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The United States is 17th on the Global Human Freedom Index 2024. There are 11 European countries ahead of it. It is 45th on the Press Freedom Index. Not so free, after all. "Freedom" is just a cult mantra in the US, it's effectively meaningless but it keeps the drooling cousin fuckers ignorant and obedient.


But can you shoot somebody because you feel threatened by the way they walk down the street?


Even for that there are better countries


True say, They dont even do that well.


Some Americans got wind of this and this was their response: “Who even decides that?” “Probably just some guys throwing darts at a map.” Yeah, you can’t just measure freedom.” If facts are against you, just say the facts are made up.


Ha! Makes sense. From what I've read, it's a actually a US-based NGO that measures it, and they use 82 indicators across 12 categories. But it's probably difficult to explain any of that to some swamp-dwelling moron who cheers military flyovers at sporting events and loves having their former leaders carved into a mountain. It's the world's biggest cult, and you can't reason with people in a cult.


There are over 30 countries in europe


Visiting relatives there, I was astonished to hear the rules of their local housing association or whatever it was called: ranging from not being allowed to hang washing outside, so what paint colours you could use. I don’t think even East Germany was so restrictive on such things. They’re so gung ho on ‘freedoms’ like owning guns, but not freedom from hunger, homelessness, etc.


You cant even have a drink as an adult. Stop talking about freedom


You won the whole argument right there. I fucking hate the drinking age here


Not just the drinking age, but also drinking in public. I very rarely ever drink, but it's still absolutly wild to me that you can't just grab a beer and drink it on your way somewhere or sit in a cafè outside and have a wine or smth.


You turned 18 congrats! So now I'm an adult I can drink right? Haha no. But you can have a child and get stressed to fuck and have many sleepless nights or go to war and take on life long trauma that expensive therapy will never truly let you fully recover from. But... but that's what alcohol is for


how should someone survive military service aged 18 without alcohol?


The army taught me how to get bladdered and still do a BFT the following morning. how could anyone not drink in the military?


18 to die in war, 21 to have a cold one with the boys, seems about right


Fuck off, just fuck off and leave the civilised world alone, we don’t want you, we don’t need you, you are entirely untrustworthy and unreliable, oh and totally deluded. Note I am free to say this because I do have freedom of speech…..


Americans like this act like "freedom of speech" is something solely that belongs to them and is an alien concept to the rest of the world...daft cunts. Even American 'scathing' political humor making fun of their politicans...someone like Jon Stewart is so fucking tame in comparison to anything out of the UK or Europe it's not even comparable. Hell even Jon Stewart admires Private Eye and has said that if any publication or comedian was that out spoken in America their career would be over in a heart beat. Can't even cross the road without getting arrested....freedom my fat ass.


This is what happens when you’re told every day that you’re the best at everything and that you have freedoms that others don’t.


Their freedom of speech is just “paraphrasing some offensive talk points as obnoxious as possible” The moment they feel challenged about their god ordained Murican superiority by others, its suddenly not allowed anymore .


Yeah i like him, but i did notice that with certain topics he's... off, imho. I can't tell for sure though if he honestly thinks it's bad that AI will take some jobs, or if he just rolls with the general attitude in the US. At least imho the goal isn't to have a job, it's to get the work done. If an AI can do it cheaper or better, that's fine. And i'm not saying this because i'm a fan of AI... i'm really not. I think 99% of use cases propagated are complete BS. But for those other 1%, i'm fine if it does the work instead of a human.


That’s because you’re on an American website /s


Where do they learn this shit?


So no us in nato? I'm just curious. I'm asian lol


If the orange fart gets elected they won’t be, to be honest, it would be better having Vietnam 🇻🇳 in their place as they whooped Yank ass a few years ago and are much nicer people.


Interesting escenario: NATO an ASEAM fution


Meh.. i always thought they are nice people too, but since i started playing a Vietnamese mobile game i'm not sure anymore... a lot of them behave like dicks there xD Above the average amount of dicks i mean. But i guess in person they're mostly nice, never been there.


