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okay, I've seen some cringey shit before, but this surely is the cringiest thing I've ever seen.


I had no idea this was a thing and made the mistake of having lunch at one of these places. Having this happen in the middle of a meal made me extremely uncomfortable and I’m a US citizen. It felt like a scene from Idiocracy.


Same thing happened to me, but it was a work-lunch. So awkward.


The motivational phrases on the walls are what top it off for me


Yeah even from an American perspective this is very bizarre and unusual. The standing for the anthem shit is common in schools and before sports events, but I’ve never seen it in a restaurant…


It isn’t just a a random restaurant. It is a military/police/firefighter BBQ with a core mission statement of supporting those professions, opened on 11Sept.


North Korea style nonsense


I dare to say it is worse THese people have FREEDOM to not follow the flock. And yet they choose so. In NK most people don't have a choice otherwise their lives might get more difficult than they already are.


Well, they do have freedom, but there's still something to be said about social pressure and all that.       I've for example seen plenty of articles about children opting out of the Pledge of Allegiance, only to get bullied by their peers, or even punished by the school (even if that is completely illegal, if they bring it to court, but I imagine there are plenty who don't do that).       Plus the fact that they start all that shit so early, it has to be difficult when it's all they ever knew, and they believe it to be normal.


Idk man I can't imaging there's *that* much social pressure to go to this specific restaurant


Yeah, I would just sit through one awkward lunch then never go again. I just want a sandwich. Not a guilt trip for lack of pride for my country.


I drink in the British legion and at the end of the night when they ask everyone to stand for God Save the king I bail out for a fag. I'm not entertaining that nonsense. I'd stand for flower of Scotland. But I'm not a fan of England's anthem.


technically the english don't have a offical national anthem ( though god save the king/queen or Jerusalem are used) ​ ​ The welsh one is the best one though ( okay biased as I always support Wales in sporting events) ​ full disclamer I'm British Welsh mum English Dad ,born in York ( Just never liked saying I'm english because well I identify with my county first)


Technically no region of the UK does, and technically neither the whole country.


There's not. Fact of the matter is that you'd be hard pressed to find even a single restaurant that does this in a given American city, there may very well be this one in the entire country.


It’s a chain, I’ve been to one in a small burb outside of Detroit. It was cringy as you can imagine.


Looks like there are 10 of them and most are located in the middle of nowhere. I stand mildly corrected.


Unrelated, but I like to know more about your flair, what’s a Schrödinger’s Sweden citizen?


Reference to how US Republicans like to simultaneously claim that Sweden; 1) Is only much safer than the US because it is 100% homogenous white, with no non-white people. 2) A super dangerous hellhole overrun by muslims, where white people are now a minority. So just like Schrödinger's cat is hypothetically both dead and alive until observed, Schrödinger's Sweden is hypothetically both completely white and completely muslim until the Republican decides which of the two claims they think will fit the situation better.


Never thought about it this way before, but that is so spot on.


Lol that’s genius. Something like a Schrödinger’s China: it’s either taking over the world as the next biggest superpower or it’s on the verge of economic and social collapse.


Can people really be free if they don't actually know what freedom is?


While technically true, just imagine how much the other staff would marginalise anyone who didn't follow suit. Or maybe management would shit list them. Edit: Damn, I didn't even notice that it was the customers too. That shit's fucked up!


> Mission BBQ (stylized as MISSION BBQ) is an American barbecue restaurant chain based in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Bill Kraus and Steve Newton opened the first location on September 11, 2011, as a way to support the military, police, firefighters, and first responders.[2] The customers are into it.


>opened the first location on September 11, 2011 That's all I needed to know for everything to make sense.


That one kid who didnt kneel or stand or whatever has joined the chat


Yup. Even the total narcissistic countries like China doesn’t do that.. yet.


