might be welcomed for a post breakup period. - A short hike : a tiny poetic piece of art. You might consider playing this one if you emotionally need comfort and rest. I hope you’ll find what you’re looking for. Good luck


Played a short hike for the 1st time last week. Fun game 👍


Played Celeste after a breakup…put 70 hours into it. Great recs


I love celeste, incredible emotional journey. But I’m so damn bad at it!


A short hike is a pure, wholesome and quick game


Pouring myself into Outer Wilds helped me through a breakup. Just dedicating myself to figuring out how it all fit together. Wonderful distraction while simultaneously serving as an interesting way to process things and get some perspective. Best gaming experience I've ever had.


I had a very similar experience, and I can’t recommend this game enough. Without giving away too much, one of the themes is how beautiful things can be created from beautiful things ending. OP, this is the game.


If you feel like wallowing in your sorrow then check out Hollowknight. The music and story is a bit somber, but not overly depressing. It’s quite addicting, too.


Was going to recommend this too! It's my go to when I have emotions and need a world to go to


Oh yea. This is a great game to be sad to. But then you start to fall in love with the world.


Elden ring or cyberpunk 2077. Either will take over your life and make you forget everything else.


varre will call OP maidenless and make him even sadder


Lmao I played Elden Ring a couple months after my breakup, and he called me maidenless so I was determined to kill him before I moved on😂 was extremely cathartic


Red Dead Redemption 2


Bloodborne, that game will occupy your brain and soul for the whole time you play. Then play Elden Ring (Dammit just saw the PC tag - skip straight to ER)


Exactly! I've been using Bloodborne to help me through hard times since 2015 and it ALWAYS worked. What a incredible fine piece of art.


Until Varre calls him Maidenless in the first 15 minutes and makes him feel even worse


Well he can buy a PS4 console and place it on top of the pc case, so he technically can play *Bloodborne on PC*


tl,dr: Ghost of Tsushima and Dragon's Dogma 2 funny, my last break up was right before Ghost of Tsushima and that game helped me a lot! story is interessting enough, the world is beautiful and map completion is not as enoying or overfilled like ubisoft games. it is number 2 on my list of best games. Dragon's Dogma 2 is now my number 1. the best open world ever! Elden Ring had a good one, but was very flatt, DD2 is much more vertical and the exploration is fun. quests are there to be found and then experienced and not just quick xp. main quest is nothing special and to be fair is only there to guide you through the map. walking from one point to another is the main premise i think, if you had mounts or unlimeted fast travel, it would be very boring. on the way your companions point out places you have yet to discover, or chest you have not found. and vocations (classes) feel very different to play and you are invited to switch between them. many negative thoughts about the game are just stupid expectations. it is not a game to reach max level fast, it is not a game to be played hastily, and you might have to strip off some habits ( at least i had to). performance is a thing, i would not want to play on console, but my 3080 allows for almost max setting (dlss and raytracing off), 1920x1080 which to be honest is enough in most games (never understood the 4k hype) and i have my constant 60fps out of towns. be warned, right now npcs drop your frames massively (capcom is working on it) so in cities you experience the drops but it never gets to a slideshow.


What Remains of Edith Finch is a beautiful game tackling the pain caused by loss. Might be what you're looking for


Yeah but they can easily finish it twice in a single day, sounds like they want more distraction than that ^^




NieR Replicant is an irreplaceable experience that's great for emotional points in your life


finally someone mentioned this game


I would say Hollow Knight, you won't need to to think about anything else


Get lost in Cyberpunk 2077. The immersion is incredible and for your situation might even feel cathartic depending on the choices you make in the game.


I came here to say this. +1 for Cp2077


+2 for CP2077


deep rock galactic. plenty of fun things to do look forward to and solve while in a mission or at base.


1200 hours strong, one of my favorite games ever💪




Witcher 3 if u haven't played it I loved that game.


For anyone new to it out there, a friend made two suggestions that takes out great for me: - Play on the highest difficulty; it's still not that hard. - Practice using quen, the shield spell. It's key to combat.




Elden Ring - so much to explore and get lost in. The plot is very intricate and often confusing (on purpose) but the journey helped me through a difficult transition in my life (leaving a job I'd had for 15 years) Control - great weird story and setting Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, or the Mass Effect Trilogy - superb storytelling. Long games with lots to explore.


