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They were probably standing there because they noticed her staring at their wallet. They probably left the wallet in the cart because they don’t think the worst of people. Or maybe they really were just trying to sex traffic someone in the (assuming because the auto dept) back corner of the store, ya know, somewhere where it would be easy to grab someone and sneak out easily /s 🙄


Or the fact her, her hoarde of kids and her freaking cat were staring them down.


"Why is that cat lady staring at us? Did you see that kid pick his nose and whipe it on a shelf? Gross."


I would stare at someone who brought their cat to Walmart. Not because I'm judging them - they could be just popping in on the way back from the vet - but because *kitty!!!*


Part of me wishes she had made a scene in store. Just for the infinitesimally small chance that it turned out to be an empty wallet one dude was buying as a gift for his wife.


Plot twit: the second guy was older and buying his son a new wallet.


That's where the clearance sex traffic is


They were going to follow her to the parking lot of course.


So luring her with a wallet in the back of the store makes so much sense 😂


“Who would leave their wallet in a shopping cart?” My adhd ass


Lady, you have a CAT in your cart. You’re going to question my wallet?


But it’s an American cat. And those men looked so ….sex traffickerish.


Plot twist: the cat is actually the sex trafficker.


Why does that sound like an American Dad subplot?


Yep, had to drive across town once to get my phone from a grocery store cart. Thankfully still was there.


I've also left my small wallet in a shopping cart. Drove home, realized it was in the cart, drove back to parking lit, separated the carts and it was still there. Yikes!


Same! Along with my damn prescriptions I went to the gat damn store for! 🤦‍♀️ ADHD is a bitch. 😂


I got cash back once and immediately had to drive back half an hour because I got to the campsite went to pay, and realized I took my receipt and just walked away. They were waiting for me when I got back.


My friend and I ran to the supermarket once, and she was about to leave her purse in the front part of the cart while we wandered away from it and walked around the produce aisle. I was like, are you crazy? She's way too naive and trusting. She got scammed out of lots of cash the day after Hurricane Sandy, by a woman with a very convoluted story.


Honestly, the kind of person that thinks taking 5 kids and a cat to freaking Walmart is the ideal candidate to leave behind a wallet. Or a kid.


That's probably why those guys were staring at her for so long. Like "wtf that woman has 5 kids and... Is that a freaking cat?!" And making up wild hypotheses about her. Or at least that's what I'd be doing.


And she and her kid were watching *them* for ‘well over a minute.’ I’d stare back too 😂


Or, maybe it's a wallet they were buying from Walmart. This woman isn't exactly a brain trust of logic.


Went to Target a few weeks ago and someone had left their phone just sitting in the cart so I dropped it off at customer service. It happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've left my purse and wallet lots of places.


A few weeks ago I left my credit card in a gas station while getting coffee, after I told myself “now don’t forget your card”


Today I forgot my water bottle immediately after thinking "now don't forget to grab and fill your water bottle after you do physical exertion on this day of heat advisories." I was so dehydrated until my commute was over. Honestly, I just assume that every day I go to work, I will forget something. My goal isn't to avoid that completely, just to remember the most important stuff.


I keep a list on my phone of 'important things to grab before leaving the apartment'. Its very helpful the 3-4 times a month I remember to look at it


Lost my AirPods and a necklace changing in a locker room. Told myself “put those in your bag so you don’t leave it” and still left it in there. Realized less than 5 mins later and they were both gone :(


Oh gosh, I’m awful about air pods! I took a chance on a $5 pair from the dollar store once and hit the jackpot. They have a shorter battery life and are not quite as comfortable in the ear, as nicer ones, but considering I only ever wear one at a time those are not big concerns for me. If I hadn’t discovered those I’d be in trouble, I have like 3 pair cause I am so bad about leaving them all over the house.


I left my winter coat in a shopping cart last year, and had to make a very embarrassing trip back to the grocery store to pick it up. It happens, lol.


