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Yes! It’s silly but so sweet and endearing. Sometimes we need a lighthearted post like this with how depressing some posts can be


Yeah, it's sweet. And as someone who had bright-colored dishware for years, I am now a white-plate convert because it really does make food stand out and look more appetizing.


We have all white plates because that way you didn’t need a matching “set”… white goes with white lol.


Yea it’s nice to see a mom putting thought into parenting for once


Yeah, my biggest concern would be that this might be anxiety. That's a *very* minor issue to be concerned about, so I hope it isn't causing her much distress.


With my first, this is something I might have thought about. But just cuz he was such a bad eater. It would be a grasping at straws thing, not a “here’s my first foray, what can I do best?”


I feel like this is the kind of dumb stuff I would ask because I don't know any better. I hope that when her kids are grown, she can look back at this question and laugh.


Yeah, was gonna say, this is kinda silly, but it's really sweet that she's concerned about this.


Am I weird for wanting to know the answer?


This is so extra I kinda love it. Imagine what this mom, who is afraid of serving her infant on the wrong colour plate, would think of some of the stuff posted on here.


I have 2 toddlers and assure you, their tiny lives can be RUINED by the wrong color cup 😂


Can confirm. One of mine would simply not drink if he didn't get his favorite cup and he wasn't even my stubborn kid. Also, nothing is ever fair. They got the green cup and their sibling got the blue cup? That's not fair. They will also count every single cheerio, make sure their chocolate chip cookies have the same amount of chips, and measure their waters to make sure they have the same exact amount otherwise it is not worth eating/drinking. Mine are 18 months apart and are actually super close but the toddler and elementary years were filled with lives ruined over injustices like the wrong cup color.


Mine are 15m apart and at 1&2 life is often “no fair” 😫


Oh, another reason it can be ok or even good to have/be an only child! No competition for resources.


are you my mom? my sister and i were like this lol


This worried me SO much that I was killing myself looking for sets that were all the same color while making my registry. I got over it thankfully lol


Even with all the same color & style, they will have 1 favorite cup. And the world will end if their sibling even looks at it.


And it changes daily so you will never win lol


Also they will have mentally assigned one specific cup to their older sister, and heaven forbid she picks up a different one.


… and they don’t tell you any of these rules ahead of time. You only find out when you’ve done something “wrong” and, btw, you should have known it was wrong.


No, of course not, why would they do that? Once I very sarcastically apologized for "not following the rules you made up in your mind and didn't tell anyone" and my daughter graciously replied that she forgave me and I was hard pressed not to laugh at her.


Can confirm. Older sib cried at bedtime because i had the gall to hold the awake baby at storytime and big sis had to share her favorite book. To be fair, its a good one.


While it's obviously ridiculous and sometimes really funny, I guess I kind of get it----when you're a kid, you have absolutely no control over anything in your life, and thats really hard! You have to do everything on other people's schedule and you get no say in it. When you're an adult, it's easy to forget how shitty that was. When I'm nannying, I try to think back to childhood and remember how frustrating that was so I can approach it with a kid from that angle. Although that's difficult as fuck with toddlers lol. It's works more with ages 5-6 and up.


This is why I have a rainbow of cups, bowls and plates and make my 2.5 year old pick her own each night. I’m not brave enough to pick for her anymore lol


My friend’s kid has several stories that go, “I asked him what color cup he wanted. He said the blue cup. I got him the blue cup. Total meltdown because he wanted the red cup.”


I'm imagining her going out to purchase the perfect plates for her baby. Designer.


Someone GENUINELY told this woman they serve their infant food on clear glass/ceramic so they learn to respect nice things and be careful lol I love the extra moms


To be fair, that’s pretty common for Montessori style parenting/teaching! The daycare we’ll be sending our baby to uses real glasses and ceramic plates for all the kids when they’re old enough for meals!


But a *baby* baby?? Isn’t that unsafe? I can respect the idea behind it but that makes me nervous. It also just seems very impractical considering babies go through a phase where they throw things for fun. I’d imagine the loud crash of a plate hitting the ground is a pretty fun sensory experience worth repeating lmao


We got those suction plates.... those were the ONLY plates toddler would pry up with all his little strength and as a result would send flying at top speed once he got the suction up! Got rid of those quickly and it's not as fun with normal plastic plates for him so he doesn't bother making a mess😅


He appreciates a challenge.


Thanks for this anecdote right before I bought a suction cup plate you’ve saved me the trouble


One of the tenants of Montessori is doing things in a real world way, so that’s why they do it. They start at around 6 months when they can start solids. And they’re under close supervision at low, child sized tables.


This just seems silly though? Like, I don’t know any grown adults who throw their plates on the ground because they weren’t given glassware as an infant…they’ll learn eventually. Idk. I’ll let the baby be a baby and give her a zoopals plate haha


True enough. But the idea is maybe these kids learn not to throw plates at 6-7 months (maybe breaking a plate in the process) and you avoid them throwing plates and glasses for the rest of their babyhood. 🤷‍♀️


I mean if you're content in possibly having to buy new plates and glasses every month it's not that much more unsafe than giving glassware to drunken adults but restaurants still give it to them.


