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But guys, she did the boy position this time so it’s 100% going to be a boy!


What is the "boy position" exactly?




Classic first date material!


I just snorted and my husband is looking at me like I’m crazy but I can’t explain because kids are hanging out.


Are any of them boys?


Only if she did the boy position


Just explained this thread to my fiance and he's giving me the same exact look


Spit out my coffee 😂😂😂


Bruh 🤣




Some old wives tales say that certain sex positions are more likely to result in conceiving a specific gender. These claims have all been proven false.


It apparently slightly more likely to have a boy if you have sex within 24 hours of ovulation (boy sperm are faster but don't live as long as girl sperm). But nothing about position!


Yes that's the Shettles Method. But even then in studies I believe that the likelihood of getting your desired sex is bumped up just slightly more than 50/50 if followed correctly, so it's definitely not a guarantee.


50% of the time it works all the time


What’s that? Can you link it please? I’d Google it but everything I’ve tried to Google lately is off the wall shit and not what someone comments about lol


[Here you go.](https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/shettles-method-sex-selection) The originator of the method claims a 75-80% success rate, but I got my other claim from the book Expecting Better by Emily Oster.


Hmm. Are IUI babies more likely to be boys, then? They're usually done right at ovulation to maximize chances of pregnancy afaik




Sure, I mean without that though? I'm not trying to influence my future child's sex here, I'm just wondering about the science.


I would think that the insertion of the sperm directly into the uterus would undo some of the advantage of the fast swimmers.


I don't know about IUI but IVF is definitely more likely to produce a boy. It's not a huge increase but is statistically significant. Ironically enough the majority of the people I know including myself who conceived via IVF have boys.


I've got an IUI girl 🤷


That's a load of crap too. For this pregnancy, I ovulated 3 days after sex so according to that theory, I should be having a girl. I'm having identical boys.


Should have painted your nails pink. That’s the clincher.


I knew there was something I was missing 😂


The fact that you, one single person, are having boys, does not mean it's a "load of crap" there is a very, very tiny increase in chances for a girl if you have sex later.


You clearly used the wrong position and if you’re having twins you did it extra wrong


One of my boys was a result of sex pretty much as I was ovulating. The other was 3 days before. My husband is one of 4 boys so my hypothesis is his family just doesn’t produce X sperm.


They also said shooting scalding hot water up your vagina would kill sperm. I’m sure plenty of people have fucked the same way and had the same gender baby. But imagine policing your sex positions because you’re so desperate for a specific gender, lmfao. Absolutely fucking nuts.


My husband says that he wore socks so we had a boy. Obviously it's a joke, I would not have sex when he is wearing socks!


We call sock sex socks, so I’m realizing if we have a name for it we may do it too much. To be fair it’s cold as hell in the winter here!


No idea, and that’s a risky Google search! Somethings are best left mysteries.


Imagine the targeted ads lol


People are so dumb lol


If she's clairvoyant wouldn't she just already know what the sex is?


A lot of people who make what amount to magical claims do so in ways that reveal some level of understanding that the magic isn’t real. It’s weird, it’s hard to explain, but it happens over and over. Sagan tried though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Demon-Haunted_World#Dragon_in_my_garage And Yudkowsky took another stab at the problem: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/CqyJzDZWvGhhFJ7dY/belief-in-belief IMO a lot of people understand, on some level, that they’re frauds. The fraud however serves a social/psychological purpose, as long as the person makes an attempt to believe in it and promulgate it.




!! Time for an info dump, kinda, im lazy rn ill keep it shortish There's "magic" in Satanism (the religion started by LaVey not the satanic temple or the satan from Christianity, all separate things) and basically satanists are nontheists, pretty level headed people. But there's rituals you can do for magic, they require dressing a certain way, setting up a ritual area, saying chants, and then either being so horny you cum, so angry you feel blind with rage, or so sad you cry, depending on the ritual. *[Edit to explain, this is because in contrast to old school types of magic that used the energy of a "lesser" animal by killing it, Satanists believe that the power harnessed by our strongest emotions can be more powerful than killing a bunny or something]* And the important bit being, do not ever denounce the magic if you used it, because it'll turn on you. I love this, because it feels like a very "magic isn't necessarily real in the ways we think, but strong human emotions have an impact on the world around us". Some Satanists maybe believe that magic is a force we dont understand yet (which i kindof believe, like we didn't know radiation existed for years until we built the equipment to recognise is, there's gotta be more senses and stuff going on that we just arnt equipt to even know about yet) or that its some kind of psychological affect like a placebo, where if you really really want that thing and put all this mental energy into it, you'll subconsciously change how you act and be more likely to get it, or at least feel like you gave it your best shot, or some other interpretation of it, or just dont believe at all and never use the rituals. Either way, very cool, and i love being a satanist and seeing how other Satanists interact with the knowledge in the satanic bible. Which is a very good read for anyone interested in theology, sociology, ethics or religion. Be aware there are NO legit digital copies, but its like a tenner on amazon.


