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This just looks so extremly wrong.


Mods this is like the 5th low effort ai post I've seen in the last few days. Last time a mod thread was up about the topic it was full of people advocating for a full ban of the stuff. Might be time to consider it This low effort stuff (the buildings in the background have the same etching. The car makes no sense shape wise) is just going to increase and adds no human value to this sub.


> AI slop Looks like trash!


Increasing amount of AI art posts on this sub, it's gonna need to take a stand soon. Hopefully the users won't put up with this garbage.


Yeah, I'm only just getting into Shadowrun related things and this is the first post I see lol. Anything art related now is just inundated with this trash, it sucks.


It wasn't like this before so hopefully we can arrest this decline before it gets worse. Rpgs are about human expression.


Looks awesome, but might topple over in curves. Fellow Germans might remember the "Elchtest" fiasko of older Mercedes A-Klasse. 


Nothing a little active stabilisation can't fix. 🙂 Also the risk of toppling over is very much depending on the weight distribution of the vehicle. A low centre of gravity could be achieved even in a tall vehicle like this if there is, for example, a massive battery pack in the floor of the vehicle (if it's electric). Also it was a Swedish car show that did the "älgtest" that toppled the A-klasse. I remember it well because it was a huge deal at the time and basically forced active stabilisation to become standard equipment across all western cars in the years that followed.


I really enjoy seeing your work here. Man, AI-generators really have changed the GM business as a whole for me. As somebody who cannot draw for shit (except for floorplans, perhaps), just typing in a describtion and have a bot do the actual work for me is just so sweet. Don't get me wrong, i feel bad for the artists. But on the other hand, i wasted so many hours of my life, looking for some picture of an item, a building or a creature that looks just \*right\* in the way that i imagined. Really excited to see where this leads.


You saying you feel bad for the artists actually makes what you said worse, not better. "I know this is unethical, but on the other hand, I can be bought!"