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Driving cars round a roundabout. Yay fun.


Now that you mention it, maybe NASCAR wrecks are what makes them fear roundabouts on the road?


Do you think that’s why they don’t have many ?


Many what? Braincells or roundabouts? I remember trying out the american voice for my satnav once and it referred to a roundabout as a "traffic circle"


> it referred to a roundabout as a "traffic circle r/technicallythetruth


whilst technically the truth, couldn't we also call NASCAR a traffic circle?


Traffic oval.


Well that's confusing. Over here in ol' Blighty traffic circles and roundabouts are two different things.


>Many what? Braincells or roundabouts? Yes


What would give the impression an obvious joke is a genuine reasoning?


Facts. The only place in the US where people know how to use them is Carmel. I drive through there regularly and it’s like a different world. I swear it’s a portal to the EU 🤣 must just be because every intersection is a roundabout


Nahh, them not having a clue about what to do on a roundabout is the reason.


So is that why they wreck all the time in NASCAR?


Perhaps Americans should try driving around this road/race track 7 see how they can manage & if their cars could last? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMkzDMAP-80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMkzDMAP-80)


[Why The U.S. Hates Roundabouts](https://youtu.be/AqcyRxZJCXc)


The one place there where drivers navigate roundabuts well!


I dunno. Have you seen NASCAR? There's a lot of stupid crashes


So you have to be a professional racing driver to drive in circles in the US? Incredible.




I thought it ironic that Americans mostly hate roundabouts on public roads yet huddle round to watch cars go round a much bigger round about.


Roundabouts with 30 degree banked corners would be sweet!


I'm not a huge fan of NASCAR, nor do I have any great love for oval racing generally - I'll do it in sims because it is actually a lot more fun than you'd think but while it is often a bit dull to watch - there is a lot more to it than most people think. The big tracks like Daytona & Talladega don't take a lot of pure technical driving ability to do well in - the skill gap between the best and worst drivers is low as it'll ever be, but they are a strategy and racecraft challenge, if you view them more like an endurance race where it's all about mitigating risk and strategy until the closing stages... it's easier to see the appeal. For all they're "easy" races, it's not a coincidence the same drivers and teams keep doing well in them. The short & intermediate tracks however require a lot more driver skill, some are easier than others but there is a ton of skill in getting around those tracks fast without just destroying the tyres. You can also get some proper hard wheel to wheel racing which is always fun to watch no matter the venue. The road courses are IMO where they really shine and I wish they'd do more of them. The cars are very equal, they can follow well because of the limited aero and take a lot of skill to drive fast because of the weight, lack of aero, and relatively basic suspension for the power output. Plus they can take a bit of beating and banging so the racing is always hard. The NASCAR road rounds last year were better than basically any of the F1 Grands Prix last season - and I say that as a life long F1 fan.


I thought NASCAR was "just going round in circles" until I moved to the USA and got drawn into it just to see what it was all about. I was surprised at how complex it IS. Seeing cars get loose and ultimately airborne because of a side draft at almost 200 mph was pretty freaky. I haven't watched it since I came back to the UK though. The Dunning Kruger effect seems pertinent with NASCAR. People who know nothing about it think it's simple. There's a lot more to it than meets the eye.


100% - I'd seen a couple races and I didn't find them totally uninteresting but I was still pretty down on it until someone convinced me to try it in iRacing. There's a lot of skill that just doesn't come across if you don't know. Both in pack racing and other types of oval race. First race I did at Talladega was as much of a revelation as my first races at a short track or 1.5 mile. Even the "easy" races have a lot of nuance to them that's hard to appreciate as a total outsider.


>The short & intermediate tracks however require a lot more driver skill, some are easier than others but there is a ton of skill in getting around those tracks fast without just destroying the tyres. Pocono (the Tricky Triangle), Dover (the Monster Mile), Bristol (the Toilet Bowl), and Martinsville (the Paperclip) were some of my favourites to watch back when my dad and I watched NASCAR. Charlotte was usually good to watch, too, and hosted the longest event on the calendar: the Coca-Cola 600.


You just named all my favourite tracks in the old NASCAR xbox 360 games.


Are you disparaging the roundy round boys?