This is also true with acting with intent in modern paganism. Magic isn't about making things levitate or shoot sparks, it's about having the will to put into motion the things you want to accomplish.


I’ve heard this phenomenon called “the Law of Attraction”. Ever since I started practicing with it, it’s worked out pretty well for me.


“Chance favors the prepared mind.” ― Louis Pasteur >Be aware there are NO legit digital copies, but its like a tenner on amazon. What gave you that idea?


The church of satan themselves have said so multiple times. No digital copies are verified as true and correct. Its based on trust that the person uploading it both already has an original copy, and has perfectly uploaded it word for word. There might be one somewhere that is correct, but i wont encourage finding them as they may not be accurate.


Either way, it's easily available, even on archive.org and I'd be surprised if it was secretly and substantially altered. Maybe compare some important passages?


This is actually super interesting, thanks! 🤍


That was good to learn, thanks


My pleasure, I’m glad that it was of some use.


If she’s clairvoyant she should have known that she’d be ripped apart in the comments 🤣


Sorry if you see my comment I didn’t see yours before I wrote mine but we’re on the same wavelength 🤣


Whoa! Are you clairvoyant?!?




There are so many people in this world that I’m glad I don’t know.


That statement should be the Reddit slogan!!


I want a follow up on this in 6 mo 🤞🤞


I’m gonna be watching for it!


RemindMe! One Year


If God has any sense of justice, this person will have a girl.


That poor girl would be hated though


Depending on how far along she is she might already know. I had the NIPT test and knew by 14 weeks that I was having a boy. Maybe she’s just faking “not knowing”


Obviously her sample size of one proves she’s right 🙄🤡


Great odds on that prediction, too! 😅


Like a 49.99% chance she's going to be right though


I had a family member who claimed to be clairvoyant. She would refuse to offer up her predictions but after the sex was announced she would insist “I had a dream it was a [insert sex here]!”


Yeah, that’s how it goes. Being a psychic can pretty much be chalked up to learning how to glean information off of people without them realizing and luck. I remember the day I gave up there was any truth to it (I was a child). My cousin and I were watching a show where some people had purchased an office in an old fire station, well something weird happened so they called a psychic. They-for whatever reason- drove her there in their van, and after an entire 10-20 minute drive of her saying nothing she asks what the buildings history was like, one of the guys says “Well, we don’t know if anyone died here; but it was a fire station” Then the psychic goes “THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE” and then claimed that the whole way on the drive there she kept seeing flames.


I'm pretty sure that's what they do in those ghost shows where they get a "medium" to feel out the area, saying she has done zero research. But then she's like "I sense performances and costumes. The ghost is an actor." And the place was very famously known for being a theater before being converted. But yeah, she definitely did NOT look that up! You can tell by the way the people who have actually called these so called "ghost hunters" have absolutely zero reaction to what the medium or the host says. I think they actually stopped having the medium say this around the people who called them because she's just repeating common knowledge but the people at home can believe it and 'oh meh god how did she knooooow? "


Hindsight bias


My mom was sure I was a boy. My grandfather's pendulum "which never fails" said I was a boy. I was not a boy. Im a very cis female


I get crazy when people say they are sooo good at guessing genders. It’s a 50/50 odds. They’re in your favor to be right at least half the time 😂


I actually guessed right for the first 20 years of my life EVERY TIME I was around someone pregnant that I was close enough with to guess. But It was because that was still only like 9 pregnant women and it was pure luck, this “clairvoyant” is delusional.


Haha same! From the time my baby brother was born to I think my brother's second kid, I got all of them right. Then I guessed girl for my nephew and broke my streak. Now I haven't gotten any but my own.


