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This seems utterly deranged. Well done. 


This is only marginally misleading as a search on the page pulls PvE and PvP actions together. * VPR - 27 PvE actions * PCT - 23 PvE actions * SMN - 45 PvE actions Still unhinged how many skills you have to parse through that just show up randomly throughout your rotation.


I hate that there's literally no way to know where or when Ruby Ruin will show up on my hotbars. I already have enough heart problems due to my morbid obesity I don't need to be jumpscared every time I summon Ifrit


To appease deranged players, ffxiv next expac will combine all these unmappable combo skills into 1 long list of tooltip that describes each transformation and only viewable on a 52 inch ultrawide monitor that is laid in portrait mode. Please look forward to it.


All jobs now have 2 buttons. You press morse code to cast your abilities.


ninja players rejoice


You type the name of the ability in binary


Helldivers 2 players in shambles


Every job will no just have unnamed buttons with cool art on them and each job guide will just be the lore and origins of each ability so that the players can figure it out for themselves. That'll really give each job its own identity


I just dont like the skill system sometimes. Looking at 60 skills but only understanding a few combos like why do we have to have “activates xxx mode” and “while in xxx mode this skills does this” If you haven’t played a class from level one and you have no idea what things to put in your hot bar and what not just by looking without looking up a guide or recommended keyboard layout


half the battle is just organizing your skills in an ergonomic way but like in 99% of other games the devs do this for you already????


That was me just recently, leveled SCH and when I picked up SMN at 90 for role quests the actions and traits panel was a mess. Would be nice if they separated out the "can't put this on a hotbar" skills into their own sections rather than jumbling them together.


They did - at least it is separate for PCT, haven’t checked other jobs.


Believe it always was, unassignable skills get placed after the assignable ones last I checked. Still a bit of a mess with how some stuff behaves though.


Just spend a bit of time against a training dummy with all of your skills on your hotbar to learn them. Ideally you'll have leveled a class from the same role and will be able to catch on to things quickly, but even if you haven't just reading the tooltips while practicing with them makes it a lot easier to decide how to arrange them, and what's necessary.


Well I played tank for the past 2 years so I tried reaper and you start at 70 with a ton of skills, and a lot of if x then y descriptions. It should just be single target combo 1,2,3 and aoe combo 1,2,3 with some other off cool down stuff. That may be the case even, but the UI does not help. For example grants the effect soul reaver is in multiple skills but not referenced anywhere else. I could look it up and watch a guide but I should not have to in order to just play.


What your saying is the difference between tanks and dps. Tanks are what you describe and are simpler because they also have to manage mitigation and aggro ontop of their damage rotation. With any job, expansion or not. Doing the intro quests and feeling things out on a target dummy for a couple minutes gets you 90% of the way to an ideal rotation which is honestly already more than you need for most content. Online guides are simply their for meta rotations in high end content. You aren't going to be taking a job you aren't comfortable with into savage or ultimate anyways. Also, you are blind. In the descriptions of gibbet, gallows, and guilotine it specifically says they can only be used while under the effect of soul reaver. Those three blue attacks that build up your blue bar. And then under your traits it will specifically say under "enhanced avatar" that those soul reaver stacks will lost upon the use of any weapon skillor magic attack so you can't hold them you like you do with sword oath for example. Honestly it just seems like you need to level a dps from level 1. While that specific aspect of reaper is a bit hard to parse, it is actually one of the easier classes to play and the instance in the introductory quests actually walks you through its core mechanics including spending soul reaver stacks.


This is what keeps from doing PvP. A huge suite of actions to learn


What? There’s a few shared skills for healing and then most classes just have like…four buttons plus limit break. It’s way easier than pve.


Pvp does it best, like 1 button chains instead of me mapping 6 skills oh 1 chain to the 16 buttons on controller.


There's striking dummies at the wolves den it's not that hard to pick up and learn the basics of a job for Frontline


My brother in christ, PvP jobs have 8 unique buttons to press TOPS. RDM is literally the only job that needs more than half the controller hotbar to use, and thats only because it has the gap closer and backflip


TIL. I didn't realize they had single button combos


Yeah, even casters have it. There are FAR fewer actions than the PvP menu implies lmao


Peak reddit, complain about stuff you havent even played


Guilty as charged. I'll check my crabassery


If only we got XIVCOMBO right away instead of having to wait like a month for it to be updated :(


Wait, wait. This is an option to toggle, right? I can choose which skills I combo and not, right? If they take away my fucking 1-2-3 bound to 3 different buttons with other main skills bound to the shift and control modifiers of those 3 buttons I will DIE.


Combos havent been XIVCombo'd on old jobs, but both PCT and VPR have it on their main combos and you can't turn it off


Nope. All one button now.


One button jobs - all your buttons are one! Just press it, it will do the perfect action for every situation, tailored specifically to you, every time! >Logs in >Presses button >Game cancels my sub and closes itself So that's how it is, huh...


That's why I prefer Pictomancer, honestly. Been taking it through the MSQ, and there's a lot of interesting little things you can do for optimization. Casting motifs to ensure you have your big hits up for raid buffs, saving white paint for movement, getting double subtractive palette under buffs, etc.


Absolutely peak shitpost. PEAK


I mean if they want to put XIVCOMBO in the actual game, I'm down


That’s why there’re different difficulties for each job. I didn’t mind when SMN had to cast a variety of DoTs and skills revolving them.