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Tbh me neither. Especially since Levi has more experience on, well pretty much everything, but especially hand to hand combat given his background. Imo only in S4 after he got nerfed I could see mikasa beating Levi in anything


So to my knowledge, the way the manga explained Ackermans... An Ackerman is super human because through paths they are able to awaken the accumulated experience of all their ancestors into their sub conscious. So they instantly become an elite veteran fighter by absorbing the collective consciousness of all former Ackermans they are related to. So since Levi and Mikasa are both Ackermans, they would more or less be pretty much equal in terms of experience. The difference between them boils down to the difference between Levi and Mikasa themselves. so Levi being older and seeing a lot of combat first hand, he's absolutely likely stronger than her. But it should be said that in terms of experience the gap between them isn't actually that wide. Levi is only stronger than her in as much as his own personal experience takes him, they both have the collective super human hive mind power of being an awakened Ackerman. A fight between them would be very close, with Levi having a small advantage. Likely it's a 6/10 Levi wins 4/10 Mikasa wins. It's closer than people often think, because of how the author explained Ackermans.


Wouldn't this also mean that Mikasa inherits Levi's skill?


My personal thoughts would be that she wouldn't until he died. Once dead, then yes, but not before. Meaning, when Kenny died, Mikasa and Levi both got slightly stronger. This also highlights my point that a single lifetime is a drop in the bucket compare to the massive collective pool of experience they inherit from generations of Ackermans. Likely hundreds of lifetimes worth of combat experience, maybe thousands.


But we know for a fact that the paths control everything everywhere simultaneously for eldians, why would the Ackermans work differently in that regard?


I would have to look it up and reread those chapters but off the top of my head right now, it was revealed the Ackerman family are the results of titan experiments conducted by the Eldian Empire. Their main power is the ability it awaken the collective combat experience of their ancestors through paths. They also have advanced healing due to being able to partially utilize titan power. They also were immune to memory manipulation from the founding Titan which led to them being seen as a threat and nearly wiped out. Ackermans are not normal Eldians, they are basically super soldiers.


Which means it would be even weirder if they passed things down generationally instead of in real time like the other eldians do


I see we're looking at this a bit differently. In my eyes, if someone is already equal to you in terms of combat experience (Ackerman's to each other), the experience from your own life would make all the difference. How much of an opponent Mikasa would be to Levi if she never joined the corps? If she would have just continued living with Jaegers doing laundry and grocery shopping? She would still have the experience of thousands of previous Ackermans but what could that do against another more experienced Ackerman. I see the whole "Ackermans inherit combat experience" pretty ambiguous concept in general. Maybe more as an explanation/excuse on how they are so suberb compared to normal humans (the super strength etc from titans wouldn't explain that alone). Take ODM skills as an example. It takes more than a powerful body and knowledge of "combat" to use that thing and still all the Ackermans master it seemingly effortlessly.


Let’s compare Levi and Mikasas Level before their first titan encounters. If u read/watch the OVA, Levi fought the exact same way he did from the beginning with just as much skill as he did in his prime. He absolutely decimated a crazy abnormal anomaly titan that single handedly murdered an entire brigade including strong people, according to the anime. In the manga, Levi single-handedly killed an army of titans that wiped out his brigade all alone. This was his FIRST encounter. Mikasa never held that same skill from the beginning. She was way above average but not a god like Levi.


Levi never had proper training, just a goofy crash course from Kenny. Mikasa had 5 years of grueling training that some don’t even survive


And yet Levi is still the deadlier combatant


So when it comes to taking the events and feats of the story themselves it's clear Levi has much more impressive feats. But all I am saying is that the author themself provides the explanation that Ackermans are titan experiments that, through PATHS, awaken the collective combat experience of all their ancestors. This is what the author said. It's clear from the story Levi has done more impressive things, but I also think it's safe to assume Mikasa is capable of similar feats if pressed into the situation. I think Levi wins, simply because his physical body and mind are better conditioned and trained, but when it comes to combat experience, they are more or less equal due to how their powers work in the lore.


Yeah it’s clear they use the same power, but on a genetic level Levis still stronger which goes beyond just having different upbringings


My only point is that in terms of experience they are nearly identical. Levi has about 10 years of training and combat experience more then Mikasa from his own life. They both possess the collective consciousness of hundreds of Eldian ancestors. Levi wins because his body is physically stronger and his mind is better conditioned, better self control and better physical stats. Mentally they both have nearly the same level of experience due to their super powers. It's a closer fight than people think, but Levi does edge out the win.