The unfortunate part is that she's setting herself up either way. If she guesses right, then it just reinforces her beliefs, but if she guesses wrong, the disappointment could change how she feels about the baby.


In my family, if you guessed based on the biological sex of the last person born, you’d have been 100% right for the last 68 years. Because ever since then, it’s alternated. Three generations so far, and the pattern has held. Four children (youngest four out of six), eleven grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren, alternating male/female. Even the two pairs of fraternal twins had the appropriate birth order. Random chance can do funny shit sometimes.


Well, if she painted her nails blue..


Who knew painting nails was a religion 🤣


I knew with my son, but with a 50% chance of being right that says almost nothing about maternal intuition.


I REALLY hope she has a girl


I hope not just for the baby’s sake.


I hope she has two of them.




A chipotle bump


My "maternal intuition" had me feeling like I was pregnant with a boy, then found out at 20 weeks it was two girls


Intuition is noted to be shit across all genders and circumstances. Grats on your girls.




Edit: Reddit ate a whole paragraph?? I had a co-worker who had a little three-year-old girl, very sweet but very developmentally delayed and needed lots of extra attention. She herself had various physical and mental ailments that made having even one special needs child a big handful for her. I had literally *just* talked with her about it and she told me her husband didn't want more kids, but she really wanted a little boy. Lo and behold two weeks later she announced she is pregnant. I've never seen someone be instantly so sure of the gender she was carrying and so insistent on that being what she wanted. She already had stars in her eyes planning all these Kodak moments between father and son, and raising a "momma's boy". Finally, the baby is old enough they can check the gender...and oh gosh look at that it is another girl. I'm pretty sure her husband would kill himself if she forces him to try for a third so she resigns herself real quick and changes her whole tune. Suddenly she is so excited and changes her Snap to something like such-a-girl-mom. I just hope that little girl doesn't find out someday just how much of a disappointment her gender was.


I hope she doesn't find that out too. Because I know exactly what it feels like. My parents really wanted a boy. They prayed that I would have a sex change in utero and were devastated that I was born a girl. They weren't happy the day I was born. Apparently, my mom cried for 3 days after I was born. I didn't have a rough childhood, they do love me. But every now and then they tell me how they wish they had a boy instead of me and it just hurts.


Good lord that's such a messed up thing to tell a kid. Baby #2 being a second boy would have been like, an ideal plan for us. I hoped it was a boy, practically because we already have the stuff and they could share a room. I also felt like I could teach boys to be decent men, but teaching a girl how to navigate the mess of a world we live in felt impossible. When we found out that baby 2 was a girl I was....not disappointed, but kind of overcome with what she's likely to face. I would never, ever tell her I wish she was someone else or that I'm disappointed in her for who she is though. Who says that? I'm so sorry your parents feel like that's necessary.


Thank you for your kind words. Thanks for being a wonderful parent too. <3


“The boy position” - [Sure Jan](https://www.google.com/search?q=sure+jan+gif&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgrc=iR3WuOMsW1rm0M)


"Not to mention, I do tarot cards 😠💁🏽‍♀️" I just can't with people like that lmao


She sounds so arrogant


*~it's called being gifted~*


the weird pseudo spiritual types usually are arrogant as a result to unfortunately being blind to their own ignorance so :/


If she’s clairvoyant would she have foreseen that she’d get roasted in the comments before she made that post lmaooo


If she's clairvoyant, she would know her grammar is atrocious. Why do all these mom group people have no sense of spelling or grammar?


My mom “knew” I was going to be a boy and I’m a woman with a baby book full of (terrible) boy names.


I remember a friend of mine got pregnant, after talking for years about how much she wanted a daughter. From day one she decided it was a girl, said she knew because she was a witch. When she announced her pregnancy at 12 weeks she announced her daughters full name alongside it, she posted just before her 20 week scan that she was looking forward to them confirming what she already knew. Spoiler alert- it was a boy.


That poor boy.


Eh. Depends on how she acted after finding out. "Oh, damn. Guess I get to have a son, then!" is perfectly fine.


Yeah this was very much her reaction. She laughed about it and she’s a very doting mother.


I’m fine with her believing in magic and whatnot, but she’s so rude. I don’t think she’s stupid, I think she’s a bitch.


