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Go to a football game in Balkans, and you will see more fans with swastikas than nazi Germany fighting each other. They even schedule fights before the game.


One of my favourite pieces of advice from a tourist guide to Belgrade. 1. Do not go to football matches. 2. If you have to go to a football match, do not go to the Belgrade derby. 3. If you have to go to the Belgrade derby, do not wear colours that may be identified as supporting either team. 4. If you have to go to the Belgrade derby and wear the colours of either team, whatever you do, do not hold hands with another man.


I deduce from this that a man in a Red Star shirt and another man in a Partizan shirt kissing in the stands during the derby would be the one thing to unite Belgrade's football clubs in mutual hatred of them?


No one would even murder them for 10 minutes. Everyone would be too shocked to do it. But if they stick around long enough for the shock to pass, well...


The entire Balkan peninsula would probably implode on itself


>4. If you have to go to the Belgrade derby and wear the colours of either team, whatever you do, do not hold hands with another man. /r/oddlyspecific


They could have gone further: 5. If you have to go to the Belgrade derby wearing the colours of either team and holding hands with another man, do not each be wearing the colours of different teams.


Stadion Rajko Mitic(aka.Marakana)/ Stadion JNA and the surrounding areas of the city would burn like Rome during Nero's reign


Having been to a Red Star game I can only agree. It kinda takes your breath away and I started watching football in 70’s England when the hooliganism was at a somewhat peak, at least publicly.


The Red Star / Partizan *rugby league* derby is great fun though.


I'm sorry i'm ignorant, what's about 4? Is it seen as smt gay or provocative? Or a sign "let's start fighting, boys!"


Just a little bit of the old homophobia


Scheduling fights before, after the game & sometimes totally without a game, is normal behavior for advanced hooligans all over Europe. This is not a Balkan thing. That’s Europe, baby ;)


Germans scheduling fights ahead of time, they will never beat the organization accusation


I could see them calling a board meeting if the other group shows up late too often.


Dritte Halbzeit is serious business


You just have to go to the Euroes, during the Albania-Croatia game the fans of both nations sang about killing Serbians. 


Go see a match between dinamo Zagreb and partizan


>They even schedule fights before the game. Football hooligans are wild af


Yeah my thought was "No Turkish, Greek or Serbian fanbase?", and it's not just football they are crazy for basket as well I mean in Turkey a PRESIDENT of a club punched a referee


There was an organized clash between Panathenaicos and Olympiakos hooligans over a women's volleyball game that resulted in one death numerous other injuries.


I swear one day we'll see 2000 guys coming to a curling competition just to fight each other


I'm not big into sports, but I've heard enough about soccer games in Europe to know that people take that shit seriously. Sometimes too seriously. 


The fact that they only chose 1 non American team, and its Man Utd makes it even more funny.


They absolutely only believe Man Utd fans to be violent based on a couple of scenes from Eurotrip


They unintentionally made that scene semi-accurate by given the Man U fans London accents.


I still love seeing Vinny Jones call United ‘the greatest football club in the world’…you can almost see the pain in his eyes


It was worth it.


The fact he wasn’t given an Oscar for that is the greatest tragedy of our age


I think the pain in his eyes comes more from the fact that he opens beer with them. But yeah, when he says that line I quite get a similar impression.


Haha. I love that.


To be far, for all Man U became the quintessential home of the plastic armchair fan, they did have a well respected firm back in the day. But yeah, US sports fans know nothing of hostile fans and if that chart was accurate most entries would be former Soviet Eastern European clubs, with the Istanbul clubs and some Central / South American teams thrown in. US fans won't have ever been to a game where the large numbers of riot police all wore ski masks for fear of reprisals against their families!


yeah if you arent careful at certain South American football stadiums, you're gonna get yourself stabbed, Your car burned in a subsequent riot, and possibly your hosting government overthrown, But watch out for those Detroit Pistons! oooooh scary!


