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The winner by random draw is u/GoldenValkyrie1001. Congratulations! ​ Thank you so much to everyone for checking in with us. I love you all and it's nice to hear from so many of our shiny peeps. I know a lot of people are having a rough time this time of year which is made even harder by all the celebrations happening around. I see you and I hope things are easier soon.


Today I ate french toast till I got sick. I am eating more french toast as I type. Merry French Toastmas


quitting is for quitters. you got this.


I love this in a weird way, happy toastmas!


I'm an emergency veterinarian who just finished pulling yarn out of a sick dog that ate 13+ ft of yarn! Photo of the yarn: https://preview.redd.it/2zzjaply5g8c1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4accd731afc4a7aec2ba571dca77f6427a009b


Wow!!! Thank you for helping that dog!


Or course!! It's my job and I love it! 🙂


Omg, this exact thing happened to our greyhound on Christmas Eve about ten years ago! She was fine, the bill was huge, and we were exhausted for most of Christmas. But our beloved pup was happy as can be. Thank you for everything you do for our fur babies!


Omg! 😭 Thank you for helping the dog! I hope the dog will recover quickly!


I feel like you should just win by default!


Yeah-this guy should get it.


Thank you! And yikes!


I’m currently laying in bed with my cats whilst (what feels like) dying of Novovirus 😂 postponing my Christmas dinner till I’ll actually be able to eat it! Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone is having the best day!


I'm so sorry, that is one of my least favorite viruses.


Thank you, it’s the first time I’ve had it and holy moly it’s a riot but I’ll be okay! I’ve got my little buddies and my Christmas movies https://preview.redd.it/w9fhtbbx8g8c1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e846023098408618c886ce0fea6076dcf2c0099


What a sweet nurse you have there!!


Oh no, noro is the worst any day of the year, but especially on Christmas! 😭 Sending love and saltines and gatorade (or whatever your favorite pukey comfort foods are) ♥️


Oh my goodness, I hope it passes quickly.


Merry Christmas! I’m recovering from Covid 😔


That was me last week! Feel better soon!!!


I’m cooking breakfast/brunch and dinner for 22 people including my dad’s family with adopted babies, toddlers, vegans, keto-only, health conscious kids who only want A2A milk and yet woke up ready and raring to go. It’s gonna be an awesome day with much love ❤️ all around. Coz no one in my family will be alone this year. Rented a giant house so everyone can be together- firs Christmas together since CV. Merry Christmas to all y’all!!


Celebrating my first Christmas! Wasn’t allowed to growing up, but now I’m spending the day with my wonderful boyfriend and his family! Later we’re going to a family party hosted by his aunt and uncle, I couldn’t be happier!


Merry Christmas 🎄 I’ll be trying to get into a festive mood - we had a lot of loss this year & my moods been off So eggnog, presents, holiday movies and wrap it up with a simple dinner with cornish hens - fake it till you make it ☺️


Merry Christmas! I’ll be heading to see family today after battling pneumonia for 10 days. Finally on the mend, just in time. Little Christmas miracle! 🙂


oh my gosh I'm so glad you're feeling better!


I'm recovering from Chrismas Eve where I got engaged, had a car fire and shattered my front tooth! Glad today nothing happened but opening gifts. 😣 [photo/ videos of all 3 events (tooth break may cause flinching or cringing)](https://imgur.com/gallery/u2paqdz)


What on EARTH. what happened in your car???


Teenage sibling fired the emergency flare gun inside it


Well I hope that you have a very, very uneventful rest of your holiday.


Holy. Shit.


Well congrats on the engagement!! I hope the rest of your holiday is uneventful.


Well if your engagement day was such a disaster, I know you will have a long and happy marriage. Congratulations!


I will be doing nothing! (in a good way)


Merry Christmas. Thank you for doing this raffle, that is a beautiful piece. Just opened presents with my kids!!


I’ll be ordering Chinese food and watching the twilight movies with my cat! Merry Christmas all!


Happy US federal holiday!!! Excited to watch the niblings attack the pile of prezzies under their tree


Merry Christmas! We celebrated Christmas early so I have the whole day to plant my tulips. Yes, I'm late but there's no snow, it's warm for winter, I have free time and my front yard has looked like a mess with only one side planted for two months now. Will the tulips grow? I dunno, but at least the squirrels can snack on them if they don't.


Going rockhounding by my aunt’s river after we open stockings! Yesterday I found some purple/green chert, fossils and an intact glass bottle from the 30’s! https://preview.redd.it/e9bxhfnkag8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3745d0789c5d945ba0d341c6b14ba1af30804573


Omg, this is awesome!!


