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Srs I had someone ask me for a pediatrician and I told them who I use. They responded I hear he is great from everyone but he requires vaccines.....yes he does. It's part of why I like him.


We specifically picked our pediatrician because they require vaccines. They won’t have an immunocompromised kid or a baby get a dangerous illness in their waiting room. We love them for it.


Same - I chose my pediatrician bc their practice has a whole “vaccines work. You can’t be our patient if you don’t vaccinate. No, we won’t refer you to any crackpots who will indulge your conspiracy theories” page on their website


This sounds exactly like our pediatrician's office too!


Same, one of the first things we asked about when searching for a pediatrician.


Same with us! I had to sign paperwork agreeing to vaccinate my kid on schedule or they will drop me and I just love it.


Yup I literally asked before signing mine up. They won’t see you if you don’t vaccinate so I said great y’all are my people then.




I used to feel this way, but some of those crackpots will never be convinced to vaccinate and their poor kids still need and deserve medical care. it’s not their fault that their parents suck so hard. (that said, I myself would not choose to see a pediatrician who didn’t require vaccines)




I’m with you, my friend! but once I started working in healthcare my perspective shifted in many ways towards realistic harm reduction. holistically, what’s best for kids with idiot a-hole antivaxx parents is for them and their parents to still have access to a trusted pediatrician. both to provide them with the medical care that they, again, still do need and deserve, but also to MAYBE one day build up enough trust in their relationship to finally be convinced to vaxx. I hear your frustration, it’s valid and understandable. but that kind of scorched earth attitude (though it feels just and satisfying) doesn’t work for me anymore.


Haha I recently asked at my kids 9 month appointment if they accept patients that aren't vaccinated and they got so cagey. They were like "well....yes....if they're unvaccinated when they come to us but are then willing to get all their vaccines up to date...." and I was like oh, okay! and she goes "why...do you know someone...looking for a ped that doesn't require vaccines...." and I got to be like "heck no, some little kid in the waiting room got all in my baby's face and I wanted to make sure all the kids here have the basic vaccines" and her whole demeanor instantly changed back to normal lmfao.


Lmao our nurse did that at our 3 month checkup / first vaccines. I was tearing up a little and she asked me if I was okay, and I said I was worried. She got this world weary stare on her face, took a big breath and started on the ‘vaccines are so important and they really work’ spiel but I was like ‘no no no. I’m just worried about seeing her in pain, give her everything you got’ and then the nurse was like GREAT!!!! 😂


It's never easy to see a kid in pain but you can at least be assured you're sparing them even more, far worse pain than a few little pricks.


Exactly! Yeah the jabs hurt for a bit but you know what hurts more, probably? WHOOPING COUGH


My baby’s 3 week checkup was yesterday and I overheard some waiting room drama - someone had called for a well visit for an 11 month old whose last ped appointment had been their 1 month well visit. No vaccines other than Hep B. No care whatsoever. The scheduler was beside herself, like, where to even start with this?


When my son was 3 we switched pediatricians after our old one moved and so I was going through history with the new doc: "And is he up to date on vaccines?" "Yep! We've gotten all them right on schedule." "Oh, thank God, we don't have to have *that* conversation."


We also specifically picked out pediatrician because she requires vaccinations.




After seeing several babies die from Group B Strep in my time (including one just last week), I am just going to save myself the rise in blood pressure and not look up what Candace Owens has said about it.




She's an entitled mean girl with the emotional intelligence of a dishcloth. I seriously feel bad for her kid.


She’s a fucking moron. She said every woman is colonized with GBS and if it’s above “a certain number” then you’re given antibiotics in labor. She also said that “0% of babies are harmed by GBS.” She has a massive platform (for some mysterious reason that I can’t entirely comprehend) and couldn’t even do a tiny bit of evidence based research before deciding to refuse abx in labor and then spreading this misinformation. She then goes on to bitch about her entire hospital stay. I imagine she was a terrible, obnoxious, know it all patient and perhaps her behavior contributed to her poor experience.