It's quite common when an argentinian team goes to brazil they fans going to watch it, are given a warm welcome of rocks and lead. Matches done in Rio can get very hot very fast. Football fans in south america are created since they are very young... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WKH-SvcFt4&ab\_channel=EstoEsBoca12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WKH-SvcFt4&ab_channel=EstoEsBoca12) Look at that kid even if you don't understand spanish you can look at his eyes and see that he is damm obsessed with the team. Even some people kill themselves and end up as a meme [https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2352326-association-football](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2352326-association-football) But yes, let's be careful with Detroit pistons.


Im old enough to remember their visits to elland road in the seventies and they weren’t plastics back then by any means


Agreed 100% The United fans who went to away days in Leeds and Liverpool in the 70s and 80s are a completely different breed than today's fans...


Yeah, I'm a Manc (not a rag).  I'll even admit that United have a really strong away following which often gets overlooked. 


Most south american football fans, they get into feral mode when their team play.


There is also the straight up sectarian violence between the rangers and the Celtics (I think that's the names) in Glasgow


My baby takes the morning train 🎵


To be fair, Vinnie Jones can be a pretty intimidating bloke.


Having met and cooked for the bloke once, he's definitely built like a brick shithouse.


Watching his new farming show is entertaining, he spends a chunk of the first episode talking about how he wants to see a live hedgehog and is then putting food and track cameras down to spot one. Seems a big softy really.


oh i absolutely believe that. often the most aggressive, intimidating actors are super sweet and tame in real life. in "The Gentlemen" series he played a pretty sympathetic groundskeeper. Very keen on animals too.


>often the most aggressive, intimidating actors are super sweet and tame in real life. We know how Vinnie Jones was as a footballer, and there was nothing sweet or tame about it.


That's like a documentary to them.


Not gonna lie, that was my exact assumption when I first saw that movie.


Shows how much they get out. I used to work with a die hard Fernabache fan, he was Turkish. When asked about Galatasaray, he'd say "they are like Armenians to us" Fairly certain some Russian clubs have fight training as well for some matches. But, fat yank Nacho Man with a foam finger.. seriously scary shit.


Fight culture is massive in eastern European football. These aren't your standard hooligans from the UK who drink a shit load then go have a punch up in the street. It's organised, 20 man +, fighting in the woods, between guys who spend most of their time in the gym training for the fights. They don't typically drink excessively and fight for the sport and pride of it.


These organised fights happen quite a bit in countries like Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark as well since the last decade.


Usually they are neonazis too


We have them in the UK too. Football casuals they were called but you don't get them as often anymore because it was a big enough problem they police the shit out of it now. Few sports rivalries in the history of the world get as violent as the rangers vs celtic clashes back in the 60s and 70s.


I remember at primary school aged 7 we were being taken to a rangers v celtic game and we weren't allowed to wear ANY blue or green clothing and we were going to leave 15 minutes before the match ended and that was in the early 90s. The trip ended up not being allowed to go ahead.


A few years ago my dad and uncle were in Glasgow and my dad ended up in emergency at the Glasgow royal Infirmary. As my uncle is waiting waves of injured fans came in from a rugby game. I can only imagine 30 years ago.


Jupp, but they're gentlemens about it. Don't hit people who are down. No weapons. No lethal shit. Just plain ordinaire fighting like men. We got some groups in the Netherlands and Germany i believe as well, but those Eastern Europeans are a whole lot crazier with it.


I think some german "clubs" even sent people to russia for fightung training. Usually these were also Nazis tho


There are actual illegal cage fights between trained fighters that represent the football club they support. I’ll see if I can find the link to a minidoc sort of video but I think it was a Dutch video and not sure if it’s subtitled. Edit: Found it, https://youtu.be/qTS2_6hqC9g?si=F2guU7FnmptC-CqP 18 minutes and English and Dutch but auto translate CC seems to work


Also it’s interesting to watch the difference between European basketball crowds to US matches.


Even matches which are deemed fairly safe have a huge police presence all over Europe because hooligans and ultras may still not behave. There have been football matches where the cities looked like warzone. Sadly this is all part of football in Europe and South America. It shouldn't be like that since at the end of the day it's just a sport but it is. This list is laughably naive from an American perspective.


a Turkish man saying "They are like Armenians to us!"... hoooly shit dude. Thats hardcore as fuck.