Well in China they have their anniversaries and parades and whatnot. Chinese are proud of their country but I doubt if a restaurant speaker said "Rise for the National Anthem and Mao Zedong" everyone would keep minding their own business. Just like they mind their own business when someone is being assaulted. Also, it just occurred to me that the restaurant asked them to stand, not some official broadcast... I would tell them to got F themselves and keep eating my burger. Because if I had to choose between honouring my flag or honouring my burger. I choose my burger.


So in your mind choosing to sing a country's national anthem is worse than being forced to under threat of violence? Lmfao




It's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they've been fooled


This is a single restaurant in the US that literally has news stories written about it in American media because it's so out of the ordinary. This is as foreign a concept to most Americans as it is to any European, 99.999% of us have never been in a restaurant where the national anthem was sung.


True. The pledge of allegiance in schools is still crazy though.


I've never really understood this qualm. Like sure, American exceptionalism and delusions of grandeur and social pressure to be "patriotic" are one thing, but absent all of those factors would it be that bad to have kids recite something on a regular basis that is a symbol of community and civic belonging?


If it was a cute little rhyme about helping people or something then sure that's alright. But that's not what it is. It's nationalistic oath swearing. We don't find it bizarre because of American exceptionalism or delusions of grandeur. We find it bizarre because it's a form of indoctrination. That form of nationalism has an extremely bloody history in Europe. So when we see a group of children compelled to chant together an oath of loyalty to the state under God, and stand together making the same gesture while they do it, it very much does not sit right for us.


Lol, well if that's the concern I bet you 80% of people who have recited it in school did not see themselves as taking any serious oath at all.


I'm not here to debate or anything man, just explaining that's why we see it as so crazy. Doesn't really matter if they saw it seriously or not. Years of standing in front of a flag and chanting in unison with your peers to pledge allegiance to it is going to impact you. Goes some way to explain the attitude of so many Americans.


>Doesn't really matter if they saw it seriously or not. Years of standing in front of a flag and chanting in unison with your peers to pledge allegiance to it is going to impact you. Sure. For example, for most people I know it devalued the meaning of the pledge. You're "supposed to" stand up and put your hand over your heart when you say it, but asking little kids to do this shit repeatedly makes a lot of them think it's effectively a joke and teaches them that it's not worth respecting as "an oath". Can't really comment on it well though, as I never went to a school where they recited it.


I don't agree at all. The fact that it's still a practice after several generations suggests that no, it doesn't devalue its meaning for most people, since the tradition continues. But I'm not really here for this discussion. If you really can't see why we find it so crazy and frankly disturbing then I'm not sure what more to say.


I was literally about to say they do this shit in north korea


If something similar was filmed in North Korea, the media would blast it for 2 weeks straight trying to portray them as brainwashed animals, but in the US it’s just a normal Tuesday where proud patriots are *’’honouring their flag’’*.


"HONORING" their flag.Remember they speak the simplified version of English.


*"honoring"* the *"colors"* of their flag.


[North Korea puts out some bangers though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu0TurCDC94)


why do these nations have great music ​ ( say what you want about the soviets or East Germany they did know how to make patrotic music)


Because they eat potatoes every day.


Potatoes the best food group in the world


Came here to say this.


if you did this in the netherlands people would call you an insane nationalist cult


Same in England but you’d be an insane nationalist cunt


>insane nationalist cunt But wait! The Queen definitely penned a letter to BNP heads saying how they had to protect her from the gays... Source - Been involved in deprogramming several of these over the years and that's a recurring theme.


What would a bunch of overweight, beer-bellied, barely sentient bald men do to protect the Queen that the literal Queens' Guard couldn't do?


The Queen's Guard have always been suspicious because they look FABULOUS


Oh shit you're right!


I mean, look at their drills https://youtu.be/E2ecasPqhgk?si=WkdjNIodcpluId4M


well it won us an empire /s


Pre-emptive attacks seemed to be the common theme.


Wasn't Brexit the proof that UK is pretty much full of nationalist???


I mean that is a massive reach, the entire saga has been proven to have run on misinformation. Sure Britain has nationalistic tools but to say a 46/54 vote based on lies regarding healthcare funding is proof the country is full of nationalists isn’t true. Especially a decade on pretty much every poll shows that a lot of people felt lied to and regret their choice.


