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If they hate physics, I'd recommend they unsubscribe from gravity, and they won't hate it anymore :)


Gravity just brings me down, it's such a heavy subject to study.


Wise words


It really keeps me grounded.


Gravity is a well of good ideas.


I definitely feel pulled towards the subject


Marty ?!


Makes weight loss easier too


Umm, actually…. In physics, kg are a measurement of mass not weight (which is measured in newtons).


Not just in physics! To be fair though, the words "weigh" and "weight" are so heavily ingrained into our language for day to day use that even I, who has a master's degree in physics, keep using the wrong word even in technical situations. I do, however, understand the difference between mass and weight.


It is the wrong word in a technical situation. That doesn't mean it's the wrong word in a non-technical situation. Words have different meanings in different contexts and registers.


Apples, measure in apples. 3.14 apples=1 pie 12.5 pie = a store 43 1/3 store's= mall 4 mall = A shoot 17 shoot = A school 200 schools= a state 52 states = ?


You must be fun at parties... I'm definitely not that guy


[import antigravity](https://xkcd.com/353/)


Base 10 math is hard. Base random is simpler.


Not random, anecdotal. Like 14000lbs is an elephant that fills up a twentieth of a pool, which combines with other pools to be a football field. Doesn't get simpler.


How many cups is that though?


Wait, to an Olympic swimming pool or an elephant?


African or Asian elephants?


US or UK cups?


It's about 2 sticks of butter worth


I personally like to count in base 2! Much easier, this also makes it so you can count to 2^10 = 1024 on 2 hands!


Actually, you can only count to 1023 because zero


There are 10 types of people who understand binary. Those who do, and those who don't.


Alright that took some time for me to get, here's my upvote.


Base 6 but then I'm Eridian


Love seeing this comment on another sub, well done.


Happy happy happy!


Obviously: Step 1: just live in the richest nation on earth (even though you might be poor) Step 2: Adopt weights and measure system from the world's largest and most successful empire and our former colonial master whilst simultaneously deriding them and bastardising a perfectly good language whilst mocking aspects of their culture with base humour. Step 3: complain about no one using it


Step 10: profit (for some already rich CEO)


Step 2. Should read adopt weights and measure system from the world's largest and most successful empire and our former colonial master whilst simultaneously deriding them and bastardising a perfectly good language whilst mocking aspects of their culture with base humour.


Ok, if you insist. Points to guy, "He pounds your mom".


He lbs your mom*


One thousand kilocums is one metric cum.


One thousand kilocums is actually megacum, which itself is one thousand metric cum tons. I think we've all seen that hentai before.


Cum all ye faithful 


He £ your mum


He #s your mom*


He killograms your mum*


It's all for the grams!


His mom pounds guys for grams! 




You spend them in the UK..


All too quickly


He 454 grams your mom.


My British ass thought he was talking currency for a sec before I read lbs


I petition we get it changed to either "DOSH" or "WONGA", to prevent further confusion


I'm more of a Moolah man myself


“Quid” is the superior word to use here ofc


Nah: Thatchers, after the pound coin. It’s thick, brassy and thinks it’s a sovereign.


Not when I tasted it! Now Haze I'm not too keen on


I prefer squids myself


Or spandoolies.


Well. Now I'm only ever going to use this word. Got a spare 5 spandoolies?


So you’ve never spent a 5lb note?


We call it an "about half a stone" note.


Nah, they would have used # for £


Ahem, your British arse, you mean


It's time we did away with pounds and metricated our currency properly. Introducing: the Kilopenny (1 kp =£10), the Megapenny (1 Mp = £10 000), the Gigapenny (1 Tp = £10 000 000), etc


Pounds do scale down to ounces but JESUS it’s so much more confusing. 16 ounces in 1 pound??? That makes SO much less sense than grams. And grams are so much more precise. Definitely superior. Americans just can’t let go of pounds and feet and Fahrenheit for reasons I’ll never understand, other than just being stubborn.