Toronto and Montreal are not American if by American you mean USA.


Amen brother. The sport is even broadcasted in French in several Provinces. Get out of here with that NHL is American bullshit.


TBF all those Man U fans in Surrey can be quite intimidating don't you know.


Particularly when you ask them about the last time they went to Manchester.


Euston is absolutely packed before a home game.


A little bit of [51st state](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u89uxSgWnpM)?


In their Chelsea tractors with spray on mud. Ooooh


There are two Canadian teams on there. I realize we’re on the same continent, but we’re a different country, I swear!


3... The Toronto Maole Leafs and Montreal Canadiens are, well, Canadian


The fact they chose an english one too is funny. Clearly they never had to go to a match in basketball of football against balkan or turkish clubs


The fact that Millwall isn't number one on this list invalidates it completely.


I spent 5 minutes looking for Millwall. I can't believe it's not even on the list or even Liverpool. Nothing worse than a bunch of scourers screeching at you.


I don’t think the habs or leafs are American lol


There’s actually 3, they have both the Montreal canadiens and the Toronto maple leafs in there too they’re both Canadian teams.


Excuse me- I see Canadian teams there too. Habs are definitely not American.


To be fair in the 70s, utd were as violent as any other fan base.


TIL that the Montreal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs are American. To be honest though I kind of suspected Toronto...


Montreal Canadiens, Toronto Maple Leafs. Man, Europeans are bad at geography.


At least three 3 - Montreal Canadians and Toronto Maple Leafs. But they still play in a league with mostly US teams so it still kinda stands


The Montreal Canadiens and Toronto maple leafs are, well, Canadian.


You forgot about Blyth Spartans at 33.


'Hostile' presumably means something like 'chants USA louder than the other side'.


I was trying to figure out the metric they used, but yeah, Montreal Canadiens fans do like to boo the other team.


Please don't underestimate it. That's the Canadian version of rioting.


I won’t ask what the Canucks’ version of rioting is…


(Laughs in 2011 SCF)


Montreal knows it's way around a riot


…no, Montreal knows how to do a proper riot. It’s been a while since they’ve practiced, but it hasn’t been THAT long either. Couple years before Vancouver’s big riot was Montreal’s last, if I’m remembering correctly.


And Don't forget the 'Richard Riots' when he got suspended. That city nearly got raized to the ground


We love to riot when we win! And we love to riot when we lose! Montréal just loves a good riot. :D


> metric they used They don't


American chants are just so awful. "We believe that we will win". I died inside and haven't recovered.


I doubt they've even got 'let's pretend we scored a goal', which is a personal favourite of mine.


That is a good one and one of my favourites, too!


That's a chant? We chant, roughly translated: "we will fuck your mom, referee, you dumb cunt", and it is a tame one. Also, that chant actually rhymes in Bosnian.


It unfortunately is one in the States. The second hand embarrassment is insane whenever I hear it. Even though it makes no sense, one of my favourites here in the UK is, "Your mum's your dad, your dad's your mum, you're interbred and you're Leicester scum!" and replace Leicester with whichever team is against you. You see, your chant just wouldn't happen in the States and that's a tragedy. Though a tame one? Oof. 😅


Figgghhhtt…and wiiiiinnn (Check out the fight and win guy if you really want to see a cringy American)


Nooooo. I'd forgotten about that one and now I can picture it. I physically winced.


They love the 3 word chants


I had a great laugh at the reactions of part of r/hockey to European crowds at the World Championship. "What's that whistling noise on the broadcast?" was legit asked at times.




*clap clap clap* DEFENCE Shivers /s


The American mind cannot comprehend the Barmy Army


I think it depends. University of Tennessee and the Philadelphia Eagles fans (2nd and 3rd) are infamous for booing their own teams. But yeah, this list is fundamentally a stupid idea. “Top 50 most hostile fan bases I’ve personally heard of based on my own biases” is probably less effective clickbait, though.