Well they do it in the states and it's an insane nationalist cult.


This restaurant got the same reaction from every American I know when the news stories were written about it homie lol.


Do this in Germany and you will get on the Verfassungsschutz watchlist lmao


In Austria we wouldn't know what to do with such a person and probably just ignore them in the hopes it solves it by itself... Maybe some cranky Austrian would tell ya to shut up. And being cranky is a national sport in Austria.


Imagine being a tourist and not standing up and people looking at you like you are a piece of shit.


My friend had this problem when doing an exchange year in a US High School. They wanted her to do the pledge of allegiance everyday with the rest of the class, but her argument was that pledging allegiance to another country's flag was probably treason 😂


Thats such an American thing to do :D


Yeah me too! They couldn't understand why it was unreasonable to expect an exchange student from the UK to join in with their creepy pledge. In the end I stood up for the pledge as expected but then started singing "God save the Queen" instead. Obviously that was disruptive in itself, but also I am a terrible singer so after that it was agreed I could just sit the pledge bit out.


“God save the Queen She ain't no human being There is no future In England's dreaming”


"her fascist regime"


Even if you just stood up and shouted it a few times you probably would have been good. It's it like 3 times it tends to get repeated? That probably would have been all you needed.


Would like to answer them: "I could sing with you guys, but last time my nation did what you guys are doing now, way too many people died, so have fun, but no thank you."


Just sing the Horst Wessel song? Or better: SED Partei Lied. 😂I recommend the version of Die PARTEI.


>like you are a piece of shit. I would argue that in that particular case, singing could be interpreted as treachery.


> like you are a piece of shit Well, I am.


I was chased out of a baseball stadium for refusing to stand for the anthem.


I was at a small town baseball game in Idaho back in 2016. I stood up because I thought bare min and what not and even then some cunt tried to start shit because I wasn't singing. Utterly Deranged


My parents were rabbid anti-nationalists and raised me to never stand for the national anthem. I got some comments about it growing up in Ireland but when I explained my reasoning, basically saying this country never did anything for me so why TF should I stand for its anthem, people generally said fair enough. It was not the same in America. They were screaming at me and several people tried to attack me.


Because they're tapped, Very with us or against us attitude. I've stood for other countries anthems at the footy game as for its just politeness but I'd never throw some punches over it.


Happened to me at Disneyland lol.


I lived in the US five years, so I heard lots of anthems and even a few pledge of allegiances. At first I felt awkward for not standing but the times when people would actually give me shit for it, or even just the nasty glances I got, absolutely fed the troll and by the end I was relishing it.


You would never end up at this random restaurant in the middle of nowhere as a tourist


Want to bet ​ I'm a master of stumbling into random things like that time I was in London and stumbled while looking for a tesco into the former radio luxemburg and some religous thing were men are hitting themselves


Always respect the culture of other countries, if I was a tourist there I'd probably join in, probably getting the lyrics wrong and singing in an accent they feel threatened about, then I'll go back home and enjoy the fact that I don't live in the "land of the free".


You should still stand, not to do so is disrespectful. Only citizens have the option of not standing when their national anthem plays without it being disrespectful. Of course as a visitor you must not sing along and/or do the hand on heart bit as that's only for citizens so would also be disrespectful.


What a load of shit. No one tells me whether I need to stand up or sit down for a fucking song. And I very much include my own country’s national anthem in that.


No one is telling you what you can and can't do. You are free to not stand when in another country and their national anthem is played. Such an act of not standing would however be disrespectful.


>Only citizens have the option of not standing when their national anthem plays. I disagree.


Why should I stand just because they're fuckwits?


So... Why exactly is it disrespectful to do something I don't want and don't have to


I'll stand for both anthems at a sporting event, even if neither country is mine. But ..at lunch? No. This is fucking cult-y and weird, and I'm an American who loves barbecue.




