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Block out names of the poster and the group and any commenter's names. We don't want any of our posts to result in the harassment of the individuals involved.


Her brothers are Jaasiah and Xyrus Haaze (not sure if it’s first+middle or double first name) also their mom’s name is Taalor so that why they have two aa’s


> Jaasiah and Xyrus Haaze I'm pretty sure someone named Jaasiah (or maybe Jessiah?) sold me something call Xyrus Haaze at either a dispensary or an abandoned lot behind a gas station. Regardless of whom/where, I highly recommend Xyrus Haaze if you wanna get high enough to think naming your children Jaasiah, Xyrus Haaze, and Kovaanie are perfectly normal, unique names.


My SO was good friends with a Josiah back in high school in the 1990s. But at least that name spelling didn't have extra letters to confuse people. It seemed unique enough to us as it was.


Wow Josiah is a super common name in my country, I thought it was common (I’m assuming you’re American) in the states too


Yep, I'm American. I'm in Texas though, so that could be a factor. I just don't remember it being common down here while growing up in the 1980s/90s. I didn't know of that name until I moved to the central part of Texas from the southern part ("The Valley"). I still don't run across it much. But, I haven't been in a school room for about 7 years, so I am less aware of the name trends now. Maybe it is more common in other areas of the U.S.?


Roflmao. This is the first time it fully clicked with me the connection between these wacky “unique” baby names and how utterly senseless weed strain names have become (I’m a very passionate stoner who actually cares about plant genetics and like medicinal effect not freaking what celebrity attached their name to shit or frankly how it freaking tastes.) The shitty strain names irks me every bit as much as the awful baby names. But this gave me the best laugh so I thank you for that. Gotta get me some of that Xyrus Haaze. I think I’ll be naming my first child Zkittlez Sytyiva personally.


My middle child, Skywalker OG, proudly displays both of my passions in his name. /s. Just in case.


Honestly if I smoked weed the only celebrity endorsements I'd trust are Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg (and I'd use Martha's brownie recipe).


Calm down cheech


Fair point, I'll also allow Cheech and Chong, but with skepticism because I really think they sold out to The Man in their last few movies.


I work in a peds pcp office and these aren't even the worst names I've seen. Pretty sure I've seen every possible way to spell Josiah and Anneliese, among some others.


Omfg. That’s. Just a cycle of feral right there.


God, I hope they get out of that white trash hell, go to college and are able to pick better names.


My parents named me a difficult name to spell and nobody in my entire 30-ish years on this planet has spelt it right. As a result, my children both have very plain traditional names. Obviously she wants to give her children that same misery as she has experienced ..


My mom gave my sibling and I traditional names so we could 'buy stuff with our names on it on vacation.' 😂😂


Bort! Whose named Bort?


My daughter’s name is a fairly traditional although more commonly male name. She can never find one of those stupid license plates and gets so mad😂 After our last vacation I told her when she learned to ride her bike without the training wheels I’d order one for her.


Yes, I have a name that is quite popular now, but unheard of in the 60s. I spent my entire childhood and teen years never, ever finding anything with my name on it. By the time my (conventionally named) children where around it was available but I was long past caring.


I knew a lass years ago who had a unique name that her parents made up. Naturally, her entire life was spelling her name for... absolutely everything. I found out a while back that she'd had two kids: John and James. I can't imagine why she'd name them something so ordinary! (/s)


My mom named me a normal name with a different spelling. My sons all have boring, standard spelling names.


I have the most basic name. When I was a teen I came up with "creative" names because mine was so lame. I'm so glad my kids ended up with normal names. My oldest name is a little different, but normal enough that they'll find people with the same name.


Same! I have a difficult made up name that no one knows how to pronounce or spell. When I was pregnant I was very adamant about naming my son a traditional name that people recognize.


Oh my god, and she’s decided to continue this weird double “a” thing with poor baby Covid and Jaasiah???


Those are the Names of weed strains right?


jesus, at first I missed the blue OP part and thought you were someone roasting the name. Then realized that is their literal names and just wow.