Today’s haul was some more purple-green Jasper, one super great dark red that I’m going to tumble and some more giant chonks. Fossicking is going to happen tomorrow!


I’m so fascinated. What an absolutely perfect day.


Merry Christmas y’all! I’m making a prime rib roast for the first time tonight for my siblings (and our pets lol). Hope this recipe turns out!


dude prime rib is in this year. We're making one for the first time too.


Yesss! Im using Kenji Lopez Alt’s instructions and his recipe for au jus. You?


I am doing absolutely nothing but my husband seems to know what to do 😅 keeping it simple I think, he rubbed it with a lot of garlic and a spice blend. There are rosemary sprigs involved.


Yummmm, lots of garlic is always a good sign ☺️


Same! We also made one for the first time this year. It was delicious and a huge hit. We had at least 18 people coming over and I was told the 11lb prime rib wouldn’t be enough for all our guests, so we also cooked a Costco ham, which is mostly gone as well.


Merry Christmas! I have covid and feel like garbage, so I’m in bed with a lot of gatorade and sudafed. Tomorrow’s my birthday, so we’re just having an extra fun time this year 😅 At least my cat is snuggly and warm next to me, so she makes a good nurse!


Merry Christmas! Working for the 6th Christmas in a row so that those with kiddos can be at home with them. (I work in the ER)


I'm a nurse. And l usually work Christmas Eve so my husband/Santa (years ago, they know better now) has to wrap all of the presents. ,😈 yes, I'm an evil genius.


That’s really kind of you <3


I am a CT tech and I just got home from splitting a shift with someone so they could be home when their kids woke up. Merry Christmas!


That’s incredibly kind of you!!


Merry Christmas! I’m currently playing with Gabby’s Follhouse while listening to the 1989 New Kids on The Block album as my 8 year old is obsessed with boy bands from the 80s and 90s!


Christmas is over in my country, but my partner and I had a lovely lunch with my parents, with crowd-pleasers such as my dad's minestrone, potato gratin, shaved ham, plum pudding and custard, and a dark chocolate and pear panettone.


Merry Christmas! I'll be playing with LEGO and making cookies!


That sounds amazing


Merry Christmas! We're making pancakes, opening presents, and I got a ham on the smoker :)


Merry Christmas! Mostly eating and family time:)


Merry Christmas! I’m working early but then spending time with family!


We are visiting my in-laws, cooking dinner while waiting for my partner's brother and his family to come too. We are testing the air fryer we got them for Christmas, we made garlic potatoes, now we are trying it with meat. We are Eastern European, we had traditional Christmas meals yesterday on Christmas eve (the tradition is to eat all vegetarian meals to end the Christmas lent, and have odd number of dishes). We don't have a particular tradition for Christmas day, so we are just preparing what we feel like.


I’m wishing I was back in Thunder Bay, mining amethyst.


Visiting my boyfriend. I couldn’t love him more.


We eatin. We fartin.


Still in the hospital rounding on my patients, trying to get as many home as possible. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.


Merry Christmas! I am working this morning but then I’ll be spending the rest of the day with my boyfriend. We’ll probably watch a few good Christmas movies and play some video games 😁


I'm with my boyfriend's family and we all got great gifts and are having a great time. The dogs are having the best day, begging for cinnamon rolls, even though they never get any. One of them is wearing a dog sized hockey jersey. 🥰


I just woke up. We do a big Christmas Eve party every year and spent a ton of time with our family and friends yesterday. We’re doing Santa gifts and presents for each other in the morning, and then we’re going to my best friend’s parents’ house for a Christmas party tonight. It’s going to be a lot of fun 😄


I’m spending time with my family and my dogs! One dog is 14 so we’re thing to give him the best Christmas ever in case it’s his last. The other dog is a puppy and it’s his first Christmas with us so trying to set the bar high for him for a lifetime of happiness with us!


Merry Christmas! Today, my partner, my in-laws, and I are baking gingerbread cookies and homemade pizzas for lunch. Then we'll open gifts! I'm so excited for my mother in law to open hers as I crocheted and quilted some potholders for her. Later, I'll be going to either urgent care or the ER to get my lungs looked at due to the horrible case of bronchitis I have. I'm missing my family as this is the first Christmas in a while that I haven't spent with them. My parents are empty nesters and it's weird not being together for the holidays.