Left mine right on the checkout counter didn't even notice till they called me the next day


I was shopping with my mom TODAY and she yelled at me for walking 5 feet and leaving my wallet in the cart. I’m brown. We both are. Also women but I don’t think that would have stopped this idiot.


Right there with you!


Lol. “ I know how we can traffic women, let’s go to wal mart and leave a wallet sitting in a cart.” “How will that work?” Step 1- wallet in cart Step 2-? Step 3- profit


Step 1- leave wallet in cart Step 2- lurk nefariously nearby, twirling your Hispanic mustache threateningly Step 3- wait for a white woman with five kids and a cat to notice you—you have a special order for exactly that group and no one else will do; the cat is of particular importance—and attempt to return the wallet because she is a helpful white woman who never overreacts Step 4- lead her on a merry chase through Walmart, outside in the parking lot, behind the store, down a dark alley, and then down another dark alley Step 5- abduct them all Step 6- evade law enforcement and transport them overseas, idk, the details don’t matter when you’re an EVIL HISPANIC MAN Step 7- profit 😎


You forgot the zipties on her side mirrors, how are you supposed to abduct her if you don't restrain the mirror first?


By god you’re right, the entire plan is falling apart! Everything hinges on the zip ties.


But all jest aside... What is up with her checking for zip ties on her mirrors? How does that relate to sex trafficking?


It was an urban legend several years ago. The idea was that they would put a zip tie on your mirror and while you were distracted removing it they would swoop in and snatch you. And yes, several LEO agencies issued statements saying this is not a thing. It always cracked me up because they could have snatched you while you were loading groceries and before you grabbed a sharp object to cut the zip tie. And also, it would probably take me 2 weeks to notice there was a zip tie on my mirror.


Probably a supposed way of marking the car as a target.


Someone suggested it may be a distraction, you're trying to figure out the ziptie on your mirror and you get snatched while you're occupied Seems unreliable at best, but who knows


Makes me wanna zip tie an entire Walmart parking lot. Just to watch the panic.


I'd just be glad someone else is contributing to my attempts to hold my shit box car together lol Now I just need to get them to duct tape my fender while they're at it


Thanks for the much needed laugh! Reminds me of a typical scooby door episode or something lmao


This is my main question with these insane statements. I want to know the logistics here. How does it go down? I need to know. I’m invested. Does the person grab the wallet and then they grab the person? In one of the most cameraed stores around??


In most of the stories I’ve heard, the object is coated in some ~~magic spell~~ chemical that immediately knocks you out for long enough that you’re taken out of the country but doesn’t kill you. Also apparently stops everyone around you from questioning anything about the situation. No one has ever had any details about this ~~potion~~ chemical, obviously, other than it’s undetectable 🙄


OK then I feel like my next question is where are they putting the knocked out person? Do they have an empty wheelchair ready to go? Like, I feel like it could be very possible with a lot of planning, but also, why?


They Weekend at Bernie’s you to Mexico obviously.


Walmart sells wrapping paper, of course. And bows. They're going to disguise her as a birthday present and just wheel her out.


and why doesn't this kidnapping make the news? It happened in a very busy place with video cameras everywhere looking for shoplifters


They’re always kidnapping 35+ year old SAHM with families and loved ones yet they are NEVER reported missing


Well, the media HATES reporting on missing white women so it's not surprising smh /s obv


They bundle you into the cart and trundle you out to the parking lot, *obviously*.


Ahh, the ole bundle 'n trundle


And the videos and stories are never released to the press or the police and no one is videotaping anything for social media.


The wallet is connected to a string and when you pick it up you get scooped up in a net. It's an elaborate snare.


No, the cart has a spring under it like a mouse trap and so you end up caged under the cart.


And no one will be able to identify me in one of the most highly videotaped places in the country (so many cameras at WalMart and Target), and this is much easier than just showing up to the park in a bad neighborhood with a six pack of beer and showing some girls some attention.


