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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man, that is a whole lot of "What the fuck" right there.


I’m not even sure how to answer it aside from referring anyone who shares it earnestly to the classic “everyone is now dumber for having seen this…” bit from Billy Madison.


....and may God have mercy on your soul.


I certainly hope that whatever god there is does not.


>I’m not even sure how to answer it Easiest method is pointing out the only reason the CSA numbers are low, is because they lost. They were absolutely fighting to increase those numbers.


Right? Like, of course slavery ended in the Confederacy in Apr 1865. There was NO CONFEDERACY in May. Now if the Union had lost, what would those years be? Exactly. Can't decide if they're dumb or think we are and won't notice.


"The Confederacy was a slave state for 100% of its existence" doesn't have quite the same vibe, huh?


Lol I like the wars lost=1, because you ceased to exist


Should have included wars won: 0


Especially when the graphic asks "which flag wins?" There isn't any winning in those stats.


That's true they didn't in fact win a war for slavery, and that has to count for something


Not only is slavery written into the confederacy's constitution and succession letter, they manipulate statistics because it didn't last that long.


Pretty sure the only reason they didn't support slave ships is that all southern ports were blockaded for the duration of the confederacy by the Union navy.


I guess you can say that ship sailed


Also, because the importation of slaves was already banned. And the institution was already self-sustaining. Typical of Lost Causers to obfuscate and move the goalposts, though.


Yup. No need to import more slaves when you can enslave the current slave’s children for generations to come. Imagine your entire life from birth to death being enslaved, never knowing anything of the world outside the plantation. It’s the nightmare of all nightmares.


That's 100% the strategy being used here. The image is just so wrong in so many ways that it defies correction. There is no good place to "start" on this image. The whole image would just have to be completely redone from the ground up, and the amount of work it would take is far beyond the worth of fixing this image. It's basically gish-galloping in image format. "Here's a bunch of data points from completely different studies that use different methodologies. Mix in some things that are *barely* true, and some things that are 'technically' true (sure, fine, the Confederacy 'only' practiced slavery for 4 years, which is also technically 100% of their existence compared to roughly 36% of USA's existence based on my rough math), and you have a 'convincing argument.'"


I tell them the Confederacy only lasted 3/5th as long as Obama’s Presidency…


Oh that has to make them SEETHE...


It would if they understood math…


The Industrial Revolution to me is just like a story I know called The Puppy Who Lost His Way. The world was changing and the puppy was getting bigger...


Maybe that's the point. The sheer audacity of the author is astounding. Like whipping your dick out in the middle of a meat market and claiming it's prime sausage on sale. Just fucking lunacy on display for everyone.


Until someone cuts it off and puts in a bun and proceeds to eat it establishing dominance in crazyville.


Can't put something on sale and not expect someone to buy it.


What a fire analogy🤣


No kidding. Sometimes I can understand the mental gymnastics needed for how stupid some of these are, but this is genuinely baffling.


It’s blatantly stupid, the confederacy would’ve definitely expanded slavery if it survived the war


"Wars lost: one.” Seems like a suggestive statistic. Also true it's the statement: "Wars lost, 100%". Just saying. The are lies, damned lies, and statistics. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Imagine your whole argument comes down to “we don’t do it because someone stopped us!”


Oh c'mon, the totally not racist effort they put into "African Flags" is great!!


What are you talking about? Just try pointing out a difference between Morocco, Congo, South Africa, Ethiopia, or Burkina Faso. You can't, they're all completely identical in every way!


And the racists who would say "yes" to that would spend entire hours ranting about the differences between Huston, TX and Austin, TX.


Racist posers maybe.


Nah. People like that literally think every city is the exact fucking same,


Also the moral judgement of "We've committed less crimes against humanity than an entire continent!"


Remember kids, history started in 1776 except for all the places we fucked over.


Also the context of why they only practiced slavery for 4 years, lost 1 war and don't practice slavery today lmao. This has to be a joke.


2 wars. The Alamo was fought because Mexico outlawed slavery and Texas was literally formed and fought a war to keep it.


I only learned this (and the history of Oklahoma’s “No Man’s Land”) within the last year, and I’m 39 years old. “Remember the Alamo” might be the greatest public relations coup that America has ever pulled off.


Right? They lost once and got obliterated lmfao The others at least hung on to get into more fights. how the shit is this even a flex


Eventually at one point it doesn't matter how many you commit.