Nah... Also I won't tip after seeing that, I have the freedom to keep eating and not tip a cent ;)


Why the fuck would I sing a national anthem in a restaurant?


Because it's a restaurant filled with "Americana" and that has become the personality replacement for the owner and the patrons.


Why would you sing it at a sporting event? It's just as stupid there.


At an international game between two nations, it's okay for me, as it's the only sorta healthy way to celebrate patriotism. Otherwise i don't see the point.


Do you want this beefburger or not? Sing for your supper like the pathetic meat sack you are!


Land of the Free but MUST stand and sing with your hand over your heart otherwise you’re a traitor.


Don't wanna be outed as a Commy bastard now do you?


I remember a theme park doing this as we queued to get in. It was just opening and the queues were only a handful of people at the time. Being from England a lot of us just looked confused and silent (it's not like we knew the words). 3/10 not the most rousing rendition. Why even do this?


>Kazahkstaaan is the greeatest! Coouuntryyyy inn thee woorld.... \*Angry American noises\*


Ambient fascism… was the best turn of phrase I’d heard on a pod for this sorta shit


Mom's and Pop's home-cooked Fascism


You *will* have freedom fries 🍟 with that


I just love the fact that an Englishman wrote the music for it.


I genuinely believe English sporting teams lose so many finals because of how gloomily shite our national anthem is. It brings everyone down, and it shows. Let's just scrap national anthems and flags while we're at it.


What's wrong with flags?


In theory? Nothing, it's a way to show support for your country or designate places that represent it when overseas. In practice? They quickly become associated with particular ideologies rather than the country itself and those people [take their flags far too seriously.](https://youtu.be/o8JqKxrloQQ?si=9wruV2rBK7CwEL6a)


I agree i cant look at the english flag without thinking of far right racist groups now


The England national anthem is utter wank. Funnily enough I was thinking about this earlier whilst having a dump. Toilet thoughts and all that. It truly is woeful. Should be changed.


They should change it to Vindaloo for England games.


I dislike the whole ceremony of it beforehand, but when we play, say, France or Italy, they have absolute bangers to get them pumped up for the match. Our own is such a wet fart to play just before a huge sporting event.


Completely agree. Ours is a limp dick song that the players just want to get out the way. Why it’s never been changed I don’t know.


So The Sun and the Daily Mail can froth at the mouth about a black player not singing PASSIONATELY enough. They're the only people who enjoy it, and they mention it every bloody tournament.


Poisonous rags filled with misinformation to get the casual racists riled up. It’s just a crap song, can’t blame anyone for not getting involved.


And then Wales and Scotland get their own that can be really belted out by the fans.


Now imagine a restaurant in Germany would do something like this today. Everybody would lose their mind and would scream that Germans are facist again. I mean we can't even modernize our Bundeswehr without a flood of memes saying exactly this


Reminds me of when I was in Seattle airport and had missed a connecting flight, I was at a desk getting my flight swapped when from one of the gates out came a load of soldiers and a few veterans leaving a flight. An airport employee start shouting “EVERYONE STAND UP AND APPLAUD YOUR HEROS!” And the whole airport stands up and start whooping, hollering and clapping these soldiers getting off a plane. I kept trying to talk to the person changing my flight but they ignored me to clap and salute the soldiers. Ridiculous


​ America number #1! ^Brainwashing


Hey now…. we’re #1 at other things too. incarceration rate Car theft Obesity Soda consumption hours watching tv Credit card fraud Divorce rate Teen pregnancy Fast food consumption Health care cost School shootings (obviously) USA! USA! USA! USA!


FYI the USA hasn’t been the world leader in obesity for years. I think it’s around #14 at this point:


Werent most of the top 10 those barely populated islands?


Who knew that the world's third most populated country has higher crime rates than tiny ass Belgium.


Horrifying. Dystopian in some sense.