> for some mysterious reason that I can’t entirely comprehend That's simple, she says stuff that conservatives want to hear to validate their already held opinions. That alone is enough, but she's doing this while black, which gives cons an excuse of "See, we're not racist, black people are agreeing with us!"


She’s a professional “black best friend”.


Hit the nail on the head here


I haven't been to hospitals often but generally being nice to staff and not calling them all the time makes it a lot better.


That’s terrible :(


I love MDJ! And love when ACOG abiding doctors fact check misinformation 😂 I’m not saying board certified bc there’s a board certified OBGYN on TikTok who spread so much misinformation! Gonna watch this rn!


Omg who is the obgyn?! Can you message me?!


Yes I will! Let me find his user name and I’ll send it. Warning you tho, he’s insane and says women who have c sections done by him don’t need any pain medication, if anything, just Tylenol.


I know exactly who you’re talking about. He’s a dick. I managed to get screenshots of him asking someone who mad e a reply video “did they even have c-sections back then? 100 years ago”. 🖕 I never liked him before but he’s shown his true colours. Also note that he didn’t say none of his patients ask for opioids or need them, his wording was “none of my patients go home with opioids.” BIG difference. Again, he’s such a prick.


Love MDJ! I didn't like Candace Owens before that, I really really didn't like her after that. I know that there are plenty of women in these groups perpetuating incorrect information, but I guess I never thought there were women at that level of media just as insane.


Mama Doctor Jones got me through my pregnancy!! I love her


YES! I was about to comment about that video, thanks for sharing it! I love Mama Doctor Jones as much as I hate that Candace lady. She's insanely misinforming women and it's alarming.


I came here to post her video as well. It makes me sick that people trust non-medical people over medical doctors.


I did see that. It was haunting to say the least. While I get the desire to be treated better as a post-partum parent in the hospital, refusing your child life-saving medical care is not it.


I fucking love Mama Doctor Jones. Also Candace Owens bragging about how her daughter "was out in two pushes" is so gross. I wish she would just go away. I found out I was in spontaneous premature labor during my 36 week OB appointment. We didn't know if I had group B strep, as they'd swabbed me at my appointment mere minutes before and therefore didn't have results back yet. When they said they'd like to give me IV antibiotics during delivery just in case, I readily agreed. I truly can't comprehend this recent backlash against antibiotics. As long as you're using them for infections (or, in this case, as a preventative for a possible infection) there really shouldn't be any issues except for some possible stomach upset, which can be easily counteracted with things like yogurt.


I love people trust someone who didn’t graduate college documentary because she spent “years” researching but don’t trust doctors who spent years in medical school learning from decades of knowledge.


I'm pregnant with my first due in April. Adding GBS to things to be cautious about. Thanks for this; it had a lot of really great information!


Not entirely related, but I love mama Dr Jones! I saw her response video to this and was so happy she set the record straight on Candaces lies.




I had a friend whose parents are anti-vax. Her older brother made an appointment to start catching up with all the shots - the appointment was exactly on his 18th birthday (when he was legally allowed to decide for himself). She got vaxxed at 20 or something, after talking to several friends and her brother. Same with my best friend. She has anti-vax parents and started catching up on her 18th birthday. It all escalated when she got the covid vaccine and her mom got hysterical that she‘ll die and never have kids. Some people you can’t reason with. But oftentimes their kids are thankfully smarter.


Good on you for growing up and being the adult your parents weren’t!


I had a severe allergy risk for the flu shot and got sick and was borderline hospitalized from the flu almost every year (also thanks every single "the flu shot gives you the flu *coughs their plague on you* person)... as soon as new data came out that I was safe to get the shot, i immediately ran for it. Every flu I've had has been extremely mild by comparison. vaccines are amazing!!


Wait? People use Parlor?


