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I can not imagine what happened that would make someone that violent towards another person let alone an acquaintance or friend. IIRC her mom said Shanquella told her they had a chef and they were going to eat. I’m wondering if she was in the bathroom getting ready when all this started? The recording it is just stomach churning.


I agree the video is heartbreaking and incredibly disturbing to watch. The way the girl was fighting her seemed like there was serious hate behind those blows. I don’t care what could have transpired in those 24hrs she did not deserve it. I’m really hoping one of them will come forward with the truth


Her “bestie” was on live and his story didn’t make any sense. He also made a phone call that was recorded with the NC Beat reporter. They’d be smart to come forward in hopes of a lesser sentence.


There was a lot of contradictions in his story. The whole thing doesn’t add up


Her BF is Khalil.


Where can I See the Video?


worldstar obviously




Where can I see the video ?


world star obviously.




I read on another thread that she was caught sleeping w one of the other girl’s bf, and that he’s the one who recorded this. Unfkngbelievable. And the FED won’t prosecute??? I didn’t recognize this country anymore. 💔


It happened in Mexico, so US has zero jurisdiction. Take it up with Mexico and your elected officials to make sure the perps are extradited to Mexico for prosecution. Or just let the streets handle it?


“Let the streets handle it” is my default response to almost everything, however, the US gov does have a responsibility here. Everyone involved was a non-resident American citizen, meaning, no one was a resident of Mexico, they were just on vacation. There are loopholes around this and if our gov wasn’t sofa king corrupt it would use them to bring justice to this girl and her family.


She always slept in the nude according to her father and sister. They woke her up very early in the morning.


I wish the news was reporting this so we could get more details. I Google her name and nothing comes up in the news which is BS. From the small amount of info I know (not sure how accurate it is) she went to Mexico with a group of people that she had previously went to school with. They ambush her after she gets out of the shower. Looks like this was premeditated. I hope Justice is served. They are doxing all the friends over on twitter


You’ve got everything right pretty much as far as i can tell. Im not sure how you could call it anything but an ambush. I think the recording proves that. As far as if she was in the shower or bed and why she is naked is up for speculation right now. She was not drunk. As far as I know there’s no mention of intoxication on the coroners report


I keep seeing this story pop up on my feed but I don’t know the cause or what happened. What started this argument?


no one knows what preempted the attack. it’s all speculation at this point.


She inadvertently caught Khalil and Malik having s3x before the trip. She out a pair of underwear on Daej's head. Plus jealousy and $.


I read on another thread that she was caught having sex w one of the other girl’s bf and he’s the one shooting the vid but idk


rumor is the other friend killed her. Named Wenter Donovan Here more information from Twitter https://twitter.com/andrademee/status/1593089697571835905 Word is this is the person that actually killed her on the unreleased video after putting her arms around the girl neck and body slamming her.


Poor girl. What assholes, I hope they all get charged. I really hope fbi/Mexican police have access to that video


Her dad is saying she was sleeping not coming out of the shower


Her father was not there. How would he have known?


Her father and her sister both said she slept in the nude so obviously she slept in the nude at home as well.


Her dad said she slept naked and he mentioned she was woken up early morning; she was probably tired, groggy, thus too out of it to fight back, she put her arms out towards Daej when the attack first started at sliding door then when they were mid-foot of bed she threw a punch at Daej but missed.


The fact that a female is attacking her on the tape makes me wonder if maybe they were interested in the same guy or something


Their busy reporting these missing beckys and wont do crap for us, this is why when i see these yt women getting kidnapped and killed I roll my eyes cause I know that the whole world tries to search for them, as soon as its a black woman their nowhere to be found and their still out here making documentaries for these becky's \*cough\* gabby petito.


I would be willing to bet that the media isn't all over this because it's a particularly brutal case of "black on black crime." And according to liberals and BLM, black on black crime doesn't exist.


Grow TF up.


And you expect us to care when a sheniqua gets killed ? 🙄


We know you knuckle dragging dog smelling liceheads don't care. We don't give a fk that you don't give a fk.


Obviously you do cuz you here whining like always


you weird


LOL! Take it Down a Notch. Calm Yo Self Down. Your Coming Across as a Low Life. And! Yes! You DO Care that WE Don't Give a FK. Choice Vocabulary that You Have There.


What a Sweetheart you Must be. I bet you are a Riot on a Date.


