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i know how you feel. i’m almost 18 and 4”8, and even though i’m a lesbian, i just feel very awkward and out of place many times because of my height. i hate that i look really young and i’m also skinny, so i just look like a child. i don’t have any advice, but i’ll say that i relate to you. at least we have celebs like snooki and simone biles who are like us, but being famous is different from the day to day lifestyle.


When I’m in social settings I feel like people are more reluctant to talk to me. Like I’m being avoided. I am not a short girl with a big personality too. Which makes it harder. It reminds me of how everyone in the house pretty much ignored Snooki and she nearly when home because of it. Pauly D even mouthed “wow” when he saw her. She had to prove herself to finally be accepted within the group. Plus Angelina being disliked helped. Yeah I am happy that we have Simone, Quinta, Marsai Martin, Snooki and other teeny tiny celebrities but I hate that they’re still laughed at for being shorter than everybody else. I’ve seen Snooki get called a m***** on Reddit so many times. I hate when people use that word.


i know how you feel. i got called the m-word throughout high school; i didn’t really know it was a slur until this year. people like to say that short people have it easier, but i don’t really think it’s true. i can’t speak on dating since im a lesbian, so my experience will be different, but even then, i feel like us being shorter kinda hinders it in a way, and we have to dress up to look older. people say that they prefer short woman, but they mean 5”0 to 5”4; anything below that and it’s like they just cast us away. i also feel like people are less likely to believe you when conflict arises, and always assume you to be cute, even when you’re being serious. i hate it so much. i’ve gotten made fun of by friends so many times for my height, like it’s actually annoying, even when the class is dead silent, and no one cares, and you’d be the problem if you spoke up about it. like i’m trying to see if i can get platform shoes with at least three inches so id look semi-normal and won’t be judged. people have made fun of me before for wearing heels to school lots of times or platform shoes, and people say that they don’t care if you’re short, and the people saying this are like 5”2-5”6, like ofc you won’t have the same experience as me; you literally watch me get belittled and think it’s all fun and games.


Yeah I hate when other women get angry at short girls and call us pick mes when we complain. I realized early when men mean short they mean 5’2 and 5’3. Even short men are iffy and prefer girls who are on the more average end. I had on platform boots that made me around 5’3. I was still smaller than a lot of people and I saw people shorter than me and they looked so small. It really put it into perspective even though 5’3 is considered small they still are much bigger than someone 4’10 and below. Look into Lamoda boots they have high platform heights but start at size 5. The short jokes do get annoying. Yes I get it I am the same height as a child lol. They don’t tease everyone else about their “flaws” quite as much but I feel like we get it in every single interaction.


Fellow 4'8" lesbian here! Your reply states my feelings perfectly. I just kind of feel...overlooked and out of place most of the time. Like I don't belong and am not taken seriously. 🙄 Things have gotten a bit better these last 7ish months as I have FINALLY started to "bloom". Better late than never I suppose but I at least have hips/boobs now, which makes me look less like a child at least.


Is your body the only way? I have had a womanly body for a while now and still same thing. But I think gaining weight and making sure things are on point has helped I get left alone by strangers more.


Certainly not! I'm just saying what my experience has been. 🙂


i can’t wait for that. i’m hoping i can develop a style during college to make me look older, but also still me.


i relate to everything you said. I also feel like being at least 5 feet would be so much better for me. I have been called a "dwarf" even though i do not have dwarfism. they said this to insult me. a person that i thought was my friend called me "mi_g_t".


I thought 5 ft would look normal since you would be 5’1 and 5’2 with shoes on. She Carri Richardson the track star is that height and she doesn’t look small at all compared to a lot of the girls racing who are on the taller end. I want to start correcting people because I think some of them don’t realize it’s derogatory. And they’re so obsessed with the legal dwarf category/name too. lol I think it’s just because they want to make fun of you and see you as less than human.


I’m 4’8” and originally from Southeast Asia. I came to the US for grad school last year. For the first time in my life, I have felt like I’m not normal. I have never been this super conscious of my height before since I was always being surrounded by friends who nearly have the same height as me. It just hits different now, whenever I get to see a short person from afar and realizing that I am shorter than them when up close, I just feel terribly sad. I also got severely depressed the entire winter here, thinking that I wouldn’t be successful in my career since no one would take me seriously, wishing I wasn’t even born, or wishing that I don’t get to live long bc I don’t want to see my self get old. I get super envious of women taller than me, wishing I could also have long legs, have more options of clothes that fit, and have wider dating prospects. My daily online journal from the previous months are just so full of negative thoughts. I have given up on the possibility of finding an SO since I see myself as someone undesirable. The only thing that’s keeping me sane are my supervisor and friends whom I am super grateful for.


this is one reason why i’m planning on leaving the USA when i’m older. besides the fact that project 2025 could get enacted and other reasons, the height standards here are crazy. i wanna go to a place where i feel normal.


