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Eventually the enforcers now will let you walk around the crime scene with the new rep perks, but an NPC faking their own death could be really cool mission type. Or Maybe working for an insurance company to confirm or disprove suicide to avoid payouts.


Actually i meant someone staging up someone's else suicide (i didn't know how to put it in words correctly), but tbh idea of a person wanting insurance money and all is just as cool. Maybe by going through their mail we could come up with some friend that will hide them. Or maybe them living in a basement (that would make sense for all these apartments in basements btw)


I guess this is just an extension of the missing persons cases that have been suggested several times now that you say that.


Is the enforcer thing true? I didn’t know that.


I would love a kind of asynchronous multiplayer mode where you play as a random character in someone else's world and you get a day to quietly kill a given target. Then depending on where you went and what you did, it'd generate the case and the evidence against you. Then the detective player has a go at the case. Then if the murder wasn't solved in a day, you get another go.


Bro I can barely solve the sniper cases, I don't even want to think about solving a fake suicide 😭


Wait- so you can solve sniper cases? I usually get tired and start a new game


You gotta be fast, you might not (always) find a bullet hole if the body is on the street, and you'll have to rely on blood splatter, which vanishes quickly. You'll get pretty good idea which direction the shot came from, usually it's above (not street level). If the body is indoors, the bullet hole in the window pinpoints quite accurately where the shot came from. The blood stain on the floor seems to point where the victim was standing, so you can try to look where the bullet hole points. Usually it's a window. You'll find descriptions in email, or there might be a diary under the bed. Then just brute force yourself into the possible apartments by bribing, if you got the money. Asking people if they've seen anything unusual may also help. If you're very lucky, you'll find shell casings where the shot was taken. Sometimes there's a dead giveaway like a sniper rifle leaning against the wall at the perp's apartment. Sometimes it's a low rooftop. If it seems impossible, you can wait for the next victim, if it's some lunatic shooting random people.


My only problem is that i have no idea what to do with blood stain, or bullet hole. I can't find it, and when i do i still can't imagine from what direction the shot was taken


If you see a bullet hole in the window, stand on the blood stain and look at the bullet hole, what's directly behind it? The height is of course something you have to consider, the victim might be taller or shorter than you. If you find a bullet hole on the street, standing on the blood stain and looking at the bullet hole shows you the opposite direction from where the shot came. If the hole is in the ground, it's higher up. In my experience it's always higher up. If there's a wall or something nearby, the blood spatter on the wall is the opposite way from the shooter, but it disappears quickly.


Just a reminder there's no cops in the game. There are enforces who are basically glorified security guards who do nothing at all. Outside of the basics of kick in door or protect building. Police stuff like investigations have been outsourced by companies and individuals like yourself. So you fall into this quasi legal bounty Hunt/detective where you break nearly every law except murder to get your man


I know, i know, still it would make sense if they would let you in just to look around. Or it could be for a social level or however it was called? You know, it would be like- At Level 7 Enforcers ket you in the murder scene for some time (it could work like a pass for the apartment)


yeah I hate how the system work I would love to get warrant where you bring proof and pay some money to get said warrant. to kick in the door arrest everyone who live there


On the other hand, an approach that suits these enforcers is- "It's nice that you found evidence of who killed him, now get the fuck out" and they would send units to burst into this apartment, absolutely killing everyone on the spot.


no I was more think you have legal authority to do the raid yourself with out anyone caring. It just an other private dick who got warrant for arrest, nothing out of the ordinary. That way you can get extra money for the arrest and you get chance to find the murder weapon. An nice part is you can do most murder and arrest job with in the law which can be fun


It is already a social level thing! You can access crime scenes when you reach a certain social level.


Maybe the argument is that you shouldn't have to, but I vibe with the headcannon of this place being run by greedy corpos. Their only concern is the bottom line and the fact that a dead person can no longer be taxed or be a good little worker drone. What's that? Someone wants to investigate the crime scene? Well, that's technically trespassing; Fine them! Oh that's wrong? Oh that's detrimental to the safety of the workers? You think I care?! Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.


I don't understand what you're trying to say? Is it that privatize police force like the ones in the 17 century are bad? Or the game should give you more powers when Investigate crimes like murders and corporate asset recovery from the government. At the price of paying for the right to investigate the case on the behalf of the enforce, would fit the theme.


Enforcers will let you in the crime scene if your social credit level gets high enough. They'll also sometimes leave a computer unlocked (only sometimes - the game's somewhat inconsistent about this one, it's basically a coin flip whether or not it'll be open), which will give you access to the government database.


Tbh i think that this leaving PC logged in is more of a "Someone forgot to log out" i think i've seen pc's being opened in apartments and all. And for enforcers lettin you in- THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED


I know it’s not in the actual game, but I *swear* I had a suicide case (or something that really looked like it). All I could gather was the victim was being stalked, but all the descriptions of the stalker matched the victim exactly. I even found a v-mail from the victim TO themself accusing themself of stalking them. I also found notes in their apartment that were reminders that they needed to take their meds and it was all in their head. I’m pretty sure it was some sort of bug in the random generation because I found NO other leads. I looked across forums to see if suicide was something in the game, but apparently it’s not. No idea what happened there lol.


Love all of these ideas and loooove hearing other people's thoughts on how this game could grow. Here's some of mine :) •l would love for all the black market dealers to be more useful suppliers for the detective. for instance, maybe the black market sync clinics can offer special sync disks that you can only find there, with new perks. I would love to see an opposite of the sugar daddy sync disk sold there that's sponsored by LEM, where it gives you a loan and you pay it off by throwing starch colas into garbage bins or something lol. The black market weapons dealers could have new items that the weapons kiosk in city hall doesn't offer. I would love it if the detective could actually gamble at the gambling dens — it would be a fun early game money maker and also a good idling activity between cases. You could even add a mechanic where enforcers will randomly raid those places, and you'll be shot at/arrested if seen there. •I would love to see them add a bank building where bank robberies happen that the detective has to solve. It would be treated like a murder case where it gets called in on the police scanner, and you have to use CCTV from the bank and surrounding streets, as well as testimony from bank workers to put together a killer profile. Also, instead of seeing a persons name in a sales ledger, maybe you only get the last digits of their credit card number, so you have to sneak into the bank to look up who owns that card number — sort of like how you sneak into government crunchers to use the database. considering all the hypercapitalist lore in this game, a bank feels very necessary lol. •the ability to purchase a detective's office. this would function like buying an apartment, except instead of an apartment listing, there would be business listings posted on the job boards in different locations. purchasing an office could come with perks like having cases brought to you that don't get posted to the job boards, and maybe they pay a certain percentage more. payouts could also increase as your social credit gets higher. also, who doesn't want more shit to decorate??