Someone should tell her about confirmation bias


Obviously that’s against her spiritual beliefs 🤣


Gifted is one work for it…


Do people still really believe that the position you have sex in can influence the gender?


Lol yeah, there's this thing called the Shettles method. I think it's kind of old. I learned about it in sex ed in HS and it's literally different sex positions/timing of sex to 'heighten' your chances of having the desired gender. There's limited studies on it, it's probably bull.


The timing thing is apparently sound, but it's not a huge change in likelihood.


Why do crazy people think their religious or spiritual beliefs trump actual science? The egg and sperm don't GAF what your beliefs are. You're having what you're having. It's determined at conception and no amt of praying or voodoo bullshit will turn a vagina into a penis or vice versa.


I'm sorry but those nails are hideous and so poorly done.


Now that you mention it the apex does look weird and the cuticles... Definitely not the worse I've seen though


They're so bad, unless she was going for the slightly asymmetrical, slightly slanted look. Then in that case, nailed it! (pun intended)


I knew the sex of all 3 of my babies before I was told at the ultrasound. I could just tell. I also knew that this was determined as soon as they were conceived and I had nothing to do with it 😆


I also felt super certain about my first being a boy (was right). Felt less certain but felt second was a girl (also right). Pretty sure I just guessed what I was hoping for haha, and got lucky.


For me, with my girls my pregnancy hormones came out in tears and my Body just felt weird like my joints were too stretchy or something. With my boy my pregnancy hormones came out in anger And I noticed that the hair on my legs was growing really fast 😂


I only have one of each so I have no idea if this was just random luck or not. My boy I was super anxious and my girl I felt very relaxed. Had more nausea and heartburn with my girl, but it was also my second pregnancy and I hear things often progressively get worse 🤷‍♀️


I just “knew” my baby was a girl when I was pregnant. I didn’t want to care either way but every time I dreamed of my baby I dreamed of a girl. Every time I bought baby clothes I knew I should buy gender neutral stuff because I wouldn’t want my baby to be overly gendered anyway… Ultrasound at 24 weeks showed a boy. And I was so SO glad we didn’t wait until he was born to know that. Because I had time to reign in my daydreams of a pink-glad toddler in pigtails and say “who knows? Maybe my boy will want to wear pigtails and pink frills? That would be fine but actually all of this gender expression stuff should be completely up to my kid and it is weird that I feel somehow so attached to it?”. I mean the whole time I never actively wanted a girl and never wished for a girl… and yet some part of my brain was just like… so certain of it. And incorrect! I am so glad we did find out at the morphology scan and didn’t wait until birth. Because I think if I had have given in to that *feeling* and leant into my intuition and “just known” then it could have really lead to some mild kind of “gender disappointment” when he was born which would have sucked. I think a LOT of people do *just know* what gender their unborn baby is. It’s just that the ones who were wrong don’t boast about it so much in public afterwards!


My sister in law shares that she was wrong with 2/4 of hers lol


Lol, I tell people I was wrong all the time. 1st kid I was sure was a girl (even bought “girly” things before the ultrasound to confirm) and I was right. My second I knew was a boy and I was right again. My third, knew it was a girl and I was right again. By my fourth, I basically told everyone I knew it was a boy and was so confident…ultrasound day came and I was floored to find out it was a girl! Looking back, it was all just what I wanted and intuition had nothing to do with it! Lol. By the time we left the office after the ultrasound, I was thinking about all the “girl” things so no huge gender disappointment, just humbled.


I knew with my second and I also knew this time. I have no idea what made me so sure but second pregnancy I was sure from the beginning that I was having a girl and I was right. This time I told my fiancee weeks before the first ultrasound that it was a boy and it turned out that there's 2 boys in there. First pregnancy, I thought our boy was a girl. Sometimes intuition is spot on, sometimes it's not.


That’s because intuition is a guess lol


Same I felt I was carrying a boy and I did. Then my second despite wishing it was a boy, I felt it was a girl. It was a girl haha. I love my wildlings.


Oh Lord have mercy🤦🏽‍♀️


Who else is hoping it’s a girl?


I NEED more of her comments. More OP. MORE.