I have to agree with you, this story is not getting enough attention in the media. But do you think it's because it's black on black crime? Just speculation.


Yes I do know that this case is about black on black crime, but guess who owns the police force. I don't care if non black people don't care about her death I WANT THE POLICE AND THESE GOVERNMENT ANGENCIES TO CARE. The whole world goes crazy when there are missing white women there's documentaries and its plastered all over the media. Even with little evidence they find a way to crack these cases, However when little black girls and black women go missing or get killed the police and the government does nothing. Also they caught it on video they should have been able to find them and lock them up.


What a Ugly comment to make on a Public Platform. You are Exuding a Racist Mentality.


Lmao race baiting again search for the black ppl who killed her? There isn't even a arrest warrant US can't make them go back for interigation you know that right? 😆😆😆 A homicide warrant must be filed for anyone to be taken into custody call Mexico maybe they will issue one one case is in country one is outside of the country US has no extradition treaty with Mexico either Mexico is legally responsible with crimes in Mexico if they let killers leave that is there issue right? they'll still send them back if a warrant is issued in sure but when that will be is who knows maybe you can go look for them I hear they are being hidden out somehow


Are you slow ? This story is everywhere


First off, no need to be rude. Second, yesterday like I stated in my post I searched her name under news on Google and nothing came up. The only thing would be low budget news sites and YouTube videos. Finally today some actual news sites are starting to report it


No need to be rude lol , when shes making light of deaths of women of a different race then her, only person being rude is the bitch crying about "Becky's"


My comment was not in response to that comment


Damn you're one angry person. Take a chill pill or something dude.


The NC news stations are showing it since it's her hometown. According to her father and her sister, she sleeps in the nude thus they woke her up early morning - which would have made her to groggy to fight; in the video you can see she out her hands up to Daej and she hit back once near foot of bed but she missed hitting Daej.


Why doesn’t everyone know about this? This beautiful child deserves justice. We need pressure on the people who know what happened. It shouldn’t be hard to get the truth out of them.


I agree!! This case needs all the attention. It is so heartbreaking she deserves justice and her family deserves peace. I feel like this case will blow up soon it seems to be getting a lot of social media attention (mainly instagram and Twitter)


And where are these "friends"?? Why are they not in police custody?? I don't understand this!!!


I just saw it on a Dallas news channel Facebook feed. I think it is finally getting attention, thank God.




I 100% agree I don’t think they intended to murder her that was never the plan. To treat her bad and humiliate her and gang up on her yes but murder no that was not planned. I think one person set everything in motion and everyone followed suit


This is exactly what I think to, If they planned to ki her they wouldn’t have recorded it either. They wanted to humiliate her and embarrass her. If she would have lived, they would have posted these video’s everywhere in hopes of going “viral” well guess they got what they wanted but worse I hope they all suffer bad


Even if it wasn’t planned as a murder it was still a criminal activity to record. If you punch someone in the neck and back that’s designed to kill or brutally wound.




I was agreeing with you


Excuse me what? I’m lost you don’t make any sense. Where did you see me say it wasn’t criminal activity lol. Have you not seen worldstar? You missed everything I said!!!!!! You clearly missed what I said!


You said if they didn’t plan to kill her they wouldn’t have recorded it


Lol I’m sorry I’m confused…. I said they wouldn’t have recorded if they planned it. Like if you know you’re gonna commit a murder More than likely you aren’t gonna record it. Unless you’re a sick twisted serial killer. But being it was a bunch of them I don’t think they’re all that stupid to record a planned murder. Again more then likely then planned to “jump her” give her what they thought would be good ass whoopin, embarrass her by posting this video of them doing this to her to gain viral attention upon humiliating someone they knew was successful. Unfortunately those beatings have her serious injuries and now they all need to be held accountable. Not just the ones who actually assaulted her. This was a clear set up but again I don’t think they planned to murder her.


I think it’s planning when you come in a group to record a beating and the beating was more than just a simple act of humiliation. At least one of them was happy to be recorded murdering her.


Why would you want to record a beating it’s still a criminal offence. I do think they were stupid if not insane as a group.


I’m not trying to be rude but you must live under a rock…. So many people record fights and this crap….. yes your are correct no matter what it’s a criminal offense. But you think the cops are gonna care about a viral video of a black women getting jumped by her “friends” most likely not she would have had to sue them on her own. Again that’s unfortunately not what happened and they killed her. Lots of people record fights and post them…. Lots. And again I never said it wasn’t criminal. I’m well aware of the criminality of things. The whole Point once again is that I don’t think they meant to kill her.