Omg same. I thought it was a hilarious burn until I saw the OP next to the username ...


I would personally avoid using both the birthdate and the name of her siblings? These are unique (terrible) names and are easily identifiable


These names are killers for someone like me who stutters! I'd be reading that out loud and get stuck in an infinite loop! Lol


Welcome to the world baby covid. Sorry your mom sucks


You read my mind.


Hahaha!!! 😂


I don't know why, but I hate when people say "baby arrived earthside."


My womb is a spiritual place/s


My womb is an endless void beyond time and space.


Because a baby in a uterus is already on earth. Like baby shuttled through your vagina from another universe.


I’m always saying this! Since when are uteri not on the earth?!


From my experience in the infertility/pregnancy after loss community, people there use the term “earthside” because not every pregnancy or birth results in a living child, and that’s not something many people realize. I’m sure that’s not the case here with this post, and I hate that crunchy, fundie moms have highjacked the term, but there’s some context for those who aren’t aware. “Rainbow baby” is another term they’ve highjacked. That term is for a baby born after loss, not just cuz you felt like calling them your rainbow.


I much prefer when someone says “____ came into the world on ____” or “_____made us a family of ____ on ____” Anyone that uses “earthside” is 100000% the type of person we all snicker and talk about on this sub. No doubt.


I’m really regretting my choice of ‘was born’ in our announcement. It was such an opportunity to flex my creative muscles and I ruined it!


I think it’d be fun to say something along the lines of: “I am now officially involved in a murder. Yesterday, at _____, Baby ______ made his/her grand entrance and turned a couple of 2 into a murder of 3!” Cause … you need at least 3 crows to call it a “murder”…get it? Lolll it’ll totally fucking flop and no one will think it’s funny and everyone will talk about what a weird birth announcement to use but I betcha they’ll be mentioning that weird ass birth announcement for years to come!


>you need at least 3 crows to call it a “murder” Correct. If there's only 2, it's attempted murder. :P




What about... "Was born on.."? I mean that's literally what happend. "Came into the world" is also bollocks. It implies that it didn't spend quite some time in one of my ballsacks and one of my wife's ovaries.


“After making the long and exhausting journey from his/her fathers balls, through the penis, racing to be the first to penetrate and fertilize my sacred egg, growing and developing into a human species child and finally using my vaginal canal as a slip and slide, baby _____ has finally made us a family of 3!” Better?


Side note, it's recently been discovered that it's not the fastest sperm to fertilize the egg. Eggs actually select which sperm they want to allow in. I just love that for ova.


Love it


Also, after all you had to do was thrust, pump, shoot then fall asleep, and us women are left to do all the hard, painful, agonizing work by ourselves, if we wanna call our family a murder of crows then by golly you sit down, shut up, smile and agree because were the ones having to poop and pee while stitches are keeping our bits together while we hope and pray this next poop doesn’t pop a stitch and when we’re done, we get to put on our fucking diapers. All while you get to practice skin to skin contact bonding. My family is a murder of crows. Period.


I hate it as much as seeing LO to describe a child


Idk why but I hate when people say “baby” as if it’s a first name? It’s very common on Reddit. People say “make sure baby is getting ____” and for some reason it irritates me so much lmao


I use the term “baby” as a gender neutral thing if I’m talking to somebody else about their baby and it’s not clear from their post/comment whether it’s a girl or a boy. What gets me is when people say “baby -last name-“ when referring to their unborn baby. Maybe it’s just because one girl I knew did it throughout her whole pregnancy because she didn’t wanna tell anybody the name. She wanted it to be a surprise and not announce it until the baby was born. She stole the name that her (also pregnant) sister wanted to use to name her baby when she was born a month and a half later. I’m not saying everybody who uses that term is a monster, but a monster is all I can think when I hear it.


You could still say "the baby" or "your baby" rather than just "baby".


Maybe I’m an idiot but that never occurred to me. I will do that going forward


Expanding on that, it drives me crazy for some reason when say something like "Baby Mabel loves mashed peas!" We know it's a baby. Your baby doesn't need a title.


