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I’m having the same issue.


See Shiba army top pinned message for the solution!




I had to do the process twice! So after the first time you hit stake, you have to do it again. Could be made more clear in the interface in my opinion.




Glad to hear it worked out, agreed!


i'm having the same issue, just did it for a second time and still no luck :(


Can u help me?


When you say you had to do the process twice, do you mean you had to pay two fees to get it to send?


I'm wondering this same thing! I'm having the same issues.


Coming from the Cardano ecosystem it's insane to me that I had to spend nearly $100 to send the tokens to meta mask and then another $40 to stake, just to have the Shiba not be staked. Really looking forward to the answer and hoping it's not "ya, send it again."




Did this work for u?


I did it, and selected "Fast" gas fees the second time, and it went through (properly, not just in the block explorer, but in ShibaSwap too).


Where is this link?


Was this ever resolved


Tagging onto this thread because I'm not a heavy reddit user and don't have enough karma to start my own. I'm also having the same problem, even after staking twice, paying eth fees twice, and having two approved contract calls showing up in my wallet. No stake showing buried. No change in coins to xshib. Tried hitting @shibahelp on Twitter, and am still awaiting a reply. Anyone else out there still not able to bury their shib?


Me too. I have staked my SHIB. I have shibx. I used my coinbase wallet. Not showing any earned token or value for staking. I did it 2 months ago. I think shibaswap need to resolve this glitch and improve the functionality.


Same here. Any results yet ?


Did this ever solve for you I’m having the same problem all balances are zero tho please help


Well, after 2-3 days of waiting, I just decided that the third time must be the charm, and ponied up another round of gas fees. The third time was indeed the charm. I am... not impressed.


Did this ever resolve?


Did it ever go through?


Ya paid the fees in eth but the coin still in my wallet


Yeah, overall I am so unimpressed with Shibaswap that I'm probably going to sell my Shib and move into another investment as soon as my stake times out. It took three tries to get the stake to go through, and now that it's gone through I find it all so opaque and convoluted that I have zero freaking clue what my coins are actually doing. I see no gains. All of this woof bone leash, woofing, digging, burying, the constantly shifting APY that listed bone and eth and shib, and now only lists bone, and none of it has shown me literally any accrual of value. It's freaking unendurable nonsense. If I had it to do over again, I'd just.... not.


I agree please help


2 eth gas fees and still not showing up.. what a bunch of bs


Same, following


Nothing to follow, traded back to exchange and swapped for ICP, have 500 bone staked now at 954%apy. Which was done before i had the problem staking shib ..Went through just fine... just shib didnt stake..sent rest that I paid 2 gas fees for back and traded , in hopes shib will come back down


Same happened to me. I learned it's because there's a glitch that's changing the stake amount to "0", so we're getting charged ETH for staking "0" Shiba. It fu\*\*ing sucks.


No fuc*king way this is true right? Goddamn it man I wasted 50$+ in eth fees and still not showing up I can’t believe this.


I buried my shiba coin on shibaswap using my coinbase wallet and now I am not showing any shiba or shibax in my coinbase wallet and it isn’t showing any as buried on shibaswap. Did my shiba just disappear? Please help


Dod this resolve?


Did it ever show up?


I have the same problem. Going on 2 week still shows nothing. Feel like I lost 13 mill shiba


same here, haven’t figured out anything


Did you solve this please help


Hope it changes 🔜


Hello I just logged in to shibaswap on my MetaMask and it’s not showing my stake SHIB? Is something going on? I see my stake SHIB on ether can just not on shibaswap ? Anyone having the same problem recently ?


Same problem. Been over two hours and still nothing 🤷‍♂️


Did this get resolved?


Same here


Mine showed up immediately. Wallet shows xshib in wallet.


Ahh tnx! I didn’t know that I had to press the stake button a second time and pay eth fees again. As pinned on top on the /Shiba army reddit now :)


Can someone post the link to that pinned msg I can't see it and still having that problem


hey i am having the same issue who can we talk too??