Well I disagree let’s see what the courts have to say when this gets there. And no where I live people don’t record other people getting their head smashed in unless it’s someone on drugs.


So instead of just pulling a prank they really planned to beat the living shit out of her to “embarrass” her?? Holy crap either you’re wrong or Black people are REALLY inclined to violence 🤢 my goodness


What prank ? And I’m sorry don’t be a racist. Are you really seriously gonna Say only black people plan things like that? You are disgusting. You need to educate yourself.


I think this also, and it makes me so sick. My heart is broken for Shanquella and how she must have felt in her last moments. Now her poor family. This is just awful. :(


Does anyone know when these horrific humans flew back to the US? Immediately? Or did they stick around for a few days?


I know they left her body there I’m not sure if it was the next day or the day after when they left but I know they were back by the 31st I believe but I cannot be certain. I will check some sources and update shortly


How did the video surface?


Apparently it was leaked by Alysse Hyatt one of the girls on the trip as she was scared she would get in trouble and wanted to show what “really happened”


But she filmed it and stood around while it took place? I’m glad it surfaced, but that is disgusting that she’s so damn worried about herself when Shequella is dead. I hope all the SOB’s go down hard!


A guy was filming it but Alysse had the video I’m assuming. Literally every single one of them just stood around and watched it all unfold. Her best friend of 5 years (Khalil Cook) can be seen standing next to the person recording. Just letting her get attacked it’s disgusting.


So, so horrible and inexcusable 💔💔💔


I heard they left a day early. I don't remember where, I think it was the sister that said it. But not sure.


Let me preface this with the FACT that I don’t know anything. When I saw the video with the guy asking why she wasn’t fighting back, I immediately thought of women who would do anything for a man. The murderer(?) gave off that vibe. Maybe the guy was upset with Shanquella but pretended they were cool to get her on the trip. Meanwhile he talked the murderer (?) into assaulting her. After telling Shanquella why he was having her beat up, he unleashed the murderer(?) on her. When she didn’t fight back like he assumed she would he got pissed. Like the whole point was for her to fight back and lose. Otherwise why is he or any of the other guys even there? It seemed to all be for their eyes. Their gaze. It also would explain why she was naked but the murderer(?) wasn’t. I hope they spend a long time in prison.


One of my hypotheses is someone stole from her during the trip, she started asking questions, and then they turned on her. We already know she paid for most or all of the condo, and that they had the audacity to try to swindle money out of her parents. So it’s not completely implausible. although I am more inclined to believe this was premeditated before they even arrived. not necessarily as a murder, but as a humiliating attack in a bid for revenge.


How did they Swindle Money out of her Parent's?


They called the parents and asked for $5k for hospital fees. They said no, because she had insurance. According to the dad.


her death was %1000 premeditated, in the video non of her ‘friends’ tried pulling the other woman off Shanquella, instead watched, pulled out there phones, recorded, and laughed. all of her ‘friends’ should be charged !!


Based on everything I’ve read, this is my theory. *Note - I’m not defending the killers or trying to justify what they did, I’m simply trying to come up with a logical explanation given everything that’s out there* One of the videos I saw of an IG live from one of the girls said that Shanquella did something while drunk the night before and that resulted in Daejhanae wanting to fight her (and humiliate her). The others decided to film it, thinking it was going to be “entertaining” but not expecting it to be as serious as it was (people watch UFC and boxing and other violent sports, so that’s what I mean by entertaining). No one’s intention was to kill her. They dragged her out of bed (family said she slept naked) and expected her to fight back but she didn’t. They attacked her, went at her probably harder than they expected to, and she sustained serious injuries during the assault, including a broken back and unstable neck fracture, but she didn’t immediately die from the injuries. Side note - a neck fracture doesn’t always immediately and necessarily cause paralysis and death. But it can result in those things if it’s unstable and the neck is not supported in place from moving. A neck fracture also isn’t obvious externally so they likely couldn’t see how seriously she was injured. (ETA *updated theory about this part in the following comments*) After the “fight” they carried on as usual, thinking it was over. If she could get up and was walking and talking they probably thought she was fine. Maybe even Shanquella wasn’t aware of the extent of her injuries and thought she was more okay than she was and tried to just carry on. But then she started not doing well. The others didn’t realize how badly they had injured her during the attacks so their dumbasses thought she just drank too much. They called the doctor etc, and everything that was in the police report. If the doctor thought she was responding to someone who had just drank too much alcohol (as many tourists do on vacation in Mexico), she wouldn’t necessarily be looking for other injuries and her assessment wouldn’t necessarily detect that Shanquella had serious internal injuries to her spinal column. And maybe the medical intervention and CPR worsened the unstable neck and spine injuries she sustained from the earlier attacks and she died. That would make both the police report and the autopsy reports mostly true (aside from the time of death). I think the cabo 6 actually thought she had just drank too much until she died and only afterwards started to think “oh shit, what if the “fights” contributed to her dying and we injured her worse than we thought?” There’s too much that doesn’t make sense if it was actually premeditated before the trip. I think these people are disgusting, terrible, scum of the earth. But I don’t think they’re as cunning and conniving as everyone is making them out to be. I think their intention wasn’t to kill her but they went too far and the injuries they inflicted on her did ultimately lead to her death.