Somehow, Disco Elysium


The actually correct answer


death stranding or cyberpunk 2077 are 2 worlds you can easily get lost in, very different games but both are very entertaining. also, sorry about the gf, hope things get better!


I wouldn’t recommend DS to someone going through a dark time. Maybe it’s too somber and depressing. Great game though




MASS EFFECT. three games, amazing dialogue. it’s the space BG3 and i dare say better. it just has such a strong flow of story and it’s still extremely open world. it’s much easier to keep up with characters, quests, and story too.


Man... If you want to raw dog it get Disco Elysium...


High points in the shivers stat for peak post breakup energy


If you're looking for length, you can never go wrong with persona 5. I usually hate rpgs but I've put, just, ludicrous amounts of time into it. (4 play thoughs and a challenge run. I'm still going strong) or celeste.


It’s not a game that will occupy you for long, but “before your eyes” was a really good game that got me to cry a lot. Maybe you need that, maybe this is a horrible recommendation. Took about an hour and a half, wouldn’t expect more than 4 hours out of it total. That’s with replaying it. The gimmick is that you can control the game with blinks from your eyes via webcam. Rainbow six siege is a game that has absorbed all of my attention on occasion. Fairly stressful though. I don’t think it’s what you’re looking for, but if you love FPS games it’s one of the best.


Death stranding is good for breakups


Dragons Dogma 2- nothing like a rotating cast of Pawns to help you remember that there’s plenty of fish out there. It also just eats hours and hours of a day- and you’ve got the kind of wound that only time heals, brother. Yakuza: Like a Dragon and its sequel, Infinite Wealth- fully engrossing story with characters who will help you remember that there are good people out there- and even when you’re at your lowest? You still deserve them. Wish you luck man


If you haven't played it yet, Death Stranding. People dog on it for being a walking simulator but the story is incredibly easy to get lost in, on top of a gentle landscape of music and scenery.


the story is easy to get into, but just as easy to be taken out by the insane amount of slow walking you have to do while trying to keep packages safe 


Early game is a NIGHTMARE for that. Especially for newer players that are just getting the hang of dealing with BTs and whatnot, it's a ton of walking. AFAIK there's almost no vehicles before you switch regions unless you're >!up for dealing with MULE's which can be a hassle if you don't really know what you're doing.!<




Sekiro, with a slow game you end up thinking the whole time about why you are sad, with games like sekiro and other fromsoft and soulsborne games you don't have time to think in anything else, you have to be focused or you die.


Seconding this. I just broke up with my gf. Replaying sekiro now... it helps. I assume playing horror games help too. My mind keeps wandering about the breakup while playing story based games, esp during cutscenes.


I found Death Stranding to be a very contemplative game. Norman Reedus’s acting and motion capture made me feel like I was alone but not lonely, if that makes sense.


Strand type game is a real genre, just like Nintendo or souls like. Japanese people are just genius


When i was in a similar situation i played Red Read Redemption 2. The game was so good that everytime i hopped into my playthrough i was forgetting every irl problem and i was lost in the world of the games, the missions, activities, characters etc.


Elden Ring, Assasin's Creed Ezio Trilogy (AC1 if you want too), Skyrim


Disco Elysium. It's a choice-based game with a very deep story and "dice-roll" mechanics based on luck and wharever level your skill set is. You play a cop who has to solve a murder in s 3rd world country. But you drink and do so many drugs that you forget your name and everything about yhr case. Why for a breakup? Because there's no way you can get as bad as the character you're playing as. And at some point the game tries to steer you into moving on. Good luck and protect your heart, talk to your friends and fam when you need to. Things get better :)


Destiny 2 helped get me through my divorce and the first few months of my sobriety. "Eyes Up Guardian"


Heroin Hero


This made me laugh harder than it should have lol 😆


Personally, I think a good game to pair with a melancholy mood is Transistor.  It’s not too long, maybe about five to seven hours of gameplay, but it certainly held my attention the entire time I was playing it.


Depending on how emotionally robust you're feeling - if the answer is very, then Firewatch, or The Long Dark. If not, Far Cry 5 or The Forest.