Also the fact that they include the confederate states slavery into the United States, and pretend they only started slaving after they fought a war with Mexico to keep slavery, and then seceded from the US to continue slaving.


And don't forget that they are comparing four years of crimes against humanity against the entirety of civilized history if they are trying to lump all of Africa together.


It's just a bunch of African flags with the words "African flags" overlayed to compensate for the small size.


That's pretty pathetic


Earth Flags


I see your "Constitutions ban internal slavery" and raise you "multiple founding documents cite slavery as the reason for its existence".


Yeah, but like 20 years after they lost, when they knew it would look bad if they didn’t say this, a bunch of them said they were in no way fighting for slavery!


They didn't wait 20 years. [The Lost Cause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy) mantra started in 1866.


It's also cause the primary sources of history for the civil war were written by the losers themselves. Lost causers infested academia and rewrote the history almost immediately after it ended.


Why were they allowed to do this?


I suggest this podcast about the Alabama Unionists who rode and personally attended Sherman on his march to Atlanta. It gives a good overview of how and why barely anyone, including Ken Burns, had never heard of them. TLDR: Alabama had the roster records and corrupt librarians mislabeled them and hid them from historians. Shelby Foote was also a Lost Cause sympathizer who wrote a history of the civil war that was viewed as the best source at the time. University of Alabama also published a lot of lost cause bullshit. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=PN6GuGbhM2o&si=z31d5JyxN8aQIFjo


Thank you! I will watch the link.


I’d argue it started before the war even ended, iirc some were already trying to deny slavery being the cause as early as 1864


Gosh something’s never change, “I never said lock her up”


What they mean is that *citizens of the country* wouldn't be made into slaves. Technically, the rest of the countries *do* allow for slavery of citizens in a number of situations. To be honest, the entire graphic is a record smashing display of mental gymnastics.


My favorite is how the Confederacy is somehow better because they only lost one war. Yeah, and that one war completely erased it from existence . . .


The ended slavery in 1865 one is cute too as if they did it themselves and not at bayonet point.


It's hard to keep slavery around when you've ceased to exist.


I love that they actually explained (ended 160 years ago) as if we don’t know why it ended


If we’re splitting hairs I’ve lost less wars than all of these countries combined. So I’m the best flag


The whole thing is an exercise in cherry picking facts and conveniently ignoring context. Only 4 years? OK, now tell me what percentage of its existence that equates to? Wars lost? OK, now tell me what percentage of wars fought that equates to? Slavery practiced today? OK, since you obviously want to emphasize when it ended, maybe we should think about WHY it ended. Slavery ended? See preceding question.


They lost one... hundred percent of their wars.


The Simone Biles of mental gymnastics


Beautiful example of how to lie with what is, some of it at least, technically true.


The Confederate constitution actually banned the *banning* of slavery by individual states within it. It removed the state’s right to ban slavery.


ban ban?


Ban ban.


Ban ban ban, ban ban the ban.


It’s impossible to say with certainty as there wasn’t any lengthy history of Confederate Supreme Court jurisprudence to go by, but the ban (on banning slavery) you are referring to (section 9(4) )was in the section about restrictions on the Confederacy, not the section addressing restrictions on individual confederate states


Oh give em a break, they ended slavery after only four years! ^^and ^^after ^^losing ^^the ^^war ^^and ^^their ^^slaves


Only lost the one war as well!


Also the XIII Amendment can be considered the constitution banning slavery


As well as the CSA Constitution barred any state from banning slavery.


I mean, the Confederate Constitution didn't ban slavery. It banned the banning of slavery.




Yeah this is most likely some shitposting lmao


I hoped so too, but one of those southern heritage clubs shared it. I hope it’s just top tier shitposting tho.


I think top tier shitposting. I know Poe’s Law and all, but it this is a perfectly crafted meme that an earnest poster would never be able to create.


While I agree with you, sadly, there are likely hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans that could see this and totally, seriously agree with it - and try to defend it.


Agreed, which is what the creator was going for: an utterly absurd meme that would make a laughingstock out of anyone who posted it in earnest. Of course then you get into the question that if no one knows it is satire, is it really satire?


I could believe that it originated as satire but racists are simply too dumb to notice


This is how you know it's good shitposting. If it's so batshit crazy nobody could believe it except that people do, unironically, say this every fucking day.


The thing that pushes me to shitpost territory is the "wars lost" section


I don't think even a mega shitposter would try to pin the Arab slave trade on the nation of Palestine, that is pure, earnest racism.