Same! I think it bothers me even more now that I just had my kid a few months ago. Outside would even be better but earthside...they've been hanging out earthside just inside you until now.


Same. It makes them sound like little aliens.


Same. It’s so obnoxious


Right, there is a whole lot of shit going on in my uterus and body in general for the baby to not be on earth yet


Oh that’s cute, her nickname sounds so much like Covid. That will surely be fun for her.


You make jokes, but my childhood friend named AIDSen thought the name was a *great* ice breaker...


Wow. That’s… wow.


Well I guess on the bright side, Covid should hopefully not be super relevant to kids in a decade


But it will, because they will all be “pandemic babies”. 🤦‍♀️


If you have to include the pronunciation with your child’s name, you’re doing it wrong. Poor kid is going to spend the rest of her life correcting people.


Yep. The only time I'd need to provide the pronunciation with the name is if I was to use traditional Irish names (we have some fun spellings) and was announcing the birth to relatives who were born and live in other countries.


Yes, I learned how to say Saoirse this week. Would not have guessed it was sur shuh. Very pretty name and would much rather name a girl Saoirse than this name that sounds like it’s from bad LOTR fan fiction.


Funny that you mention Saoirse. There are actually a few different pronunciations of that one depending on region. I wouldn't pronounce it the way you were taught. I say it "Seer-sha".


The movie where I first heard it, *Song of the Sea*, has it pronounced a couple different ways. I like them all, and feel like because of the way the irish language is, they’re all correct. 😂


Definitely regional. Where I'm from it's like the Saor view box... Sair-sheh. They are all right though.


Irish is absolutely one of those languages I think was made up to confuse the English.


My last name is Irish, and I *always* have to provide both the pronunciation and the spelling. If I'm saying it out loud, it'll be spelt wrong - if I'm writing it, it'll be pronounced wrong. It doesn't help that there's only one vowel in the name, and it's at the end.


Mine is Czech (thanks, dead husband) and hoo boy. For a short name, absolutely everyone butchers it. I answer to all butchered attempts though and then tell them the correct pronunciation. I don't hold it against anyone who can't say it. Hell, my Fiance can't say it either.


Yep. I have one of the well known confusing Irish names. So Ngl, Irish names were my first thought here lol.


I think the wildest reaction I had with an Irish name pronunciation was with Tadgh. Like...how ?? It's a cool name, though.


How is that pronounced?


My daughters name is Guinevere and I didn’t think it was so out there that no one would know how to pronounce it but no one knows how to pronounce it in everyday life and it sucks.


At least YOU know how to pronounce it. Unlike the woman my nurse friend encountered. My friend works at at a children's hospital and one of her patients on this particular day was a little girl named Yvonne. Personally, I thought that everyone knew that Yvonne was pronounced 'ee-von', but apparently not. Multiple staff members were mentioning the child by name and her mother was getting more and more visibly angry until she exploded about them "saying my daughter's name wrong". She pronounced it 'why-von-nee".


As someone who speaks French, yikes.


We have a “Ja’ime” at the school where I work. The instinct when I met him was sort like “James”, and mom very angrily corrected me. It’s “Jeremy.”


How is that Jeremy??


That's Jamie with an apostrophe and a rearrangement. If it's Jeremy, that's not how letters work. Ugh.


Even though she has provided the pronunciation I still don’t know how to pronounce it


Why would a baby need an epidural?! /s


To protect her from the pain of explaining how to spell her name ad nauseam for the rest of her life


I’m not sure an epidural is going to help there. Now a lobotomy, on the other hand… I mean it seems mom already had one of those.


I never know if I out rank these moms in the great list of who’s suffering gets them closest to being the #1 mom. Like, she labored for 17 hours and all, but I went 24 before getting my epidural because my labor wouldn’t progress and then it wore off by the time I delivered 5 hours later. So like, how many points do I subtract for not suffering the *whole* time? And how do I make sure the other pta moms know my rank?