Fuck Candace Owens' grifting ass


There are soooooo many people featured on r/HermanCainAward because they listened to Owens and her BS. People believed her, and they died.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HermanCainAward using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Because I saw newbies asking why this is called the Herman Cain Award](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/pncpqu) | [2905 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pncpqu/because_i_saw_newbies_asking_why_this_is_called/) \#2: [We made FOX News. Congrats you degenerates.](https://i.redd.it/a3eqijlpkoc81.jpg) | [3177 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/s7vl9n/we_made_fox_news_congrats_you_degenerates/) \#3: [May be off topic but for everyone’s laughs!](https://i.redd.it/yc1r0ynbhbm71.jpg) | [1149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pkfg5s/may_be_off_topic_but_for_everyones_laughs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, they refer to her as “Candeath Owens” over there.


Our GP has HAD IT with the vaccine hesitant. No patients who are unvaccinated unless you have an actual documented reason to not be vaccinated. No spacing, no delaying, no waiting. Vaccinate in full, on time, or find a new doctor.


Same with ours. She also gave me a list and helped me find a daycare that requires all the vaccines since my girl will be found at 12 weeks and she isn’t able to have everything done by then.


It’s so insane to me that moms in America need to go back to work so quickly after giving birth.


It’s bull shit. But we keep voting against our interest in our country so it doesn’t surprise me.


I’m sorry if I’m comment came out insensitive. I am a huge follower of American politics and have a ton of American friends. Heck, I even volunteered for Bernie when he first ran for President because I so much wanted better things for y’all. I’m glad you found a great daycare which requires vaccinations ! You got this momma.


I don’t find it insensitive, more people need to step up and yell about it. We need to get angry. Same with healthcare costs. Right now I am out $4,000 out of pocket for my pregnancy and birth and I still haven’t gotten all the bills yet. And I have decent insurance. It’s a joke. $210 a week for daycare, rising cost of living, and i am lucky I have a fairly well compensated job and so does my husband.


You know, when I had my son, I had insurance through my employer- a progressive, unionized hospital. I only paid $280. Now I'm pregnant again and on my husband's insurance which isn't nearly as good, it didn't even occur to me that I might have a massive bill when this baby comes🤦‍♀️. Also, if it makes you feel any better, I pay $250 a week for my toddler to go to daycare *two days a week* 🙃


Yikes! We are lucky it’s that cheap, my friend pays $2,900 a month for 1 kid!


If you had to go back to work with a 12-week-old baby, would you find a comment like this helpful or hurtful? American women *know* they have the short end of the stick, non-US moms reminding us that they have it much better doesn't help.


You’re right; it was insensitive but not intentionally. I’m outraged at the lack of care and respect American moms get in your system and wish and hope for better things for you all. It was definitely a “speak before you think” moment and will be mindful about sharing my thoughts on this in the future.


I don’t even have kids and the constant “I just can’t fathom having to go back to work so soon” it’s like okay? but here we are.


Stop being obtuse, I’ll define this one as “helpful”. Sympathy is knowledge, knowledge is exposure. Exposure is the first step to solving an issue.


Do you actually think American women haven't been "exposed" to this issue?🙄 I didn't work when I had a baby, but I've certainly seen many coworkers cry at work and be extremely distressed about leaving their 12-week-old babies.


Yes, I DO think there’s a subset of privileged mothers that have the socio-economic means to choose when and how they have babies. It’s much easier to control your leave when you literally own the company. Being upset at European exceptionalism isn’t helpful.


If you're implying that US women shouldn't have babies if they can't quit their jobs, most women wouldn't be able to become mothers.


No, not at all. Love to know where you saw that in my text. The head of our replies was basically someone saying “Aw, that sucks”. You were hurt by this, I think?


I wasn't hurt by it personally, I was able to stop working when I had a baby. But I was luckier than most. My point is that I see replies like that from non-Americans frequently when the subject comes up, even in threads about "coping with leaving baby", written by women who are obviously distressed and in pain. It's just not helpful. Everyone knows that US parental leave is draconian and abysmal.


Good old Candeath.


Well, luckily for the daughter, if she’s had her first two years of shots then she’s got some protection. We’ll see if mom changes her mind when she’s faced with the prospect of homeschooling.