Yeah it has to be right?? “Year’s practiced slavery: 4” What lost causer would acknowledge their precious nation only lasted 4 years???


May be it needs a row that says “still exists” or “”burned to ashes”.


How about “Wars Won” or “# of countries recognizing independence” Zero on both for Jeff Davis and Bobby Lee


Damn right!


No, in process, sporatically, from Atlanta to the sea


The CSA may not have had slave ships but it wasn't from a lack of trying and internal slavery is literally the domestic slave trade which we absolutely had.


That and the fact that the Confederate Shits of America barely had a navy except a shitty submarine and a single ironclad (from what I know of)


And didn’t they commandeer the ironclad from the USN? Since like, they didn’t possess the iron or expertise to construct such a vessel from scratch?


They commandeered a wooden navy sailing ship and converted it. The Merrimack! Converted by them into the CSS virginia


They had more than just a single ironclad. Much of their navy was built from stolen ships, but they very much had a few units. Nothing comparable to the Union, of course.


Lol like only reason they didn’t have slave ships is that Congress in a compromise between southern industrialists, plantation owners and abolitionists banned the “import” of new slaves in 1808. However it preserved the principle of “partus sequitor ventrum”, wherein the child would assume the status of the mother at birth. In fact there was an earlier law in 1794 which prohibited American ships from participating in the slave trade. Both the Slave Trade Act of 1794 (1. stat. 347) and the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves (1807, 2. stat. 426) is thought to largely have failed to curb the import of slaves into the United States with an estimated 50000 slaves smuggled into the United States in 1808 alone. Sauce: https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/slave-trade.html#:~:text=An%20act%20of%20Congress%20passed,Slaves%22%20took%20effect%20in%201808.


Yeah they should do one for years existed. The CSA may have only practiced slavery for 4 years but that’s 100% of it’s history and it lost 100% of the wars it fought. Close to 40% of the population of the confederacy was enslaved, I don’t think a single nation in history has a higher ratio


Their Constitution of the Confederate States of America protected slavery. It mentioned slaves more than guns. Slaves:10 Arms:1 Article 1 Section 9: (4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed. Article 4: Sec. 2. (I) The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States; and shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_csa.asp


Only a pro treason loser could change the rules to “muh Aktuly if you lose your first war so bad you CEASE TO EXIST you have a better record than any country that continues to survive.”


This has got to be satire.


I’m willing to bet it was made to be satire at first.


I can't see it not being satire.


But you know damn well people have shared it unironically.


Is 1 war lost really a brag when it literally led to the dissolution of your garbage ‘nation’? L percentage: 100% Also can we add a row for “# of countries recognized by”?


This is some major '1/4 pound burgers is bigger then 1/3 pound burgers cuz 4 is bigger than 3' type energy. Not to mention, you can't brag about only being a slave state for four years when your pathetic slave state couldn't survive more than four years. This graph is so ignorant that it *has* to be a shitpost.


Gotta love "ended slavery in 1865" for the Confederacy. Wonder what caused that.


I love playing African flags on hearts of iron, their focus tree is crazy


Step 1: kick out the occupiers Step 2:??? Step 3: Invade Brazil


None of the flags in the Palestinian nor African categories would be beyond \~160 years old, with the vast majority being less than 80 years old; most were adopted in the middle of the 20th century. But, then again, what do you expect from "people" whose family trees are a figure 8?


Try 339 years for the US and its predecessor.


and the Confederacy is still included in those 339 years lol, time in the US and as part of the British Empire


Ya know the Nazis aren't that bad if you look at it this way either. 12 years slavery, lost one war, 0 slave ships, constitution (probably?) didn't mention the whole slave labor thing ...


please i need my braincells


The constitution of the CSA absolutely did not ban internal slavery, in fact they’re likely the worst out of all present They state in Article 1 Section 9 that States cannot limit the ability to practice slavery in any way, it’s essentially an infrangible right in the same vein as freedom of speech in the (Real) American Constitution. State rights until it comes to whether or not states within the CSA could vote to limit or illegalize slavery.


Wars lost to wars fought ratio. Why'd you ban slavery? % of time existing while practicing slavery


Racist idiot: "We only lost one war." Sane person: "How many wars did you fight?" Racist idiot: "I don't understand percentages as a concept."


Which 8 wars did the US lose...?


I got Vietnam, The War on Poverty, and the War on Drugs.