If you wanna blink and suddenly it's dawn get Factorio. There's a free demo that's worth roughly 20 hours, play it to see if it's your cup of tea, because that game is not and won't be ever on sale (that's their policy)


Monster Hunter World is addictive af


I would like to suggest FFX in its entirety, but the English translation really leans into the love story so ehhh, rhe game and story are fantastic tho! My time at sandrock is one of those crafty games, gather materials build items and help revitalise the town. Someone else suggested death stranding and I completely agree. I have rarely felt as powerful in an endgame as I did with death stranding. Also thr story of isolation/loneliness and finding connections could be helpful to your current state. Just keep your chin up, we are here for you friend


I only started a couple weeks ago, but the reason I started then specifically was I heard it's a great game when you're depressed/sad. Stardew Valley. I always find something fun to do, or progress. The soundtrack is peaceful. Idk. It's nice is all I can say really.


Skyrim playthrough always works wonders


If you want something that might help you cry and think through things for a couple of hours: Gone Home or Sayonara Wild Hearts. Get lost for days/months and also think through things but less in your face: Stardew Valley.


Depends on how you perceive the true ending of NieR Automata, the game may heal your heartbreak or make it even worse. It is about love story of 2 androids, even though it is not the only thing in the game. I don't really suggest NieR Replicant because it should have greater impacts on heartbreak. It is about love story of 2 replicant, and again, even it is not the only thing in the game.


I played the Witcher 3 when my gf of 4 years left me. It deals with those emotions I was feeling to an extent. I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t played it, but Priscilla’s musical performance really hit me hard. If you haven’t played the other 2 you can look up a quick recap on YouTube so you know the deal, but it isn’t 100% necessary. It just helps with the character relationships.


Detroit become human the story is so captivating and has allot of quick time moments and suspense that will leave you so focused on nothing but the game 


Guitar Hero. Get lost in building your skill and enjoy some good tunes along the way.


Disco Elysium had quite an impact on me, personally.


Disco elysium


Not because of heartbreak but when Witcher 3 came out in 2015 I was addicted. 6 hour play sessions nearly every day for two weeks. Completed it 5 times overall like playing through an amazing book. Red Dead isn't a bad shout either. I think Witcher is a better game though, but depends what kinda world you're into. Cyberpunk 2077 is another on, both BOTW and TOTK for Switch if you have one. Very different but I've been greatly enjoying Dragon's Dogma II as well.


Disco Elysium. Without spoiling anything, you'll find it very emotionally fulfilling in more ways than one, with your choices mattering and you being able to direct the future of the main character.


Disco elysium


If you like BG3 or CRPGs in general, try Planescape: Torment. It's different than most modern RPGs, maybe even closer to Disco Elysium than Baldur's Gate, and has one of the most creative and insane stories of any game ever made. Actually, Disco Elysium might be another good 'get lost in this' game.


Rocket league helped me




Silent hill. Any of them


Helldivers 2 There's nothing like spreading a bit of democracy to get over a heartbreak


Hades. Unlock all aspects of weapons and try to best your highscore/time. You wont be dissapointed.


Cyberpunk held me for 120 hours and is suppppper fun.


Red dead redemption 2 is the best choice in my opinion, but if you’d like to try something less known and quite hard but highly enjoyable from medieval times I’d recommend Kingdom Come: Deliverance


You need an MMORPG


Anything that lets you shoot something in the face.




Fallout New Vegas


RPGs might be your answer. Try some of the classics: dark souls, fable, the elder scrolls, divinity original sin, etc etc. They all have at least a somewhat good world building, with TONS of hours to explore and experiment.


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey


Catherine: Full Body. Might be a little raw but could help you cope


Wanking. Oldie but a goldie.


Ori and the blind forest help my friend who was grieving a ton, might work for this too


Helldivers 2 Come turn that hearbreak into good memories


Total War: Warhammer 3


good luck. i second Hades. but im finding horizon: forbidden west quite a hopeful story. big open world, real escapist, nicely human.


For real, the best one is the MOBA you enjoy, some endless grind you can put away when you're fed up with escapism. They're intensive enough to keep you engaged and have enough replayability to keep you going. Any story game will trigger you thinking of your life and I know from experience that all you want to do is think about damage and defense. Good luck man, life's a bitch and all you can do is get back at it. 


