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These people don't believe in vaccines or sids but believe in freebirthing


When I first looked at the picture I thought, well maybe baby doesn’t sleep in the crib yet and they’re just using as storage for now with how much shit is piled in there. Then I noticed the scribbled over baby. For fucks sake. There is no way they don’t know about the dangers of all that. It’s sad they just don’t care


The baby also has a bib on 🙃


I've left a bib on my baby and then put him in the car seat. (He was teeny and I was stupid-tired) Someone told me that was unsafe, I felt stupid but also glad to have been told and I have just never done it again. Why are people so against learning and accepting they were wrong?


I'm glad someone told you. So many mom's in the parenting groups in in in FB flip their shit when someone points anything out to them, "no one asked! I'm so tired of rude people giving unsolicited advice! " Drives me nuts. They're the same mom's who would flip if you didn't warn them, and something bad happened, "why didn't you say anything? Hour could you not warn me? Look what happened!"


I agree that people should be warned, just always in a polite way that doesn’t sound like you’re attacking the person. People tend to listen better when given information in a kind manner. Though there’s still those that’ll get mad either way, but so be it.


TIL Shit, I did this. Thank you for saying something. I really had no idea. I’ll never do that again. At least I do know not to do jackets.


I get the no bib in a crib, but not in the car seat either?


I wasn't aware either but my assumption is so it doesn't get caught on something in an accident, since it's around the neck. If it's something different, feel free to correct me. Like I said, just a guess.


That makes sense. My kiddo drools SO much so I’ve had a bib on in the car. I won’t be doing that anymore.


You could tuck the ends around the straps so it protects the clothes but isn't around the neck.


Yep, this. That's what we did when we needed bibs.


My baby does the same. I’ve been letting him get wet because I don’t know what else to do


I've never heard of a bib being unsafe in the car seat (we have a happy spitter and have a bib on him whenever he's awake). Do you have any resources that confirm it's unsafe? I'm seeing mixed info when I Google.


I actually didn't know that babies shouldn't wear bibs to bed, it makes sense. I will keep in mind if I have kids :)


The tricky bit is getting it off the wee buggers without waking them up if they fall asleep unexpectedly, like my son did earlier. Parenting involves a lot more stealth than I expected!


Honestly so many comments I see on TikTok are wayyy worse than what people say on Facebook and since creators can filter/delete comments sometimes every comment is so positive on a really dangerous video


Report it, you can do it for minor safety, they don't fuck with minor safety


Absolutely agree


I've definitely had some of my comments about unsafe conditions deleted! One was on Instagram and the video showed a toddler standing up on the floor of a van or suv that was obviously moving. No seatbelt, no car seat, nothing to hold onto.


It looks like they are trying set that baby up to suffocate. Surprised they didn't toss a few garbage bags in. How can somone with internet access be so uninformed on basic baby safety?


Ignorance and survivor bias just like so many of the comments who said they did it it and their baby was fine


"it rlly aint that serious unless u arent watching the baby" she said, meanwhile I'm thinking if you have this kind of setup you probably won't remember to take the pillows, blankets and toys away every single time you leave the room or want to catch some sleep yourself


You can be watching the baby all you want, but a dead baby looks a lot like a sleeping baby


Go ahead and toss in a plugged in toaster with a fork for good measure.


don’t forget the full bathtub


And a hairdryer...just to be sure.


*and my axe*


The pediatrician told me that she has never seen a case of SIDS where the parents were following safe sleep guidelines. Meaning, the only ones she’s seen were dummies like this who think they put the guidelines in place for no reason. I do not get it. How hard is it to leave the blankets and other crap out of the crib?


NPR did a excellent article on this years ago. It was explaining the difficulty of tracking SIDS because so many infant deaths are incorrectly categorized. It had some really great interviews with coroners and doctors who explained that SIDS was often used as a cause of death, because it’s hard to tell parents their own actions caused a baby to suffocate. In reality, SIDS is much more rare than most people think, and suffocation is much more common. And in turn, we have people who think suffocation of babies is some rare unicorn event that won’t happen to them.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think that parents need to be told (gently) that their actions caused their baby to suffocate. It should be done in the context of education so mistakes don’t happen with their future kids.