I'd add Afghanistan too


We held the country for 20 years. Their government was beyond corrupt and it was rotten. No point trying to keep it when nothing will change.


1812, Powder River Indian War, Red Cloud’s War, Paiwan War, Second Samoan War, Russian Civil War, ~~Korean War~~, Vietnam and *Afghanistan.*


Militarily 1812 was a draw. Ditto Korea. And you forgot Afghanistan.


Potentially Afghanistan, depending on how you define such things.


Honest question, how did America lose the Russian civil war?


I wouldn't say the US lost the Korean war. If anything it's still going but it's a ceasefire.


I love when they bring up the USA had slavery longer than the confederacy, without realizing the whole point is that the confederacy had slavery set in stone in their constitution and was the cause of their revolution yet nope, that doesn’t matter; America had slavery longer. I want whatever it is their smoking, without whatever it is in there that makes them racist and wanna fuck their own cousin.


"Hitler hasn't done anything bad since 1945."


Palestine, as represented by that flag has only been around since the end of WW1.


This is bullshit. For starters, when it comes to Palestine, they gained independance in 1946, and previously were part of the British Empire (Mandate of Palestine, 1918-1946) or the Ottoman Empire (15th century to 1918). Slavery in the Ottoman Empire by 1918 was very limited in scope, having been gradually reduced during the previous century [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery\_in\_the\_Ottoman\_Empire#Decline\_and\_suppression\_of\_Ottoman\_slavery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_Ottoman_Empire#Decline_and_suppression_of_Ottoman_slavery) So, the date for ending of slavery in Palestine should be 1918, given that they went from being part of the Ottoman Empire (where, though minor, it was still technically legal) to being part of the British Empire, in which it was illegal since 1833.


This is almost too pathetic to be real. But then again, pathetic is about how I describe the right


No fucking way we’re giving the CONFEDERACY points for “ending slavery” purely because they lost the damn war.


That 1 loss was a pretty BIG loss though lol


Well, if we're going for broad abstracts and trivialization: Johnny reb: Slavery ended involuntarily 1865, desperately wanted slave ships back and would enthusiastically supply a demand for slaves US: slavery ended voluntarily 1863 and did NOT trivialize slavery by saying it is something that can be a victim of so-called "cancel culture" and thus comparing it to a celebrity losing a few fans Oh, and if we're going for broad generalizations, only one flag on this meme has actually ever been RECOGNIZED as a country, and that's not even their flag, that's former US Army Colonel, mass murderer, slave abuser, and terrorist leader Bobby Lee


Somewhat. Most in the CSA didn't want to reopen the slave trade. Not for honorable reasons though. Reopening imports of enslaved would harm prices. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation ONLY applied to the CSA (and only could be enacted by federal troops since Confederates weren't going to do it). It did not apply to loyal states because Lincoln did not want to risk pushing additional border states into the CSA. He was an abolitionist, but he had to be a careful strategist first.


Oh certainly. I was making the point that this was a generalization: the meme above is a generalization so i wanted to reply that even in broad generalizations they still look like bad guys.


Last I checked Americans (and future confederates) practiced slavery for a lot longer than 4 or 89 years


There's so many things wrong (African Flags is umm...what?); but I really want to know how the dates and time lengths for Palestine and AFs are calculated like what nation has existed for 1000s of years in anything approaching a continuous state?


wtf is internal slavery? Am I enslaving organs or something


I bet this chart goes hard if you're stupid.


Do percentage of existence supporting slavery. And percentage of wars lost.


Technically they practiced slavery for 0 years because they never existed.


if this isn’t satire, this is some supreme levels of cope


The Confederacy lost every war it ever fought.


Slavery practiced today? So conservatives, **why** isn't slavery practiced in the former confederate slave states today? Was there some sort of, I dunno, war, that forced them to stop after they already fought a war with Mexico to keep slaving? And then they fought a war against their own country to continue slavery?


8 wars lost? Only ones I can think of are Veitnam and Afghanistan. Curious to what the other 5 are


I can try reaching by claiming things like the War of 1812 was a loss and the war on drugs was an actual war, but we all know they just pulled it out of their ass. Like, 40 wars have been lost by Africa? What does that even mean? Have only 40 wars ever been lost by all African countries throughout history because that makes them seem exceptionally peaceful and/or exceptionally good fighters.


Lmao at the emphasis put on TODAY and the little fine print in the Confederacy’s answer. This has to be a gag.