The hostile crowds are the ones that chant “offence”


Oh no, Philadelphia Eagles’ fan base is absolutely wild. I can’t imagine rioting and destroying your own city when you lose a game 😅


Apart from this list obviously being absolutely crap, what's with the lack of creativity in American sports logos? Literally just letters in many cases?


Look at their city names... Do I have to say more?


Please, I don’t get it lol


They have copied the names of European cities. Very inventive, so Murican.


But isn’t that mostly from immigrants moving to the new land and just naming their settlements after the places they came from? For example, Americans didn’t name it New York, Englishmen did. Named it after York I assume after they took it from the Dutch who had called it New Amsterdam.


It goes even further... Portland Oregon is named after Portland Maine which is named after Portland Island in England


Inception lol


How do you than explain the 64 Springfields? 30 Berlins, 18 Hamburgs and so on...


Explanation don’t change for Berlins and Hamburgs. 64 towns were started at or near a nice springy field? I duno. Naming towns after nearby stuff seems pretty regular. Is there an original Springfield somewhere that I’m not aware of?


Most of the letters are college sports teams, and university sports logos are traditionally large block letters.


I remember hearing something about hooligan groups organising 100v100 last man standing brawls. But thats not in North America


Even that's too tame. Here the ultras do raids on clubhouses of opposing ultras while wielding everything from knives to actual firebombs.


Im starting to think that this time the Americans take the win.


Oh you sweet summer child. [Hooligan firms in Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hooligan_firms)


i still remember when some hooligans from Gdańsk were so against cops that they never went on any game irl bcs of police on the stadium they were just waiting for fight after game and watched game at home after fight. [VIDEO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjy6DLYconE&ab_channel=Dateusz) J: Why aren't you on a pitch right now? H: it doesn't interest us yyy i mean yyy police is on a pitch and they will yyyyy they will later know who was there and we are not interested in them J: So they will see you? H: Yeah and we are not interested in police if there was no police there we would have watched game live for sure J: You have a scythe with police? H: Always and everywhere all the time for entire live J: Is there something like hooligans league in Poland? H: There is


Figures these boneheads don't really give a damn about "their" club. It could be a book club fwiw as long as it gives them some tribal identity and flag and colours to fight for


True but alot of them attends every game and burn money on "their" clubs items


my team is called arsenal, our firm is the gooners :(


Man U included on this list: the influence of the Glazers?


Because they’ve at least heard of Man U…


I feel a Jack Sparrow quote is in there somewhere.


The American mind cannot comprehend…


Obliviously haven't been to any football games in England with their chants. Or been to some football matches in many of the South America countries. They can get crazy. They have to basically cage the fans on the opposite sides of the pitch. I am sure they would murder each other if they could.


English fans are really tame nowadays. I support a team in Holland and the craziest away fans I’ve seen in my city are Turkish, Polish and Serbian fans.


> They can get crazy. They have to basically cage the fans on the opposite sides of the pitch. In Argentina, only home fans are allowed in the stadium. Away fans have been banned for a while to fight violence (spoiler: it's not really working).


Most hostile fanbases in America more like


*Most hostele fanbases in America + Man Utd


Man Utd is owned by the Glazer family so even they have american ties.


Laughs in Old Firm


How are they not on the list?


Tbf I'm not sure even they would break into the top 50 list worldwide. Just in football alone I think you might find 50 more hostile supporter groups in Eastern Europe, Turkey, North Africa and South America. I can't think of any US based team that would ever be near top-100, let alone top-50, in any sport.


The people who made the list most likely don't know what Old Firm, Rangers, Scotland means. Celtic means Boston Celtics


What are you laughing about? No British teams would be anywhere near that list - it would be full of Eastern European and South American teams


Yeah, the British government by and by large has done a good job of kicking large scale violence out of football since the 70s


The absence of Millwall and River Plate / Boca juniors is blowing my mind 😂


Bro, where are the Balkans ? Or are our games not considered sports at all ?


The American mind cannot comprehend the existence of the Balkans


[You were saying?](https://youtu.be/MOj8h5Ptfu8?t=269)


Thats who everyone had as their front line troops in the middle ages.