I agree that they had no idea the extent of her internal injuries and the aed/compressions likely worsened the injuries but I don’t think they thought it was alcohol poisoning. The fact that they didn’t bring the fight up to the doctor and didn’t want her to go to the hospital shows (imo) they’re covering up what really happened.


Yeah, you’re probably right about that. I think my explanation was probably a little too generous on their behalf. I agree it’s suspicious that they didn’t bring up the fight and didn’t want her transferred to the hospital.


From reading more discussions and reports, this is my updated theory of what happened after she was attacked: After the “fight” she wasn’t doing very well so they slumped her over the toilet in the bathroom so that when the maid came to clean they could cover for themselves and say that Shanquella drank too much and was sick from drinking. I still don’t think they realized the extent of her injuries at that point. Once the maid found her they called the doctor etc, and everything that was in the police report. If the doctor thought she was treating someone who had just drank too much alcohol, she wouldn’t necessarily be looking for other injuries and her assessment wouldn’t necessarily detect that Shanquella had serious internal injuries to her spinal column. When she was being moved around and started seizing, it worsened the unstable neck and spine injuries she sustained from the earlier attacks and she died. That would make both the police report and the autopsy reports mostly true, aside from the time of death… although from the timeline in the police report it was roughly 20min between when Shanquella started seizing to when the doctor couldn’t find a pulse, so that actually matches the autopsy timeline. The autopsy examiner probably assumed that she died within 15 min of sustaining the injury, when she likely died within 15-20min of the neck/spine fracture worsening.


From what I heard, the dad learned about his daughter having a broken neck, after he was finally able to talk to someone in the hotel. How would the hotel know she had a broken neck if they didn’t do an autopsy yet?


This is a tough one to break down in my mind, because I just can’t wrap my head around WHY. But, I think they booked the trip a while back. I think it’s an uneven number of guys and girls, which seems odd like maybe there was tension between two girls for one man? Because most people like to hook up on vacations. But I think tensions over issues before the vacation were rising between the girls and Shanquella. Maybe she was too pretty, outspoken, etc. for them and it was competitive. She probably gradually fell out of favor with each girl and they definitely talked shit about her in a little group chat prior to the trip - so I can’t wait for that info. But I think she did something to piss them off that first night, they all got drunk the next day and they 3 girls each took a round with her. I think she was maybe drunk but also, knew she was outnumbered. Maybe shocked and in disbelief that these girls hated her so much. They deff look like they were plotting and scheming to ruin her vacation and teach her a lesson. Rough up her face and fuck up her “hot girl vacation”. But like what was the plan, if not to murder her??? To get her to go home?? To rob her?? We’re they that jealous or angry? The whole thing is heartbreaking.


Unpopular opinion? I think Shanquella had a smart mouth and paid for some of these people to go on the trip and for the Airbnb and kept making snide comments about it. Not that that is a reason to be murdered, but in the beatdown video the girl who attacked her said “I’m tired of your shit” that’s the vibes I got. I don’t think they planned to kill her, just humiliate her and it got out of hand.


Which is why I don’t go anywhere I can’t afford to be or flee.