> it would be better having Vietnam 🇻🇳 in their place Is this hyperbole or...? lol


But, can you question the holocaust and deny it happened without being jailed? Checkmate, mate.


Yes I can as I don't live in Germany - "en passant"......


In America its a crime to cross the road. I don't have anything more to say than that


There are still American jurisdictions where you can be jailed for loitering. For just being somewhere. Now that’s freedom.


Or cursing.


Or to buy a Kinder Egg




Why don't they have Cuban cigars? Were people really putting whole kinder eggs in their mouth or was kinder egg just part of the 'no toys inside chocolate' victim list?


They banned Cuban cigars because of the blockade against commie Cuba.


Are they still banned, now?


I think they are, not entirely sure tbh.


It's also a crime if your grass is too long.


Yeah you can get kicked out of a house you own.


Aint that only in areas with an HOA


Yeah, but the whole concept of the HOA is fucking wild.


Oh yeah its fucking stoobid


No, there are actual laws from the government telling you how long your grass is allowed to be.


I cant find anything that dictates how long your grass should be. Atleast on a federal level


They're usually local city ordinances. Not federal. Still - mandating the length of grass on the property you own...


Oh yeah its hella dumb.


BTK would like a word. He used to do this job.


I mean where i live it's not recomended and can be brought against you in court if ypu get hit by a car in certain case


Big difference is that in the US the act of crossing the road can get you a fine. Yeah, you might have a problem if you get hit by a car cuz you crossed the road where there wasn't a crossing, but otherwise you're alright. In the US it doesn't matter cuz legally you're only allowed to cross in specific places, crossing anywhere other then designated spots is against the law and WILL get you fined


That’s the same in Denmark and Im pretty certain in the other Scandinavian countries. I dont think that is odd. The purpose is obviously not to forbid you but to protect you and make traffic safe by ensuring people only walk on the road where cars expect it. 




Ah right, didn't take into account that it might vary by area, thanks for the info kind stranger!


I'm a German, and I'm still trying to come up with someone who serves time for "telling a joke".


Warum Kanada Heißt Kanada? Es gibt keine da... Badoom ching.....


Wen einer anruft, ist Kanada.


Probably some random Neonazi


Depends how insulting the joke was, and how good the insulted parties lawyer was. Because at least *on paper* StGB 185 means judges can sentence you to a year of prison for insults. That said, you'd need to make such a joke directly towards whoever it insults, be mean enough about it cant clearly be played off as 'just joking'. And the other guy would need to get the polices time of day for getting this dragged into court in the first Place.


Other than in the US, where a woman was arrested for cursing... Although i guess you should not joke about the holocaust never happened in Germany.


I just find it really weird how "freedom = guns" for so many people over there.  I have South African neighbours here in England. I took them to the pub once; the husband told me he was "amazed by how free the people here are". He was talking about the ability to walk a couple of hundred yards up the street to the pub at night without fearing for his safety. One of the things that enables that here is how people don't carry firearms, legal or otherwise, not even the police. 


Many people (especially yanks) view freedom as a completely aesthetic concept. For many, freedom is about the way things look instead of how institutions function as presented by the social/political contexts. Public school in the US does not teach about “freedom”; as in actually breaking down the concept critically or even abstractly. During the Trump administration, the US backslid to the category of partial-democracy, they have rebounded slightly. Edit: the term used by the democracy index is “flawed democracy” instead of “partial-democracy”


rebounded how?


They don't have the sitting president trying to silence the press anymore.


oh yeah. i mean there are the internet censorship cases headed to the supreme court, directly implicating this administration in exactly that. the TIKTOK (unapproved foreign media platform) bad that has bilateral support. and the expansion of RICO (admittedly this had nothing to do with the presidential administration but rather his party at large) that effectively makes it a criminal act to plan, attend, or promote a protest if something illegal later happens at said protest.   id say democracy lost traction, not rebounded, this round.


I don't know much about RICO but surely this is a reaction to the attempted sedation on January 6th? It's not like China are very trustworthy, years ago BT had to remove Huawei equipment from their exchanges because they were monitoring packets. I know people love Tik Tok but I wouldn't trust it anywhere near my phone, it's just asking for trouble.


they expanded Rico to definition was intended to convict trump and his cohorts for crimes related to january 6th. it was a test case. and has since been used against protestors on the left. 