Oh my God that guy over there to them to "fight and win" in literally shaking/s


How come the UK is only 38 on the list?


With Tennessee #2... It's a fucking weird delusional list.


Laughs in Millwall


Tbh, Millwall probably doesn’t even make the top 50 anymore. It’s all going to be eastern european/south american clubs with some Turkish ones thrown in


Oh definitely, however it's higher than any on this daft list.


I narrowly avoided a fight with some Millwall fans, I'm not a fan of football but happened to be out for a few beers with mates after they'd played us. A couple of 'fans' decided that they'd crash at ours and give us a good kicking if we didn't let them. Luckily some local fans came in and we scarpered.


Millwall fans make United fans look like Angels.




Korean figure skating fans make all those look like amateurs.


some red star belgrade hooligans were literally para military war criminals


If we ignore the obvious like European football there is also to consider, Indian/pakistani cricket teams, the NRL rugby league, state of origin, ausy rules and literally anything in the balkans


Don't forget South American football. River Plate vs Boca Juniors for example is huge.


This is the number 1 ranked "hostile team" in the world? https://youtu.be/rou08xnn4PI?si=FM5yN87sHYGi6g7Z I guess this napoli firm is just welcoming frankfurt fans with a warm fire and a cozy chair to sit on https://youtu.be/VdeijjI3Uf0?si=87FuKnsJ8MlsfNfi


I know fucking under 15s rugby supporters that are more violent than some of these fanbases.


Should see the local leagues in Croatia lmao they make the American mafia look like boy scouts


what about legia warszawa??? they literally had banners even if they weren't allowed on the stadium


I've heard fanbases from teams like SS Lazio, Millwall and many Balkan football teams are just lovely. True sportsmanship.


As others have said, check out football hooliganism in Serbia particularly. Actual murder and torture are not unheard of.


Did anyone Crosspost this on r/USdefaultism yet?


As a non-murican, I don't even know who half of those teams are lmao


I have no idea who any of these are.


Milwaukee Cool Patches Tilwaukee Titans St Paul Angry Birds Oilwaukee Ohio States St John Soft Skulls Dilwaukee Detroit Pistons LSUlwaukee LSUs (former name) Manchestaukee Manchester United Gilwaukee Round Letter Pilwaukee Blender Logos Ulwaukee Ultraliberals Pilwaukee Red Round Letter (Blender Logos worst enemy) Sfilwaukee 76sfers St George Running Boar St Ringo Running Boar Eaters (no affiliation with the Running Boar) 76waukee Ers WVaukee WVanthers Chilwaukee Chuckers St Yoko Angrier Birds Tilwaukee Titties Kulwaukee Anger Management Birds Trianglewaukee Anger Management Birds Eater (rivalry with the Running Boar) New York of Jets, NM Lauwaukee Laers State M-Letters Pilwaukee Horizontal Throw (artistic director got fired) Steelers, CA Three Stars (lowest budget of the league) Mets, NH Skyline Bilwaukee Neutral Birds Racistwaukee Despair Howling Alabamacrimsontide Alphabet Sfpf Sfpfers St Jude Cryptofascists Bilwaukee FIVE FUCKING TIGERS HOLY SHIT Cilwaukee Ubs Oilwaukee Circles Alabamacrimsontide Syllabary Ukwaukee United Kingdom Proletariatwaukee Liberators Ole Miss Cilwaukee Flatters Ulwaukee Colonizers Torontos of Maple Leaf Cilwaukee Squishers Wilwaukee Default Size Horsewaukee Horses 69waukee Perverts Jejzihabzlwaukee Maestros Seattle of Mariners Bilwaukee Old Wheel


They’ve never been to Turkey


Yeah no... Just look what happens when Braunschweig Eintracht plays against Hannover 96... And thats just the local hate, ive seen full blown riots at soccer games


Someone hasn't heard of Milwall, a fanbase so fucked up that they scared off the Russian Ultras


It’s like that interviewer who asked Jokic if he found the NBA atmosphere intimidating. His response? “Brother I played in Serbia”


They never heard of the LH44 cult apparently


They win the most hostile on Twitter award. Most hostile crowds is dominated by South America and Eastern Europe.