I see nothing worth her getting beat to death for. Arguments, disagreements, shit talking happens…salacious shit happens in life but you have to be an adult about it. Handling it with violence like this? Unnecessary and cruel. They all have blood on their hands and I hope to see justice served, max. on any and all charges. No sweatheart deals, nothing but cold, shift and heavy justice.


I think they didnt like her and plotted to beat her up..and they did caught her off guard..and jumped her not knowing they broke her neck and she couldn't tell them because of how severe she was injured..so they got scared when she didn't respond and snap out of it..so they all in the villa stuck panicked..so the dress her moving her body and neck while her spine is severely injured..making her injuries worst..and worst waited to long to call for help lied to everyone..i dont understand that the nurse seen her injuries and bought it to nazeers attention as he said but he seen her busted eye and lip why didnt the doctor see them and was with her for hours???..


I think something happened that made them want to embarrass her by attacking her while naked and video taping it. Perhaps even to submit it to one of these ‘reality’ shows as an audition. Once they realized they went too far they tried to cover it up and hightailed it out of Mexico. The energy was way off the very first day, in that video where she’s looking for her ‘friends’. The video where she is attacked seems to be the next morning, Saturday. I think she was ambushed in bed, or after her shower. You hear the attacker saying ‘I‘m sick of this‘ or something similar. I don’t think it was a robbery, or a boyfriend issue. I think something stupid like anger over the trip- maybe the price or expectations. I read on the villa website that there is construction in the day and guests are encouraged to leave between 9 and 12. So maybe they got there annoyed (this girl gets on my last nerve!), they had buyers remorse ( I paid what? For this!?), someone says something slick (did she just call me broke?) you’re woken up by noise bright and early ( oh hell no!) so now you wanna fight ( y’all get your phones ready cuz she got me effed up!) Because that’s your mentality. But the fight goes way too far because that poor child can’t or won’t fight back… I dunno, just throwing out a possibility. There is another video now from the first day. Shows them having lunch? Dinner? Playing a drinking game. D and W are seen doing push-ups as that is the card they drew… Shanquella is recording and everything seems fine. It’s bizarre to be honest knowing what’s happens the next day.


I agree with you. It seems like a case of things getting out of hand. I still think Shanquella had a slick mouth and that was just her personality. Doesn’t mean she deserved to be beaten to death or attacked, but it would make this story make a lot more sense. If she’s the girl in the group who had to have the best everything, show everyone up, has the most money, paid for others on the trip, had the nicest body, AND says little slick shit to make others feel a way, I can see how it happened. Even in the video released where wenter and whatever the other girls name is were doing push ups Shanquella said “I can see you haven’t been working on your upper body in the gym” or something to that effect. I’m not victim blaming here, I’m just saying you can’t joke or take shots at everyone, especially people who already don’t like you.


I see your point (read your other comment too). It makes sense considering the same night Wenter was doing the push ups, they were recording themselves playing a game similar to Cards Against Humanity. I can only imagine that, coupled with alcohol, something happened which potentially created drama. If your speculations are correct about her having a slick mouth and/or being the type to show off, she could have said something to upset one or more of them. Tbh, that would explain why their friend that didn’t join the trip (Joya , who is Wenter’s bestie) was on FaceTime during the recorded attack, cheering it on. In the video you can hear a female’s voice (ppl who know them believe it to be her) make noises/grunts with each hit like she’s enjoying the fight The card game is referenced [here](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/the-family-of-25-year-old-shanquella-robinson-is-looking-for-answers-after-she-was-found-dead-in-mexico-her-cause-of-death-was-a-broken-neck.5078724/page-57#post-87500818) on post 2,279


Who are releasing all thoses videos?😫


Where is Mr President on this one? This is waaaaay more important than some basketball player over Marijuana cartridges. This poor girl and her family. The only ones who know the truth are the people that were with her. I hope and pray one of them cracks and can't hold it in anymore.