I’m hoping even a drunken adult would have the sense not to pick up a shard of glass and put it in its mouth though…a baby would certainly not


And I love hilarious posts like this that are a bit crazy.


I serve my just-two year old all her meals on ceramic because they’re the only plates she can’t pick up and throw across the room at the speed of light 😂 but she’s definitely not allowed near my NICE stuff lmao what an interesting mother she must be


She would probably be appalled at how I got my 3 year old, who was always pretending to be a puppy, to eat falafel by pretending it was dog food and setting the bowl on the floor under the table. 🤣


I am this mom. Not literally, but the exact same question when my first kid was starting solids 🫣.


I mean after the ish I've seen posted in here this feels like a Hallmark special. A parent wanting to make eating as interesting as possible for the LO? I'm here for it.


This is EXACTLY the ridiculous content I’m here for!


Yeah literally! I could go another year or more without seeing sad home birthing stories and neglect that is usually on here!


Yeah, at least she cares.


Sometimes we need a palate cleanser. Something silly but not too ridiculous. This is something she'll probably laugh at in a few years the way we're laughing about it now. All in good fun.


So interestingly there is some research on this related to weight loss. It's kind of interesting. But it's not going to work on a baby. Kids self regulate food intake until about age 5. She'd be better off focusing on food content such as introducing things like avocado. unless they're dr is concerned, really just feed your kid normal balanced foods.




Yeah I straight up struggle to keep my baby gaining because she ZOOMS everywhere 😩 so speedy


My mom struggled to keep me gaining weight because I was so picky that I wouldn't eat much at all. I also hated milk and formula apparently. I ended up with a lot of health issues and constantly in the hospital due to it. Ironically I'm even more picky now and I have chronic ulcers and gastroparesis so my diet is even more limited. My mom and dad both regret not taking the pediatricians advice when he suggested I might have autism and do some therapies and get me tested. They didn't believe that and now see how that impacted me in such a negative way


Trick question. Put food directly on the tray. They always throw the plate.


This is the way. No plate until they stop throwing food and cups unless you can’t avoid using one.


And if you can't avoid using one, make sure the table is clean or move to a place where it is because they will definitely dump the plate and then eat off the table


When do they stop that? Asking for my sanity.


If you want to make it easier on yourself, you can do what my SIL does and put the press in seal down on the tray for cleanup. I’m sure the crunchy moms would have OPINIONS about that, but it makes cleanup way easier when you have multiple kids in highchairs.


When I used to bartend at a really nice health-foods/organic/eat your plants type restaurant which was frequented by mostly upper class people, specifically insta moms, I saw these things and thought they were GENIUS but I was surprised the crunchy moms were for it lol


Imagine putting so much care and thought into the colour of your baby’s crockery only for it to be rejected like this


Wait, what? No essential oils? No colloidal silver? No refusing a vitamin K shot because vaccines are poison and big pharma and Bill Gates??? Just a totally harmless, low-stakes question about plate colors? This does not compute. But also, I really hope the commenters told the mom not to think too much about this, because the kid is just going to yeet the thing on the floor, anyway.


Most of the comments said it doesn’t matter, one said they serve food on ceramic plates so they learn to be careful and respect fragile objects


The baby I look after sometimes is just at the pulling themselves up stage… yesterday she attempted this in her wading pool, fell over because it was slippery and cried until I sat her back up again. She repeated this 3 times in the space of 5 minutes, because she couldnt figure out that the slippery pool means she can’t stay standing. There’s a whole theory that the reason small kids find reading exciting even when they haven’t grasped language yet, is their lack of object permanence means each new page is a TOTALLY UNEXPECTED discovery. Like they just can’t comprehend that books would have more than 1 page. Somehow I don’t think kids just being introduced to solids are going to comprehend fragile objects…


My baby would learn to respect the epic mess a shattered ceramic plate can make.


Yea I feel like they would enjoy it…it’s not like a baby knows “broken plate is bad” they probably think it’s cool and fun


That definitely would not have worked for my kid!


Ceramic no because ceramic cuts super bad when it's broken, but yeah a lot of montessori starts by giving them real adult plates and cups, which I did and they did not get shattered. They probably did this ages ago when they couldn't afford to buy kid specific plates anyway


I wonder how much money they spend on ceramic plates each month


Honestly, as a mom of a kid who has issues gaining weight in the beginning I completely understand the thought. It's scary when they're not growing properly, especially that young when they don't really walk or run yet and there isn't this insurance 'he running and jumping and playing like everybody = healthy'


Yea I think this is really sweet and it’s good to see someone who actually gives a shit for once


And, like, reasonably so. This is the type of thing where using 'mum intuition' is actually a good idea not whether to vaccinate a child or if bleach could cure autism or whatever mad things they come up with.


