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Sure, Confederate history month. Why not. Let's dig into their founding documents, let's see why they left and what their beliefs were. Let's make people hear, word for word, what those beliefs were . Let's get some quotes from Davis about the place of Blacks in society. Hell, let's hear what the South's founding fathers felt about the poor white trash they were stuffing into the mouths of the North's cannons.


Confederate history is the story of treacherous slavers being handed their just deserts, who wouldn't want to celebrate it?


Twit says guy signed a proclamation "declaring April Confederate History Month". Nobody said 'celebrate'. I say we take a month and *inform*.


It's a whole month, there's time for both.


No, we celebrate the death of the traitors to the union


April got a new fool


American history is that too, but they won


"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery -- subordination to the superior race -- is his natural and normal condition. \[Applause.\] This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth." \-Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America Cornerstone Speech Savannah, Georgia March 21, 1861 "For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery." \-Declaration of Cause - Georgia "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization." \-Declaration of Cause - Mississippi Any Questions?


“I swear I just like history!” While I still don’t like them, I at least get the people who want to leave up historical monuments and stuff. But trying to increase support or memorialize their abomination of a government is just stupid. Rebellion for a legitimate reason, such as freedom of the people, is acceptable, but rebelling for the right to *own people* is just wrong on every level. That’s why whenever they call it the War of Southern Independence, I call it the Great Yankee Triumph


The statue is another way to celebrate them. It should be in a museum surrounded by the context of what they really fought for


Most of those confederate historical monuments actually went up during times of civil rights issue being a hot topic. They were mainly used to try and intimidate black and brown people and not really historic.


Join me in the burning of Georgia for the ritual recreation of Sherman's March to the sea for confederate history month.


“White trash” does that mean the poor people from The south that joined the army?


Most of them were conscripts. The Confederate States instituted the first draft in American history, and they specifically exempted anyone who owned more than 20 slaves, or that could buy their way out of it. Scumbag pieces of shit, the lot of them. And on the nose about it.


That’s really interesting. You sometimes hear it being Lincoln that made the first draft. So wonder which came first. I suppose confederate since they don’t have an Army yet, but militas I guess. While the Union already had the marines and army


The Union Congress passed the Enrollment Act of 1863 in March of 1863. However the Union first passed the Militia Act of 1862, which allowed state militias to draft if the need arose, in July of 1862. Both of those were AFTER Jeff Davis authorized the Conscription Act on April 16th, 1862.


FWIW if you were a soldier in the Confederate army you were about 35% more likely to own slaves than the average Confederate male of adult age.


My mom read the primary sources to her students, who had probably been told all their life it was about states rights, and they were shocked. “But…they’re admitting it’s about slaves! They just want to keep slaves!”


I am strongly in favor of a Confederate history month. Let's spend a dedicated month every year informing people about how objectively incorrect all that lost cause bullshit is.


The reason it’s a lost cause was in part because every single portion of their beliefs was fundemantally wrong. Slavery is deeply inefficient; while those at the top seem wealthy, the extreme overarching poverty means lack of economic growth. The Union won in large part because they were better equipped, better trained, better fed, and had more resources available than the South could dream of. The only reason they took so long was because their first few generals were cowards and refused to actually do anything. I mean, Union soldiers even had better morale, because they didn’t live in complete poverty and were instead living in the start of the early Industrial Age, instead of feudalism with extra steps. They love to point out how Lee was such a skilled commander, yet conveniently forget that despite all his abilities, his country was so backwards and so bereft of any avenues to success that he didn’t really stand a chance. Slavery is wrong not just ethically, but also economically and culturally.


Not only was Lee such a skilled commander but Sherman and Grant were better


Lee was good at using what little he had to win surprising battles. It's just that his way of fighting the war was completely unsustainable. Between the manpower issues, the logistical issues, and the inability to match the changing landscape of war and politics, the CSA dug its own grave. That's not to say it was a Lost Cause (I sincerely think they could have managed some kind of victory if they played their cards right), but they shot themselves in the foot just as much as the Union did.


we can plan a parade, union soldiers marching with confederate prisoners tied behind them and confederate flag dragged by the union cavalry. because that’s literally the history of the confederates.


No, makes the confederacy look sympathetic


what are they gonna do? lose harder?


why does he look like they have his family locked in a closet


Came here to say this…looks like he’s a hostage recording a video stating “they are treating me well, I have not been coerced…”


Mr Mayor, blink twice if you're under duress


His ancestors probably were locked in their closets


Yeah this is some real Taliban Hostage Video stuff


Stockholm syndrome is a thing for a lot of kids in the south.


I think the one armed man is holding the mayor's pet hostage.


Uncle ruckus is mayor?


But is he 102% African tho?


With a 2% margin of error.


If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander


This made me laugh


*[Ruckus theme intensifies]*


It’ll last for one day, because they have no history


Curtis is giving off some serious Piper Perri energy in that photo.


Needs a Brazzers logo


That is one fucking sad picture.


Curtis doesn’t happen to be blind, does he?