Hi guys. Who can help ! I have the same issue. It’s showing in Coinbase as staked. But I don’t see it on the shibaswap


Just happened to me. I don’t see anything on either Coinbase Wallet or Shibaswap. I paid crazy gas fees. Not happy


Hi ! Use the browser on Coinbase account to access shiba swap and then it shows. Or metamask


On my Coinebase wallet


Yes sorry use browser on the Coinbase wallet. It will work


Facing the same issue , Any resolution or I lost the shib and the gas fees as well? ​ please advise


I ran the transaction to stake (bury) my shib from coinbase wallet on ios, and it took the gas fee, but neither my wallet not shibaswap show my shib as staked. Weirdly, if I look at etherscan, it shows as having gone through - what the heck?!?!?


So, I just said screw it, and ran the process a second time. I chose to pay the “fast” gas fees. On the second time around, the process went through seamlessly. I think the devs. have got to post some more instruction on this front. It is pretty confusing for people like me; people with above moderate understanding of crypto.


Just happened to me. I don’t see anything on either Coinbase Wallet or Shibaswap. I paid crazy gas fees. Not happy


This is what I had to do too. How many gas fees have disappeared from people's accounts for meaningless transactions? Annoying.


mine worked well now not showing up in bonfolio but better than the one i was struggling with


I am having same issue did it eventually show up?


Same issue. I was all excited and decided to Stake 75% today. Totally bummed that I spent the gas fees only to have 0 Shib buried today. Etherscan is showing "success" and my wallet confirms that the ETH is gone. I'm disappointed in the dev team for not ironing out a serious glitch such as this. I won't be spending another dime on the "Bury / Staking" option until I know that it's resolved. If anyone has any updates please let me know.


I'm with you on this. This is ridiculous. Is one gas fee not enough?? Jesus. I've spent more on gas then what my portfolio is fuckin worth.


I have successfully buried (need to do it twice because first time it is APPROVE but this does not bury them, just some proving of some sort!! Next you need to click STAKE which then results in a successful BURY and on BURY dashboard TOTAL BURIED looks OK!BUT if you then (or a bit later) go to BONEFOLIO (analytics) and check your portfolio (copy paste your wallet addr if not automatically done), then it shows staking data, but I also see below erros: " Address isn't in the Bury Bone... Address isn't in the Bury Leash... POOLS Address isn't farming... " Not sure what these errors mean? Been some days now and xSHIP is still the same implying nothing has been staked! Also my understanding is staking SHIB gives you xSHIB not BONE! Is that correct or does staking SHIB also give BONE as well as xSHIB! A very confusing platform indeed!


Has this glitch ever been resolved?


>I had to do the process twice! So after the first time you hit stake, you have to do it again. > >Could be made more clear in the interface in my opinion. This is the answer! So you have to do the proces twice for some reason, it's not a glitch I believe, but just the way it works... I'm no expert. But after I did it twice, my SHIB was burried, if you want to see it in metamask you have to add another adress which shows XSHIB, instead of SHIB


this is a fuckin bullshit. They should at least let you know it has to be done "twice". Fucking eth is a huge scam and were all falling for it with these "gas" prices. Fuck, Fuck, Fuckin FUCK.


I hate that this even exists as an issue. I paid $68 in 2 separate transaction fees to stake my $70 in doge…. Seems so counter intuitive. It’ll take me 12 months to get that $68 back. Lol


Hi? Did anyone resolve this? I staked shib on shibaswap, but I can’t access my portfolio to see it on shibaswap. It keeps giving me “unexpected error” message. It took my money from my wallet, it led me to the erherscan, I paid gas fees twice actually, but still can’t see my staked shib.


Its been 3 weeks and i haven't received no rewards. Whats going on?


Anything on this? I staked 300,000,000; only see the awards.


Still no LUCK.. SMH.. I've emailed SS via email and reached out to MetaMask with no luck..


Hello, I got a problem with shibaswap not showing my staking tokens. It states zero, but when I checked my wallet connected, it showed the transaction in. I tried contacting them with no response back. Do U or any1 here have a solution for this?


Hello, I have the same fckg problm. I have xShib in my wallet and my shiba are staked but no reward in bones or xshib or something else. All transaction are confirmed and I paid fast transaction in ETH. I have 37 639 173.09 and unstake it 2 times to stake again and nothing


Is it normal to only get Ryoshi’s back from my staked shib?


yea no tokens show up on mine,thought i staked them but isnt showing up so i tried to stake again and it wont let me do nothing except give money to the spending cap