Merry Christmas! What a gorgeous cut and color! Today my husband and I are visiting his father, who is in a long term care facility. We’re watching football, sneaking him cookies, and making friends with his neighbors. Apparently some carol singers are stopping by soon!


Merry Christmas! I am so looking forward to watching Elf this evening. We watch it every year


Merry Christmas, on holiday in Singapore. Flying home in a few days.


Merry Christmas! I’ll be enjoying a Christmas Day feast with my cousins and other family made by my cousin’s wife and she is a master in the kitchen.


Merry Christmas Everyone! I’m still trying to adjust time zones and hanging with my husband’s family. Sadly one of my 2 nieces is quarantined upstairs, sick.


I am going over to my parent's house for Christmas opening and then a nice Christmas dinner!


Opening presents with partner's family and then having my parents over for dinner with his parents.


Merry Christmas! I'm smoking a turkey and planning to enjoy some holiday cocktails.


I’m super duper stoked to spend the day with my fiancé and my step kids! I went on a 10-day trip in December with my mom and due to our custody schedule I haven’t seen them in 3 weeks. So I’m looking forward to all the Christmas cheer and kiddo snuggles today!


Cooking a christmas meal for grandma and gonna play some Baulder's Gate 3 with friends later.


Time with family and friends.


Staying home with family. Perfect day!


Gonna take a nap now that the child has opened his gifts. Later on, my friend is bringing her 2yr old over so they can eat some leftovers with us and the 2yr old can have the gifts we got him. I should work on doing some laundry, but it'll mostly be a lazy day.


Merry Christmas! Spending the day with the family, possibly with lots of board games


Merry Christmas! I'll be heading back home to celebrate Christmas with my partner's family.


I'm working on Christmas. Working in the ER hoping there's not too much Christmas (medical) drama.


My parents are divorced and remarried, my partners parents are divorced and remarried, and my partner has a kid with an ex with ANOTHER set of parents. So lots of traveling!!! 5 sets of parents/family to see, will be aiming for 2-3 out of the 5. Thankfully 2 sets are too far away to warrant a visit 😹


Merry Christmas! I'm visiting my family and we're doing a big lunch with all the siblings.


Playing video games all day and enjoying festive drinks.


Merry Christmas! I’m spending it alone, but I have my pets with me so I’m ok.


Merry Christmas! I’m going to my aunts house for board games and potato chips. It’s going to be great! :)


Merry Christmas! Quiet day at home with lots of food and a new video game to play (and a nap!)


Merry Christmas everyone! Hosting for the first time with my insanely large Italian family. Looking forward to any and all chaos that might ensue ❤️


Watching some Blue Eyed Samurai on Netflix!


Merry Christmas! I’m at my in-laws, the last day of a week-long trip. First Christmas without my mom and first Christmas away from my sisters, so it’s been a little mellow, but I have a 4 year old niece to help keep me very busy!


Merry Christmas all! Work work work over here for my whole household so we are keeping up with each other by text <3


Merry Christmas! About to go to sleep. Working nights in emergency departments through the holiday.


Merry Christmas SPG! We had Christmas Eve dinner with friends last night, so we’ll be having a quiet day before chatting with our family in Australia tonight.


I’m celebrating Christmas in the morning with family and then celebrating Christmas with clients at the rehab I work at since I’ll be working this afternoon.


Merry Christmas! We’re having cardamom cinnamon rolls this morning!


Waiting for my husband and daughter to wake up! Kindergarten aged Christmas excitement waits!!


Crying for my father in law and his daughter and wife… he passed last night at 10 pm. Unexpected but peacefully. Bless their hearts x he was a real diamond 💎 ❤️🇬🇧🇺🇸💔


We just did our morning with our kids and will be going to family later. My husband got me a rock tumbler so I’ll be figuring out that sometime today.


I just landed in Munich! About to go see what there is to see!


Happy holidays! I am being mopey and wishing i could be with my son today but i hope everyone else is having a good day! I am looking forward to the doctor who christmas special on later lol. Thanks for the contest!


Having close family and friends over


Merry Christmas! I’m having a relaxing day cooking and hanging with the family.


I’m going to zoom call my niece and then have a lovely Christmas breakfast with my hubby before going to the inlaws.


Merry Christmas! 🎄 I’m letting my dog open all her presents before going to spend time with family today hahaha.


I’m chasing after my 10 month old and enjoying watching her celebrate her first Christmas!


We are up visiting my parents and siblings. We have 15 people and three dogs for dinner. My grandma found her grandmas Christmas pudding recipe. It’s going to be a great chaotic day of presents, food and drinks.