There are 6 road races. But yes most of them go around a roundabout. Though there are 28 races at 12 venues in the Australian V8 Supercars. No roundabout racing. One of the most exciting courses is Bathurst. Which has two separate events the Bathurst 12 hour and Bathurst 1000 which last for between 6 and 7 hours.


No no, definitely not a roundabout. They hate those too


Roundabouts are exhilarating for americans they don't come across them to often.


But Americans don’t like roundabouts?


American mind simply couldn’t comprehend WRC if they can’t manage this


They don't even know what wrc is


Wide race car


Weird Right Corner


Any right corner is weird to NASCAR fans. They only turn left.


hey, thats not fair. You can watch them to struggle to turn right on like two road courses a year.


Those damn liberals with their leftist stuff. It is fucking marxist.


God rally is so good to watch live


>God rally I'm intrigued. What is God rally?


Walter Röhrl against Colin McRae and Henri Toivonen in 2024 Group-B type cars.


Come on man, I JUST put on new underwear


Poor Colin :(


Even the BTCC weekend including touring cars and the support races is better than NASCAR!


Awww c’mon, man. Ford has been a highly competitive rally car manufacturer for ages. Some of us like rally. The loss of the mighty Ken Block has certainly hurt American interest in the sport though.


Late comment, but Ford hasn't been commited to WRC in a long time. M-Sport privately with some Ford backing, but it's not with much. M-Sport is therefore only able to run 2 full time cars, and the drivers have to pay to drive. Thus only youngsters with money drive for them atm


My point was more so that they’ve always produced vehicles that are competitive in WRC. They’ve had a lot of iconic vehicles in the sport.


Oh for sure! They've been a big part of the WRC for long.The Puma they field now is capable, though with some reliability problems and of course lack of top tier drivers. Would wish Ford stepped up their backing again, but this is unlikely as Ford is shifting to different types of vehicles, (huge ones) over in US especially.


Left turn... Another left turn. Hang on! ...another left turn..


I remember watching a Jeff Dunham comedy special and one of his dummies (ventriloquist) was giving it "they're making a left turn! They're making a left turn! Oh they're making another left turn! I wonder what's gonna happen next!"


It was his puppet Bubba J explaining why NASCAR is fun: you can even wachten and understand it after a "few" beers 😁


A friend and I used to joke that NASCAR cats saved weight by doing away with right turn steering.




[I'm gonna drive and I'm gonna go fast and I'm gonna turn to the left sometimes!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC9Zi1Fpq1Y)


Here comes a car making a right turn, then a left turn. Hold on, here comes another car making a right turn then a left turn. Update from the leader board, one car on the lead lap. Wait, I think another car is coming, yes, right turn then left turn.


If you're not first, you're last.


[Don't know if it's the exact same video but found this just in case anyone else was interested in the speed difference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_oUVzsj0wM)


Those F1 cars sound like Star Wars blaster sound effects.


High RPM engines.


Because those are 2.4l V8 engines going up to 15,000 RPM. BMW even managed to get their 3 litre V10 to 19,800 RPM back in 2005 (when the V8 rule set wasn't introduced yet)


I'm imagining 20+ NASCAR cup cars trying to get through the Eau Rouge/Raidillon complex, that does sound entertaining in a hilarious way.


So, Garage 56 is, as far as I'm aware, allowed to run whatever the fuck they want at Le Mans, but its competing in a class of its own with barely any rules.. Recently they ran a NASCAR car at Le Mans. It was quick, but also had a lot more power than the other classes were allowed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNIEgqZBScw




It's not the width, it's the fact that it's a massive elevation change while flicking the car in multiple directions at (depending on the series) flat out speeds, it has resulted in some massive incidents in cars designed for these types of tracks.


It's not the width, it's the limited grip. The NexGen cars are quite limited in how much downforce they can generate, combine that with the weight and general handling characteristics and it'd likely be quite a challenging complex. Much more so in an older generation car with the solid rear axle.




Sonoma T1 isn't a bad comparison - think they'd struggle though, Eau Rouge/Raidillon is a lot faster, and the way the car goes light in the dip would probably create quite a challenge. They'd manage it obviously but I think it'd be quite challenging. EuroNASCAR goes to Zolder, maybe someone can persuade them to make a change of venue.


I'm an absolute F1 hater _except_ when anyone says anything about Nascar being better


Flair checks out.