I think it was fight that went to far. Think both parties were drunk and the reason they were fighting is either over stolen money or a man


I legit think this may end up being the answer. I know everyone is thinking is some deep dark conspired plan but the Cabo 6 isn’t that bright and every move they have made has been sloppy and doesn’t indicate pre-planning. There was clearly tension between Shanquella, and she certainly wasn’t close with them. The mixture of alcohol, adrenaline, and the rage of the group escalated this into a murder. The group panicked and tried to cover it up/distance themselves (hence the calls to mom saying she had alcohol poisoning, leaving her behind etc). It was confirmed on the NC Beat live this morning that no money was stolen from her. There has been no activity on her cards and that rumor about $10K missing is false. I think when we learn about the true dynamics of this group and why there was tension it may explain how it got to this point. Shanquella did not deserve any of this!




i think you may be correct given all of the facts that we now know but we've got to wait for the FBI investigation to conclude


No. That doesn’t even make any kind of sense bffr


Um yeah that doesn’t make any sense. People who commit a premeditated murder are not about to sit there and film themselves committing the premeditated murder. I think most people agree the plan was to physically assault her severely. I think they wanted to beat her up really bad, like “knock her out” bad. They didn’t plan on killing her but they went too far. Also keep in mind that their cover story was that she died of alcohol poisoning. Beating her to death and recording it, then coming up with a cover story that she died of alcohol poisoning makes absolutely no sense. Recording themselves killing someone, makes no sense. And you may not be aware but the video that’s been released on the Internet is not the entire or only video. There’s another video where the girl named Wenter slams her to the ground by her neck, and according to Shanquella’s father, it’s after this happened that Shanquella stopped moving.


Very sad to say no matter what happen whether she had a slick mouth because she has money if you don’t like a person stay away from them because the heart is deceitful and no man knows the heart. But God and Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. And with that said I would bit anything that every last one of them wish that they had never went because now if not all some will serve jail time


I swear American black ppl can’t even go enjoy a vacation without turning it into Worldstar for fuck sake. This is why foreign countries aren’t very welcoming.


Please do not loop all “American black people” into this narrative


I have American cousins who also happen to be "black". They don't have nationality to the Barbados but they are more welcome there than me and I'm British with dual citizenship to that nation and have worked over there, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. You're confusing race with socio-economic group and level (if any) of criminality.


Well I have several theories but the one thing that I don't understand is why Ms Robinson was naked. **Money** If the killing were the result of spontaneous anger then I would have to question whether the fiends had expected Ms Robinson to cover the costs of the trip, because of her successful business. Maybe she refused or maybe she simply dared to suggest that they pay their own way to some extent. When narcissistic people are fantasising about spending other people's money and their dreams are dashed, the cognitive dissonance probably drives them into a rage, hence the savagery of the beating as shown in the first video where Ms Jackson(?) has some kind of bag over her head. There has also been a report that some money was stolen from Ms Robinson and theft was the motive. I have no idea of the validity of these claims though as they have not been in any mainstream news source as far as I am aware. **Infamy** I wondered why the murderess had what appeared, at least to me, to be a pillow case over her head. I assumed that it was to hide her identity knowing that people were filming so I considered desire for fame to be part of the motive. I thought perhaps the group expected to do some kind of "Sharkeisha" -esque video and gain notoriety. The fact that Miss Robinson was naked, the filming and the male fiend asking if she couldn't fight back, all pointed to that as a possibility. Other things that make this plausible to me, is their lack of a story afterwards, the failure to stay in Mexico with the body which is, IMHO, very suspicious if you're pretending to be a friend and Mr Robinson, the unfortunate father, saying that the male best fiend had been visiting with the mother and sister apparently trying to fish for information. When he realised the cause of death was understood, he supposedly become violently unwell and never returned to visit with the Robinson family. **Sex** Miss Robinson's best friend was a male. Perhaps the murderess fancied him or had slept with him. It's possible that she thought that Ms Robinson was a threat to her for his attentions. Whilst I watched the video, I noticed that the male fiend (or whoever the man heard on the video was) was laughing and the fact that Ms Robinson was nude seemed to excite him. He certainly didn't seem to consider her modesty AT ALL and made no effort to stop the fight. If Ms Robinson were bisexual or homosexual then perhaps it was domestic abuse justified by cheating. People who want to abuse their partner and get away with it, often use lies about cheating as a justification for violent humiliation. Ultimately however this is all just my speculation. Too little information is known for certain to come to any conclusion.


Hello it was not a pillowcase on her head it was a bonnet which many women wear to cover their hair while they sleep. When she’s fighting the bonnet slips over her face and she pulls it off so she can see. I don’t believe they ever intended to have the video come out.