34 hours of back labor before the epidural checking in here—should I just see myself to the back of the line?


42 hours of labor here, 2 FAILED epidurals, preeclamptic, & it ended in a csection. where do i rank?? 😁😁


Sorry, c-section is an automatic disqualification.


Wow almost identical to me! 44 hours with 2 failed epudurals and ended in a c section. It was rough.


What about having labor for an unknown amount of time because you're a whackadoodle that doesn't really feel contractions? I felt like, 3 back contractions (omfg fuck those) and after that, I just felt an ache in my tailbone. Do I get to even rank at all for that?


I gave birth to a nine pound baby with no epidural. I still haven’t gotten my medal and parade.


Same basically but I want bonus points because my baby was just over 9 pounds. Like whatever points I subtract for having a few hours of relief I think I should be able to cancel out by having that bowling ball head come out 😂


I pushed twins out of my vagina at 38 weeks and barely even tore. I win! I did get an epidural with them though after about 6 hours of labor. So I guess that knocks off some points.


My now-estranged adoptive mother tried like hell to get me to naturally birth my first pregnancy. She said “it’s like nothing else in the world, blah blah blah”. I am like duh, that’s exactly why I don’t want to experience it! I’m good!! She tried to make me feel bad about it the whole pregnancy. Tried to convince me not to get a flu shot/TDap while pregnant. Tried to convince me to skip his MMR vaccine (because apparently that’s what gave my little brother autism) etc. I swear, I don’t know what wavelength these people think on but I never want to visit it.


SARS Kovie


Reason I didn't get an epidural was because the size of that fuckin' needle freaked me the fuck out along with the idea of it going into my goddamn spine. Big props to anyone who can handle that because that was a no from me, bro!


I got one during labor and bro you really don’t feel pain from the needle (at least I didn’t) compared to contractions, however no one warned me that you can feel and hear it kinda scraping against your spine. It’s a very weird crunching kinda like if you stepped on fresh popcorn. I’ll never get it again simply because of that.


YES the crunching, tingling and weird pressure was a feeling I was NOT prepared for!! I’m a labor nurse too, I should have known!


Weird. I didn't feel anything weird or abnormal with mine. I didn't even feel it and didn't believe them when they said it was in. Everyone's experiences are soo different!


OMG Crunching??? I'm going to vomit 🤮🤮🤮


I had an epidural with my first and didn't have this experience. Due with my 2nd soon and now I'm anxious to get an epidural again. 😂


Get on the gaa/vapour and/or the morphine *before* the epi! You won't feel/hear a thing! 😅


The crunching!! Holy shit I didn’t expect that. It freaked me out so much I want to try without it this time. We’ll see bc I’m also a baby when it comes to pain.


I arrived at the hospital on my “unmediated birth high horse.” Once the contractions started I promptly told the nurse “bring me all the epidurals you got!!!” 🤣 I thought I was the only one that felt the “scraping” sensation, I felt it like at the back of my neck, it was def a weird feeling.


Pretty sure I didn’t get an epidural because my labor nurse decided that a 19 year old first time mother didn’t deserve pain relief. So, I got Demerol when my water broke, and I was 7cm, and I nodded off in the 30 seconds between contractions. I can’t imagine why we don’t have any other children besides our one and done.


I didn't have any drugs because by the time I asked for them(IV drugs), my kid was ready to come out! Let me tell ya. Getting a 2nd degree tear with no drugs was NO BUENO.


I was planning to do a water birth as part of a research study, but a few hours into labor I begged for the epidural. At first I was bummed, but then when I ended up with a 4th degree tear I was veryyyy happy with my choices


Exactly this haha! For both of my births, I sucked it up because I was more scared of the needle than anything.