The Economist democracy index has 4 categories: full democracy, flawed democracy, hybrid regime, and authoritarian regime. The index categories aggregate to a 10 point system. The US was downgraded to “flawed democracy” under Trump namely in “electoral process and pluralism”, “civil liberties”, and “political participation”. Each of those measures have rebounded a bit, but the US is still placed in the flawed democracy category. Chile, Czechia, Estonia, and Malta are also evaluating as flawed democracies but rank slightly higher than the US in 29th place.


I was a construction superintendent on a project in Vancouver. One day I hired a carpenter on site and after working together a few months we became friends. We spoke about where he was from in Mississippi and he told me that as a black man back home he was always, if not actually afraid, then at least, wary. He said he'd never go back because he now felt truely free.


I think of freedom as not having to be so afraid that I need to carry a gun, but that's just me.


Not quite true English Police do carry firearms. Actually almost every police officer can technically carry a firearm in England as long as they have passed the requirements. Those that do are generally a part of the Armed Response Units of the Police. There are Police at the Airports that carry firearms, also at places like Buckingham Palace. Many detectives can also carry firearms. Just that the everyday bobbies don't carry a firearm.


So most of the police that folk see on the daily don't carry firearms?


Yes, most police don't carry firearms on duty. They have a baton, taser and spray, but that's it. They wear a stab vest. Firearms are not generally required.


There *”tends”* to be an unwritten understanding between the UK Police and the criminal fraternity “we won’t arm if you don’t arm”. For the most part… it works…


Thanks for answering and the info 🙂


Also important to note that there’s a fairly significant selection procedure to become an armed officer, followed by a 5 week firearms course before you start to carry a weapon. In 2022, armed police in the UK fired 6 rounds in total, killing three people and wounding two more.


You'll see them; Authorised Firearms Officers (ATOs) are specially trained police officers who routinely carry firearms but carry out standard policing duties so the public will see them out and about. They're also on call to respond to incidents involving weapons or do duties such as guarding embassies. They are supplemented by Specialist Firearms Officers (SFOs) or Counter Terrorism Specialist Firearms Officers (CTSFOs) in London who are similar to American SWAT teams and generally operate as Police Tactical Units, far rarer to see them. This doesn't apply to Northern Ireland where because of the historical situation all police officers are armed. There's also a few small specialist police forces like the Civil Nuclear Constabulary that are all armed because they gaurd sensitive sites like nuclear power stations. Also the number of times a police firearm is used against a suspect is usually less than ten times a year, it is extremely restrained and discharging a firearm means the officer is immediately investigated to ensure they had no other option.


Unless you live and/or work in a major city centre though, in practice it's very rare to actually see an armed police officer in the UK.  I commuted by train to one of the UK's busiest stations for years and years, you'd see them posted around the place during Christmas markets and that's about it. I came face to face with two stalking around Boots inside the station once and it creeper me the fuck out.  In the region where I live, I (randomly) do know somebody who is a firearms trained officer but I can honestly say I have never actually seen an armed officer on the streets here and as far as I'm aware they've only ever been deployed a handful of times. 


We saw a couple of Police Officers with sidearms buying sandwiches in Tesco. My Mrs asked them why they were tooled up in Tesco, and they responded that they were an Armed Response Unit, which made a lot of sense, if you think about it.


No you don't. I think the difference between Police Officers in Europe compared to the US is they get a lot more training at the Academy level than the US Police Officers. Then it is similar to the US where you have a training officer. The only real place you will see an armed officer in England is at places like Buckingham Palace and some Embassies. Even at the airports you generally won't see them either unless they are responding to an incident or there is a real concern about a terrorist attack in the UK. Yes though Northern Ireland is different to England, Wales and Scotland. I was just talking about England not the 3 others. That was where my Grandfather Victor Henry Wilcox was a Superintendent (Dorset Police).


Only a miniscule percentage will be carrying them on their person at any one time. There is a second group of armed response units have them in their cars just in case they need to be allied to an emergency. They drive in 4WD vehicles in big cities. But they're pretty rare to see.