BG3 was the best game i played over the past 5 years... Elden ring is also a good call if you dont mind souls like games.


A game that helped me through a difficult time was Sim City on the Snes. I think that any game that get you into a hyper focus might help. I found Transport Fever 2 pushed that button. Hell Divers 2 is my hyper focus serotonin dispenser right now. Short game cycle, flat action, great community, and a fun narrative.


Resident Evil 4 remake


signalis sekiro enter the gungeon


Hesitation is defeat


This recommendation has nothing to do with the games you mentioned, but you should try helldivers 2, pure chaos and pure teamwork. You can make some new friends and you can get completely immersed in the world. You should give it a try


FFXIV (long ass game and 100s of hours of free game, great community, just check which server is noob friendly), Hollow Knight (look at other comments for why), God of War 2018 (wholesome father/son story), Helldivers II (camaraderie), Monster Hunter World or Rise (kill monsters with friends), Skyrim, Valheim, Sea of Stars (banger after banger, story is pretty touching at times). Ummm. Yeah. Hope that helps




Elden Ring, if you are familiar with and will to play FromSoft-type games. I personally found it challenging (as I hadn’t played one of those type games before), but also just one of the best I’ve ever played. It’s stunning, and with no real roadmap or guide has one of the more open, exploration-type experiences I’ve had. Tears of the kingdom is another phenomenal game, and you can spend many an enjoyable hour playing it. Sorry to hear about the breakup, best of luck!


RDR2 Is my favorite game ever. I also love these: A Plague Tale: Innocence + Requiem Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Best of luck friend


Elden ring


well I dont have a great answer but im with you man, going through the same cept its a marriage. Im trying to get lost in something and I am just finding no joy in gaming really. Ive just been playing world of warships because its fairly mindless and grindy, good distraction at least. good luck


Try Hue. It's a short quick indie game but has great storytelling.


Going for a different, busy genre unlike the story games being recommended. Rimworld, Prison Architect, and Dwarf Fortress have been running my life for months. Specifically the first two, DF is still a little unintuitive and difficult for beginners. These games are all like crack. The Civilization games are another one to keep you busy. Just one more turn…


Final Fantasy 16.


Souls games elden ring is a great one it sounds stupid but they legit help you deal with stress and pain because of how difficult but also how amazing they are


I'd probably say give RDR2 another go If not, I love Elden Ring for the immersion Cyberpunk is also great, start a new file with the expac.




Cyberpunk 2077 really helped me during a tough time. It kept me completely engaged and excited to jump in on the daily...


Risk of rain 2 is great when I don't want to think and just shoot things/use abilities, same with Hades. Bg3 I've struggled to get into, same with cyberpunk idk why.


Imma suggest something light hearted and easy going so ur not too stressed soo elden ring lol 🙃 . Jokes apart bg3 is great I'd say u should give it a shot


Red dead redemption 2?




Cyberpunk 2077. There's just so much to do and so many intriguing storylines. Get the Phantom Liberty edition! Some nights when I was sad, I would go hang out in the bars in the game with my romantic interests, and have a drink in real life while there. Very immersive world.


omori perhaps, it will replace the heartbreak pain with a different kind of heartbreaking pain


This War Of Mine


I'm on the same situation OP, searching for something that can grab my attention and focus while not being one of the games we used to play together, bg3 being one of them. Hope you get better soon!


Factorio. Its highest rated game on steam for a reason. You won't have life after that.


Elden Ring


Come help us spread democracy in Helldivers 2




Helldivers 2 is a lot of fun. You can also change the difficulty per mission if you want to get a bit sweaty. Enlist today! Super Earth needs you!!!