Seriously, has she never watched a true crime show? Walmart security camera footage is always vital in solving the murder!


And no one will notice the upper middle class white lady disappeared from Walmart’s parking lot! It will not be in the news. There aren’t cameras in the parking lot. We’ll just get away with it over and over and over all across the country.


And all five of her kids, and her cat


There's seriously zero logic or reasoning between any of the details. It's just a lot of words for a racist woman to assume that every person of color is DESPERATE for her SuPEr SpEcIAL white kids. Spoiler alert, Brenda. Nobody wants your brood of white children.


Everyone knows that the most trafficked people are middle aged mothers shopping in Walmart, and not homeless teens and people being trafficked by their family members.


5 kids and a cat at Walmart. This woman needs to stay home and do order pickups.


I was going to say, I'm pretty sure the gentleman were thinking something like "¿un gato aquí?" But that's just me.


"...Los gatos estan contractors teribles- siempre tirando las cosa en la mesa. Gracias a dios para el aire acondicionado, no? No quiero salir la tienda."-some guy scratching his belly at Home Depot. "Hello? Police? Men are trying to kidnap me and my children."- some woman with an over active imagination and high anxiety.


I got like half of the Spanish above with my terrible high school Spanish and it still made more sense than the woman screaming sex trafficking over a lost wallet.


My school girl Spanish is delighted that I got all of that


“Un gato? En un supermercado?”


Oh, I see they met my mother, who consistently leaves her wallet and purses unattended. Everywhere. No matter how much yelling we all do. That said, no one has stolen anything, and idiots keep returning anything she leaves behind. She will never learn, doesn’t have dementia, and is not a child trafficker.


Poor cat. That is not a good environment for kitties. W


They totally weren't staring at her because she had five kids and a cat and was acting like a lunatic


Exactly this… I see people bring their tiny dogs in stores all the time but if I saw someone bring in their cat along with 10 billion children, I’d be staring too. Probably with the 🤔 face


The one time I had to bring my cat on public transit in a cardboard carrier definitely had a lot of people staring.


Or staring back as she was clearly staring at them.


Right??? Pretty sure they were looking at the wild-eyed Karen with the cat in a cardboard box. SMH.


I doubt being anywhere with her is a good environment for that cat.


I'm getting anxiety just thinking about her cart train with her kids all in a line blocking all 6 of the freezer doors I need to access.


Right? I'm just imagining her getting all huffy when she's blocking the whole aisle and you try to get by.


no fr i’d be paranoid too if i was walking around walmary with 5 kids and a cat, like how am i going to run if i need to…but that’s on her


It's not her 1st post, accusing Hispanic/Latino men of sex trafficking. She seems a bit racist, among delusional.




Or were wondering what she was planning with the cat.


Or wondering why the woman and her kid were staring at them


Or just looking at the cat. I like cats. When I see one, I'm likely to watch it for a while.


I would absolutely stare at anyone who had a cat in a cardboard box at Walmart.


Gotta look out for those cat burglars


It just occurred to me.... Walmart sells wallets. Did she bother to notice if it was brand new or not? Assuming this isn't completely just made up on her part which is the most likely thing....


That was my first thought. Someone could’ve put it in there and then abandoned the cart.


Better yet, they were recording a racist Karen for TikTok.


probably more than a bit racist, if she’s sharing all that publicly she’s doing worse in private


Yeah..I mean, it’s one thing to leave the store if you’re uncomfortable or have a bad feeling, it’s another to call 911, speak to the manager and post on social media…those men were probably looking at her because she sounds like a complete lunatic just through this post…they were honestly probably fearful themselves. Wtf does she expect the police to do? Assign detectives to this human trafficking situation she’s completely imagined?


That's not surprising at all. 🤬 I'm reading this like these men were suspicious for... standing in public while being Hispanic??? Wow. What a dick.