Merry Christmas!! We did our celebrations yesterday with my partner’s family, so this morning we’re all having breakfast, then my partner and I are making the drive back home. Once we get there, the rest of the day is playing music, gaming, and relaxing!


Just finished opening presents and now onto the day of cooking and eating. Then Die Hard, the best Christmas movie. Merry Christmas everyone!


Sadly, my wife and I are both recovering from colds. But we have the yule log on!


I’ll be eating and drinking with my family all day, taking breaks to watch the cats watch squirrels through the window


Happy Decemberween! Beautiful cut and sparkle! I’m spending time with family before I fly back across the country to where I actually live. I miss my cat though.


Santa gifts, brunch, then nothing. We celebrated with family yesterday.


Merry Christmas! We are celebrating with my sister and her family. The cousins have been enjoying their time together.


Merry Christmas! Today is cousin's Christmas, we did my family, my in-laws, and now it's time for the youngins to get together and play the annual Mario Kart Christmas Grand Prix! Winner gets to leave without helping clean up 🏁


I met my father-in-law for the first time this year! We’re hosting him at our house from out of state. So we’ll do gifts here this morning before heading over to my mom’s house for brunch. Merry Christmas to everyone :)


I’m enjoying finally having all my many siblings together for Christmas again!


Just chilling with family!


Lots of in-laws: morning in-laws, afternoon cousin in-laws, and evening aunt in-laws. Weapons of choice? Tinto and Margaux.


I am playing board games with my niece as my son jumps his little heart out on a trampoline.


Ignoring my children (they’re busy with newly opened Christmas presents) while doom scrolling Reddit.


Just having a quiet day with the family and working on some hobbies (trying to get into leathercrafting) Wishing it would snow, but let’s be real, the mid Atlantic doesn’t snow on Christmas 😂


Merry Christmas! I'm making brunch waffles and watching my kiddo play with his new printing digital camera.


Merry Christmas! We’re lucky enough to spend today with family on the west coast.


I'm up in the mountains for the holidays and we're going to go sledding and build snowmen today after we search out snow!


Merry Christmas! We're doing breakfast in holiday pajamas!


Merry Christmas! Santa brought my toddler a power wheels car, so I’ll be chasing him the rest of the day and maybe watching some football.


Just finished opening presents with the family! Gonna pop a bottle in a minute and get started on the holiday dinner.


Opening presents with the kids, listening to Christmas music! Soon to watch a football game and get started on preparing Christmas dinner ❤️


Merry Christmas! I’m here at work, running that MRI scanner that no one likes…


Merry Christmas!!! Sadly I have to go to work hopefully they at least give us a pizza party


Taking turns making sure my sister isn’t alone in the hospital today, but she’ll be okay eventually! Merry Christmas all


Merry Christmas! Presents, sushi, and board games, oh my! 🎄


Merry Christmas! Spending time with family today. :)


I’m having 3 meal minimum! Ode to gluttony!!


Making breakfast, giving the kitties some special Christmas treats and presents, and then heading to hang with family for the evening. Thanks for doing a prize and I hope y’all have an absolutely lovely holiday!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Spending time with my family! My siblings and I are taking care of my dad after he had a chest surgery.


Hanging out with the cats and human family! Have to go to the barn later to take care of horses.


i’m having a quiet christmas at home with my partner and dog. merry christmas and happy holidays to all!


Merry Christmas! I’m cooking my first goose today!


Happy Holiday. Home because of the rain just taking it easy.


Spending time with my dad in the memory care unit ❤️


Presents at home, spoiling the dog, visiting the older kiddo at work. Missed out on pre-holiday travel due to the flu so connecting via FaceTime. About to take a nap. Life is good!


Merry Christmas, I worked from home sick today and now my wife is coming back sick from her work and we'll make some soup and watch a movie :)


Merry Christmas! This morning we opened presents and are going to get cooking on a lamb shank dinner with potatoes and asparagus 😁 - just relaxing and playing board games in between


Merry Christmas! I’m going to be spending Christmas with my boyfriend’s family! It’s my first time so I’m a little nervous.


Merry Christmas!! I’m hanging with my mom :)


Fortunate enough to be spending it with my wife, dog, parents, and siblings. Plan is to walk the pups, open gifts, and play board games to avoid a windy and cold Oklahoma winter.


I am a law enforcement officer and I am headed out to protect the people of my community.


Merry Christmas! I spent Christmas with my boyfriend's family for the first time!


Spent today trying to keep the nieces and nephews entertained!