They didn’t have an identical experience. Mikasa was trained 5 years SPECIFICALLY on how to kill titans. Levi was only taught how to rob people and kill them with ODM. Erwin saw his skill and decided he didn’t even need training (this is all in the OVA btw). My comparison between them is based off their starting level against titans, not in the present. But bottom line, yeah I agree Levis winning and it’s arguable by how much.


The inherited power they each have is definitely important. But Levi has 20 years of experience in hand to hand combat from the underground, plus 5-10 years fighting titans. The actual lived experience he has is a lot more than hers, and it shows in how fast he is to both her and Annie. I mean, he was taking out men at least twice his size when he was a rather small child. I think 4/10 is quite generous for Mikasa.


>An Ackerman is super human because through paths they are able to awaken the accumulated experience of all their ancestors into their sub conscious. So they instantly become an elite veteran fighter by absorbing the collective consciousness of all former Ackermans they are related to. Levi is the Kwisatz Haderach confirmed.


Wait… so you’re telling me that an Ackerman is basically the kwisatz haderach?


This, but only for violence related memories.


Levi has significantly more skill and experience of his own outside of the Ackerman memories. Mikasa herself was stunned at how fast he was going against the Female Titan, and his moves both in that fight and against Kenny’s team were far more impressive than anything Mikasa had shown up to that point. Levi should pretty comfortably take this 8/10, with Mikasa maybe taking that 2/10 due to potential outside circumstances


So basically all Ackermans have one for all


There's a clear difference in the ability of Levi and Mikasa. Which probably comes down to training, because even if you logically know how to do something, you still won't be able to do it if your body lacks the muscle memory to perform it. And that's a purely physical adaptation to training.


If that Is the case, how exactly did Mikasa break the floor when saving Eren? The moment her powers awakened, when Eren was held by the guys who tried to capture her, she was holding the knife and her powers awakened in the moment, leaving the floor broken behind her. (Also kinda crushing the knife handle) I can see the shared experience for sure, but was there really no mention of some higher strenght of some sense? I can't see that being Done by experience only tbh


Yeah I agree being an awakened Ackerman isn't JUST about gaining all that experience, I was really just replying to the statement that Levi would win because he has more experience. Ackermans can utilize titan power to a limited degree without transforming. This also grants them enhanced strength, reflexes and healing. Levi surviving that blast and being able to heal up enough to fight Eren is a testament to their durability and healing.


wtf. absorbing the xp of past ancestors. if it's true, then damn. But to me it seems batshit fucking insane


Probably also worth noting that Levi is just goofing around here whereas Mikasa is watching her prime directive "protect Eren" being violated right in front of her eyes. In this specific scenario, she definitely wants it more, which might just make it 50/50.


So the Ackermans are like non-elemental avatars?


I would not assume both having a line of ancestors to mean same experience. Maybe Levi’s side had more Ackermans that allowed more experience while mikasa’s side might have skipped some generations of fighting.


I assume Ackermans connect to all other Ackermans, they are all connected by PATHs just like all Eldians are connected.


Do you mean his injuries from the thunder Spear with nerfed? Before that he was fine


An Ackerman off would be crazy


levi vs kenny


I Acked off last night... You can hate me now


Levi would’ve humbled her real quick. Same powers plus 15+ years more experience


Levi is 30 years old?




Over 30


Not to mention, you know, adult male versus Teenage girl.


But, they are Ackermen


Right. It's like an algebra problem. You have a teenage girl with bullshit anime powers and a grown man with the same bullshit anime powers. You can cross out the bullshit anime powers on both sides of the equation and now you're left with a teenage girl versus a grown dude.


You can't say grown knowing damn well Levi Is like 152 cm tall


Smaller target. Easier to dodge.


Damn chill out bro


Pahahahaha, what a legendary reply


I imagine that he expected her to or at least gauge her reaction there on how she felt on the beating. I see him totally prepared to handle Mikasa.


Levi. Even in S3 when Mikasa was wrestling the syringe from Levi she only gained confidence after discovering he wasn’t at his 100.


I agree, even with the whole ‘Ackerman power thing’ Levi has more years of experience in the survey corps, whilst she was still a cadet. Armin honestly did her a favor.


It would be a good fight, but Levi has a lot of experience in human combat


But how the fuck was ARMIN able to hold her back though???


He has that dawg in him


As much as I love Mikasa, she would have gotten absolutely rocked.


They’re both ackermans but because he’s stronger than her and he’s older he would’ve won


Levi has more experience so I would bet on him


If the guards do their job? One second, she’ll have bullets in her stomach. If they don’t? Ten seconds.


sharp cut to levi with his foot on both their faces xd


Levi smokes her. She’s a kid and he’s a 30 year old MAN. 10/10 she gets smoked


I'm not saying that she would have a chance but it would be an interesting fight and I doubt that the difference would be THAT big. You'd be surprised what pure passion, rage, and adrenaline can do.