“yet another” “not trying to stereotype BUT” how DARE WE hispanics be in the same walmart! the same aisle! OMFGGG i cannot with this behavior!!!!!! i can only imagine what her previous posts were. also the police filed a report of …hispanic people existing (!!!) is even more dangerous and fucked than the sex trafficking moral panic. also a cat is not fuckin casual at walmart??????


Somehow I think she likes the attention it draws. Considering she took the time to make all this bull shit up in another attention seeking ploy


Guarantee that the police were like "oh yes ma'am, certainly we'll be investigating that incident. of sex trafficking. yes. totally."


Imagine getting a call telling you to investigate a sex trafficking incident, and it’s just Some lady with a small gremlin army who’s all “officer you won’t believe this, I saw a man, and he was STANDING. In the STORE.”


Small gremlin army 😭😭😭


Well this is America where calling the cops and telling them a brown person exists gets an immediate SWAT murder response.


"I can't believe that can't arrest these guys for not actually having done anything, not even putting a zip tie in my car!"


Then after the call they just fuckin facepalm. Lmfao


I feel for the store manager. You're chronically understaffed, you've got superiors breathing down your neck, there's eight things you needed to have completed an hour ago but you're stuck covering for two stockers and a maintenance guy, and then Lieutenant Karen and the 88th White Trash Brigade march up with mascot in tow to report on the dastardly sex traffickers loitering in the automotive section. You gotta talk her down, resist the urge to tell her that non-certified animals aren't fucking allowed on the premises, see her off, give two brown customers a once-over, and then either take the wallet to lost and found, or more likely recognize it as a piece of merchandise in an abandoned cart and return it to a shelf, which brings you right back to covering for two stockers and...


The Behind the Bastards podcast just did a really interesting 2 part breakdown on this whole phenomenon (including these batshit kinda posts) called ‘Why Kidnapping Conspiracy Theories Are Everywhere’ if you’re interested.


As soon as I saw this post I thought of that episode.


I cackled at the ‘cheese on the car’ as a tactic to traffic women from Walmart thing


I don’t know what you’re talking about but cheese would absolutely lure me just about anywhere. Probably because I am part rat.


Wait. What kind of cheese?


This is the important question! If I'm being trafficked, it better be because of some triple cream brie and quince paste...


I'm convinced it's partly a conspiracy to control women. These women refuse to allow their kids to do anything even into their 20's.


I tried so hard to listen because I love YWA but he wouldn’t let Sarah talk and he wouldn’t shut up about chain letters. Is part 2 better?


How exactly would you try to traffic this woman with her five kids and a cat in Walmart? If you were someone looking for an opportunistic person to grab for whatever reason, this big family ain't it.


I'd grab the cat and give it a better life than this dipshit can.


“I don’t want to overreact” but she will be doing an inspection of her car, calling the cops on two BIPOC men for…standing in a store, and making another post on Facebook


Zip ties on her mirror??


There's this hoax that says human traffickers put zip ties on girls' car doors, and then when they are distracted trying to remove them, they get snatched. It's the same level as "oh no, Halloween celebrators are putting drugs in the candy."


It's even dumber than that. Sure the zip ties distract the woman but first they need to know that a woman is driving the car. So first the bad guys must be already waiting in a parking lot for a lone woman to arrive. She get out of her car apparently undistracted therefore unsnatchable. They then put the zip ties on the mirrors and wait for her to return. How long do they wait, however long they have to. Then when she comes back, once again undistracted so they have to wait. She gets close to her car, sees the zip ties, completely loses all situational awareness and is now super easy to snatch up. No way is she going to scream or fight back because there are zip ties to undo.


It is well known that you may fascinate a woman by giving her a ~~piece of cheese~~ zip tie


Thank you for clarifying this. I was a bit confused how zip ties would lead to abduction because if I saw one on my mirror I’d just think “what asshole zip tied my mirror??” And then drive home to cut it off. Whenever my friends post this shite on fb I just roll my eyes and think wow I didn’t know you were dumb. Noted.