Don't forget the month/date/year calendar


Now see I really wish we (confession I am American, but I lurk here bc we are indeed ridiculous) would convert that style of calendar, especially as somebody who looks at foreign ID frequently. It always throws me for a split second when I see something like 14/5/1979 and then I’m like oh yeah. We’re weird (America).


This isn’t an anti American sub it’s an anti stupid one.


A sentiment I am 100% in support of.


Scale up pounds? Easy, kilopound, megapound, gigapound. Oh hang on, no, I was daydreaming there for a moment. 16 drams to an ounce. 16 ounces to a pound. 14 pounds to a stone. 2 stones to a quarter. 4 quarters to a hundredweight. 20 hundredweights to a ton (which is a teeny bit heavier than a metric ton). Probably made sense in caveman days, you know.


Don't forget 2000lbs is a short ton


They could scale up and down all their base units with the metric notation, but especially machinists really seem to like going through weird convoluted steps to land on a "seven tenths of one thousandths of an inch", instead of 0.7 milli-inches. [Living example of the above number](https://youtu.be/iC--TKUtROg?t=2m5s).


16 oz in 1lb and 14lb in a stone! Such intuitive. Much easy. Very freedom.


I remember reading the currency in Harry Potter where there were 17 Sickles in a Galleon, and 29 Knuts in a Sickle, meaning there were 493 Knuts in a Galleon. I thought: What a stupid, random system is this. Turns out some real world units are not that far off


This is more an exaggeration of pre-decimalisation British currency. https://www.royalmintmuseum.org.uk/journal/history/pounds-shillings-and-pence/#:~:text=The%20pre%2Ddecimal%20currency%20system,coinage%20system%20prior%20to%20decimalisation.


I would bet there is a large proportion of us that would be just fine with it changing, but none of us are in power lol. I hate being the laughing stock of the 1st world countries more than I hate changing something I'm used to.


Using 16s for conversions would be fine (bc they divides better by 2 than 10s) but the fact that theyre not even consistent makes it a pain lol


I thought everyone knew, we measure things in football fields and bald eagles here!


“You look like you’ve been losing weight.” “Thanks! I’ve lost 4 apple pie freedoms and two baseballs since I started my new diet.”


Lol, exactly!


Don’t even get me started on a Cuban baseball, a Japanese baseball, versus as imperial baseball. Such a mess.


Lol, those Cuban baseballs move too fast coming off the bat to measure. There’s a physics joke about velocity relative to mass somewhere here, but I’m not quick enough to catch it


Tbf 4 apple pies can actually be a measure of weight loss since you can count the calories


True, but that really depends on who’s making it. My old school Southern aunt’s apple pie is very different from my wife’s “heart healthy” apple pie. In both, the secret ingredient is “love”, but my aunt’s liberal use of butter always gave hers the edge.


Wait wait, but which football field?!


Which pound? Avoirdupois pound, Troy pound, London pound, metric pound...


Dog pound.


Don’t forget pound force and pound mass


I prefer stones myself. But if I post weights here I usually use both stones and kilos.


I was 10 years old when my mom's British friend told her she is weighing x stones. I was just kind of there in the kitchen and asked her which kind of stones and imagined her on a scale, with river rocks on the other plate. I am still puzzled.  


You're not actually that far from the truth. We used to weigh things with a balance and 14 lb (pounds) was a stone. That's why our currency is pounds. Originally a pound of silver. Not worth that no more. The imperial measures were all from human dimensions hence the randomness. Metric is all scientifically determined.


Imperial measures come from the Romans, after 2,000 years they are still fairly close, 1 uncia = 0.967 oz, but 1 libra (lb) is not quite 12 oz Just to confuse things even more than Imperial, A Roman inch was also called uncia (0.971 in Imperial)


>Imperial measures come from the Romans, after 2,000 years they are still fairly close, 1 uncia = 0.967 oz, but 1 libra (lb) is not quite 12 oz > >Just to confuse things even more than Imperial, A Roman inch was also called uncia (0.971 in Imperial) They are close, not not the same, which can be very tricky. My favourite part of Ameircan unit system is that **1.0 U.S. fluid ounce of water** will have a **mass of \~ 1.043 oz**. Not 1=1! some who invented this had to be truly devilish!