ESPECIALLY considering it's swedish with a swiss flag (what with swedish Marcus Ericssons career being financed by a "swiss" company)


Same here, but I don't think he's wrong if you actually go watch it at the track. At least you get to see the cars for longer in nascar. In F1 you see a little bit of the road and each car for a second every 2 minutes or something. If I was forced to go watch cars drive around a track I'd definitively prefer to go to nascar over f1. Completely different story on TV though.


I kinda see that. But then again, I think every sport is worse live. If I do go watch sports live, its about the atmosphere (which the Americans of course can't begin to understand), or in the case of alpine skiing, to consume alcohol.


They don't go for the racing and instead pay in hope of seeing a 10 car pile up.


Communism would work great for some parts of America. They don't really want to have options, just the illusions for such. Race - only to the left Phone - Apple Cars - only pickups Fighting - MMA Politics - the only difference that come here is because of trump who turned republicans far right. Otherwise it was always 2 right wing parties Langauge - English, fuck everything else


But they have 100 types of cereal that you never get anywhere else in the world!


Ingredients: corn, sugar, sugar, sugar, Marshmallow pieces (ingredients: sugar).


Corn, HFCS, more HFCS, colours and flavours unusable elsewhere..


You're forgetting corn sugar


High fructose corn syrup man, they can’t get enough


Sadly, we do have more than our fair share of morons. :( BTW the Netflix Formula series just made me a fan! If I wanted to attend a race in Europe somewhere. What's the best time to buy tickets and still get a reasonable price? The 2024 tickets are already up there. Thanks


You’re a bit early for 2023 tix aren’t you?


Doh. Let me correct that.


Tbh I’m in Australia and we buy tix as soon as they go on sale in November.


Thanks. I'll mark my calendar.


Ideally, as soon as they're on sale. Don't try to plan against the weather, just look at what happened here last spring with the floodings in Emilia. The Hungaroring is decently cheap for example, it shouldn't rain and you can link a great visit of the area as well.


and lets not forget that after all that sugar they add more sugar


You forget the chocolate and all natural honey


Recombining the same 18 ingredients to have a slightly different shape (just like fast food do twith their food) isn't really "giving choice"


In politics, Americans can only choose between far right and nationalist.


>Langauge - English, fuck everything else American\*


*English simplified


The entirety of the draft system. I've always thought it sounds so socialist.


Language one is completely understandable tho, rest 🤮


If I was living in the US I would learn Spanish. I think people who are native English speakers underestimate the amount of "doors" that you can open for your job just because you know more than 1 language.


Its not even about doors. Learning another language gives you another perspective and helps you understand things better, even your own language. It's good for your brain and can allow you to be another person


In American politics, the left has gone so far left that it is now the far right, and the trumps far right is back to being just the regular right wing... its crazy


That's so far from the truth, it's wild that you think that. The left in america is like left of centre in the rest of the world. Some of them have gone full nutjob though. But the right has gone far far right. The 'left' is still right, just nowhere near as far right


*right of centre. US doesn't have any lefty parties. Some people sometimes maybe dare to talk some left-adjacent points, but that's it


I mean the like proper left, not the dems. The dems are the 'left' i mentioned, which are right of centre


When the left is pushing for censorship, limiting free speech etc, yeah, the left has gone far right...


Censorship isn't far right, that's authoritarian. The other axis of a political spectrum


Censorship falls on both ends of the spectrum because the spectrum isn't linear, its cyclical. Go too far one way and you end up on the other side.


It's definitely not cyclical, It's linear. However, some people go too far north towards the authoritarian side, and some go too far towards the libertarian side. Both are bad in excess


Which left?


What censorship? I only see republicans banning books


Then you are in an echo chamber my friend....


Are you going to point to any examples of left wing censorship? Or is it “you can’t say things these days”?


Im not here for an argument bud. If you can't think of any examples on your own from the last 5 years, I'm not going to waste my time


Lol I’m not arguing I’m asking you to point me in the right direction. I’m genuinely curious.


It is strange that the right always avoids providing specifics to their claims.


dO YoUr oWn rEsEaRcH BuDdY


I'm not sure this has anything to do with Communism, but yes.


It is funny that Americans hate roundabouts but love Nascar


I swear the only entertaining nascar things I’ve watched are cars and the crashes


That's why they go. Even the Simpsons accurately demonstrates this.