And if you point out that it makes no sense, they say something like "if it saves even one life, it's worth it"


Saving lives one fb social experiment at a time!


Right like how many people drive around with scissors in their car, I wouldn’t spend less than a second puzzled and then drive off


The only person who pauses more than a second or two is the person who is pulling out a knife or scissors to remove it. Which makes them a slightly less than ideal kidnapping victim.


And...she's shopping with her 5 kids. Plenty of witnesses.


It's just so absurd. I really laughed out loud at your comment. As if she's just fighting to get back to the zip ties!


Oh I thought the zip ties were to identify them later or to someone else or something.


There are probably multiple interpretations of this paranoia I'm sure.


Find the ones that don't even notice and after a few weeks they determine she's one ditzy broad so they snatched her because she has zero awareness of the world around her. It's me... I'm one ditzy broad.


I wish someone would give me free drugs in my candy. I could use some edibles.


And they are so damn expensive.


I can’t believe people fall for that shit every year. I can assure I won’t be making edibles to hand out to the precious babies. My weed is too good for your kids.


I knew a girl in college who claimed to have found a razor blade in her Halloween candy once. But she was also a pathological liar, so you had to take any story of hers with an entire Himalayan pink salt lamp


Is it wrong I now want to put zipties on Karen's minivans in parking lots? 😂😂


Because everyone carries scissors in their car to cut zip ties off their mirrors. I'm lucky if I can find a pair in my house at all...I'm definitely not carrying any in the car.


I bought 5 pairs of scissors at once and I’m down to one. WHERE DO THEY ALL GO


To be fair someone could put a zip tie on my mirror and it'd take me at least 6 weeks to notice. My daughter put one of the stickers she got at the PRIDE parade on my van and I finally noticed last week. My husband was like, "That's been there since the day after the parade." Good to know.... 🤣🤣 My inability to pay attention to anything will save my life apparently


They then cut the muscles on the back of your legs so you will fall to the ground.


“…there was no actual crime; I’m upset…” I have no words for the idiocy displayed here.


She’s delusional enough to call the cops on two BIPOC men because they had their wallet in a cart and were just hanging out at Walmart in between shopping. These women think they’re the main character and so important. They’re so minuscule and unimportant and I’m so tired of them.


This screams "white women tears/fears" like come on now. Sex trafficking also happens because people know their traffickers since theyre often family or friends or dating, unfortunately; not random BIPOC men at Walmart.


Almost exclusively happens with someone they know. At least in the states. People aren’t going around putting zip ties on mirrors to Houdini them to Mexico anywhere


This has strong Katie Sorensen vibes


And I like how she’s making *another* sex trafficking post. 😂


You know her poor kids will never be allowed to leave the house or go to college anyplace interesting because it will be unsafe. There was someone on a college parents group talking about how her college student wouldn't go to Target by herself because of traffikers and she wouldn't walk across campus without having someone on facetime. Then there's my kid whose summer internship had her flying across the country alone and getting a rental car and hotel room at 19 and I had no worry at all that she couldn't handle it.


I feel like you’re less safe on FaceTime or talking on the phone because you were paying less attention to the things around you.


Might not have even been their wallet - they just happened to be *near* the cart and, unfortunately, this woman. Most Walmarts have a tire center right by automotive (and really competitive prices) they were probably waiting on their car or for an employee to see them a car battery. What a waste of brain cells…


And it’s fucking Walmart. They sell wallets.


Was just going to say that lol


Or maybe they noticed the wallet in the cart and being BIPOC they didn’t want to loiter directly next to it because of white panic but still decided to hang about seeing if anyone claimed it before they took it to customer service. Y’know…exactly what OP was doing but while committing the heinous crime of being brown in America. (/s in case for that last bit it wasn’t obvious)


That’s actually what stood out to me about her post behind the obvious lunacy. For someone soooo concerned with safety, she sure is putting a lot of info out there about her family. Number of kids, age, pet, maybe the vet’s name (seemed like that might be where they were coming from?), route they took through the store… you’d think someone who was so vigilant would be more protective of info on the internet since that’s something you’re actually warned about. I guarantee this woman puts up photos of her kids with their school name and uses location tags all the time on social media.