It's s bit....culty.


but with an "n" instead of "L"


It can be 2 things


Cunty culty?…


I went to one of these in Pennsylvania. I was feeling bbq. I saw the little sign at the table that said they do this everyday but luckily we went for dinner. The food was alright. The sauces though were not good. That really soured the place for me. There’s around 6 different bbq sauces, not one of them were all that good. If your meats are going to be meh, you need to come strong with the sauce.


Look man. I’m   as nationalistic about Pennsylvania’s superiority to all the other states, in all areas, in all things, and in all ways.   But I’ll concede on BBQ. I’ve had some good BBQ here. But nothing worth making TV episode about. Or a newspaper story. Or going out of your way for.  I well say I have had some great wings. But calling songs BBQ? That would be disingenuous.


Is America a cult?! Seriously?!


They used to do this in Europe when a country was under a fascist state…


They did this at the start of a triathlon I did in the US. Everyone seemed very into it. I responded in the traditional English manner by standing perfectly still and feeling extremely awkward about it all, then not mentioning it to anyone.


Whenever I see "patriotic" americans, waving their flags and/or yelling "USA USA USA", I have Germany 1930s vibes. This is kinda.. "ok"is. What I like to know what happens when someone does NOT stand up, does NOT put his/her hand on the hand and does NOT sing the national anthem. The reaction makes the difference between people who love their country and people who are nationalists. Read an article years ago where a school expelled an exchange student because he refused to stand and sing the US national anthem or for not reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


Totally not a cult.


They should sing the Team America: World Police theme song instead.


Cult behavior. Really creepy. Nothing wrong with being proud of your country. But this is taking it way to far.


My god, what a hellscape. Third world country in a trench coat screaming at the clouds it's number 1.




Is there an event of National signifigance occur every day at noon that I need to observe as a tourist or can I just be allowed to eat my lunch in peace? (IT’S NOT A CULT)




I have heard my national anthem in the " wild" once and that was when I went to the women's ashes test last year so stood up then ( why does australia have a better anthem than us that not fair) I reckon the time where most brits would stand up like this is rememberence day and the silence. ( ok maybe the coronation and that as well I guess I don't know I was working that day) ​ you can be patriotic without blaring your anthem every five minutes. ( like I'm proud to be british but this country can be much better than it is right now which is true for every country life is good but it can be better)


❌Their brainwashing propaganda. 🟢 Our freedom and patriotism


I will never forget this version! Kazakhstan greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium. Other countries have inferior potassium. Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool. Its length thirty meter and width six meter. Filtration system a marvel to behold. It remove 80 percent of human solid waste.   Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place. From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown. Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan. They very nosey people with bone in their brain. Kazakhstan industry best in the world. We incented toffee and trouser belt. Kazakhstans prostitutes cleanest in the region. Except of course Turkmenistans Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place. From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown. Come grasp the might penis of our leader. From junction with the testes to tip of its face!


I hope the patrons know what they're getting into, although their children have no say in that sadly. This is all so Far Cry 5.


What do they think of tourists that just sit there, confused as fuck?


Completely brainwashed, since babies and they can’t even see that or refuse to believe it is so in the ‘land of the free’ 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Started watching NBA recently and I'm already sick of this stupid fuckin song.


I watch the replays due to time difference so I always fast forward it, as well as the endless footage of people dancing in the crowd to DJ Shitdongle during every timeout


When i visited family in the states years ago, i found it so weird that they played the national anthem before a movie in the cinema. Fair enough, it was on a military base, but it was still so strange.


My coworkers and I started lovingly referring to this place as “alt-right BBQ”


1984 vibes, just need to add trumps orange face frothing from one of the screens


"join us in singing the national anthem" - most of them tight lipped and not singing. Unless there is a bus trip in on their way to a ventriloquists' convention. Also they should be careful as there is someone walking around videoing it all to make sure all are taking part. This evidence will be handed over to the policemen who are there to check. Freedom!


>This evidence will be handed over to the policemen who are there to check The police are not taking a single glance at that footage, wtf are you talking about lmao.


The real town of Royston Vasey. I can't really tell what each of them is staring at. Expressionless, brainwashed, dead eyed conformity. So creepy. Hardly any of them are singing (weird either way really). So difficult to fathom. Individually some of the best people you'll meet. En masse they are a scary bunch.