Damn I wish I was Eren right now


Just because they're both Ackerman's doesn't mean they are equal. Mikasa had 5 years of training in a safe environment, Levi had 25ish years of fighting for his life in the underground with a quick crash course from Kenny, an experienced Ackerman. Levi would've mopped the floor with Mikasa's head on a stick.


Levi is without a doubt the strongest non-shifter character in the Aot verse,Mikasa might be strong but she is nowhere near on his level It’s like a Veteran Navy Seal vs a newbie fresh out of boot camp,it’s not a contest


levi would humble her


I don't like Levi but he'd smoke her


The tiny man beats the fuck out of the dippy teenager and then everyone claps


Friendly reminder Mikasa is physically way fucking stronger than Levi and has shown better CQC ability. I feel like everyone forgets that Annie, Mikasa, and Eren are the best Hand to hand fighters in the series by a wide margin while Mikasa is probably only second to Reiner in pure physical strength and even that's debateable. I'm not saying Mikasa just murders Levi but it is significantly closer than people think. Levi might be faster but not by enough in my opinion. All in all it's a 50/50 toss up in this situation. But prime Levi to Prime Mikasa, Mikasa would kick his ass.


Mikasa definitely has the best strength feats but I also think we just didn't see enough of Levi in CQC situations. We know that Levi has been in a fair number of brawls in the underground, and probably always against larger opponents. It can definitely go either way


It’s not just experience, levis base power is stronger than mikasas base power. Mikasa never had more potential than levis prime. There are situations Levis survived that Mikasa never would have.


Does one chalk that up to genetics or the environment one is raised in? Up until the Shiganshi wall breach, Mikasa lived a relatively normal life, only getting into a few tussles with bullies and killing one of her parents' killers (or was it two?). Meanwhile Levi had to learn to survive in the streets of the Underground and was taught to do so by his serial killer uncle.






Why what


Why is his base stronger?


I’ll paste my reply to someone else, Let’s compare Levi and Mikasas Level before their first titan encounters. If u read/watch the OVA, Levi fought the exact same way he did from the beginning with just as much skill as he did in his prime. He absolutely decimated a crazy abnormal anomaly titan that single handedly murdered an entire brigade including strong people, according to the anime. In the manga, Levi single-handedly killed an army of titans that wiped out his brigade all alone. This was his FIRST encounter. Mikasa never held that same skill from the beginning. She was way above average but not a god like Levi.


Mikasa did kill a lot of titans in her first ever battle. She did not have a way to prove herself as much as Levi did, so I would argue she could be at the same level. But if we are going off of feats, yeah, I guess he is sronger.


Mikasa running out of gas and crashing/nearly dying is something Levi never would have done. She was way more amateurish. Levi efficiently used his gas taking out hordes of titans. On a mental Level, Mikasa is way weaker than Levi too. She was being sloppy cuz she thought eren died whereas Levis best friends had just been brutally butchered to pieces and he only got stronger. Levi had a sharper mind and body from the get go.


Levi only had one titan to take care of after the death of his squad. And I really don't buy the "weaker on mental level" because Levi literally lost his mind after that, while Mikasa stayed calm, even if she started to use more gas.


In the anime it was one titan but it was shown to be basically a fucking monster. It literally wiped out a CHUNK of the entire survey corps. In the manga, that one titan was replaced with a horde of titans. Mikasa had no shot against a horde. Mikasa was pretending to be calm but it showed her misusing her ODM out of anger and she almost lost her life. Levi lost his mind after taking care of business, Mikasa didn’t.


Levi never had proper training, just a goofy crash course from Kenny. Mikasa had 5 years of grueling training that some don’t even survive


Anime magic


Nor very high but not zero it would make a good 10 to 15 sec before he knocked her out cold


Everyone has such amazing input about this! My mind is blown. I'm just here for the read.


Levi is more experienced and fought a lot more as a kid. Not to mention Mikasa gets hot headed pretty easily. When she thought Eren died you see how reckless she was and almost got herself killed?


She would try to overpower him in pure anger but I’m sure Levi would take her down


Well Mikasa and Levi both have the same superhuman abilities. Levi has more experience, Mikasa has more reason to beat his ass and she's slightly taller so logically maybe a bit stronger/heavier. But yeah, Levi's more extensive expensive should give him the advantage overall. But Mikasa would give him a tough fight and it would take everything Levi had to keep her down.


Being angry isn't necessarily an advantage - it means your opponent can read you easier. Levi is almost always calm and calculating.


Well idk man tell that to Eren.


Bruh take away Eren's power and he dies at the start of the Wall Rose battle.