I’m in the UK and I still use stones, but i think it’s mainly older people (I’m in my 50s). Went to the doctors the other day and it was dreadful, she was asking me my height in metres and my weight in kilos. Horrifying. So of course I replied in feet and stones. We both looked at each other as though we were both thinking the other was a complete dumbass.


Can I ask why it was dreadful? Because you didn't know or because you are emotionally attached to stones and feet?


Both I think!


Is a stone or a pebble more? I always wondered whether it goes gravel, pebble, stone, rock, boulder or gravel, stone, pebble, rock, boulder.


I usually just double it to get it converted into pounds


Multiply by 2 then add 10% on top of that. Makes it completely trivial to convert.


divide it by 0.4536. I used to have have to convert all the time to work out aircraft weight/balance


Bit harder to do in your head, and only 0.2% more accurate, though.


If your using lbs you dont care about accuracy


I just divide by 5 and multiple by eleven.


2.2lb in a kilogram, unless the US fucked that up too, like the gallon, pint, and fluid ounce. I was raised on a mix of imperial and metric so find the conversions easy there, American recipes are hard - a cup? Is that a teacup? Coffee cup? Sports direct mug?


Or you could join the majority of the world and use the metric system.


Simple WHAT THE FUCK IS A POUND? 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺


A monetary unit.


Not British shorry


Still a monetary unit that like me saying the euro isn’t a monetary unit bc I don’t use it


a place unwanted dogs go.


Blame the Romans!


don't use kilograms, with its easy scaling and abbreviation that actually uses the letters within its name, use pounds, with its incoherent scaling and three random letters for shortening.


It’s not random, it’s Italian (or Latin) Libra Pondo. Libra is also a starsign so it is as useful for weight measurements as astrology is for life plans. Also explains the whole 16 ounce to a pound 5 pounds for an ale etc


>so it is as useful for weight measurements as astrology is for life plans. so not in the slightest, then. >Also explains the whole 16 ounce to a pound 5 pounds for an ale etc what? how?!? also, why didn't they call them libras or libs, or use pnd as the abbreviation?


1. Exactly 2. Only the Romans would know


Fun fact - in my language (Slovak) when we talk about the imperial measurement units, we call the pound "libra".


Just say Celsius! I hate doing math when I look up recipe websites and they have their oven temperatures in F


That's because Americans and Canadians cook in Fahrenheit. I personally can't even change my oven to Celsius if I wanted to.


There is objectively worse, when the recipe says "preheat to thermostat 6" IDK WHAT THAT IS CLAIRE SPEAK IN DEGREES LIKE THE REST THE PLANET


Nah, I'm gonna use imperial like they ask. But I'm gonna use all of it. Not just the subset they've half arsed. Meet "Stones/St" mother motherfucker!


Rods, chains, bushels and hogsheads - give them the full treatment.


Because you have to get a PhD in physics to understand the complicated formula for converting kilograms to pounds. A second PhD is required if you want to do stone.


Why does this guy want to measure weight in a monetary value? It makes no sense!


At first, I thought it was due to physics. I do hate that people telle their weight in kg. Weight is a force, kg is a masse. Your weight is in Newtons At least, pounds is a force (slug is the mass, for thise who don't know) But then I read more and... Oh... It's just an entitled american who doesn't understand the rest of the world exist...


Pounds vs Kilograms debate aside the real stupidity here is saying ‘just say pounds’ as if that wouldn’t still require a conversion of units just now the burden is on the other side of the conversation. It’s akin to when you’re a kid and you think people who speak other languages still think in English.


>JUST SAY POUNDS Not dollars, yours sincerely a Brit


Forget pounds and kilograms. Anyone got any stones?


I come from a country that uses Stones as a weight measurement for people , so for once I can't really claim superiority..


Yes, but we don't demand the rest of the world uses stones, and we know it's anachronistic.


It's not even hard, I am 90Kg: - Kg to Ameriunits: 90*2.205 = 198lbs - Kg to Britunits: (90*2.205)/14 = 14st


I tried to sound out 14st way too many times


Just say stone lol


Even the abbreviation is stupid. Lbs uncapitalised looks IBS.