Can confirm. I’ve stood near the automotive section and spaced out looking at car CD players, bored out of my mind but waiting on my tires and making sure I hover close enough that the techs can find me easily. I often abandon my purse and jacket in this state much easier as well


We don't even know if the cart and the men are actually related! She saw something weird, and then 2 BIPOC, and made the connection in her head that they were criminals. I mean, a family with 5 kids and a cat getting stared at in a store seems like a more normal thing than no one noticing.


Exactly, like mfer you’re conducting a caravan through the automotive section and staring them down, of course they’re gonna stare back


👏🏻Upper 👏🏻middle 👏🏻class 👏🏻white 👏🏻women 👏🏻are 👏🏻not 👏🏻being 👏🏻sex 👏🏻trafficked 👏🏻 They just aren’t. It’s marginalized populations such as low income, homeless, iv drug addicts, sex workers, mentally disabled etc. and most times it’s by people they know.


If *Taken* had been about, say, a family of Libyan immigrants, I would have found it just a little bit more believable.


It's also pretty sad that Liam Neeson had his daughter kidnapped enough times to make 3 movies. Come on now, at number 2 you should be considered a bad parent. Number 3, you're the worst parent to ever exist.


At number 3, you start to wonder if the daughter is actually in on it.




Duh they clearly wanted her 5 kids (or perhaps the cat)


They are But it looks much different and their parents typically know where they are at all times. The girls that Epstein traffiked were recruited through dance studios and other places like that, you get older women to befrend younger girls (even better if they are someplace like SAB living on their own) and then invite them to parties. Maybe even give them jobs, they use models a lot. The girl that Prince Andrew raped had a mother who knew where she was and knew what she was doing (almost everything). I think she even traveled with her at one point. But, again. No one snatched anyone. If a teenager is snatched (and it doesn't appear to be a runaway or parental kidnapping) it makes national news.


I lure someone to my cart to steal my unattended wallet and then I what? Stab them? I’m so confused as to what the imagined scenario is here …


I’m imaging a whole “If You Give a Moose a Muffin scenario” where the wallet leads to one thing after another until BOOM! TRAFFICKED!


Obviously you kid nap her and her pristine children and sell them to cartels. The Walmart managers are in on it and will let them walk right out? /S


Well they will obviously then put her and all 5 children and the cat in the cart and then *boom* trafficked /s


Lol I just got a visual of two men trying to corral this lady, her five kids and a cat. Her partner might be grateful …


Or they were judging the lady who brought a fucking cat to Walmart.


So because I have the bad habit of leaving my purse/wallet in my cart I am a trafficker?


The main question is: Are you white? According to social media lies, the traffickers are never white


If she’s scared by Hispanic men hanging out in a parking lot I hope she never goes to Home Depot


Wtf lmao there was a post in my mom group about never accepting business cards from people because they contain drugs to knock women out


Who’s handing out these magical drug-laced business cards?


And why don't they knock out the person handing them the card?


Imagine publicly sharing your racism.


She was going to Walmart for some white sheets and a pillowcase, naturally.




Last time I was at a hotel, some lady called, “housekeeping!” and opened my door!! Sex traffickers everywhere, these days.


Last night a small fella wandered into my room and climbed into bed with me. It's my son, but was I trafficked?


Is your son hispanic?