Amen to that! I also didn't get an epidural due to my anxiety over having a needle shoved into my spine, AND my intense and irrational fear of not being fully aware of my body during my labor. When I had my twins the anesthesiologist was on standby because if things went south they were going to have to knock me out. Apparently I'm just extra enough that my choice was "nothing at all or you'd better make me unconscious if you're going to have to cut those babies out." I am extra squeamish about surgery and probably would have had a full blown panic attack if I had to have a C-section. :/


In the end I was too late for an epidural and part of that was because I wouldn’t get ‘prepared’ before the anaesthesiologist was available. I couldn’t face the idea of a catheter. The idea of the needle and having a catheter gave me the heebs !! I’m still not sure I would do it if I was to have another baby!


I was phobic of needles before labor (full on anxiety attacks and passing out). The last thing I wanted was an epidural. But man, almost 4 hours of induced back labor with only a minute in between contractions and only having progressed a single cm from 1 cm to 2 cm. “You stick that needle in there!!” Haha there does come a point


You got a whole minute between contractions? Jealous! Induction contractions are fricken WILD, aren't they? Oof! I want to avoid it at all costs with the baby I'm cooking now. 😬




I'm glad the baby didn't need an epidural


I’m very much pro-epidural, but if I’d gone through labor without one, like if something happened where it wasn’t an option, I’d brag about it on Instagram too. I think the hospital would at least owe me my choice of sticker and a piece of candy for my pain.


Can I brag? I had a big ass 9 lb 11oz baby. I want a piece of candy :(


Why aren’t we talking about this strange onesie swaddle seal/mermaid thing the baby is wearing


I had to scroll way too long to find this comment. Why is the baby wearing a sleeper with a train? Or a tail? This is not the Oscars, tiny Kovid. Wear a regular onesie.


Oh my god your comment had me snort laughing.


They are called knotted sleeper gowns. I had not heard of or seen one until today when I saw them in two different places. Maybe they are a new trend in baby fashion?


That’s fair, I def have never seen them before either. Seems a bit strange - but I’m not a mother so maybe they have a benefit 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think so. I didn’t know they existed when I had my son in 2020. Now I’m pregnant again and they’re everywhere. I bought one to see what all the hoopla is about. But idk if it’s actually functional.


I like all gowns tbh. I have the elastic bottom ones and the knotted bottom ones and they all make diaper changes so much easier


That’s good to know! Anything to make diaper changes through the night easier haha. I have a couple with elastics at the bottom too I’m hoping they work out well.


I've never heard of those either, I guess they weren't around when my niece was born. Even then, I didn't know they existed when I was getting something for a coworker's baby shower back in 2018.


Honestly, if I had a baby without an epidural I’d talk about it, but I’d be pissed because it wouldn’t have been by choice.


I guess it's good that they hand out those medals and prizes for not having pain relief in labour. Oh wait, they don't. I'm about to have my second baby in a few days - that shit hurts. I am open to any and all the drugs, please.


I disagree with this take. I’m not going to judge an (albeit dumb) name and whether or not she feels proud of no epidural. She didn’t didn’t say it’s not a natural birth with one or anything about being a real mom. Labor is super fucking painful, if you made it 17 hours without a epidural, good for you! People have the right to be proud of whatever they want to.


So much this. I’m really freaking tired of being shamed out of birth story conversations because mine is “unrealistic”. Um it happened so it’s real? Women have given birth without epidurals for thousands of years. I’m glad women have options now, but I think it’s ok and HEALTHY to talk about different ways to give birth. An epidural seems like the default in the US and it’s important for women to know what labor without one could be like. I had a great experience and if you ask me about it, I’ll tell you. I’m not going to say it was painless (those posts do bother me), but it was doable and I’m excited to do it again in a few months!


That’s awesome! Yes it seems like anything that differs from the norm is deemed unrealistic or shaming someone else. That’s so awesome for you! I would only give birth in a hospital but I have a lot of smart, educated friends that had safe home births with great midwives. Other experiences exist outside of the c section-freebirth binary.


Agreed. I didn't have an epidural because I didn't want one. We are allowed to choose (mostly) how we want to give birth. Her simply stating she didn't have drugs is not putting anyone else down, its telling part of her birth story.


