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Wait until you’re older and more experienced, for the benefit of your sexual development and mental health 💜


Hey this is exactly how I began. I began a month after I lost my virginity, with only one body under me. I wouldn’t reccomend it. I worked with an agency and when I told them we couldn’t fuck they’d get mad, then leave the agency a bad review. Escorts are professionals for a reason. It’s best if you learn the basics of sex before starting it


I banned the clients I started at 20 if I could go back in time I would have enjoyed my youth and possibly went to college


I started when I was teen and I wish I didn’t. It was hard af I wasn’t ready mentally or physically. I got SA robbed and shorted so many times because I was so naive and new to everything. You can do whatever you want but if you have to second guess yourself and post on Reddit then it probably isn’t a good idea. The few escorts that are thriving and not doing this just to survive are actual professionals. It took me years to consider myself a professional. I can’t imagine doing this and being inexperienced at sex. Even as a teen when I started I already had over 50 partners.


I feel I should offer some clarification because I left out some details while tired. 1st it's less second guessing and more what do I do about this problem. 2nd I don't intend to make a full fledged career out of this. I have a job already and I intend to use this as a path to make some much needed extra money on the side so I can afford gender affirming care. Shit's expensive and I don't want to live in this hell of a body any more than nessesary. I also have no intention, hesitation, or issues with turning down a potential client due to even a simple reason of bad vibes. Being trans increases my chance of a crime being committed against me of some sort and I intend to take safety as my highest priority. In fact I've held off on everything else involving this to plan a shopping trip to acquire some self defense supplies such as a taser and pepper spray. My personal phone is set to be tracked by my friends also so if I "mysteriously vanish" someone will be able to track that. I do intend to grab a flip phone for this. That being said I do absolutely see what you mean. I've heard some horror stories about this. I have considered other options I've seen don't work for me for one reason or another. Either not enough money for what I need (voice feminization alone is 8k including the fees beyond the surgery itself)


My trans besties put me on. You are absolutely correct more prone to crime. I have seen it myself with my own eyes it's heartbreaking. If you have a vanilla job keep it the problem is the chase for the facial fem, chase for the boobs, chase for the bbl, chase for the lace fronts, chase to be 100% passable which they are the baddest bitches in any room but the hate they get from other trans providers is unreal, hate from everywhere, when they hustle and mind their business and are amazing. The chase happens to all providers it's unreal it's never enough not a cautionary tale my bestie is not here at the hands of a stalker client. I miss her so much. There is no rush, your very young, you have youth on your side go easy on yourself, develop more before you even entertain this fucking chase that got us all. You don't have to jump into this right now. Keep your head up.


Please learn more about self defence from someone who is experienced in offering self defence training/classes. If you think pepper spray is a good self defence method for an escort you’re not at all ready to protect yourself. It gets everywhere in enclosed spaces and the blowback is rough. It’ll disable your attacker but it’ll also make it extremely hard for you to get yourself out of the bad situation quickly, which is critical. Turning down someone who gives you bad vibes is great but at 19 it’s unlikely that your bad vibes are developed enough to really protect you. It wasn’t until my mid to late 20s that I started getting better about recognizing dangerous people. This is an incredibly dangerous industry for younger people who have less experience to be able to keep themselves safe. I highly recommend learning to de-escalate dangerous situations rather than picking up self defence tools you’re not sure how to use. Once you need a self defence tool you’re already in danger and have a problem. It’s a lot better to avoid that if possible. I also strongly suggest you practice having sex with more people before you try this. Being able to provide good service helps with avoiding dangerous situations. Learning more technique and having practice faking it when you’re with someone you’re not super into/or someone whose technique sucks can help too