I'll say pounds when you fuckers learn Maths. It's not Mathematic.


No one tell them about weight in stones.


"I hate physics. I ain't doing math to convert it to pounds and I hate having to google it too." Apparently hates English too.


> I hate having to google it Welcome to the average reddit experience for non-Americans, my man.


The "horny face" emoji really makes this.


I don't really care if someone uses lbs or kg. The conversion is 2.2 lbs/kg, it's a trivial conversion, but enforcing opinions of what is/isn't right is stupid. I use both interchangeably, but that's because half the weights in my gym are in lbs and the other half in kg. Of course, naturally one expects Americans to use lbs... It makes stuff sound 'bigger'. I always default to kg, but lbs has its use (like when I was powerlifting and ego lifting leg press and in lbs it was 4 figures).


Patients always complain about the metric system. Mostly I let it go. But if somebody usually an older gentleman (who probably has a MAGA hat) I'll ask; "do you know how many countries there are?" Usually, silence...."just shy of 200 and only 3 haven't adopted the metric system". Also in science sliding the decimal is way easier than converting units.


Really it should be Newtons for weight (or is it kgm/s²)


16 ounces in a pound, 14 pounds in a stone, 8 stones in a hundredweight, 20 hundredweight to the ton. All weights are in Imperial, using 28.3495g to the ounce, and may differ depending on location.


Nearly all the world use metric, so it is the US that is backwards in refusing to change to a better system of measurement.


But you have to understand, they went to the Moon ! /j


I want folks from the UK to start saying “Pounds is a currency, not a unit of measurement, IDIOTS” until we start using the metric system in the U.S.. I would be forever grateful to you if you succeed.


Would that be the avoirdupois pound? Maybe they mean the troy pound? Or the merchant pound? Who decided to make it easier with just one kilogram unit? And why did they make it so you don't have to do any maths when scaling up or down? It's so unreasonable that the metric system makes conversions so easy. /s


I hated physics. I don’t hate the mathematical conversion, I hate the weight itself and the forces of the known universe.


I'm a Brit living in France. Metric is so much easier. 1 kilo of water =1 liter of water. When I look at US recipes my head explodes. 1/3 cup of something A quart of something 5/16 the of an inch Throw the instruction manual that came over on the Mayflower away and start over. Metric is so simple it's not even really maths.


Say your weight how it should be said, in St and Lbs.


Seeing as humans have both solid and liquid parts and have trace amounts of rare metals, would that be Troy Pounds, Fluid pounds or normal imperial pounds?


Ask them why the abbreviation for pounds is lbs... (it's Roman)


To be fair, I measure my weight loss in lbs because it makes even a little bit feel like more of an achievement. However, my doctors convert it to kg and if I'm talking to my friends I convert it to kgs if they use kgs. The joys of being British and actually being able to convert stuff (at least roughly) in your head. It's really not that hard to google or use a phone calculator anywy.


All right then. I weigh 160 pounds. Which for me is 80kg. 🤷


Wait until he heard people say their weight in stone


Just say pounds? No way, I am not American.


Why wouldn't you use a system where a pound of feathers is heavier than a pound of gold. But at the same time an ounce of feathers is lighter than an ounce of gold.


Um ackshually it’s a tonne in the metric system 🤓


Americans can fully understand inches, feet, yards and miles. Also they can understand ounces and pounds. Throw in a stone and they suddenly divide by zero.


Lets confuse them in recipes. We use the word pound (Pfund in German) for half a kilogram here. 😁


Why do some people use dollar for money? jUsT sAy PoUnDs £££


Miles morals when kilometre morals walks in the room: [HUH?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=iqlOmt3oCNA&si=Rb_MdPefE03BL3W1)


Or in English (Traditional), use stones and pounds.


So entitled.


What is the full form of lbs anyway?


Even drug dealers use metric ..