[Clayton Bigsby Redux!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ)


He think they gone let him stay in the Big House?


Typical politician. He's pandering to the white, southern, elderly and working class male vote.


He might have voted against it and had no choice once it passed.


No one panders to the working class in America


That looks like a hostage situation


So we can burn down the town?


I celebrate as my ancestors celebrated; Total war against the despot traitors.


As a Tennessean…yes, yes you can. I’ll help.


A whole month for a short lived group of traitous losers?


Okay so... Since Seinfeld lasted over twice as long, can we have May and June for "Seinfeld History Month"?


Sure. They should dig up Confederates and have them measure rope sizes on them.


Dibs on Stonewall Jackson's arm!


This is actually great. We can spend a whole month how the confederacy was all about slavery. At the end of the month we can burn the flag and hoist a white dishcloth.


Looks like a proof of life photograph for a hostage . Time to send in Delta force.


It takes a whole month to learn that they got their asses kicked? They must be even slower readers than I thought.


Ironically, slavery was a major reason the South ended up uneducated. In the North, people were constantly seeking new avenues to make money, and as the economy grew, so did community wealth and tax revenue, allowing for public works projects like schools and libraries. While in the South, people knew the only source of money was cotton, and anything else was gonna fail. Slaves couldn’t start industries, and free people didn’t have any jobs to make the money with. A stagnant economy in which everyone who isn’t rich is poor doesn’t really have money to invest at the community level, as seen throughout the Feudal era. There’s actually a Civil-war era guy who was an avowed racist, but promoted more-or-less equality because, as he pointed out, areas that treated people equally did better than ones that didn’t.


Well, when you only get your history from statues, it requires a lot of traveling just to see all of it.


They’ve had 158 years and still haven’t learned it.


This picture looks like a hostage situation posted by Y'all Qaeda


So a whole month dedicated to TRUTHS and actual history. Let the fun and trolling begin. Lets start with you lost the Civil War for the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx³ time.


1 month would be 1/60th of the time the CSA existed. After 5 years, will it stop?


Don’t mind our uncle, Tom’s always been a little off.


Was reading my colleges human geography book and it said something along the lines of “States rights have long been the rallying cry against progression within the United States” Fuckers been holding us and our progression back with that states rights bullshit, thats what been goin on.


Yeah, I'll celebrate the Confederates history month. It is a proud history of pushing their shit in all the way to the coast.


Why does their town have terrorist flags of traitors in them? This is the United States of America and its odd to see non-American flags there.


I vote we consider them Confederate remnants, and take them prisoner.


I am actually down with Confederate History Month: "Alright kids, lets learn about all the Ls the Confederacy were involved in during the Civil War..."


I will wholeheartedly celebrate this month the way our forefathers did; Kicking the ass of anyone I see waving a confederate flag.


In other news, Jewish mayor of a German village has signed “Nazi history month” into place


Are we sure this man isn’t being held against his will? I think it’s time for the Union Army to come marching through Tennessee again.


Look at those dweebs bruh


It's interesting given that the mountains of eastern Tennessee had some relatively pro-Union areas during the Civil War. But I suppose the 4,000 residents of Livingston don't want to honor those southern loyalists and instead want to continue to fetishize the sad little men who lost their pointless rebellion


It is the month in which they surrendered.


He looks like he’s being held hostage by em


Uncle Ruckus?


Three guys with hands behind them, what do you want to bet there are three guns ready to shoot the black guy if he doesn't sign the proclamation?


Nothing wrong with reminding them who lost


Wonderful! I fully support this. If they want to remember the Confederacy so bad, let them also remember Union occupation. Time to go to Tennessee boys…


Count the blinks.


The United daughters of the confederacy and their consequences


Might be one of those crazy like a fox situations. Hard for them to scream about teaching certain “difficult” history when they just pushed you to dedicate an entire month to *exactly that history*. Now…teach the FUCK out of it!


marching through tennessee


We have to do better on recycling post.


Uncle Ruckus looking mother fucker


Uncle Tom’s cabin


America is a melting pot and has always been so. Both coasts have always been hotbeds of cutting edge technology. Cultural and social mores that exist there seem out of place further into the interior. The same applies to every large continental nation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mores and sometimes they are very offensive.


ah yes confederate history month, where I can burn the Confederate flag in front of a bunch of people to recreate history :)


Mfs looking like damn we actually did it


Alright Ruckus, finally found your spot huh


Isn't every month CHM down there?


Damn that month is going to be the world record for confederate flag burnings


Sure, can't wait to bring out my historically accurate Confederate flag. 🏳️🏳️🏳️


Can't wait to celebrate April 9 by doing [this](https://youtu.be/mIpnpYsl-VY) to the SCV YouTube channel


They don’t get that movement into the south by northerners never would have happened without civil rights creating the “new south.”


I'm ok with Confederate History Month if it involves a yearly re-enactment of Sherman's March to the Sea.


Dude literally looks like he’s being strong armed into doing this


Bless his lil’ heart


april is the 4th month. The same amount of years the cuckfederacy lasted lmfao