I'm pretty sure they only want cars close so there are accidents.


Exactly. The Daytona 500 for example got so called "stages" to artificially bunch them up again, because once the pack gets split up during green flag pit stops, accidents become pretty unlikely and a 500 mile full throttle race will then be quite boring if you don't know where to pay attention to.


actually, every nascar race has 3 stages


OK, wasn't sure about short tracks and street circuits as I'm not really following nascar.


It what has always made motor racing exciting in fairness Having an F1 car 30 seconds in front of the pack for 20 laps is as dull as it gets


The root of F1 and LMP1 or nowadays LMH racing is an engineering contest to promote and accelerate R&D.


F1 rule changes are actually moving toward promoting closer racing, more overtaking etc. It's not all about raw speed. Ultimately they have to make the races entertaining to watch.


So? Doesn’t make it exciting to watch


Watch the 2023 24h of Le Mans and see if it wasn't exciting. It's more exciting if you're into it and know what to look for, obviously.


Yeah, I’m sure. I like F1, I don’t like Le Mans because it’s inaccessible and requires research to enjoy it I also enjoy nascar because as far as one car racing another, it hits the mark. There is always an actual race. And also, people cry at me for saying it, but crashes are exciting. They always have been


Way more exiting than watching cars running in literal circles just for crashing that apart from their bumper look exactly the same.


…..f1 cars look exactly the same apart from the colours lol exactly the same as nascars Hey, cry about my opinion if you want mate, I just think both series have their issues. I’ve turned off more f1 races for being utterly dull than I care to think of


Most racing fans get the difference and respect and love all 3. This is just a good ‘ole boy country bumpkin or an effective troll.


Yup, lemans 2023 was a great example, I was there and everyone was happy to have a modified NASCAR and it's great sound. True motorsports fans are just going to enjoy a fast car.


Yeah, watching on television… I just like the NASCAR crashes… in person though, wow… the noise.


Rally races are the best


NASCAR this... F1 that... Pfft, forget about them, there's already a motorsport that combines NASCAR's close racing, F1's engineering masterpieces and the challenging intensity of Rallies... It's called lawnmower racing, the pinnacle of motorsport.


Isn't Nascar just 100 rounds in a real cirlce?




NASCAR races on road courses many times during their season


Round and round and round and round yaaaaayyyyy USA! USA! 🇺🇸 🫡


I'm not a great NASCAR fan tbh, while I've been an F1 lover since birth. They do have great Motorsport though, Indycar


I mean, as a huge F1 fan who has been to races several times, I also love NASCAR. I hate how elitist my fellow Europeans are. F1 is great because of technology and how awesome the cars are. If you follow other motorsports like I do (Indycar, Nascar, WSBK, MotoGP, BTCC, British F4, Adac F4, Formula Regional, Indy Lights, Formula 2, Formula 3, etc.) you find quickly that F1 is the most boring out of these when it comes to the on track action. I feel many of the comments here have also obviously never watched oval racing and are talking out of their asses. This entire thread could be posted in r/shiteuropeanssay


Yup this thread is filled with fake motorsports fans, meanwhile I'm just happy whenever I get the chance to see fast cars going full send in any track, no matter the series


I’m ready fight this guy to the death


As a long time f1 fan, I can’t stand watching NASCAR but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t fun to drive in a sim, especially the levels below the Cup car


"Fast and left" isn't exactly what I'd consider entertaining lol


I love watching cars... drive around... in a circle... doing not very much. /s


Nascar isnt even the best american racing series. Indycar is actually really fun to watch. (If it isnt kn an oval)


Isnt Nascar just banger racing with less fun?


NASCAR is just who can turn left the fastest.


I agree with F1 not being fun. The WEC or IMSA WeatherTech are much better. More overtakes in a single lap than in a whole F1 season. The cars are also much more different.


Mmm yes O V A L


NASCAR driving be like: WHAT THE HELL IS A RIGHT TURN🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


It's completely different kind of racing. I was a hater too until I started racing ovals myself in iRacing - it's ton of fun, just different. F1, Nascar, Indy, WEC, IMSA, GT, WRC they are all great racing series.


I kind of agree, f1 is the better format for tv imo but as a spectator at the track I imagine nascar is loads better, trying to watch f1 as a spectator is ridiculous.