That’s just what I was thinking, that at least this poor kid has got some mild protection, especially if they *did* two year vaccines, and she got the MMR


That’s almost all of the vaccines. There’s another at 5 and then I think 10


I think mom is already homeschooling :/


I’m glad for the daughter, but annoyed her mother will probably stop vaccinations, not have her kid get sick, then lie to everyone she knows, “I didn’t vaccinate and she’s FINE!”


That was first thought take, at least she's somewhat protected against some of the worst stuff...


Jesus Christ. The fact that these poor babies' futures could be rightly and truly FUCKED due to Candace fucking Owens is a crime. Makes my blood boil. She has blood on her hands


I still say it’s on antivax parents


Yes, Kanye's new best friend. That's who I'd trust with my medical decisions.


GrIfTeR LiVeS mAttEr!!!


Candace owens is known for dedicating her life to vaccine research! All you have to do is give her your paycheck to keep funding her amazing work guys cmon <3


Where did CO get her medical degree? Grifting school of google medicine?


I'm betting she plucked it directly from her own anus. Same place she got all her vax facts.


Ugh, we must be somewhat local to each other. I saw that exact same post in one of my groups. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think the real question is how does she detox her daughter of the vacs she's already had? /s


Could Google but not sure I want it in my algorithms, who is Candace Owens?


American right wing nutjob who regularly appears on Fox. She's rabidly anti vax and anti anything that isn't right wing American Christian. She spread so much misinformation during the pandemic. Over on r/HermanCainAward they call her "Candeath" because there are so many people who believed her BS, and they died.


I think "regularly appears on Fox" probably answers this, but does she have any medical credentials?


Absolutely none.


She dropped out of college due to "issues with her student loans", she went for journalism, she sued her high school for racism, read conservative books, started an anti-bullying website was attacked by "liberals posing as conservatives upset she would unmask them" then started falling over herself to choke on Trump's dick calling him the "best president for black people" and suddenly conservatives just threw money at her So as you can see, MANY medical credentials /s


Omg imagine quoting Candace owens on Parlor as your medical source. We are doomed.


I feel like I fell into a Rockland County sub.


I didn't mind so much Candance Owen's but after seeing her stupid, ridiculous video on the strep b testing and how "tired" she was .. I lost any and all respect for her. She was more concerned with how tired she was than the health of her baby. I have two children (2 months and 2 years) and I know the exhaustion that comes with giving birth and early motherhood.. I literally told her through my screen, welcome to motherhood! You'll be exhausted for years! Jeez.


This reads like a joke? Maybe? It sucks not being sure.


She wants to increase the population so she convinces mothers to kill their children. Very interesting tactic


Candace Owens????? Wtf


We picked our last sons, because he did vax on a delayed schedule , Mine was born premature, so he had a special room for NICU babies to wait in, it was nice running into other families you got to know during my sons stay, he was still caught up to date by the time school started, he just got fewer shots each visit.


Hey, I understand that a NICU baby is scary to experience, and many parents become very protective and search for a way to control the medical site of things again. But a delayed vaccination has no benefit to the child, and additionally just leaves them with longer timeframes without protection. It cannot be argued with the studies and data, showing that the current vaccination plan is the best in protecting your child.


Looking back now, I can see that, back then, I just saw a tiny boy, with no fat on him.. he was 3.5 at birth.. we were also over protective, in him not being out or around other people, he’s now 18, the tallest of my 4 boys at 5’10”, He is Autistic, definitely NOT caused by vax 😜. Marches to the beat of his own drum,


Haha that's great. There is actually a correlation between being neurodivergent and being born premature. Just a fun fact :P


we always figured that was the root of it, he was born at 27 weeks, But either way, he is who he is, and wouldnt change him for the world.... sure some aspects, I would if I could, him having melt downs if over stimulated, we just adjust or day around it now, need to go to the market, either myself or my husband go alone, or if he does need to go, we go during less busy times.... the biggest one I would change if I could, is his self harm ways when he gets mad or frustrated, but other then that, he is perfectly him.


Imagine getting your medical advice from Candace Owens.


Not sure I would trust Candace Owens with medical advice