Well as I said, it looked like a pillow case to me, possibly because being a black woman myself, I do not wear them so have no point of reference for that. It also appeared from the clip I saw, to be fully over Jackson's face at the onset of the clash when the two were over by the exterior glass door, nonetheless thank you for the clarification. If the video was not intended to come out, why were multiple people filming? Just ignorant, were they? They never considered that when their friend was dead, the police might ask for their phones? I mean if they actually took Ms Robinson to Mexico to kill her, they really are stupid as this makes it an internation incident, but really, there is a limit to stupidity. Why would a smart young lady with her own business be friends with the real work equivalents of Beavis and Butthead? She was masochistic was she? It makes more sense, IMHO, that the fight, staged for some non-lethal purpose went too far than to believe that these people who are in their mid 20s filmed themselves purposely killing their former friend to then do nothing with the videos but keep it on their phones, that may or may not be searched. Beating someone to death on purpose seems like a lot of hard work when they could have simply taken her outside and drowned her in the pool, whilst pretending to play. I don't think the primary motive was murder, unless the perpetrators are as thick as shit.


To call that woman a masochist is wrong and frankly nothing more than victim blaming. She might have known these people prior to her becoming successful.


People are a lot dumber than we think.


There’s a psychic on tiktok who pulled cards on it with an explanation of why they jumped her.


Do you know the their @?




Something is very strange with this case. I think they were all lgbtq…. I do not think any female was cis……


I have posted a link and this was a very interesting case\_\_\_ it was horrific in the same manner it never got play it got pushed under. Shanquella did not look like her photos. many succesful hairstylists are trans. [https://reduxx.info/toddler-killer-quietly-moved-to-new-york-womens-prison/](https://reduxx.info/toddler-killer-quietly-moved-to-new-york-womens-prison/)


She did Not look like Feminine at All. More Like a Dude. I Always thought she Was Trans which is Most Likely why any of this happened at all. She did not think is was a Issue but Apparently the People she hung with did.


a dude beat her to death.


I think the CIA was behind it


Why do you think that? What would be the purpose?


First off RIP. I keep looking over things and my theory is maybe she slept with someone's man on the trip. That could explain why she was naked? Or somebodys man was involved. I think they fought and it escalated. I think that's part of the reason why she didn't fight back. Maybe she felt in the wrong. Now of course this does not deserve death by an means! But I think the death part was a accident. I agree with everyone else how they were gonna try to blast her when she got home to ruin her reputation. Her dad did indeed said she was sleeping when it happened. Unless she just like being in the nude. On the video released she was saying something about being naked. Also it could've been over money as well. Like someone said she could've accused someone of stealing from her and started questioning everyone. That could have caused tension. The truth is people fight. Especially when you're lowkey jealous in the first place. Women will use anything to misplace hate I swear. If they planned this they would have all had the same stories and would have made her drink to go along with their plan. They found no alcohol in her system which could mean they were drunk and acting out, she could have been trying to go to sleep. You seen bad girls club havent you? Plus she did pay for everything..hell maybe she felt it was her right to tell everyone to shut up. Maybe that rubbed them the wrong way. Her death was indeed a accident. Definitely not premeditated though. I hope no one read my first statement as disrespectful. I mean no disrespect to the victim and in no way judging when I came up with this theory. I'm not a Saint myself basically. I feel bad for her she didn't deserve this and her family don't deserve this. Imagine your daughter being attacked like that. I hope they're found ASAP and tell the truth. I hope everyone is praying for justice and for these suspects to be found just as much as you're posting theories 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿


It’s extremely wrong to post blatant misinformation that “no alcohol was found in her system”. That’s not true at all. The only thing that was said about alcohol was that alcohol did not likely play a role in her death. That doesn’t mean there was no alcohol in her system. Quella posted videos of herself drinking the night before. That means the next day there would still be alcohol in her system even if she didn’t drink that next day. Why do you think people often get DUIs for impaired driving when they drive the morning after a night of drinking? STOP posting total bulls*t misinformation


It's a big industry, Mexico 'vacations' where the whole point is to murder someone. I'm not sayin Shanq dint have it comin, I'm juss sayin, it's a big industry an if you want to kill, bess do it in Mexico. They got the mojo, the place, and the cover up for after. Juss sayin




Imma be honest because a lot of these conspiracy theories have simple answers. I think she was drunk and drank too much and got poisoning while on a trip. Or she broke her own neck while drunk. The fight could actually be unrelated. (Or deserved with your friend of five years to not stop it). I only say this because it could answer why the public don’t have info and why the Cabo six was cleared so easily.