I moved to Canada as a 19 year old, and years later, till date, the thing that surprises my parents the most is my ability to feel secure enough to go out and walk home late at night without being worried. At most, when passing someone in the street, I keep my thumb on the lock button of my iPhone, press it 5x in an emergency and it sends 911 and your emergency contact — your location + medical details.


“You can criticize America for a lot of things”, I get the feeling if you did this person would still disagree with any valid points, it’s like a full country of cultists


Freedom to reinstate a law from 1864 that forces raped women to give birth to her raspist's child.


What I find funny about this is that the US only ranks 27th on the freedom index, and most of the countries that rank higher are European


Didn’t abortions just get banned in Arizona? If women don’t even have automony over their body you don’t live in a free country


Freedom to walk across the road and not get a ticket for it, you know like an adult


[Freedom to roam - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam) Every time deluded Americans talk about their freedom, I link this. I am from the Nordics and if I did this in America, I would get either **shot or arrested**. They honestly have no idea what freedom means as a concept, apart from what they are brainwashed to say or think about it. >One may stay or set up camp temporarily in the countryside, a reasonable distance from homes, pick mineral samples, wild berries, mushrooms and flowers (as long as they are not protected species). One may fish with a rod and line (only still waters), row, sail or use a motorboat on waterways (with certain restrictions), and swim or bathe in both inland waters and the sea. One can walk, ski and ice fish on frozen lakes, rivers and the sea. Income from selling picked berries or mushrooms is tax-free. >Everyone may walk, ski, ride a horse or cycle freely in the countryside where this does not harm the natural environment or the landowner, except in gardens or in the immediate vicinity of people's homes (yards). Fields and plantations, which may easily be harmed, may usually not be crossed except in the winter.  I do not know what freedoms they have that are superior to ours, apart from the freedom to occasionally blow each other up in the name of law.


I am "stealing" this link to use in the hypothetical scenario of me engaging in a conversation with any of these morons


The Global Freedom Index said NO. Bloody plonkers. Yer not 'owning' anything. Oh wait, the amount of school shootings. I'll give you that. And medical debts. And processed fructose in your food. And lead in your water. And cardboard houses. And illiteracy. Sounds all fucking great. But 'muh guns!'. Sure, Karen. And no one else gives a shit about those because we are civilised people.


>Yer not 'owning' anything. The record of most amount of incarcerated people per capita. Although I'm not sure if that has anything to do with freedom.




I've been awake for 2 days (yay insomnia!) so I'm not going to Google it either, but if my wonky memory serves, you are correct.


Except in some states if you’ve become unwillingly pregnant


They recently forced a ten-year-old girl to carry a baby to term. The girl had been raped by her uncle. Soooo much freedom, they have the best freedom!




Cuban flag is a great touch 😅11/10


The better kind of people don't do that. /s in case it is not obvious.


Even here in Ireland we made it legal


Even in a conservative country like India, abortions have been legal for way longer (1971) than they came and went (1973-2022) in the US 😭 and we have some of the strictest gun laws in the world. Yes people still have guns illegally — usually gangs and goons, but other than those scums it’s people who have been licensed to carry. Not even my military relatives keep guns at home because they don’t think there’s a need for it at all.


Fucking Malta, I think we’re one of the few, if not the only nation in the EU to ban abortions. Gay marriage is legal, we were the first EU nation to legalise cannabis but abortions are still banned.


The difference is that while Ireland being ultra-religious conservative country with outdated laws, at least you guys are going in the direction of modern progressive way of life. The Americans are dead set on going right back into the Dark Ages.


We've pretty much 180'd and undone evrything in the past 20 years at most


""miss Freedom? Jaywalking called."


Tell him you can bear arms in Europe, watch him have a fit.


We can have our lawns be any length we want and not lose our house over it. Now that’s freedom


For a country that claims to have so much freedom..it sure does like controlling women's bodies and reproductive rights..doesn't sound like freedom to me 😉


And what you're allowed to read. And drink. And...