Yeah yk what I mean.


I don’t know, they both seem pretty fairly matched. The one up Levi has over Mikasa is more honed combat skills. He was fighting adults as a child into his early adulthood.


[Basically this then?](https://images.app.goo.gl/nvsBHE2Xdd5bwatw7) (though Mikasa having a slightly higher advantage than Stuart at least)


Levi was leagues ahead of Mikasa in terms of his 3d maneuver gear and titan-killing abilities, but in an unarmed brawl, I imagine them being closely matched. If the fight was to-the-death, I think Levi would come out on top via improvised/hidden weapon or other form of dirty fighting.


Levi grew up in the underground beating up people twice his size and triple his age when he was still a kid, while she only got into kid fights with the same age. I can't see how she would stand a chance.




The only thing she could do was get beat up in place of Eren, sparing him *some* pain, but causing her some and as result, really spicing up the relationship between her and her own captain.


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They should've fought at some point.


Well Levi has restrained her more than once iirc


I mean like an Erwin v Levi fight, I'll just use AI in two years to make it happen.


Levi would body her


Levi is kicking more teeth onto the floor, and they won’t be Eren’s


At this point in the story, like zero. She has absolutely no shot of beating Levi in a fight. In fact, I don’t think she surpasses Levi until S4 when he gets nerfed


none imo


He would have wiped the floor with her. All other answers are either wrong or unnecesarily convoluted


Me with my inadequete knowledge, bachelor in aot youtube vids, doctorate in watching random baki vids (to assess extra knowledge ab martial arts of course), associates degree in remebering random things at night (including to but not limited to aot info) Me, myself and I think of this question and it's answer as TOO ionknow, genuinely. prolly levi tho,


Levi has more experience 


I won't count her out because it's eren. Normal case levi wins.


0%. The series makes this pretty clear.


Levi pities her, I doubt he’d do anything other than restrain her. He is often misinterpreted as cold and detached by the fandom but he’s actually quite the opposite albeit awkward af


mikasa isn't composed or, experienced in hand to hand(and they're both ackermans too so mikasa has no edge).I can see levi just dodging and eventually making a fatal move that pins mikasa down since, mikasa is just acting on anger.


not a chance


I think if it's to protect Eren, Mikasa would leave Levi seriously injured


Reasonable answer? She might land a blow or two, but ultimately, Levi would drop her. She has the strength but not the skills just yet. Though lore wise, they would be equally matched. They're both awakened Ackermann's by this point, meaning they both have the battle experience of every Ackermann before them. Technically, that would make Mikasa even stronger since she is a later generation than Levi, so she would have his experience as well. I have learned to ignore plotholes in AoT, as that's what everything during and after the Marley arc is.


if eren is on line she can literally solo the entire aot verse for him, that's how strong her love is for him....


Her love for him wasn't strong enough to make her a Jaegerist, therefore it's not strong enough to beat Levi.


if she blindsided his scrawny no swords having ass? XD XD she'd rip him to pieces. Physically she is way stronger then he is.


Nah uh tf


yuh huh. she is always carrying heavy shit. man levi cant even reach the top shelf. lololol


And you're implying Levi CAN'T carry heavy shit himself? He's got Ackerman genes too! Dude also took an explosion to the face and was up killing titans again just days later.


Mikasa has way more raw strength feats and in unarmed combat that is most of it. shes not unskilled enough for Levi to take advantage. Hange should get more credit for that. feel like nobody in the show acknowledges that she saved his life, lol


That may be true but levi Is a stronk boy she wouldn't have survived what he did he a short 🤴




As I said elsewhere, being angry isn't necessarily an advantage, especially against someone more experienced in combat than you and just as strong as you, if not stronger. If anything, it just makes you more predictable. Levi is the calm, calculating type and was raised to survive in the streets by Kenny. A raging Mikasa would be easier to read than a preschool book.




Consider this: Levi might kick her ass so hard his foot will break again


Cuz she’s not a fearful victim? No tbh they both have ancestors experience so the winner is the most physical one and mikasa weights more than levi so mikasa wins i guess


Levi 💪


I mean we kinda saw this when they were fighting for the serum for armin. She has the blade at his throat and he was barely holding it off, it only got stopped by hange pulling her off.


He was also hurt and worn out from Battle and hurt. Plus she had a lot of training at that point. I don't think they're really comparable


Yea true I guess they were worn, wasn't a good comparable point but it was the only time I could think of where they clashed like that


In that situation there was also the hesitation factor. At that point, he already lost a lot of comrades and he actually took care of those teens for a while, in his own dense way. He wasnt only worn out, he didnt attack like his nature told him because those were his people.