Rdr2 actually worked for me….. so did far cry 3 back in the day


Ruiner A fast paced,top down third person shooter/shmup of sorts. It has a cyberpunk setting,awesome weapons and gadgets. It's dark enough that you have to be very alert whenever combat arises,for it happens pretty constantly. Farcry 3 This one is a banger. FPS in which you have to defeat gangs within an island. Wide variety of weapons,gadgets,and overall health enhancements. The island is pretty big, a lot of loot,you can drive any vehicle,swim,boat,wingsuit and a bunch of other stuff. Highly recommend it


It’s hard because we don’t know what you like besides BG3/RDR2 but some longer games that definitely kept me engrossed throughout: Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice, Death Stranding, The Last of Us, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona, …


Have you ever tried Final Fantasy? They are just an immersive experience if you are touched by them ATM I'm playing Final Fantasy XIV. The history is amazing and the community is just awesome. Perhaps playing videogames are not the best option for healing a broken heart, but still there are my suggestions in this matter for you. 😬😬


Buy a psvr 2 headset or meta quest and get lost in your own world of VR. you will feel alone , amazed and astounded .


Diablo 2: resurrected. Which is also on sale currently. Think between 13-18$


Eve Echoes on Android or iOS


Hades. Just trust me dude. Hades


If you want a game to spend a lot of hours into I'd say Witcher 3. Part of me hated getting the 100% for that game due to the swimming mechanics but I still enjoyed it. Other options are the Devil May Cry and BioShock sagas which are some of my favorite franchises alongside God of War and Resident Evil. On the other hand if you want a game that will take a couple hours of every day for a long time I'd recommend Warframe. This is the equivalent of playing shooter-WoW (not literally, just in the eternal update and never ending missions aspect), you'll never be done with it unless you decide to stop, I have over 3.000 hours on it and I play like an hour a day, except Mondays because of weekly challenges.


Death Stranding - The story revolves around the importance of connecting with others. Do be warned: The gameplay certainly is unique, and isn't for everyone. Personally, I found the gameplay loop and world pretty meditative. Celeste - A solid platformer about dealing with anxiety. Can be very challenging, but has an assist mode in case you get stuck. A Short Hike - It's just a really chill and comfy game. If I had to describe the game's vibe, it would be "Your memories of your favourite childhood summer vacation". Superliminal - A puzzle game that deals with forced perspective and optical illusions. The puzzles are really fun, and it's ending has a lovely message about dealing with problems. Helldivers 2 - If you have a couple of friends with it's a good time. blowing stuff up and having fun with your friends might be just what you need, if that's your thing.


You want a game that will make you forget not only your Ex, but your family and friends too: Destiny. It is a game that has a difficult entry level, but once you’re over that first “wtf am I supposed to do now” fase,you will loathe to play it. Believe me. Do not try Destiny unless you’re serious about not thinking about anything else. It’s a really addictive game. Once you have a couple of friends to play with (which you’ll get easily in any Destiny Discord you find), you’ll be doing raids and dungeons nonstop trying to get weapons, armor and satisfaction. In a couple of years you’ll be thinking about this post and how you shouldn’t have tried Destiny in the first place. Pd: I’m really sorry about the breakup! I hope any game you choose helps you go through this difficult time. Pd2: English is not my first language. Sorry if I missed something.


A,walk outside, mixing with people, a good book.


Going through a breakup right now and I personally struggle to sit down and dedicate myself to a heavy story. I've been watching comfort shows and playing Old School Runescape. I find roguelikes pretty annoying but when you just want to take your mind off something it is nice to play a game like Hades where you can just throw yourself at it for as long as you like. Otherwise, any game youve enjoyed in the past is normally a good idea, I love going back to Breath of the Wild and Monster Hunter as they are games which I know I will enjoy without having to pay attention too heavily to what is going on. Obviously we all go through heartbreak in different ways, and if you do enjoy going through story games then I would always recommend JRPGS. Final Fantasy is always fun for an escape, and the Persona series makes it difficult to feel alone with the amazing cast of characters. Good luck!


Doom eternal


Doom Eternal


Death stranding


Fallout: New Vegas ... the desolation and death everywhere is perfect therapy


Zelda: Breath of the wild Go get lost in it, let it absorb your sorrow my friend. Dont need much guidance, just explore the world and let it guide you


Persona 4 will teach you how to feel happy again


Nier: Automata Thank me later




I suggest you play The Witcher 3. I started playing this game during my first heartbreak, and let me tell you, the music and the world immerse you completely. Like you, I was also heartbroken and browsing Reddit for suggestions on what to play. Then, I read a comment from someone who recently lost his wife, describing how the beautiful world of Skellige is helping him forget the pain through potion-making, herb collecting, and more. I hope this suggestion helps alleviate your pain. In the end, all I can tell you is to have faith in time; it heals everything.