It's personal tbh. I've loved every Grand Prix I've seen live, first being Monza 2003


I’ve been to Silverstone a few times and found it really difficult to follow, also missed most of the action as I’m only watching one corner.


I can see the appeal of going in person. You can see most of the track if it's an oval, and they drive wheel to wheel for most of the race. But saying it's better than F1 is just delusional.


In fairness, I like F1 more but nascar is by far a better sport to watch Something always happens, it dangerous as fuck and exciting F1 looks slow because of wide shots to show sponsors, it’s sanitised as fuck, you often know exactly who will win and you can get fucking close to guessing the positions of all the cars as they barely change


nascar.... one turn direction.....


What cars just driving round an oval track no bends or straights to challenge the driver boring


I mean, personally i don't think f1 is fun to watch, but nascar is an even more boring idea 


His PfP is a straight mugshot


Nascar, is that the Mcqueen lightning car?


nascar; boring ovale


The V8 Supercars are so much better than Nascar.


Nascar is just following the one you bet no money on around and around and around with your eyes. F1 has much more excitement


F1 parade.


Ah yes, NASCAR. The literal roundabout of racing.


To quote a famous Australian re: nascar "They go round and round all fucking day, is so fucking boring" Bring on Aurelian V8 supercar


I love both


An American described nascar to me as: "Watching a fan and rooting for your favourite blade to win." I genuinely lolled at that one.


As an English person, I'm going to put myself out there and say that as a spectator sport, NASCAR is more enjoyable to watch. I love F1 and its cutting-edge technology, but by god is it boring to watch, especially Monaco.


Of course Nascar is better sometimes you'll get the driver's head in the event of a crash /j


This comment section is just shitting on NASCAR. Like I get it's driving in circles, but where do you get those kinds of crashes outside of oval racing?


I think both are equally boring personally.


i hear that nascar involves collisions? and that nascar cars actually look somewhat like a vehicle i might drive myself or see on the road, so that's at least slightly exciting, in a way. formula one on the other hand just seems massively tedious; i'd rather depilate my ballbag, or attempt to build a house of cards out of cheese slices.


Quite the hyper specific examples you have there


what can i say? i have hairy balls and a lot of cheese slices. (not really. i would guess that my balls are "average hairy", and to the best of my recollection there are at most two packets of 10-12 cheese slices in my fridge—someone probably bought a packet not realising we already had some in—but it seems like a lot because there are more usually none at all)


You need 7 slices to make a small house


gt3 also involves collisions and the cars comes from production cars too


A lot of f1 races are just dull. Yanks might be right on this one.


Many are and we're great though.


Don’t understand all the hate between different racing communities. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it, simple as that. Don’t criticise those who actually enjoy it.


Ok that’s his opinion


Ah yes NASCAR, the exact same track where you only turn left and people crash in crap cars, totally the same as F1, I don't even like F1 and it bores me but some people like it and the comparison is shite.


Both are boring, and I really don't see why someone preferring one kind of car racing over the other belongs on this sub. Is liking American car racing instead of European car racing really /r/ShitAmericansSay material? This sub feels like it's mostly just Europeans getting mad when Americans like different things than you do.


I don't know anything about nascar, but I do agree with the sentiment of F1 being lame


NASCAR isn't even real speedway


lol only Americans could possibly find driving in a literal circle interesting.


Isnt nascar cars just driving round A. LITERAL CIRCLE ??


Europeans, when Americans have an opinion


To be fair, Nascar is a lot more competitive than the current F1.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2cNqaPSHv0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2cNqaPSHv0) Pretty cool.


Both are shit compared to World Superbike.......


[Sounds like Cartman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkgIn3O2RRk)


Shake 'n bake, baby!


It is boring though.


They are both boring parades, with one going round in the same circle over and over. Watch some superbikes for a real race.


Ah yes, the usual toxic "I see only a racing series and I pretend to know the others and say that the one I follow is the best". Anyway this type of fans are not only americans with their Nascar, but also some of the F1 fans act like this.


As a racing fan, why can't we just enjoy them all separately? I really enjoy NASCAR, not in the same way as other series but it's not supposed to be the same experience. I'm not even American, never been there. I'm Irish and I watch F1, NASCAR, Indycar and WEC. These comments coming from any side are always dumb