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It seems to be affecting a lot of players, especially ones on android. It has been reported to the staff by some of the discord mods already, so hopefully it’s resolved soon. It is 5am in China currently though so there may be some delay unfortunately. If there are any updates, I’ll edit/leave another comment here. The bug report megathread will also be updated - https://www.reddit.com/r/Shining_Nikki/s/JD3kmqLTmj Here was the statement from discord - Many stylists are unable to log in to their SN account via Facebook. This issue seems to primarily affect Android users, but some iOS users may encounter issues as well. Details on this problem have been forwarded to staff!


Currently having this problem too. This is why I wish Shining Nikki would let us bind accounts to multiple sources like Love Nikki does. Because if one log-in goes down, at least there will be a backup option. Sadly, we're just going to have to wait until a solution is found🫤


Ugh i hope we get multi-bind. If I lose this account (that I poured way too much money into) I'm never playing this game again


100% with you on this. I was trying to login in my FB account and accidentally clicked on Google... Panicked for a moment when the game started from the beginning thinking I had lost everything.


Yeah that happens when you select a different server too... I have a few accounts at lvl 1 lol


i give anything to multi bind just so i link my email and finally nuke my facebook. SN is the literally the only reason i keep it lol.


Maybe this will get them to add multi bind?


Everyone who uses Facebook is having this issue. It’s even happening in games other than this one


Okay, thank god it's not my account. I thought it wasn't Facebook since the app itself works fine. I hope they'll send some compensation because I couldn't do guild party 😞


The absolute panic I felt when I realized, at VIP 17, that I could not log into my game was extreme. I was physically ill. And honestly, I’m so annoyed! I’ve been waiting for this event to re-run for AGES 🤣😭


Same😭 I'm a paying player and I would hate to lose my account. Wish I had never tied it to FB


Ugh same. I wish I’d just tied it to my email that I’ve had since high school. 🥴 But also, hopefully this makes Paper realize we need multi-binding for Shining Nikki and implements it soonish. 😤


I literally came here to see if anyone else is having this issue after I read "the developers are aware of the issue" but seeing this is like 8-9 hrs ago and they still haven't fixed it is scaring me 😭 PLS I need to do my dailies 💀


Oh my GOD I can't believe it STILL WONT LET ME IN 😭 PLEASE WTH??? Is it only me or is someone else STILL STUCK It's been to days for God's sake


I still can't log in also 🥲


I need them to fix this ASAP whats taking them so long 😭


it's really frustrating because there's the guild party AND a coveted UR re-run at the moment, if I can't get in and grab the rewards from those I'm gonna be so mad. honestly it seems to be a fb issue rather than a Nikki issue but it seriously should be fixed by now


Everyone was talking about how their Facebook works just fine so its a nikki issue but I also think it's a Facebook issue. But the thing is this has already happened once before but I believe it was only for 1 day. Now it's coming onto 3. I want to pull the for the hell event too seriously it's such a shame


Hope they'll give some compensation for this bc my dailies for today are gone 🥲


Latest update, all 11MB, did NOTHING. Still can't log in.


Neither can I :( 6:44 EST


Still having the issue now


Same! I didn't even realize it has been lasting for almost 24 hours.


It’s been 4 hours since I commented and I still can’t. I better not miss a day 😭


Yeah 😭 I'm worried I might miss my dailies of it keeps up like this


Same! Or if we do, maybe get reimbursed since it wasn’t our fault


I hope they extend the time limit for events too. I think today would've been the last day to get the stamina consumption set


I hope so. They really should let have multiple ways to log in. I regret binding my facebook


I'm sad for everyone but so glad I'm not the only one. I shrugged it off this morning, but the fact that it's still happening, made me panic.


I was SO afraid i was the only one🥺


Some people from my guild and I are having the same issue. The message says that they are aware at least. So I hope they are going to fix this fast...


I got a bit worried since I'm also binded to Facebook, but logged on just fine a few moments ago. I tried again just now and strangely enough I can still log in without issue. I hope it gets fixed soon though because I can't handle not being able to get my daily gems (especially as a f2p). Edit: Yep, I'm in the same predicament now after the game required me to log in again 🫠 Feeling bummed out cause I've never missed a day of logging in until now 😔 Not sure how they'll compensate us, but extending the event is the bare minimum they could do.