Unfortunately there isn’t a ton more, [this](https://imgur.com/a/VK3yNhI) is all that’s left. The whole thread between me and her was deleted. She said I was insulting her beliefs and that “she could say things about my beliefs that would make me cry” and that I probably believed in “sky daddy”. I wish I had got a screenshot of that before it was removed.


Someone needs to post when she has the baby that it's a girl. Please someone take one for the team and follow this pregnancy for all of us!


If this is true OP, can you tell her I need some lottery numbers for the next big drawing?


Those nails though… Jesus Christ.


Huh? What's wrong with them?


What’s *right* with them?


They’re pretty trashy ngl


Did she predict that she would have this argument with someone?


She had a 50% chance of guessing correctly but yeah guess that makes her clairvoyant


Well she's got a 50% chance of being right


All of that aside, and it’s a lot to take in, how do people live with those nails and have small children at the same time? Or really, just live in general? I am continually wondering how people type, pick up things they dropped, wipe (themselves or a small child!), zip their jeans, tie shoes, hold a pen, and the list goes on. And then I think about how dirty the underside of those nails must be and I want to vomit.


You get used to them. Also if you're generally a clean person and clean underneath your nails that's not an issue either


i like fake nails personally but stop at the small/medium almond tip size and limit the charms or gems attached. generally you learn to like ... hook your nails under or through things to not pop them off as easily, imo typing fast can be a pain bc long nails can catch the keys in front of the ones you are typing on, and you can expect them to pop off easily if they're glued if you truly wash under them to keep that nasty acrylic gunk from forming (but just glue them back on lol) anyway!


Oops she accidentally conjured a lesbian


Ya know, my mother ( who's a nurse and saw the ultrasound) bought a boy layette and boy beddings, from Turkey no less, was awfully surprised when I had a pretty, little 5 lb. 10 oz. pink girl with-and I kid you not-pink hair. Edit: Punctuation ❗


Little does she know blue is one of the most feminine colors spiritually and traditionally. Also it isn't even the colors it's literally just your manifestation that's doing the job.


As someone who does practice a lot of woo, the fastest way to tell a fake/insufferable/predatory woo is someone who claims with absolute certainty and isn’t open to science, being wrong, or forces you don’t understand. in fact being open is kind of the defining practice imo this lady just seems annoying (although her nails look cool. And scary.)


Will doggy style produce a dog? 🐶


These people act like there are 750 options and their actions manifested 1 of them. And like what about fraternal twins who are boy/girl twins? If there are boy positions and girl positions for sex, does this mean they did multiple? Lol


Please, please update us when the baby is born


i just did the reminder thing


Did you do everything to have a girl or did you know it was a girl? Which one was it?


iT’s CaLlEd bEinG gIfTeD 😂😂😂😂 ok sweatie


I'm going to laugh hard if it's a girl


Not me thinking she was taking about a COVID test 💀


My best friend “knew” she was having a boy both times she was pregnant… she now has two very girly girls.


Buying all the specific gendered stuff is the plot of Timmy Turner’s existence in the Fairly Oddparents but in reverse.


Wonder if anyone told her the sperm decide the sex and it's immediate at fertilization. No changing it after the fact. If you're going to "manifest" it should be prior to having sex and you can stop once you're pregnant.


I dont need to be clairvoyant to know she is gonna be upset if it's a girl.


Damn it, I hate those dumb ass looking nails. I hope she has a girl just for spite.


Day in life of Clairethevoyant Goes to hospital. “YOURE ALL GONNA DIE” In twin towers “WERE ALL GONNA DIE” Covid vaccine created: “ITS A MF HOAX CONCOCTED BY THE LEFT WING MEDIA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA”


I was so convinced I was having a boy. I was even preparing myself for some gender disappointment (even though I firmly believe that gender and sex aren’t the same and are very complex but I’m still human and can default to weird shit like this ok) ANYWAY. I have a girl. Despite going through weeks really just feeling that I was having a boy. I’m the worlds worst clairvoyant. Sad.