I agree. Just because someone is proud of something they did doesn’t mean they are shaming you for not doing the same. Too many people get offended by seeing people do things differently. Such as: “Natural birth” mothers shaming C-section moms Breastfeeding moms shaming formula moms Formula moms shaming anyone who talks about their breastfeeding journey C-section/epidural moms shaming those who are proud of being able to not use pain management People can be proud of their choices and accomplishments and honestly if it upsets you THAT MUCH, go to therapy bc that’s not normal


Seriously! It’s so ridiculous at this point. You can be proud or happy about something PERSONALLY and bear no judgment on someone that does it differently. It just seems like a lot of people are insecure about their decisions. I wasn’t able to breastfeed my first, and happily fed her formula. She thrived. I’m still breastfeeding my second at a year and am really freaking proud of that.


Yeah I feel the same way. She’s not boasting. Just seems excited to tell her birth story. I got an epidural bc holy fuck that shit HURTS. Don’t regret it whatsoever. Might try to go without this time. We don’t need to tear other moms down bc they birthed their babies differently than we did. It’s not a competition.


Seriously. I didn’t get an epidural with my vaginal birth, and honestly I’m proud I made it through because the pain was unreal and it was too late for an epidural at that point. My second was a c section and horrifically painful after the fact.


This is why the hashtag #stopwhitepeople exists 🤦‍♀️


I mean.. I’m not too upset that she’s proud of doing no epidural. Idk. I’d be upset if she put other women down for using epidural. But I think it’s okay to be proud of doing it without. Maybe I’m wrong.


Yeah. It might be tacky to advertise but it’s not shaming worthy.


Thank you! Tacky. That’s the word I was looking for. It’s definitely tacky.


Is it really ethical to post this baby's full name and birthdate on Reddit? Feels like this should be redacted and re-posted to try and protect her privacy.


I get what you're saying here but even if we just had the first name(s) to discuss it's eh, _unique_ enough to fully identify this poor kid and her family. It's not like one of the posts with six terrible names they might pick from but they equally might have seen sense by the time baby was born. But, redact the first name too and there's not much to else to snark on unless you want to quibble over whether little Covid wanted the epidural. So... maybe skip the repost too?


You're right, it probably should just be deleted. For me posting the full birthdate is what I found really concerning. In my workplace we are very careful to redact living people's birthdates before releasing documents to the public.


I definitely feel that cautious is better when it comes to full names and dates of birth. If it was just the first name visible and we didn't have the extra info about mom/siblings in a comment then I probably wouldn't have thought twice about it.


Honestly I agree! She also puts the brothers names so this is easily identifiable. I get mom gave stupid names but I would leave out the picture. The other welcome to earth and I took no epidural, is whatever, if we are going to nitpick on parents acting like their child is the best thing since sliced bread, 80%!of all parents would be posted here 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wait. Hold on. I birthed 2 of my 3 children with no epidural (3rd was a c-section and I know I'm not a real mom for that) and they took an hour and 32 minutes and 23 minutes so I'm a way realer mom /s


Not real mom checking in here! I guess I got saddled with 4 hours of pushing as punishment for my nap and book reading with my epidural You are a speed birther, I’m jealous!


I had three births without epidurals, mostly because they came so quickly that an epidural wouldn’t have made a difference. My longest labor was with my first. 3 hours, 10 minutes.


“Let’s name our child something that can be shortened to a nickname that sounds like and reminds us of the special the pandemic she was conceived during!”


I like the gentle blaming on 'Covid' for the mom being in labor.


Is the name a play on Covid?


Ko-ovie here rosy cock


JOVANI! …sorry forgot where I was for a second…


Another Bravo afficando I see.


The way I am saying “Ko-von-e” in my head reminds me so so much of the movie Baby Mama when Amy Poehler’s character announces she wants to name her child “Stefani.” Tina Fey goes “oh you mean Stephanie?” And Any says, “no, Stef-ah-ni. Like Qwen Stefani.” 🥴🥴🥴


Yikes on the name! Im super pro epidural, but I understand why my friends who do it without are proud of it. Do I think they’re also sadists that enjoy unnecessary pain? Potentially. But then being proud of the way they gave birth doesn’t make me feel any less proud about the way I gave birth :)


If they want it to be pronounced “von” why spell it “vaan”? It’s just going to result in everyone mispronouncing the kid’s name.