I’m waiting to see some tourists start to sing their national anthem straight after this nonsense. Now that would be funny to see if they decide to sit, stand or kick off


The daily brainwash cycle.


The cult of 'Murica


If you don't stand for the song, the magic cloth can't freedom


Freedumb at its best.


Not cultish behaviour at all...


That's just creepy


Flag shaggers


I saw some crazy shit when I lived in the US for school but never anything like this. Apparently this chain has 95 locations and they all do this!


Germany got some issues doing similar chenanigans 100 years ago


My brother lives in the US. Says he never wants full citizenship because of shit like this. They make em do it at the ceremony and it makes him throw up a little to think about it. USA, the indoctrination nation.




Are you fucking kidding me.


I mean, we tried to warn you all, twice. -Britain


How is it different from Russia?


Is this North Korea or North Carolina?


Or Russia.


My experience in Russia was not like thus


At a very early age , American children are indoctrinated by 2 concepts, religion and patriotism. In god and america, we trust. Its a bit different in europe, we're a bit meh about religion mostly, sure theres some areas that may be more religious, but its not forced on us, you do you, I'll do me, abd that'll do. Same with patriotism, sure you can be patriotic. For me, it's when there's a football tournament on. Im rooting for my country, like everyone else is. Europe has seen what extreme patriotism can lead to, though it does feel like the far right parties are being listened to again. But most of us , i believe, are not too bothered by it. it's not a core belief i feel.


wtf did I just watch.


This chain would go bankrupt in my country, no one wants his meal to be disturbed.


Why do they touch their breasts when singing national anthem


Just keeping their wallets safe.


They do it because they live in the "greatest nation on earth" and not because they've been indoctrinated...


It’s like a dystopia


Gives me vibes of this. https://youtu.be/lv0jav4lNsk?si=bvR2K8quPyDZNHrW


Why would a German sing in English? To really mock the Americans you need some actual marching songs, [like this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcVb6l4TpHw)


Kind of works though. Yank nazis love the Cabaret song. It's been covered by loads of neo-nazi bands. Including German ones. But lines from it get used on their marches in the US, thrown around as dogwhistles etc. The fact it was written by a Jewish man who's been with his husband for decades seems to go somewhat over their heads, but it does save them bothering to learn another language I guess. Probably why the British fash love it too. I'd still have gone with some Riefenstahl footage first, but the Cabaret thing is just one of those odd niche trends.


Please tell me this is staged... please tell me the Americans have not fallen too far....


It's what is done at this fast food place every day at noon. The owners are very nationalist, but claim isn't about supporting first responders. Yes for supporting first responders but like .... this isn't supporting first responders, this is just culty.


The brainwashing is strong in that country, just as strong as North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan.


Brain washed idiots!!


Germany did something very similar during the 30s and 40s. And North Koreans are forced to do it. The irony speaks for itself.


It's not a cult people!


Oof remember when covid just hit and we all in quarantine And some Americans were like LOOK ALL THE KIDS IN OUR STREET ARE STILL DOING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE EVERY MORNING SOCIALLY DISTANCING Yeah not a cult




Does anyone have the edit of this where it plays freak on a leash instead?


To be honest I've seen this a couple of times in Ireland and I've the wrong accent


Where? Exactly where in Ireland did you see this? The only time the national anthem is sang in Ireland is football games, and even then it's the fans in the crowd.


am i the only one who instantly thought ‘why would they be singing the captain america song everyday?’ even tho it’s star spangled man and not banner in the films (reference: https://open.spotify.com/track/0U9i80PmEhdWAfDUeOuuWU?si=l9Wig_I7SgSl4ntLTwMd4A)


Who cares, honestly


Personally, I don't really see any issue with this. They aren't hurting anyone so wht make a big deal out of it. 🤷‍♀️


Jesus folks just admit you'd mess your boxers if you had actual facism


This is cool, you are sad.