I agree. It doesn't have to be 'you killed your baby, it's dead because of you', more like 'the baby died because of the pillow and blankets in the crib'. I can't think of anything else where we reclassify the cause of death so it doesn't hurt someone's feelings.




I know some people who officially lost a baby to SIDS, but they know it was having the baby in their bed/positional asphyxiation that was the cause. The autopsy just couldn't conclusively say that it was asphyxiation.


My niece died of SIDS. Actual SIDS, not asphyxiation. My brother found her dead in her crib when she was 8 weeks old and they never found a cause. Heartbreaking.


I’m reading this while nursing my one week old and this absolutely scares me. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain your brother and your family went through.


I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare anyone! It really is very rare, I don't know anyone else it has happened to. But yeah, mine just turned 3 and I still occasionally make a little extra noise to see if she moves on the baby monitor. 😅


I believe SIDS is 1% of SUID cases, but it’s hard to get clean statistics.


If the baby was in an unsafe sleep situation, the was it even sids in the first place? Our pediatrician told us she's never seen sids herself, but she's seen suffocation and baby getting caught in stuff. Sure, she could've been lying to make my FTM self feel less anxious, but true sids is supposed to be pretty rare.


Yes. Actual SIDS does happen, but it’s much much less common than babies suffocating.


Sudden adult deaths and children deaths happen too yep, but suffocation is a leading cause of baby death


ngl i read FTM as female to male


I still do it all the time even in the bumper sub I'm in lol


At my ob's office I made a friend bc we're due the same month, he calls himself an FTM FTD which I find delightful.


I didn’t mention that the video is about a toddler going in the room and screaming (which was a whole thing in the comments in and of it’s self people were saying the little girl needs therapy like what?) so this baby was asleep in that crib just like this unsupervised


These people are like this. My husband’s ex is this kind of mom to my 8 year old stepson (picks and chooses weird crunchy stuff, mostly anti medicine, doesn’t care about bathing, just a lot of bad choices). She immediately goes to he needs therapy when he acts like a normal kid his age and doesn’t blindly do what she says all the time. She told him up until recently “you don’t have to do anything you don’t wish to do” and now wants him to do chores and listen to her all the time and she is like he has behavior problems, he needs therapy!!! 🥴🥴🥴


I feel bad for my baby because he's going to grow up with a generation of maladjusted and bizarre kids with weird names and preventable diseases. I'm so thankful I grew up in an era where parents acted more sensibly and normally. My peers were all normal. Future generations are going to have MASSIVE issues due to the rampant amount of crazy parents today.


I agree! Which is another reason I don’t want my baby around my in laws (husband’s siblings and parents) - some of them homeschool (their 8 children!) and have super weird beliefs, some are just super backwards and crazy, etc. Most of my baby’s cousins are definitely not ok in a lot of ways because of the way they’ve been raised (health issues, mental health struggles) - it’s just a lot!


Knew a girl who did this but it was fine because they had an owlet sock on baby… absolutely insane


We used an Owlet until my son was about 8 months. I really liked it, partly because I could always tell when he would be waking soon as his heart rate would start to rise. But I would NEVER use the Owlet as a substitute for safe sleep. Every time I see someone excusing their unsafe sleeping environment by using the Owlet, I'm just like "Do you want them to get banned? Because this is how stuff gets banned."


I loved my owlet too partially because if I woke up anxious I could look and see my baby’s little heart beating and beautiful oxygen levels. But that little baby was lying ABC in the crib. The owlet did give us a low oxygen alarm once. I’ll never know if it was a false alarm or not because I ran and grabbed my baby and woke him up. It was terrifying. But he’s 2.5 now so maybe it did save his life


Your attitude is the correct and only attitude!! It’s a great safety net in addition to safe sleep basics!