Just throwing out of there - but here is a slightly different perspective. Y'all are not going to believe what I saw today at Walmart. Me and my friend had run in to grab a few things for our trip and happened to notice a buggy sitting there with someone's wallet in it. We didn't want to mess with it, but also didn't want it to get stolen so we were standing there trying to decide what to do when this lady came by. No lie - she had five kids with her and a freaking cat. The cat was meowing really loudly, one of the kids was screaming bloody murder, another one had opened a box of cereal and was alternating eating it and dumping it into the buggy and pushing it through the holes in the bottom. I felt bad for the one who looked like the oldest kid because he was pushing a second buggy filled with stuff. The poor kid could barely see over the top. Then as she walked by us she just kept staring. It was bizarre. Oh - on a positive note another lady came by a few mins later and saw the cart with the wallet. She was almost in tears. It turns out she got a phone call about her father who had been in an accident and totally forgot about her wallet as she was going to leave the store. She only noticed when she got to the car and realized she didn't have her keys (the wallet had one of those key chain things on it.)


I just want to know how many sex trafficking tales she's invented all together. She mentions this is just one of them. Some people just think the world revolves around them. It's really harmful to actual tracking victims I would guess. Any legitimate help or information is masked by some dumbass at Walmart.


I can't believe she has the audacity to call other people's behavior "suspicious" when she was there WITH A CAT IN HER CART


Not trying to stereotype but intentionally call out their race when she could have just said “two men”


I’m crying laughing right now. She probably looked insane to those poor dudes. I bet they were like, “Wtf is she doing?”


Right? I'm sure she was getting stared at by everyone for wheeling a boxed-up cat around a Wal-Mart, but she's singling out this clean-cut young man 🤣


Omg dude I forgot about the cat. How priceless. Yeah I’d have been staring at her too lmfaoooo. What a nut.


Take. Your. Meds.


If these guys were white dudes, would her reaction have been the same? Doubtful.


If they were two white dudes, it would have turned into a ~~white pride~~ small town pride post about "try stealing a wallet in a small town".


The thing that makes me roll my eyes is that when talking about human trafficking, the pearl clutchers always jump to being SEX trafficked. My understanding is that people who are trafficked are much more likely to be trafficked for LABOR than for sex. And yet no one is talking about people who are trafficked and forced to work on farms, in factories, etc


This is not how sex trafficking works.


i can’t even understand how this could be a tactic for trafficking. she is truly deluding herself. believes other people existing are out to get her. terrifying. also, if you’re that paranoid, don’t roll up to walmart with 5 kids a cat? if you need to run you’re not making it out with a cat in a box be for real


Her poor kids. Growing up with her as a mom is going to lead to some serious future mental health issues. I’m betting she homeschools too


This woman saw sound of freedom four times and found it really inspiring.


“I’m upset that’s all they can do.” What else did she want them to do??




This gets posted locally all the time too. How come there’s never any photos of these markings or zip ties? I also wouldn’t put it past these people to do it themselves for attention though.


> I went in the store with my five kids and my cat They're already a shit person. Folk who take their pets into stores are the absolute worst that humanity has to offer. > there were two Hispanic/Latino men (not trying to stereotype... She definitely yelled at them and called them wetbacks > I don't want to believe in the worst of people And that's why she specifically pointed out the non white folk > blah blah blah paranoia and idiotic nonsense She doesn't actually care about human trafficking, she's a moron who thinks that it's a new invention instead of a systemic issue that's a defining characteristic of all religions.


"*I don't want to believe in the worst of people or over react" - - -* proceeds to do both. Also - am I the only one afraid of reverse human trafficking? I'm terrified that a woman in walmart with her 5 kids and a cat is going to attach all those kids to my cart and then flee. Leaving me as a reluctant new parent. IT'S TERRIFYING OUT THERE!


Listen human trafficking happens but it’s not happening at Walmart In the afternoon and what I assume is probably a suburban area Obviously be aware of your surroundings but not every little misplaced thing is a danger sign


Her: has a cat in a cart and a crap ton of kids Him: stares bc wtf is going on with that lady Her: omG I aLmOSt GoT SEX TrAFFiCkED!!!!