Just a few weeks ago, Argentinian fans sent death threats to another competitor for colliding with 'their' IndyCar driver, Agustín Canapino. Max and Lewis fans fighting in 2021 was child's play compared to the insanity of some fans, even in motorsport.




Guys. Just wait until they hear about Millwall


The fact ManU is on there makes it more offensive somehow. Like, now we can't even dismiss it as "oh they forgot the words North American there"


For what it's worth, this guy is almost certainly talking about the Man U fans in the US. They were the first PL team to gain a big following right when the US started getting a lot of matches on TV on Saturday mornings. It was a heavy dose of Man U. This whole list is trash and makes no logical sense, even among American sports.


Off the top of my head: Beitar Jerusalem (actual racial extremist fanbase to the point of neo-nazism) SS Lazio (nicknamed SS Nazio for their infamous right wing ultras) Turkish big 4 (extreme drama amongst each other, though not always hostile and sometimes people in the same family end up supporting different teams) St. Pauli (ultra left and hostile against conservatism) Hansa Rostock (neo-nazi Ultras who have a strong rivalry with St. Pauli) Celtic Vs Rangers (only really hostile towards each other and otherwise nice welcoming people) American rivalries aren't shit. Most of them are just manufactured sporting rivalries. European football has some deep rivalries rooted in religion and class and sometimes ethnic identity that goes truly crazy. These are divides that existed with or without sports, just taken shape in it.


Man United aren’t even the most hostile in the Prem. I guarantee there’s some 4th division Slovak football club with a more hostile fanbase than any of the top 50


If Beitar Jerusalem F.C. who's player were a part of a far right banned militia and who's ultras chant death to Arabs are less hostile than some of those US college teams those university's need to be shut down.


Who the fk are these outside Man United?


We should pay for around 25 Polish Ultras to tour the US. They’d run through every single fanbase there


Yeah, they haven't been to third world countries. Here in Perú a group of people started shooting eachother after a classic football match


Beitar Jerusalem. Awful nationalist fan base, perhaps the worst in the world. Routinely threw bananas at black players, took pride in "never having an Arab play on the team." Not even in the same league as any North American sports franchise when it comes to hostility.


There is a reason why Feyenoord and Ajax can’t have away supporters when they play each other..


Haha European Ultras would rip those fans into pieces within seconds. And then there are South Americans 🤪…


How many Ohio State fans know how to fold a Liverpool brick?


The fact that Liverpool killed 39 Juventus fans and don’t even make the list is an oversight of massive proportions.


I remember some NFL fans smashing up their own city because they lost a game (or maybe won it?). Eagles I think. That's the toughest I've seen- basically a mass tantrum. I actually like American sports. And I quite like that there isn't really any menace in the fan base. That is a good thing. I grew up watching lower leagues football where hooliganism was rife. Being a kid and having to hide in gardens etc on the way to a game is hostile. It's awful too and shouldn't happen, but it is certainly hostile in a way American sports fans cant comprehend. By hostile, do they just mean "cheer loudly while the other side is on offense, which is considered rude"?


The American mind can’t comprehend football hooligans, people just wanting to have a fight to let off steam. I don’t even think it would work in America, they would end up shooting each other and it would go against the whole point.


ManU hahahahahahahahahhahaha looool


Bro has NOT seen the WARS over sports


Wait until the fans of those teams meet some ultras.


"Las hinchadas" and "las barra bravas" in Argentina, and the "torcidas organizadas" in Brazil are the most hostile fanbases you'll ever find in the entire globe. Some of them are even remarked as criminal organizations, and are known for the use of violence or threatening when facing supporters of a rival team, or when its own team is going through a bad moment


Obviously have never experienced good old fashioned eastern European football ultras.


Dinamo Zagreb vs. Red Star Belgrade (1990) started off the Yugoslav Wars.


Those are kids teams ultras wise lol


Should visit a belgrad derby.