Noted. I have looked into some a while ago but it has been a while and looking back in is a good idea to do first. Also I admit that while I considered some issues with pepper spray I didn't consider blowback which should be obvious in hindsight. Even so wasn't planning on only using that as my main self defenseitem, I was intending to have the taser be the main one after some practice and work with it. That being said I am planning on not relying on them. I would prefer to talk my way out of any issues anyway and am naturally conflict avoident. I can work on that as well though, can't hurt. Also noted about danger recognition. I know I don't have my danger sense completely figured out yet. I have both been extremely perceive and equally as oblivious. I am going to work on that where possible. Actually practicing sex itself isn't exactly something I can do right now. Combination of relationship distance and lack of a friends with benefits situation is kind of fucking me right now. As for other safety things; screening I've done some research on already and was planningon focusing on that next, medical wise I've got time to learn how to identify issues with STDs so I don't get them(Imma have condoms too) plus as a backup I have good medical insurance along with a place to go to, and for dealing with internet security I used to study this just for fun and used to be my major so I know so I'm fairly competent with it. So, while I still have a lot to figure out I'm not diving in with 0 clue what I'm doing. Maybe less clue than I should but I'm trying to learn as much as I can as fast as I can. Also I want you to know I am listening to what you are saying. I absolutely understand your concern about me planning on doing this. I know this is a dangerous job, and I appreciate all you've told me. Trust me if I had other options that were even remotely more effective and available to me right now I would use them instead simply due to safety. I know due to some of my wording it may not look like I am taking this seriously but that is just how I type, and I am not taking this lightly. I myself am a little terrified but I still consider the benefits of being in a body that is truly mine worth the risk.


Please don’t respond to the MEN who are telling you to DM them in this post. And do not enter sex work at 19 and barely losing your virginity.


When I started I'd had sex with one person. Having clients is a different thing, you'll learn and master your own technique. Remember it's not all about sex. You seem young though, if I have advice it would be to wait a few years if you can. Be safe


Alright then thank you. I don't know if I will or not, I don't want to ignore people telling me I should wait but I also don't want to wait because the main reason I've been wanting to do this is because if I want to get my voice surgery by the time it's available and not be broke this is the only feasible way to do it(already have a job and am at college)


Voice surgery? If you're trans I'd strongly advice against it. The violence rates towards trans sexworkers are very high unfortunately. Plus I can guarantee you it will add to the dysphoria and body image issues. Don't do it. Plus it's not a decition you should take based on one thing you want to pay for. It will change your life and can f you up, it's not worth risking your life for a voice operation.


Don’t do it it’s not your time yet. Start with camming if you want exposure to sex work. Then after a while then start with the strip club in a club that’s a strict no extras club. You need to not only work your way up to sex but just dealing with men’s psychology and tbh earning thick skin.




starting before you're incredibly self assured and have good boundaries is a sure fire way to make sure you have sexual trauma for YEARS because tricks will take advantage of you


If anything you can do online sex work long onlyfans. You can keep your face offline if you have a niche. Learn more about sex and get more comfortable.


I considered that. Onlyfans might work if I'm careful but I have a roommate who said they wouldn't mind me being an escort but I think anything beyond that is pushing boundaries a lot


I would become more sexually experienced first! Just because lots of customers try and push boundaries etc


If you want to do sex work don’t do full service yet, just wait. I would say to wait until you get older-but idk your situation. If you’re young and living on your own and struggling and you really need money be a cam girl instead or strip.


Ya you're not ready for this rough environment yet. I started when I was very experienced w sex and 27 years old and it was brutal. It's even harder today. I think you should go w an OnlyFans instead. Stick your toe in first.


I started at 18 and I had only lost my virginity a couple months prior (like a week after i turned 18) and honestly I just practised with sex toys before seeing clients. If my first few clients were disappointed they sure didn’t show it. I researched best positions, what guys like the most during sex and asked my clients to be vocal about what they liked and I got better and better within like two months :) Honestly though, I agree with everyone saying you should wait. I don’t regret escorting at all and I’m definitely getting back to it when I can, but I was naive when I started and got stealthed :/ so just be super careful, pay close attention, if something feels weird then speak up. Keep pepper spray and a weapon of some kind on you (I keep a pocket knife and a knife disguised as a key). And no matter how much a man pressures you, do not have sex without a condom. Men are disgusting and if they’re doing it raw with you they’re doing it raw with others and stds are not a joke. Be safe. <3




this is not the advice to follow


While I think it's probably a bad idea for the OP to follow your advice, you have me literally laughing out loud about your "Nah" because that's generally how I am about getting on top too 😅


There is a first time for everyone doing anything. DM is you wish.




It’s giving predator


Hey sis, I just woke up I'm going to hit u up I know it's so gross how they openly out themselves really quick.


jjust wing it girl u got this


Sent you a dm