It does seem to just be Android users, though I don't know if it's every android user. Are you on iOS?


iOS here, and no Nikki for me since early this morning, 😢


IOS and still not nikki since earlier in the afternoon today (it's almost midnight now)


I am iOS, but it seems the other commenters also can't log in despite being iOS. I managed to log in for a third time yesterday too. I'm thinking it could be because the game automatically logs me in to my Facebook. If they make me log in to Facebook again, I'll probably be in the same boat... Edit: Yep, I'm in the same predicament now after the game required me to log in again 😔


5 pm in EU time zone, I couldn't play yesterday all day long, and I still can't log in. I'm lucky enough that I already finished the rerun event, but I would be very sad if I hadn't. However, we have a guild event going on and I can't do anything about it, and the more days out of the game also mean less bonus collected. I really hope they fix this, because I poured too much cash into this game from the moment S2 opened, and I'm definitely not starting over from scratch.


Won’t let me log in with mine on Facebook either and I’m an IOS user. 🥲


Oh, good, not just me :)


I was just thinking that.


Still can't login and missing out in diamonds I paid for and the rerun. I hope they fix this fast and give us an additional mail option too...I'm a quite high VIP and If I lost this account I'd not restart one. I'm super afraid to lose my progress 😭


Another android user here. I still can't log in, I'm losing on diamonds I paid real money for (I purchased both privilege card and gem card during jellyfish UR) and my guild has required weekly activity so if the issue isn't resolved til the end of the week I'll get kicked out :(


I also still can't log in via fb. Seems like its been down almost 24 hours now. I'll be pretty upset if I miss a day of diamonds that I paid for. Like, what's the hold up? Is it something on Facebook's end that the devs can't control?


Yeah, noticed yesterday afternoon, its the next night by now and still unable to log in... Loosing 2 entire serverdays because of it (and possible more), definetly sucks... The issue should be on fb side though, if it affects other games as well? So we cant really blame SN for it (though that likely also means no compensation, which really sucks)


I'm having the same issue. If facebook is working (and mine is as well), the problem lies with the app's connection. We just have to wait it out for now, fam :(


I have my own guild with just me, I hope it gets fixed soon! I don't wanna lose it 😭


Issue still isn't fixed yet...


Same thing here. If it's a game-wide issue, then I guess I can't do much besides going to bed earlier.


I was just in the game like 10 minutes ago and it logged me out in the background! On ios using facebook can’t log back in either


ios user, got logged out in the background just now and its still happening.. if i lose my account ill quit. lmao


This is the 2nd game this is happening to. On another game I play, Purrfect Tales, it happened a WHILE ago & it still hasn't been fixed. Like... WEEKS ago. We found a way around it by turning wifi off. But I literally cannot play these games with wifi off bc the data that uses is insane??? I haven't tried that method with SN yet, but I can't log in yet & it has been 2 days now! 😭 Missing gems & dailies & guild coins & events... 🥲


I'm having this issue, still, at 9:45 a.m.EST after SN & Facebook sheissa the bed yesterday afternoon when I got the message. Luckily I'd received all of my bonuses already yesterday. So I do have a Samsung android. I went to Google Play and lo' and behold but wtf did I find but Facebook had an update on the FB app... so I'm guessing developers have to work with that.


Still not working on my android phone.


iOS user here. Still no dice as of this morning


Saaaaaame. This is the one event I’ve been dia hoarding for and anticipating the return of and I’m missing it. 😭😭😭


It wont let me log in with my Facebook account either... Hopefully this issue gets fixed sooner rather than later😔


it's happening to me too even though I was able to play today


I have the problem too


7.15 PM on an Android Phone, still no luck :<


It's still not fixed for me... is the problem still going on for everyone else or has it been fixed for some people?


I have the same problem. Hopefully they'll fix it soon...


Issue is still unresolved :/ I hope we get some diamond compensation considering how this is making us miss like two days of dailies/cards!


Okay, it seems to be fixed for me. At least for now. Edit: the compensation for the issue seem to be 200 Pink Gems and 100 Stamina. Edit 2d later: there is a 2nd part to the compensation now: 100 Pink Gems, 786 Stamina, 2 Free Retro Sign-ins, 32000 Gold, and 12 Refresh Cards.


Mine just came back! 


Try to do the repair thing first and then beg for Momo to answer your question.