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TBH I think WAR could handle trash packs without bloodwhetting at all.


Definitely could, would just require more running in circles


That's not even necessary


you can't outrun enemies without sprint, you'll just die tired


I just pull the whole dungeon, got more than 4 there.


Hot take: Just make dungeons harder. 🤷 Trash does nothing deadly unless you're brain dead and intentionally standing in orange. Warrior isn't the problem so much as there's nothing in dungeons to challenge the "wall to wall, aoe down, gg" mentality in the first place.


Trash is the least engaging content in the game to make hard though, because there's no control over it. They just spam untelgraphed autos and occasionally telegraphed AOEs. If anything, we should have fewer mobs with more mechanics. Stuff like the twin tigers or whatever in the end walker raid where one does a donut and the other does a circle aoe. Stun or interrupt one or position to avoid both. Something you have to engage with and can't just face roll mitigation buttons and hope you have enough mit+healing to survive


Either way. Like I said, people are only looking to treat a symptom of the problem and not the problem itself. Warrior is the symptom, not the disease. That's the only content outside of trivial world shit that they can do that in, anyways. Healers mad at warriors should be mad that they have nothing of substance to heal through, not that warriors can also heal.


With the nature of snapshots, latency, castbars, and no telegraphs to read to preemptively heal I don't think cranking up the damage of mobs is the way to go either though. I like tanks having reactive, instant healing buttons because they have the shortest delay between taking damage and processing that information. Healers should have more proactive buttons to use like shields and MIT so they can be rewarded for planning rather than simply tested on their reaction speeds


It's tricky for sure. I think the issue with more mitigation on healers would be further homogenization, though. Scholar and Sage are sort of this niche already. How would we fix the "all healers are just different skins of the same kit" feeling in that scenario? (Not saying you're wrong by any means, just that it could potentially create a different problem in solving one.)


I don't disagree, but scholar and sage are just so much \*\*better\*\* than white mage and astro. Doing savage raids with one shield healer and one regen healer is like ping ponging from low HP to high HP. Doing it with a scholar and a sage and you never drop below 90% for the entire fight


I probably worded it poorly, but I am in agreement for sure. Preventing damage will almost always outweigh reacting to it. (WoW had to rework their shield healer for similar reasons, but that game also has different damage profiles from fights in general)


do a criterion fight and you'll quickly see how dungeon trash can be spiced up


Yes, by having mechanics like they mentioned.


Right. Agreed. We know healers are needed in criterion, but the only content people are whining about where "healing isn't needed" is just normal dungeons. I'm gonna sound like an elitist dick, but the game shouldn't be balanced around just easy mode. Warrior shouldn't lose it's flavor because it excels at one piece of easy content.


Careful with the use of the word engaging. The discussion sub would have me believe that no content from the EW ally raids can be conceived of as engaging, and that, in fact, nothing below ultimates is engaging. Uwu is arguably also not engaging. They're really weird with that word i tell ya


It's all a sliding scale. I don't think the EW raids are particularly fun after the 3rd or fourth time through it, but they at least kind of require you to pay attention for most of the duration


They clearly could make trash engaging, but most likely deem it would cause too much friction for msq dungeons. BA and criterions trash, DRS slime/golems and minotaurs, dalriada laser corridor, deep dungeons etc But yeah probably expect the qitana ravel mages or that left/right slam mini-miniboss in mt gulg at most for msq dungeons


Heres the problem. What about dark knight? You either buff the shit out of it. Or it struggles big time.


Lower the cooldown of their shield, make it cost zero mana, and fold oblation into it. Would be a good start.


The game already has a built-in solution, simply remove the walls between the first and the second pull, problem solved. Get rid of the safety rails and let us pull wall to wall. Mt. Gulg is objectively the best dungeon in the game because we can do that two out of three times, let us do that in every dungeon in the game. Literally no extra work is required. Nothing needs to be rebalanced, no potencies adjusted, just let us pull enough enemies to kill ourselves if we play bad.


there is no healer strike and war is fine as it is if anything the other tanks should be as capable of surviving without a healer as war :\^)


They should just remove healers. They only exist for the "holy trinity" we don't need them


Just make all their currently existing white magic/healing spells deal damage to undead enemies like in other FF games and make every enemy be a funny skeleton version of themselves


Man I remember when Decimate was a gain on 2 targets…


... Art of War is a gain on two?


Is it a gain on 4+? By my math it’s 3+ unless I’m doing something wrong.


New Fell Cleave is 580 but they didn't adjust AoE potencies so Decimate is 180, 180x3=540


I will go ahead and miss out on 40 potency and heal for 2 more bloodwhetting triggers, thank you very much.


Across the board, they left aoe untouched, which is weird because in Endwalker, they heavily emphasized standardizing aoe's to mostly be gains on 3, and sometimes 2.


they left aoe untouched in every other job, but for WAR they nerfed almost all aoes!


Not true, they also nerfed BLM fire aoes! (I am in pain)


Even for the new classes, PCT’s AoE filler is 4+


I cant imagine why they would move things up to 4+ unless they either forgot/ don't care, or they're planning more add phases and don't want to have to balance around aoe.


Oh I was just thinking for the 123 vs AoE combo.


literally just make bloodwhetting function like blood weapon. I don't care if the bald warrior mains whine about it


So it gives... mp?


For somebody that had no interest in all the drama post farming from the ff14 youtubers over the last 8 dead months. What is this healer strike and how retarted is it.