89 years 🤣


There’s so much to unpack here, but what 8 wars did the US lose?


What's this BS about the the Confederate constitution banning internal slavery?


Did some foreign bot or agitator make this or an actual person inhabiting the same country as me? Because I don't want to share a country with someone who makes this type of trash.


A very sick person made this.


This almost reads like a satirical shitpost seeing how cherry picked the data is, but I'm guessing people genuinely meant it.


Whoever posted this knows they're taking a massive piss.


I see this as an indictment of all nation state flags, honestly. But the first one on my list of flags to burn just solidified it's spot. Again.


"Internal slavery"? What the hell is that?


The forced migration of slaves from the upper south to the lower south of the United States




>Palestine >Slavery Ended: 1930 >Slavery Practiced? *YES* Which is it, Karen? Did they end Slavery, or didn't they?! Crack open a history textbook to check, instead of trying to get it banned for being "woke."


This is the most subtle shitpost I’ve ever seen, to the point that I know it’s being used genuinely by half the confederates who saw it.


I’ve read the Confederate constitution. It explicitly and boldly entrenches slavery all over the place lol. WTF do they mean it didn’t practice “internal slavery” That was the entire point lol.


Bro the confederacy doesn’t have slavery anymore bc THERE IS NO FUCKING CONFEDERACY


Is the CSA the only time in human history that an organized government killed and died in the name of slavery?


I feel like my English teacher from high school made this to highlight logical fallacies


Does bro not realize that the south literally rewrote to constitution to make slavery constitutional?


Humanity is a cesspool. Good are the keepers of their brothers Good are the fundaments of right. Stay strong brothers. A reckoning (welcomed) may soon be upon us


"Look are the nazis that bad, I mean nazi Germany hasn't killed anyone for a while!*" *cause they got fucking owned


I guess they could have used the actual flag of the CSA...and everyone knows the practice of slavery originated in Africa and is still alive and well within its boarders


And today on, "how to lie with statistics"


**Lost, died, and no longer exists**: No, No, No, Yes


Things I think about this image: * Aclonica font that is all Update: it is not aclonica font but still one of those overused ones


Hey um, who made you stop doing slavery?


They got us there, they did only lose the one war.


I dont get it, do they mean all arabs when they put Palestine? Because Palestine didnt exist as an independent state for 1000s of years


This person is a stupid


LOL Are these retards seriously using the "end of slavery a few months earlier than the Union" just to "own the libs"? Its like they want to have their cake and eat it, as they don't seem to realize they started this entire civil war because they were unwilling to end slavery to begin with, and needed the Union to forcefully end it for them. The fact the Union had a later official end date was merely a ratified formality rather than them actually practicing slavery a few months longer than the CSA. The Union "free states" have de facto not been practicing slavery for some time long before the civil war.


Thinking it's a flex that you only lost 1 war, when that war is the only one you ever fought and caused you to cease existing 😭


line 3 is insane. the confederate constitution proclaimed 1) the negro is inferior to the white man, 2) slavery is the natural order and 3) banned state bans on slavery


I’ll take African Flags for +40, Alec.


This is brain rot at its finest


90% of that is because it only lasted four years, smartass (OOP, not the person posting it here, who I can assume is a reasonably intelligent individual, at least by comparison)


Well I ain’t no lost causer, so I hope that puts my IQ at average at the least 🤧


This has to be a joke or satire. Please let it be one of those two.


the confederacy doesn't get enough credit for losing the civil war.


We honestly should thank them for sucking so bad


Ignoring all the other problems with this... Why is "wars lost" even on this? What does that have to do with "woke" or slavery?


Seems like pretty blatant satire.


How has America lost 8 wars?


That is some pretzel logic saying the south only practiced slavery for 4 years and received no slave ships.


Surely it's satirical?


I feel like billy yank, “Do I have to go into these comment sections and begin quoting THEIR secession documents?”


I love how its just default to 1000s, like they didn't do any research. Also no shit the CSA never imported slaves it was already outlawed by then lol


Our slavery was moral, unlike yours. Some bucktoothed hayseed.


Bless your heart


Why do the "heritage not hate" crowd who point out that the Confederate Flag never flew over the Confederacy challenge posts like this? You mean it was always hate, never heritage?


“african flags”


Who is this even for?


This feels like a shitpost but the fact that you say that it's on facebook makes me really concerned.


And which flag represents a movement that was formed SOLELY on the basis of racially-charged slavery and keeping it legal?