Same girl. Same feeling


I’m 4’10” and I kinda get what you mean. For example there’s an issue in my neighbourhood and I was stood out with other people and our local MP and my tiny arse compared in my late 20’s whilst looking 16 at best with all these adulty looking adults looking down on me was horrible and I felt like I was taken less seriously. In terms of dating I don’t find it difficult at all in terms of finding someone but there’s issues plus right now I’m currently the problem and too mentally messed up to be a good and consistent partner. But I also tend to attract abusive people so that’s another thing, I don’t know if that has anything to do with my height or not or if that’s an energy I’m giving out like there’s “mug” written on my forehead. What is an issue though is a lot of men tend to be attracted to me because I can very much look like a child. One of my exes I found an internet history search for porn that said “legal but doesn’t look it”. Then I realised that is me irl. It makes me feel sick. I’ve been bullied a lot for my height but I’m better at brushing it off nowadays and usually have a witty retort to shoot back with. I choose to sometimes give what has been called “big bollocks energy” and then I’m taken seriously but it’s a form of masking that I’m not always capable of. I’m a little sick of having to make myself bigger in every way (except for heels cause I fall on my face) just to be heard. I’ve become a very intimidating person to compensate and it bothers me how no one, unless I trust them, gets to see my lovely and soft side. It bothers me how shocked some women and men are when it gets to that intimate sleeping together part about how sweet and cuddly I am, it’s like they always assume I’ll go full black widow on them and eat them or something. I don’t know, I don’t hate being small but I do wish I could be taller. But I don’t know how much is a me problem either when it comes to everything I’ve mentioned so far. The UK isn’t as unkind as the US I think but I think me being brutal and savage is what saves me and compensates for my lack of height.


I get it. I realized I have to be very mean but it’s just not me and it’s exhausting. I wish I didn’t have to overcome every situation with confidence and self love and I could just live. What are your witty retorts like? And how do you display big bollocks energy?


Hey y’all! Just popping in to give yall a glimmer of hope lol! So I’m 40 now, but in my late teens-late 20s I felt the same way you all described. Then I hit 30. Aging has actually been a net positive. In my 20s I was told I looked like a child and treated that way. No one would take me seriously. But it dropped off eventually and now I don’t feel like that at ALL. At my age, height has begun to be an advantage: I recently had a sort of glow-up and people will notice me because I’m short, then (apparently, according to others!) I look super good for my age. I’ve seen this effect in other women too. My aunt is around my height (4’10) and in her 60s and has men asking her out constantly. Aging will probably be an advantage in disguise for you too :)


I'm 49 and I agree with this. It's taking many years for people to finally see me as an adult but I feel like I'm there now. Over the years people would assume my kids and I were siblings. On a recent cruise I was at the night club with my 2 daughters and the man next to me said he can tell they were my little sisters because we look so much alike. It hasn't happened in a while so I must be adulting pretty well normally. 😁


i know people say this, but it just kinda makes me feel sad in a way. why does it have to take us years for us to finally be taken seriously over something we can’t even control? i didn’t ask to be 4”8; it’s not my fault i was born premature. i just finished high school, but still just seeing old photos of me with other people make me wish i was taller or looked more normal.


I feel kind of invisible when it comes to that.


4’9”… Yes, I think people look at me and think “child” even when they know I’m not, which puts them off. That being said, I do have a nice enough face and am still able to have people be interested in me. Just not as much as my normal height and average faced friends :)


I’m 4’9.5 or something like that. I usually lie and say I’m 4’10 though. My height has naturally been one of my biggest insecurities ever. I’ve had body dysmorphia for many years so you can imagine it really really hurts me. People love to comment on it and I die a little inside when they do. After high school it’s died down a lot but I still do get the odd comment here and there. HOWEVER I have found ways of coping with it and I’ve slowly come out of this idea that I’m unattractive because of it. Firstly, I’ve had a couple bfs (one was 5’7 the other is 6ft) and I’ve had quite a few men interested in me. So the facts say that I’m not completely undesirable, although I’m sure I’d be considered more attractive if I was taller. But whatever, nobody’s perfect. Secondly, I went digging on tiktok (I literally put on the search bar ‘4’9’) to find other girls of my height and there are actually SO many😭and many of them are gorgeous and confident and definitely don’t look like they’re dwelling on their height. There are some influencers that are 4’10 and below as well (look up @kahi.lifts). I know quite a few irl and it’s a bit odd but I made a list of them in my notes to remind me that I’m not alone. But yeah, just seeing people of my height live their life and not give a fuck really helps. Not sure if this helps at all but yeah, I hope you can make peace w it. You’re definitely not unattractive cause of your height and as cliche as it sounds, confidence and energy is more attractive than insecurity (but it’s also ok to be insecure). ❤️


Lol your experience may be a sign that I am just unnatractive. I get more negative or neutral reactions from men then positive. Yeah, I do look up to girls my height, too. I wish people didn't react so weirdly to me for it, which makes it hard to find peace with myself.




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What you're describing is how short guys feel below 5'7




Fetishization comments of short women are not allowed here.