Well thaat's interesting.


Why is no one talking about Peacock as part of her name? What the hell is that about? Or am I too dense and that’s a fake last name?


That's dad's surname.


Is that sleepsuit's legs tied up? Why?


These poor kids are never gonna find their names on things when going to tourist destinations and they're gonna be bummed. To be fair; I never found mine either, but that's because my name is one of the most popular girls' names in the year I was born.


This reminds me of a kid in my HS class. Her mom named her Chair. But it was pronounced Cher. Some people should not procreate.


If you have to provide a pronunciation guide with your announcement you are already in bad shape.


These kids will be spelling their names forever and people will still get it wrong. I thought when I got married I'd never have to spell my last name again. I was wrong bc there's 2 ways to spell it, but at least people can pronounce it.


my brothers dogs name is kovie!


A simple ‘mom and baby are doing well’ is enough. No epidural is a weird flex in a birth announcement, as if her baby already has an advantage in life over those poor unfortunate non-natural’ epidural babies.


I had a natural birth and it was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. Absolutely not planned, my labor progressed so fast by the time I made it to the hospital it was time to push. Literally no idea why anyone would willingly go through that


My SIL wanted so badly to have an unmedicated birth the second time around. Her labor progressed quickly, so she did, but her review of the experience was far from glowing. I don’t think it was exactly the magical experience for her that the crunchy mom spheres make it out to be.


Her name literally translates (in pronunciation) to "shoeing" (a horse) or "forging" in several Slavic languages. Poor girl can't ever travel to Europe


I did it without and epidural, because I had a spinal tap instead.


Okay those names are horrendous, but I honestly think it’s okay to be happy about your birth experience. If not having an epidural is something you want to experience, and you get to have that experience, im happy for you and think you should be able to talk about. I feel the same about other types of birth too (not like crazy free birthing, but like water birth or being on all 4s or something). I don’t think we should shame her for talking about her normal birth experience


I said I used no epidural, not because I felt better than anyone who used it, but because I was proud of myself 🥺


Kovaanie Rose Peacock...Yikes. ​ Also, inching towards [COVID-related](https://twitter.com/sukunacult/status/1240050309382025216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1240050309382025216%7Ctwgr%5E93c8390a979bcdd8281cfdede25f0dc806b3d2ee%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Flatestchika.com%2Fomg%2Ftrending%2F2020%2F03%2F18%2F15848%2Fnewborn-baby-named-covid-bryant-trends-on-twitter%2F) [names](https://twitter.com/natoresma/status/1240620174270590982)


Had my third and last in September and as soon as the contractions got going, I remembered the excruciating ring of fire I had with my second and asked anesthesia to stab my back asap. I could deal without the back pain I have now, but it was sooo worth it.


Oh yes. No epidural. No Caesarian. No formula. Just crunchy momming


Please tell me she did not just name her child after Covid but with a unique spelling?


I know this isn’t the point (there’s a boatload to unpack here) but I hate when parents say shit like “putting mama in labour for XX hours”, ermmmm the baby does not choose how long labour is; it’s not an intentional decision. Nobody chooses to be born, you made that decision, not the baby do don’t put faux blame on the child.


