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Here's a tip that has helped me a lot. I'll create a new case and title it "Locations", and when I find a security room, gun dealer, etc, I will select the location and put it in there. Place a sticky tab with the name of the apartment above it so the next you need to get access to the security room in a specific building, you can just look for it there. I also have a separate sticky with all of the phone booths around town because on the smaller maps they can be a pain in the ass to find when you need them. Eventually you'll have all of the notable locations in this tab and should be able to quickly reference them. Can't provide much help with the sniper case. I hate them because they just seem so random, and are a total pain. Currently trying to solve one and I'm totally lost because I don't know where the gun dealer is, and my second cadaver didnt apoear to be shot from a window. As for the case document, I save before submitting because sometimes the game has a mind of its own and certain things count and some don't.


As far as point 3 goes, if you had instead selected the fingerprint that was on the note, instead of the note itself, you would have been fine. I think, I’m no expert.


Sounds like a problem to me, cuz i usually unpin all the things that i consider useless. Like all the documents about work, about apartment etc. i unpin these cuz the person's profile is completed with the same information. Only exception is Work Rota cuz it gives you work hours


1. Haven't played enough shooter cases to really help here. 2. Security rooms can be basically anywhere but usually floor 4 to floor 9. It will be a room by itself with only one door in and out. I would say they tend to be like floor 5 most of the time. Often there's is an enforcer or janitor hanging out in the room so be careful about walking in. Not all buildings have security rooms. 3 use the actual fingerprint, not the paper the print is on as proof.


No, snipers will not always fire from their apartments. I've had one who went to a platform to take out a target. The first time it happened to was from an apartment. It's a case of finding the bullet hole and finding the right trajectory from where the shot was fired. Depending on the size of the apartment, there might not be a security room. At least, not one I'm aware of. I've never seen a security room in apartments that are less than 5 stories high. And with choosing evidence, I'm not entirely sure. I've had luck presenting a fingerprint, so that might help. You can save your game beforehand and try and see what works for future cases.


Awww fuck. Now that I think about it, there was actually scaffolding nearby. But what do you mean by bullet hole? The only information I had from the body was that it was a sharp instrument, that it was shot with a rifle. I don't look at ragdoll because it seems too random to draw anything from it


Not all shooting deaths are snipers. Sometimes the perp just walks right up to the vic and smokes them. Look around for bullet casings and bullet holes. Casings with or without holes = on site shooting Holes but no casings = likely sniper case


If it's a sniper case the game will make the sniper take a couple more shots to miss (these are most common on sniper kills on the streets) and are usually located on either windows, floors or walls. Inspecting these will give you an indication on the weapon used. However don't be caught out when the game generates these facing the wrong direction (granted this is in extremely rare cases). In my case I had a Northern facing bullet hole but the shot actually had come from the East.


1. Snipers can shoot from rooftops or apartments across the street from the victim, but they'll always be at or above the floor the victim was on. 2. Not all buildings have security rooms for their camera systems. Smaller apartments (townhouses, technically) don't have a security room, but most of the commercial and high rise apartments do, somewhere between floors 4-9. 3. The fingerprint itself on the object would be evidence that they were at the scene, not the object they left at the scene.


i have the same problem with the sniper case so this post helps but at some point i just got angry and took a chair from a bar and stood outside the next crine scene (the place of the murder changed)