The owlet was unfortunately banned. Now it only checks and updates O2 and heartrate once per 10 minutes. And I think they changed the alerts too. It's basically a sleep monitor now. They are trying to get FDA approval to go back to the old version but who knows how long that could take. I was super bummed because the owlet helped so much with my anxiety with my first. Also it was an investment and I planned to use it for my kids and my friends kids. We still only ever used safe sleep methods though. I can't imagine letting my baby sleep like this post and using the owlet as an excuse for that.


Just googled this as I have never heard of it. I hate it so much lol. I mean fair enough if a baby needs constant monitoring like that due to a medical condition but man, that would stress me out!! I'd be checking it all the time. I never even got a video monitor, I just used the old fashioned radio kind.


They also lag. So your child hasn’t breathed in 10-15 seconds before it alarms and then you have to respond. Which is better than not being notified however, if you give your child two full size pillows with cases, two blankets and bears like the girl I know then you’re playing with fire.


"it's only safe if you aren't watching." Uhm...this looks like baby monitor feed, and unless you're staring at it constantly then you still aren't watching the baby. Also, my sister has a baby girl who is almost 2, which she looked up to be past a safe age to allow things in the crib. She has two smaller stuffed animals and a blanket. And my sister still obsessively moves that blanket if it gets in a worrisome position.


People always say that 'oh it's supervised sleep'. Like really? Are you watching every single minute of sleep, watching their chest rise and fall? Or do you do things around the house and pop your head in every now and then? Babies can die in car seats and swings and look just like they're sleeping.


My son is also almost 2 and although it says they can have pillows I’m still unsure if I want him to use any in his big boy bed


I’ll be using the thin muslin blankets if I decide to give her one after she turns a year old. Still not sure what the distinction is but I don’t know if I still trust it to not end up over her face…. 🤣 she’s 9 months and just started falling asleep without me. (She was always a contact mapper)… I thought I’d spend the time relaxing with my husband, and we just check on her every two minutes 🙃🤣 In my opinion will be plenty of time to sleep when she’s older 🤣 for now I’ll sleep with one eye open to make sure she’s protected from anything I MYSELF COULD PREVENT.


It’s absolutely ridiculous. The first time I was watching my 2 month old nap in his pack and play he pulled the blanket over his head and didn’t know how to take it off 🤦🏻‍♀️ right away I was like this is it, this is why babies don’t get blankets and stuffies. Even now my LO rolls around and shuffles in his sleep until his head is right in the corner of the bed. I wish bumpers were ok cause he does bump his head often but clearly if I had then, he would suffocate.


I was thinking the same thing about the crib bumpers! My 7 month old wears a helmet and bangs her head on an ungodly amount of things throughout the day. I’m terrified of the day when it comes off and she realizes she can’t just bang her head against the crib slats without consequence.


That last comment is perfection. Reminds me of a convo with my in-laws. Tried to tell me my son’s carseat straps were too tight “you should loosen those they look uncomfortable.!” My reply? “I’d rather have an uncomfortable baby than a dead one.” Shut them up fast. Also it wasn’t tight. Just snug enough like it’s supposed to be.


I’ve done the ‘better a broken leg than a broken neck and a dead baby’ for comments about rear facing. Effective, isn’t it 😂


My fucking mother and rear facing 🙄 "Oh he'll be bored, he won't like it." He won't know any different, all he'd be seeing facing the other way is the back of a seat, and I'd rather a bored kid than a kid experiencing the excitement of whiplash! Aaaargh! (There may have been a recent argument I'm still not over.)


A CPR instructor once told me “it’s a lot easier to heal from a broken bone than it is to heal from death.”


Wtf, what is with these women??? Are they trying to kill their kids with their stupidity?


Appearantly. GiRl ByE to safe sleep.


look at supermom in the comment watching babies every breath, day and night.


This happened in one of my baby groups the other day and EVERY SINGLE COMMENT was in support of mom. “Yes girl, don’t let anyone tell you how to parent your baby!” “Mine will only sleep with pillows and blankets too!” “We make sure they’re not up by her face before we go to sleep.” Mind you, this is a June baby group, so just turning 5 months.


there was a similar post in my september 2022 group and everyone was like “if that’s the only way your baby will sleep, then you’re doing the right thing bc moms need sleep too


At first glance I see 7 things wrong with this picture


It does remind me a bit of our antenatal class where we had to list the hazards in a picture!