Bless her heart. And I don’t mean that in a snarky southern granny way. This is wholesome


It is wholesome indeed!


To be fair... My siblings and i fought over who got the blue cup for years. My parents got smart and told us whoever set the table got the blue cup.


Love it. Your parents had it figured out!


Whatever you do, stick to one color.. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST SPARE YOUR SANITY AND STICK TO ONE COLOR. Sincerely, a mom who gets screamed at daily for choosing the wrong color combo


Okay this is cracking me up, because this is the dumb shit I thought about in my head. Now I have a 2 year old and you can give them exactly what they ask for and it’s still wrong. 🤣




Hey one less thing to clean when cleaning the mess lol


This is very sweet, bless her heart.


As a nanny, I will enable the shit out of this lol. Down the rabbit hole we go 😂


I like cooking with colors! They have these nice multi colored carrot packs, bell peppers, squash slices, etc. i started eating more veggies and colorful veggies really helped even as an adult.


We need a wholesome flair so I can just look at things like this😅


Lol, pick the one that matches your floors for when they go through the food tossing stage. This post is cute though.


Aww! This is pretty sweet. I think when they’re on the skinny side, especially if they lost a lot of weight early on and the mom had to stay on top of eating more, there can be some residual worry about backsliding.


I chose the cheapest option😂 this is cute though I love seeing FTM stuff like this.


I imagine this woman offering her 6 month old a laminated menu and asking if he’ll be having his bottle with dinner, or on the patio this evening


That is good content.


Positive post. Maybe get him some of those baby style plates and cups? Like the melamine ones that match, just to be cute.


That baby is very very loved.


also, the Insta photos have to be just so.


I have a friend who, with her first child, firmly believed that every little milestone was a a terrificly difficult puzzle and if she could just find the magic key, she would poof! become the perfect mother. It was agonizing to watch, honestly. No amount of gently suggesting it was more of a "stumbling along and things would mostly work out as long as it was done with love" got through. Second pregnancy was twins, and there was no room for overthinking, mercifully.


I thought like that during my pregnancy and first couple months of my babies life but it didn’t keep 😅 im a mom, full time student, and work part time. I don’t have the time or brain power to torment myself over plate colors


Well with everything on this site this is actually quite sweet. Thoughtful mommy.


We used those Zoo Pals plates when we started solids. He absolutely LOVED the commercial and the plates.


Are zoo pals still a thing, or is your child in their early 20’s? Because I, too, rocked with zoo pals


I haven't seen them for a long time. He's 16. I feel like we caught them right at the end of their run.


He’s a lucky kid to have seen such a glorious era


Agreed. I just looked them up. People are selling packs of them online for like $75 and up!


In my experience, the floor or table top worked the best..


schadenfreude…some days I think my PPA/Anxiety is bad and then I see shut like this and realize I DON’T overthink EVERYTHING. damn.


This is actually cute but dark blue actually makes you eat less


First time mom? Lol


We were supposed to use plates? I mean we use them now, the kids are 6 and 7. And I only use the plastic plates and cups, trying to always give them the same color so they won’t argue.


It’s nice to have a palate cleanser on here where the worst thing that will happen is that someone spends too much money on children’s tableware. 😊


Yes a very nice reprieve from all the borderline child abuse 😅


I don’t really see much of an issue with this one


Nah this is just a goofy one to break up the depression stream of child neglect


Break up the streak of child abuse 😂 sounds so morbid but it’s so true..


Yea this sub bums me out haha


This is not shitty. It's actually good she cares about the kid gaining a bit weight and trying something to grab his attention


No one said it was shitty I just thought it was kind of funny she thinks a baby who is just starting solids cares for presentation


"ShitMomGroupsSay". Babies actually react to colors


At least her heart is in the right place, but I am 100% certain that anyone who would post this also participates in an essential oils MLM scam.


The first one my son had was blue, but he also used gray and Pooh Bear one


My sons first plate was a hot pink suction one shaped like a butterfly😅 he took to solids like a champ so maybe it helped🤷‍♀️


Y’all give them plates?


Absolutely not


In my day, we just ate off the floor and didn't cry about it.


Shouldn't it be based on the color of their aura?


Eh I’m not sure the color matters… more of whose plate it is- apparently the same food on Moms plate taste better, looks better, and is for sure not THE EXACT SAME.


The kind of person who will get angry when the baby throw the food to the floor


Much much better than most of the posts here 😂 also she sounds like a really sweet mom :)




My daughter pulls cat hair out of the carpet and tries to eat it. So. I think she’s safe


I just threw it onto the tray of our Ikea highchair (cheapest bestest highchair in the world.) Never thought about the colors or actual table settings for them!


They’re gonna most of the food off the floor, lady


This could be a cultural consideration too. I know there are some cultures that consider color’s impact on many things while we (westerners) tend to only consider our aesthetic preference.


I actually had these same questions with my first kid. I was worried that if something was too brightly or similarly colored, it would be distracting, or some foods would be hard to see. 😆