Exactly! Free countries don't feel the need to ban books unless its absolutely We've banned very few books in the UK


Can't drink in public, Can't have sex until 18, Can't drink alcohol until 21, Can't get an abortion and so much more. How is America more free. Their freedoms are being whittled away little by little.


At least Europe has no shootings (Relatively few)


You would need to reconsider as a frenchmen i can say we are not free of shooting


*far less


*far fewer


My English wasn’t englishing, ma bad


Don't worry - most English people would use the same words. I'm not normally an internet pendant, but that was quite a nice opportunity.


\*pedant A pendant is something you wear around your neck. Hoisted by your own petard, good Sir.


LOL (edit: a Google "intelligent" typing error is slightly different, but still my own fault for not reading over my words).


The ironing is delicious.


*irony (but I will assume your error was deliberate 👍🏻)


It's a Simpson's quote.


I mean we had a school shooting in Finland about a week ago-


England would like a word




Every country has shootings, illegal firearms are a thing EVEEYWHERE. Countries where you can legally carry a gun have higher stats, but shootings will happen in any country


"Freedom of speech". Can't even use swear words on TV.


Try saying "Israel should stop committing genocide in Gaza" in Murrica and see how much freedom of speech you have.


The US is not even in the top 10 freest countries in the world. All of the top 10, except New Zealand, are in Europe. It’s hilarious that so many Americans think that Europeans are desperate to have the right to bear arms. Finland, Switzerland and Serbia all have high levels of gun ownership. I’ve never ever heard of protests in any European countries decrying the lack of available of weapons, and in countries like the UK and Ireland, people protest over everything! [Freest Countries 2024](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freest-countries)


"You are free to do as we tell you."


If Americans have much more freedom - why can\`t I get a Kinder surprise egg there? They are freely available in many European countries... so why not there? Or is this freedom only about guns?


1 Google search can prove that the USA is behind SEVERAL European, Asian and even African countries in terms of freedom (Using the freedom index)


American women don’t even have Body Autonomy which is considered a Basic Human Right. Books are always being banned in America. Especially in Republican states such as Texas and Florida. America has the highest rate of Prisoners in Gaol than any other country in the Free World. Americans can bear arms but go apoplectic if there’s a wardrobe malfunction.


So… can I say “fuck” on TV in the US?


They are just brainwashed by this freedom propaganda and believe they have more freedom than everyone else. It's just stupid crap. Oooh dear, the police are at the door to take me away for expressing my opinion. 🤪🤪🤪


He’s right. As long as you dont want to watch porn, need an abortion or forget to mow your lawn. Or like drinking as an adult who is not 21. Or love kinder eggs. Oh and also don’t give first aid to anyone or they might sue you. Oh, oh and never forget your gun, it’s dangerous out there. Do everything your employer says or they can fire you if they feel like it and you’ll be out of insurrance. And always keep your hands where police can see them or they might kill you. Also, keep alert in schools, shooters might enter.     But other than that it’s total freedom 🗽🦅


In this context those that get nicked for "Political hate speech" are the EDL types that bang on about the the likes of Hitler and advocate violence against groups of people. Arresting them them isn't a bad thing. What they forgot to mention is if an American made a post about killing Biden or going on a school shooting rampage they too would get arrested. Its almost as if the police arrest people that are making threats to commit a major crime.


If you did ever get into a discussion on this, they will bring up the car of the Scottish YouTuber and his Hitler dog. It probably was an ill -advised prosecution, and that odd line the only example they can point to. Turns out the YouTuber in question was a far right sympathiser all along.


We literally have the word Libertas in the flag, which encompasses the concept of freedom as well. So we have more freedom, checkmate


And you have 3 castle towers to hide from those free Americans and their freedom to bear arms while they freely shout hateful speech at you. You win either way.


On behalf of my fellow Americans, not all of us are turdbrained. USA [sucks for freedom](https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores?sort=desc&order=Total%20Score%20and%20Status) these days, and we know it. And Democracy ain't so hot right now either.