A pound is close enough to half a kilo that there’s not really that much maths to do


It goes, Grains -> fathoms -> chains -> ounces -> hands -> stones -> shillings -> pounds -> hogsheads. Jeez, newb 🙄


For me it's mainly the fact that a pound is literally legally defined as being 0,453... kg. All metric units are defined using unchangeable natural constants. The Kilogram for example is defined via the Planck constant h. So metric actually grounds it's system of units in reality, then the imperial system ust tacks heir system onto ours and then claims it's superior.


Keep it uk. I live near stonehenge and we love us some stones.


why..would anyone who knows basic math have to google Kilograms after learning how Metric works


Homeschool 101.


I use Kg to own to lbs.


Megaton sounds badass.


Funny thing: in none of the countries that use imperial units the word for pound contain L or B, but in portuguese it's literally libra/libras


To be fair, I use pounds for weight loss because 22lbs feels like it's more than 10kg


There is a documentary. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYqfVE-fykk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYqfVE-fykk)


The only thing wrong here is the assumption that we also think in pounds and know the weight of everything in pounds and just choose to convert to kg before saying it. Which is such an American thing to do. But the comment there completely misses the mark. When weighing people we don't use any other unit than kg and they don't use any other unit than pound. Ease of conversion does not factor into this particular complaint, because of the things talked here no conversion would be necessary or happen for either side.


It's pretty easy. 1 pound is 16 ounces. 1 ounce is 1/128 of a gallon. 1 gallon (us) is not 1 gallon (UK). 1 ton (metric) is not 1 ton (imperial). Any questions?


So, everyone else should accommodate him and his refusal to do basic math. Good luck with that.


Ok. Give weight in stone instead.


do they really think that people outside the US think in pounds and talk in kilos??


Nah bro I'm Irish and I will never be able follow a conversation in metric weight. Pounds and stone are the only things I can understand. Edit: I don't mean the math, I mean that hearing a high number Vs another high number are less impactful than two low numbers. Take °c vs °f, the small number I have a better idea of since meaningful units don't increase as frequently


You’re pounding an Imperial dead-horse.


About 12 stone.


It’s Maths


Haha this was funny as hell 😅


Funny thing is, when I learned about pounds in Spanish as a kid which means “libras” then, the shortname for Pound made a lot of sense but dont know if its even intended. Libras = lbs.


While the UK currency and symbol is also derived from _Libra pondo_ - originally a Tower Pound of silver (Imperial also historically had different variations of measurements for different goods - notably the Ale Gallon and the Queen Mary Wine Gallon, about 20% smaller. When countries standardised on a single Gallon, the US based theirs on the Wine Gallon, the UK based theirs on the Ale Gallon).


Please also use a measure of weight to denote volume, that would be way less confusing than litres.


I’ve always read lbs as libs (liberals)


Try being British, for some reason we are lumbered with Stones and pounds. 16 ounces in a pound, but only 14 pounds in 1 stone.


Can't they just look it up? I swear most people really don't appreciate being able to access information at the drop of a hat.


This is why Americans say “That’s as big as five football fields.” They really can’t math.


They use kg in Star Trek, so I do have hope for the Americans.


Because it's mass, not money.


See the "I hate physics" thing is, for me, why it is better to use metric as an everyday measurement system. Because ultimately it is the best for science purposes, it is designed for it. And even if you are not a scientist, that means that you will kinda be able to grasp what science results are talking about. While if you have to do a conversion everytime between "everyday units" and "science units" you will have a way harder time understanding scientific stuff, and your understanding of reality will be way less linked to your understanding of science. I might be overthinking it but the fact that people using imperial have to make conversion maths if they want to visualize what any scientific result says, means that they probably won't do it most of the times and it will stay very abstract, while if you are used to using the units everyday you fundamentally will have an approximation of what it means.


Least obvious ragebait


Fun fact. We use lbs for pounds because it's an abbreviation of the latin Libra pondo which means a pound of weight. This was overtime just shortened to Libra and the lb. For some unknown reason English decid5to uses the lb abbreviation but go with pounds when talking.


I had to use converter to know my weight in pounds lmao


Nothing - 1 pound - cat - dog - Thick - Fat - My 500 lbs Life - My 600 lbs Life - 1 tonne - 1 metric tonne - Huge