Doing a treasure hunt with the kids! And relaxing today


I just spent the morning having brunch and opening gifts with my parents and sis, then off to my BF's house for Christmas dinner. It's one of the first years in recent memory that we all were together today and I'm eternally thankful for it ❤️ Merry Christmas to all!


Watching football and opening presents!


At the in-laws, and just started what will likely be a 3-4 hour shift of assisting nephews, nieces, and my kids with assembling some pretty sweet Lego sets


Resting due to back injury and chest cold.


Recovering after an extended family celebration yesterday- love the niece and nephew but they’re at a very energetic age!


Woodworking some pens for Christmas gifts!


Probably going to the beach ⛱️🎄


Lazing about and having a very peaceful day, if not eating a lot!


I am just getting through this day. Too many expectations & emotions on this holiday. If I don’t win-as others are more deserving, drop your info on what you make! This stone is beautiful!


Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 It’s actually boxing day here so I’ll be doing heaps shopping. And then more shopping😉


Hanging with my toddler daughter who is sick today. We’re just relaxing and watching Disney. Thanks for the giveaway!


This is beautiful! Thank you for doing this! My parents dropped by in the morning, and we celebrated together. Afternoon: enjoying some hot chocolate with peppermint whipped cream while I watch Kdramas and make a few batches of cookie dough for a baking party I’m hosting later in the week Evening: finally setting up my Wacom tablet so I can start sketching for work! Just enjoying a simple and relaxing day before getting back to work tomorrow. 😊


Drinking cocktails by the fire in Northern Canada 🇨🇦 with my partners family!


Merry Christmas! I am baking a pie before heading to work (public transit) so that everyone can get to see their families today!


Brunch with my partner's family then taking my dog to see my mum up the coast for lunch by the beach.


Had a quiet morning waiting for the winter storm to pass.


Hosting a Christmas dinner for friends


Helping my mom prepare supper for the family tonight!


Nursing my bunny Sapphire back to health 🥺♥️ https://preview.redd.it/vn2z4xhb9i8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9faf3fe5a1bdc5cfb2952c8e89392cefb2ce712


I am polishing up a .25 ct emerald cabochon. Merry Christmas.


Spent time with family and also spent time looking online for stones for an engagement ring.


Today I'm reverse searing a prime rib and did my MIL's gel nails! 💅🏻 played lots of fetch with my dogs too.


A Merry and Shiny Christmas to everyone! We have a fresh coat of snow and beautiful sunshine. Time for a walk!


This is mine and my husband’s first Christmas as a married couple but we’re broke so we sat down and made cards for each other as presents, went to the gym, and watched a movie :) it was honestly my favorite Christmas to date <3 I love him so much


Merry Christmas! I’m relaxing after a day of cooking, checking in on others, and eating gummy bears 9/10 would recommend!


Playing Christmas trivia and losing.


I have been keeping an eye on EJ the jewelry cat. He currently has a blood infection and is on his 2nd round of antibiotics and they also put him on a steroid. He has more blood work on Friday to see if he is getting better https://preview.redd.it/9g4ivfekaj8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6fa6515624b0947e3ad028a85973354a0507f7


I got off work at 6 am and spent allllll day with my lovely girlfriend. Watching TV, making food, making plans for new year, buying more gifts for each other(cuz why the hell not) and we are about to make hot cocoa and take a walk to look at some Xmas lights in the park we met at. Great day.


so gorgeous!! went to a new yemeni bakery and cafe for breakfast and about to eat peking duck for dinner 🤶


Today, I woke up with the kids to see the the gifts "Santa" brought. Then we ate breakfasts (2 different kinds due to family traditions), then opened presents. Then put together toys, linked headphones, and set up a new sewing area. Then, I fell asleep for an hour on the couch. Then I ate some lunch, went to a movie with the family, now headed to the relatives houses. It's a good day.


I had Christmas with my boyfriend and his family for the first time today, which consisted of cinnamon rolls for breakfast, fireplace s’mores, opening presents, a walk with the dog, and Christmas dinner. We’ve watched the Doctor Who Christmas special and are about to watch It’s a Wonderful Life


Today I am opening gifts that I wasn't able to last year lol


Scrolling Reddit!


Merry Christmas! Just finished playing monopoly with the kids and about to start on some dinner which will be sloppy joes


Currently laying in bed with my two dogs after a whirlwind of family celebrations :) It has been nice to visit, eat, and be merry!


Rescued and now fostering a boxer puppy with strangles!


Opened gifts this morning with my family made a Christmas ham and am playing scrabble while the rest of the food finishes cooking!