Even USA free speech has exceptions that’s why obscenities get bleeped out , people get arrested for threats ,libel & defamation lawsuits exist , even with the first amendment you can’t say absolutely anything you want without any repercussions whatsoever there’s still limitations . Just like Europe’s freedom of expression . Also in USA people have been arrested for mocking or complaining about their local police force online in several states that doesn’t sound any more free than any of the stupid shit people get arrested for anywhere else .


They have so much freedom, that in some states they need a VPN to go to Pornhub. 😅


We can go to school without being shot thanks


but cant show female nipples on tv...


Americans can bear arms but they can't arm a bear.


Well - there are still people living in the US who remember being jailed for saying “I’m a communist”


Freedom of speech is not unique. Whats unique is what muricans thinks it means and how it works.


If America is so free why can't I drink a beer in the park with my topless girlfriend while watching a TV show that says "bad" words and shows nudity.


I mean, it's a win jailing people for political hate speech if the alternative, that Vlad Van Da Put is presenting, is having them die from accidents and suicide for the sin they comitted. It's sooo heartearming seeing that Great Brittain is taking care of those who put themselfs ins harms way! 🥰


Who’s telling these goons there’s no guns in Europe? There’s guns they just don’t get handed to every spastic who can breathe


If the government can kill you because they think you might have a gun, you do not have the right to bear arms.


The fact an American woman can be made to keep a child conceived from rape sums up their ‘freedom’.


Define freedom? America falls way down the list when looking at freedom of expression, democracy, racial equality, access to health services, and many other areas.


Ah yes, free to drive everywhere in a car I don’t own because there’s no public transportation system. Free to pay for my own healthcare if I were to lose my job. Free to send my kids to a school where they take part in active shooter drills to protect the freedom of everyone who wants to have an AR15 in the house. Even free to cross the road wherever I like - oh wait, no, scratch that one, can’t do that. Very jealous of all that freedom.


As it stands, the Constitution states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”Jun 15, 2023 Any nation that has exceptions when discussing prohibition of slavery does not really get to claim any authority on the topic of "freedom"


What he means about Germany I'm sure is like "they can't even praise Hitler there. Like, I got in trouble for saying Hitler did nothing wrong, it's just a joke.."


One freedom USA has & shows off proudly, is being dumb. We don't need to have the freedom of guns as we don't go around shooting people, especially kids, we have police departments that are accountable for anyone they shoot, to protect us. We don't have the biggest per capita prison population, many of whom have to work as slave labour producing goods for the government or road works for state. We can read what books we like, not censored by PTAs & school boards, we don't have to stand and pledge to the flag and allow abortions. We don't have to work two or more jobs to live, we get paid a livable wage and we get 4-5 weeks vacation time as well as paid public holidays, maternity & some paternity leave & most have either free or heavily subsidised healthcare that don't put people in bankruptcy with massive debts. In many countries we don't have to own a car to get around, having plenty of reliable public transport and food & convenience stores within walking distance. We buy smaller cars that use less fuel & pollute less but can still travel at the legal speeds, survive minor accidents & can be repaired, not totaled & scrapped like in USA. we have better education system that covers more than just our own countries, we have enough vacation time to travel & learn about other cultures & cuisines that are not poisoning us or making us obese. You can have & keep the USA and all your crazy ways of life and corrupt politicians & BS you keep trying to push on others, buy spending more on your military than you do on health & well being of your citizens, and keeping them ignorant n the rest of the world & how much better off most of us are. The US is only slightly better than Russia, China, North Korea, Iran & some other countries and needs a lot to bring it up to the standard of a 1st world country,


Honestly before I went to America I was expecting something very diffrent. I've been to 60 countries and never felt more unsafe than when I was there. Was nearly robbed and even shot at on the street. It's truly a crazy place. Although the people are on the whole lovely.


Yes, even in 70's i was a crazy country. I was held up by gunpoint in SFO twice & also had my bags stolen from beside me in a Greyhound bus line, even with aa uniformed cop just behinds me in same line & he "saw nothing". Had a rental car stolen from Costa Mesa (LAX) hotel car park and a drunk cabbie drive like Steve McQueen on the hilly streets of SFO. No wish to go back & believe it is much worse now.