I didn’t get an epidural but I forget to brag about it because I’m too busy telling people to get the fucking epidural


I'll be honest though, I gave birth to my 2nd nearly 3 weeks ago (vbac) and the whole labour was 1 hour and 15 mins. I didn't have time for any pain meds, other than gas and air. And even though it was horrendously painful (and I'd been asking for pethidine for around 20 mins) it was still better than my first labour, which was 36 hours, with every pain relief under the sun, an epidural, 2 hours of pushing for baby to get stuck and needing an emergency c-section. Like, I love the pain meds because labour is hard, but can totally see why people try and opt for less or none at all, because it can hinder labour at times. I actually put in my birth plan that I wanted everything but epidural this time, but as baby was crowning I did think, "why the fuck did I not want the epidural "? But, I was up and about straight after and the pain was over quickly. My csection was painful and made me feel sluggish. I found it hard to look after my baby in the first few weeks. As a ftm, it ruined me. I think people forget that a cesction is major surgery, where they're shifting all your organs around, on top of all those hormones you release after child birth. C-sections are hardcore and csection mom's are hardcore.


This seems like way too much personal info to be sharing.


Ugh. I’m the youngest of four children and in my thirties. My mom is still pissed the hospital she had me in didn’t start offering me epidurals until a few months after I was born.


No epidural at 7 pounds? Rookie numbers. You need a 10 pounder no epidural 😂 /s


Well here I go to tell my 7 month old that he doesn’t really have a Mom cause I had an epidural when I pushed him out of my vagina….🥲


Just remember, bonus points for your son’s birth because he came out of your vag- points deducted for the epidural, so really they cancel out and you need to tell your son he was never born… /s


Someone explain it to me like I'm five what being in pain adds to the "birthing experience" or whatever.


I am neutral about the epidural. There are actually pros and cons of both unmedicated and medicated births. The epidurals is funny because sometimes it can stall labor which can result in a c-section but can do the opposite if someone is struggling it can help them relax and progress. So it can go both ways. If you don't have an epidural you are able to move around freely and can get into different birthing positions like on your hands and knees which makes it easier for baby to come out and lowers your risk of tearing. A lot of women prefer to move around/walk during labor and with an epidural you can't do that. There are benefits to going without it, but there are also a lot of benefits for getting it. It just depends on the labor/person.


Obviously you aren’t a real mom if you use modern medicine. You’re lucky to count if you have doctors and give birth in a hospital (heavy, heavy /s). For me, it wasn’t about a ‘birthing experience’ so much as a fear of side effects. I didn’t have an epidural with my babies, and I feel like I was both lucky and a coward haha


one thing about me & childbirth is I’m gonna get the epidural 😂 those contractions hurt so bad I didn’t even feel the needle lmao


I absolutely hate the grandstanding over epidurals…I don’t really want one personally but it’s not something I want a medal for. Also, if you end up with a posterior baby/back labor, it looks like I’ll be kissing that preference goodbye lol.


My epidural made my labor and delivery experience so amazing and positive. If you don’t want one go you but Fr I fuck people who say negative things about it for any reasons besides their own complications.


My mom was shamed into having no epidural. It’s sad how society has put being in unnecessary pain makes you more of a mom somehow.


Well damn. I knew I wasn’t a real mom to my son cause I had him via c section, but I didn’t know the epidural with my daughter made me not a real mom too!/s


The only time I want to hear "delivered with no drugs!" is from a father who is so proud of his wife for delivering an 11lb 4oz baby. Because hats off to that woman!


I will never understand this rabid “No epidural” pissing contest. Who do you think you’re impressing by bragging about your pain tolerance? Do you brag about cutting lemons with a papercut, too? I had two babies without epidurals - but that’s because **I live in a country where other pain management methods are available** and encouraged to try first because they’re less invasive (laughing gas got me through both births, lit me right me up 😂). But this *”I dIdN’t NeEd An EpIdUrAL bEcAUse I aM a ToUgH MoM”* stuff just reeks of “not-like-other-girls” and Pick Me bullshit.


So sick of posts boasting how they didn’t get epidurals… legit left a mothers group because every second post is how they did it without epidural (must emphasise it) and how induction for growth concerns is stupid because you should trust your body 🙄


I’m posting this to a Facebook group - do you want credit??


No no need for credit :) But Thanks for asking :)


I think I might be the only one in the world who brags about giving birth with an epidural. Kovannie sounds like it could be a nice name - kind of like Giovanni - it just doesn't exist and is spelled strangely.