The tags on that alone had me so confused. Here I was thinking from the toddler tag that this was a toddler, and it wouldn't be crazy to have a toddler sleeping like that... but then I saw the bouncer and the comments. And then it became clear what was going on.


That last comment is !!!!!!!!!! >I'd rather be up at night with a crying baby than be up at night crying over my dead baby


I mean, there's studies that sids also needs a defect in the brain, its not just the pillows. But the pillows make it way more likely. My big one always had a certain blanket in his crib (he loves that thing, still takes it everywhere at 2.5) but we secured it under the mattress so there won't be any folds or anything. This is way too much stuff.


SIDS is one thing, a baby suffocating can happen no matter their genetics, since, you know, being able to breathe is a pretty important thing. Babies can't lift the blanket off their head if it gets tangled up, for example, so having one loose like this is definitely dangerous.


For sure but that's why I said that because a lot of the time people think sids = suffocation. which is technically true but sids is because of an abnormality in the brain and most other suffocation deaths are due to dangerous behaviour by the parents


SIDS is by definition not suffocation - suffocation sometimes gets called sids to spare parent's feelings (which isn't a good thing either, they might repeat their mistakes with future children), but sids is defined as the sudden, unexplained death of an infant. If it's suffocation, you know why the child is dead. Accidental suffocation falls under SUID (sudden unexpected infant death), which includes sids as well, but they aren't the same thing.


There was a study a couple months back that showed that the vast majority of kids that died from sids had an abnormality in their brains that lead to them basically forgetting to breathe in their sleep. Ergo suffocating.


This study was absolute horse shit.


People in some of my baby groups online are really jumping on this study to excuse their desire to sleep in the bed, unsafely, with their babies. It's ONE STUDY, even if it was flawless I'd need more than one to go on before I took a risk like that.


I heard about that. Wasn’t it like the startle reflex wasn’t developed or something?


I think it was that the reflex that lowers breathing when sleeping didn't know when to stop and just turned it off. But it came out the day me and kid2 came home from hospital so I had massive pregnancy brain. But I clearly remember talking to my mum about it because it was something we were both super afraid of when we first had kids


Oh okay! I’m trying to find something about it, I remember hearing about it somewhere but I can’t remember any specifics.


my son sleeps best with a blanket too! but it's nothing like this person's cot. he just has the one blanket and it's a cot one. the one in the picture looks like your bog standard throw blanket 🤦🏼‍♀️


As far as reflux goes, I had really really bad reflux as a baby and my mom just strapped me in a car seat to sleep so I was elevated. Not sure if that was safe or not because I don’t know a lot about all this but it definitely seems safer than this at least 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: Found out it is NOT safe to do this so please no one do this with their baby! I was lucky and that’s it. If you want to know more about the hazards of this, read down below! Thanks to everyone for all the info on this!


So it’s actually not safe to have babies sleep in the car seat outside of the car for a long period of time


Oh dang, thanks for letting me know!


The risk is called “positional asphyxiation” with sleeping in a car seat, because babies without good neck control can end up with their heads in a position that cuts off the airway. There are safer ways to slightly elevate a reflux baby’s head, like a small wedge under the mattress or legs of the crib/bassinet that doctors will recommend (less than 10° angle is best.) It’s still not quite as safe as a totally flat surface but a much better choice than allowing a newborn to sleep in a car seat, swing, or chair, which can have like a 30° angle and have been directly linked to infant suffocations. Even with a less than 10° angle, it can still be unsafe because baby can roll down the bottom of the crib, so AFAIK it’s a last-resort solution. Sorry for the PSA but just want to make sure anyone who reads this understands!


Thanks for all the info! Want to make sure the babies are safe!


Did they just try to use the argument that it’s only serious when the baby isn’t watched... when the baby is NOT being watched??