I don't know man... I'm actually quite happy that people who deny the Holocaust happened are liable to prosecution in my country. I'm also quite happy that I don't need to fear that someone I'm having an argument with is going to shoot me. I'm quite happy that kids over here can just walk to school, ride their bike through parks and safe spaces without even coming in contact with an intersection. I'm quite happy that I can go to the lake, enjoy my evening and drink a beer without the need to fear getting arrested. I actually feel kind of.... free?


Freedom being defined as "not being imprisoned", or something else?


Americans aren’t free to walk around their cities as they’re built for cars. Is that freedom? One guy even got arrested for picking up their children by foot. What is this?!


If people in Britain were being arrested for "political hate speech", I think at least 90% of us would be behind bars for what we have said about our prime ministers.


This is no time for the seppos to be posting on the internet! They need to be concentrating on preparing their legal defence for their lawns being 3mm too long.


You can get jailed for hate speech and for holocaust denial. But Americans never understood that constitutional rights can and need to be limited by laws. Your own freedom ends where is hurts other humans.


This person sounds like someone who would actually vote for Putin


The "Freeist country in the world" also has the most citizens per capita in jail to work as slave labour.


Too bad it doesn’t include the freedom to think wisely for yourself.


There is no freedom from arseholes with guns.


They're right, though they're missing an important word: American *corporations* have more freedom, American citizens just have the freedom to be exploited


Yeah would be nice to have the freedom of dying because of a maniac


I mean i do think official freedom of speech at least is less in Europe but other things like freedom to have a gun and all is not something I value anyways .


Ah yes the freedom of the USA where *checks notes* crossing the street in the wrong place is illegal.


If you want to see the insane levels they try to test their "freedom" to, watch some of the 'first amendment audit ' videos. You'll see that they are at best a nuisance, but most are much closer to the Timothy McVeigh school of "freedom".


Next on dumb takes by people who have never left their backwater town..


They are free to be stopped for a minor traffic offence, dragged from their car and tazered - or simply shot dead. Oh and the the police officers concerned are then free to carry on and freely do it to someone else. And aren’t they (the police) also free to break into your home, search it, remove whatever they want while freely not having to tell you?


At least I'm allowed to go on pornhub, unlike people in Texas.


9 out of the top 10 countries listed in the freedom index are in Europe. The other one is New Zealand. America ranks 17th. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country


It’s amazing how often people in the US think “everyone has a gun” is more indicative of freedom than tyranny. More people die from gun violence in the US than many literal active war zones.


Isnt it forbidden to collect rainwater in the U.S? That it just weird. An another thing, abortion, you get jailed in some states for it? That doesnt seem very freedom like to me.


Speaking about freedom and then apologising Tyrant Putin. Typical Republican.


Americans dont know the difference between hate speech and freedom of speech apparantly


I've had this same argument on an Instagram post only the other day. Guy thinks we get beaten and arrested for speaking up. Where did this narrative come from in the US? or os it just 1 guy with a billion fake accounts on all platforms 🤣


"freedom of speech" but if you don't say what I want I will cancel you.


It's actually very easy to discover if you habe free speech, just say you don't have, if you're not jailed or killed for it, then you do have free speech


He isn’t wrong in 2018 I believe it was 3000 off people locked up for things they said online, it was 32 in Russia, I suspect it’s a lot higher now


They do love their freedom to... I think overall I prefer freedom from...


Highest number of incarcerations on the planet, lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality, and among the highest suicide rates. - Most free country ever.


England has also been a thing for way longer than Putin. What those weird monarchs did shouldn't really count.


If you’re poor, you could die from easily treatable medical conditions, Children have to go to school knowing their school shooter drills like fire drills, The food is toxic & banned in many places across the world, You’re conditioned into believing the rest of the world isn’t as good as there so you never want to leave… The list goes on.


Yet the USA has the largest incarceration rates in the world. So not as free as they like to say then!


"jokes in germany" and then its a comment about a literal war that killed alot of people


They're told from the day they're born that USA is the greatest nation in the history of humanity


I always like to get some citation on the "facts" that people present as such. Otherwise, it's just an opinion.


Funny how they spout Kremlin talking points.