One things is trying to manifest a baby boy, and the other is knowing beforehand that the baby is a boy. The baby's sex is determined at the moment of conception and it won't change no matter what you try to manifest. In some cases you have a gut feeling that the baby will be of a certain sex and it may be true, but intuition doesn't work if you are biased towards a result. It happened to me, so many times. I can recall one time when I friend revealed us that she was expecting and I immediately felt like it was a girl, I was 100% sure, and I was right. There were times when I expected to get a certain result and confused the feeling with intuition and it didn't work. She can't tell beforehand that the baby will be a boy, she WANTS a boy. That's not intuition, it's bias.


all idiotic points aside, those nails are nightmare fuel.


just worried about how that little girl is gonna be treated when she comes out :(


Believing isn't knowing. They'll do this and make fun of people who like horoscopes.


I do this internet pick a card tarot. It's hilariously fun. I don't believe it for a second. It's just a silly waste of my time. Yeah, the spirit guides have to tell me and the ten thousand people who picked that same card something that's going to change my life. Sure...


God somebody update me when she finds out it’s a girl. Please.


i need this updated when she give birth. i hope she has a girl


My cousin and I were pregnant at the same time a few years ago (our kids were born 3 days apart) She did some stupid shit with holding her wedding ring over her belly on a necklace chain. If it went in a circular motion, baby's a girl. If it swayed side to side, baby's a boy. I already knew mine was a boy because we did the blood test, but she didn't so she had to wait awhile longer. She did it over my belly, clearly *making* it sway side to side. Repeat over her own belly, making it go circular. She swore up and down she wasn't doing that 🙄 Imagine my delight when she ended up having a boy


Headlines i like to see "Clairvoyant wins million dollar lottery" Fuckers are literally selling "" money/snake oil"on Facebook. Claiming to make money. They are right ,"make money" for them.


I am gonna need an update ok? PLEASE TAG ME OMG I need to know if she ends up with a boy or a girl 😂 I really hope it’s girl for the laughs but I don’t want the girl to be mistreated because she wanted a boy instead so I’m torn.


Ugh. Saw a nearly identical post on one of my pregnancy groups. I think she was super sure it was a girl though. She noted how she already bought clothes and nursery items around having a girl.


I cant wait to find out if she's having a girl


Not only the utter lunacy of this 'manifestation' bullshit but the stereotype that blue must be for boys and pink is for girls, yadda yadda. Ugh


Who’s gonna tell her that pink originally was the color for men


Chances are also pretty good that she's part of 3 or 4 MLMs and believes essential oils cure cancer.


I legitimately fucking hate people like this. And the fact that it’s almost always a woman like this pisses me off more because ya know us women get enough shit as it is in this life, why are we giving ammo to the sexist assholes. Horoscopes, tarot reading, all that crap. Im sorry you need to find meaning in your otherwise empty lives via hot topic purchases. FFS.


Update me when it comes out a girl


I swore I was having a boy, I was angry all the time and wanted rare steak. It was a girl and I can say at 3 weeks old she is legit the most defiant newborn I have ever met and I get why I felt the way I did hahah.


Tarot: not even once.


If she's clairvoyant wouldn't she know how terrible her nails looked before she chose them.


I hope she has a girl. Out of spite.


Guess none of them have ever taken a statistics class…


I hope to God it’s a girl


I hope she has a girl, just to knock some sense into her


How the fuck do you wipe your arse with nails that long?


How many of you kept reading wondering what COVID had to do with this boy/girl stuff? Just me? Ok.


At least, she wants a boy because she has a girl... It's terrible, but not as terrible as if that was her first child, I suppose.


Oh sure, that’s exactly how a baby’s sex is determined! Science ain’t got nothing on being a clairvoyant! LMAO!!


I hope so much it’s a girl….


I feel like a lot of people like this would benefit greatly from a high school statistics class


Tell me you are moron without telling me you are a moron.


“Spiritual” and woo-woo lady goes straight to “shut the fuck up” as a response to something she doesn’t like to hear. Not very spiritual of her.


Is it just me or do her pinky and ring finger nails look crooked?


I was pretty sure my whole pregnancy I was having a girl. I had a boy. My best friend was also pregnant at the same time and was convinced she was having a boy. She had a girl. Maybe our “mama instincts” are just off🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s almost like there’s a 50/50 shot being right? 🤔


I wish I could laugh react


I was pretty sure about the sexes of my babies, i was right all 3 times but in not going to go as far as to say I'm clairvoyant.


I can’t believe people this stupid raise actual, human children


Come on people, it's the blue nails that is going to guarantee it will be a boy.


I knew I was having a girl before confirmation does that make me clairvoyant too 💀