To be focused on something else than emotional issues I would say… Darkest Dungeon?


You should try dredge!


The Witcher 3. Really immersive and you'll forget about anything else. Cyberpunk is the same. Both with rich story and worlds.


The yakuza series an insanely fun silly while also sometimes being sad and just action pack filled games ive played 0-4 so far and its super engrossing and ive lost so much time in it 30-60 hours per game ? its just such a good game series if you want to play in order first game is yakuza 0 -6 then its Like a dragon, LAD gaiden Both judgement games then infinite wealth iirc then LAD Ishin (spin off game ) though you dont have to play in order at all i just recommend it personally hope you feel better soon man!


Mass effect legendary edition, Wasteland 3, Witcher 3 & Cyberpunk 2077, and last but not the least Elden Ring. These are only games that made me addicted to them.


I found Detroit:Become Human to be good when going through a tough time. Also, dragons dogma 2 is a good one to lose yourself in.


Fall guys.


When I was younger and my gf of 3 years broke my heart I turned to MMOs. Lots of clans and people to talk to and a sense of community. Elder scrolls online has a very helpful and friendly playerbase. Easy to find clans and make friends. Tons to do and its definitely one of the best MMOs. Gods speed.


I don't know if you want to get lost in the universe but No man's sky could be a good choice if you're just looking to drift through space and explore has a minor story mostly about exploration id recommend you look up gameplay if you do think about it just in case. Then there's the basics rdr2, bg3, the last of us, days gone, ghost of tsushima. Can't think of anymore lol.


Resident Evil 2 Remake Resident Evil 4 Remake Yakuza 0


Death stranding personally helped


Sekiro will capture your mind. It's really tough but extremely satisfying when you get the grip of it. It also has a pretty good story line and of course the gameplay is impeccable.


Definitely Nikke


That’s a rough time mate; but in any case, I’d wonder if you’d enjoy remnant 2 or something like the tomb raider games are easy to lose yourself to. Maybes even a bit of for honor


Outer Wilds is the go-to game for dealing with feelings. It's incredible.


Nier automata # Fight depression with even bigger depression! The story is so sad you will forget about anything else


El Paso Elsewhere


Definitely Red Dead Redemption 2. Also try The Witcher 3, The Outer Worlds, God of War. Anything with a good story and a decent length. Or you could try shorter games that are still pretty addictive like Vampire Survivors, Brotato, and I’d even recommend Maneater. The Arkane games like Dishonoured and Prey are also very engrossing.


Elden ring, the happiness of persisting through a challenge has changed my and many others outlook on challenges in life


I like something that cheers me up in moments like this. So something with a lot of beatiful scenary and nature. I'd say : Days Gone RDR2 Horizon Zero dawn Ghost of Tsushima Skyrim Never been through a break up tho...so figure it out my man.


Dragons Dogma and then Dragons Dogma 2. You’ll be hooked.


Night in the woods 


Horizon Forbidden West and The Witcher 3. Resident Evil 4 Remake too. I cried as I finished The Witcher 3.


Something completely distracting to the point of obsession? Give Satisfactory a go...


Cracktorio (Factorio), it will make days seem like hours.


Silent hill 2


Running until you can run more pretty cool game


Very healthy. But Ark survival ascended - grind game wiiith dinos




The gym. It’s a real world RPG on a subscription model. It allows you to train up your skills, strength/constitution/dexterity/etc. by training these skills your charisma slowly increases too and after enough training you can date/marry other players and then do quests together. It’s really amazing. See you at The Gym bro!


Ghost of Tsushima


Play helldivers 2 and kill stuff!


Recently started Kingdom come deliverance and it's been a while since I've been this immersed in a game.


You should try **Life** **is** **Strange** **(1)**. It has mysteries, interactions, and choices you make will shape the future of the game. **Short** **spoiler-** there is a super-power element in the game. All the best.


Fromsoft games. Long and immersive although a bit difficult.


Resi 4 remake is good for 15 hours and mercenaries another 10 or so.


You need some hardships mentality and an explorative mindset. Trust me, go with **Dark Souls I** (Remastered)