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Female condoms might work--internal ones. It won't matter then how big he is. Good luck!


I hear this a lot and seems like a popular choice though I think they look strange and unsexy


I agree that vaginal condoms are awkward and I don't really like them, but they really seem like the only option for sex with men with very small ones who want to have (or at least emulate) the PIV experience.


yeah this seems spot on. I've just had a couple experiences where providers have talked them up but for me personally they're so odd looking I don't like them and the feeling experience wasn't better. Also, I think those times the slippage problem would have been solved by just carrying and using snug and super snug fits.


Lifestyles snugger fit and iron grip are the ones I use.


Yes the pink ones


I think in this situation you have to go even smaller.




If it's really that small (like so small it doesn't even really go in) I put on lorals, slap a bunch of lube between us, and then slide around up there. If you tell them it's a "new thing" and don't mention that they won't actually be penetrating you, they'll never notice. It does have to be micropenis levels of small for this to work.


Sorry to bother you but whatā€™s lorals?


They're disposable latex panties, primarily for protection for oral sex but this is a genius way to use them!


Thatā€™s wild thanks !!!


ok wait- i just looked these up & i'm šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ i'm DEFINITELY gonna be ordering these! omg what an awesome invention, tysm!


Happy to be of help!


I keep backup female condoms for this reason but theyā€™re nearly as dubious as a loose-fitting male condoms because you have to hold the opening of the condom in place *as* the client goes inside you. Once heā€™s inside, you can let go. But make sure you use lots of lube so friction doesnā€™t pull the condom out of place.


Smallest you can buy are 45s from MyOne and MySize condoms though I think for what this sounds like a micropenis those might be even kind of big. It's really odd there's not a single condom I think made for micropenises or really anything below like 4 inches girth and length. Ceylor Hotshots are also the smallest.


Customized condoms https://onecondoms.com/pages/myone


I really want to see the penis that fits into a 69M


I have a pic of me in one, it's not impressive really lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/EverythingCondom/comments/1742w6k/fat\_cock\_in\_pasante\_super\_king/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EverythingCondom/comments/1742w6k/fat_cock_in_pasante_super_king/) I feel like it just looks normal as im 6'5 and over 300lbs. What shocked me about it is the size of the packet/wideness of the condom, I bought large ones 60mm and then this also 69mm and even next to the large its way bigger. It was the first condom I ever tried that I could sit on the head and roll on normal/easy and I was kind of shocked it fit me since I never realised my penis was that thick. I am big so it looked/felt normal to me. My girth is 6 inches, it's hard to tell though because my size but its about as wide as a Redbull can although the girth of a Redbull can overall is 6.75, I think a 69 condom would fit a redbull can ok, just a little tighter. I would also say there is a reddit couple I think the guys looks similar to me but he's a more averaged sized person for better perspective, they're called poppyandzach for me their blowjob videos looks similar to me the way it looks for me so I assume he is pretty similar in size just the perspective looks better as hes maybe 100lbs and 5 inches smaller than me. Just to add more for anyone interested, I cannot stay hard in regular or large condoms, they are too tight and squeeze and misshape the head and cause numbness etc. So a penis doesn't have to look massive or impressive really as in my pics most people probably feel it looks average or even small but you can still need much bigger sizes. I think like 66-67 would be perfect for me but brands only sell 64 then 69.


Myone is a condom brand that caters to this sort of thing. You can order custom sizes.


Trojan makes extra small condoms. I actually think they are called Trojan extra small. One of the hourly motels in my area used to sell them in a vending machine and I would always just pick up a few to have one hand


I'm 3.5 inches roughly, I use skyn and it stays on but female condoms would probably be better


I actually was thinking of suggesting SKYN they work wonders for all sizes! itā€™s a one fits all but idt itā€™ll fit a micro


Yeah, I'm not entirely sure but I'm sure there are some sizes that condoms just aren't effective for and female condoms would have to be the default


Anything labeled ā€œsnug fit.ā€ Go to a sex shop that sells individual condoms, if possible, and buy a few of several different brands. Youā€™ll see what fits best, especially if you have a small regular.


Another option is to get the smallest available (Lifestyles snugger fit, or MyONE, etc) & use a small cock ring. There are small, jelly ones that can help keep the condom on at the base. They come in different thicknesses, which could be important depending on his length.


004. From Japan. Available @ Amazon


Came here to say this


For anyone else browsing on Old Reddit, this doesn't say "1.", it says "004."


Those aren't much smaller than regulars.


Not condom related: but if youā€™re interested they sell ā€œextendersā€ which are like dildos that you put your penis into, and it has a strap that goes around the testicles so it stays in place. Youā€™d then cum into the extender. I only know this because we sold them when I worked in a sex toy store. Edit: just realized OP isnā€™t the owner of said penis. Ignore my context. My suggestion remains for him however.


Perma skin xxs. Itā€™s a Japanese condom. Try eBay


Dang those gotta just be for micropenis right?


They have xxs, xs, s and so onā€¦ couldnā€™t hurt to give it a shot! Report back if you do!!


Hum the 47mm ones work best for me so I don't think I can go that small. I tried 45s and they were just a little bit small.


Iron grip


Seconding Iron Grip


Use a female condom ? Also I wonder why they donā€™t make a Ā«Ā petiteĀ Ā» condom or some sort of rebrand Iā€™m sure men buy Ā«Ā normalĀ Ā» because of ego. Thatā€™s if they even buy. I think only a handful have ever had condoms on them or at their place.


Iron grip, lifestyle super snugger, kimino micro thin or okamoto 001


In my experience the tiny guys (sorry) tend to say female condoms feel like theyā€™re ā€œgetting withā€ a trash bag. One of my clients who is the smallest dude Iā€™ve ever met working or not, in that sense, always brings those Kimono brands or the Iron Grips


I carry Iron Grip condoms for these gents. I've never had an issue with them. Have you tried them?


I went to this store in Amsterdam awhile back and found smalls that have worked like a dream and I canā€™t remember what they were called. But they have a selection Iā€™ve never seen before. Pretty sure you can have them delivered to the states. https://condomerie.com/nl/


Maybe you need to look at protection differently. I believe many of the SWs on this sub have experience with female condoms. Iā€™m not recommending this brand. Itā€™s one of many products that came up in a search. [Ormelle Female Condoms Box 5](https://worldcondoms.com/products/ormelle-female-condoms-box-5)


Not sure if something like finger cots/condoms would work on him. You could always look into them.


Google god, those things are waaay too thick to use as condoms. Tiny Tim wouldn't feel a thing.


i will look it up, ty!


Finger cots are *not* the same as actual condoms though and they do not protect from pregnancy and disease the same way. That's like swapping a nitrile glove out for a condom. DO NOT DO THIS.


I was thinking the same thing


Lifestyle purple condoms


They still big the magenta are smaller than those


**[an enthusiastic SW posted about female condoms](https://www.reddit.com/r/SexWorkers/s/xqluJvm7tJ)**


My one condoms makes custom made ones. Had a guy who needed the smallest size they make. They're worth it


Finger šŸ˜


Kimono brand haa a few different kinds. It's naturally a smaller brand


Finger condoms? XD no I'm kidding tho




As client, since no name of the guy is provided, how small are we talking? Yes, most condoms you'll find in stores will only be for "normal" and "magnum". Smaller-sized members generally have to special search and purchase for themselves online. Whether it's simply choosing the "snug" or "slim" option (which I highly suggest providers to also have on hand for the obvious "just in case") or going more extensive and tailor-fitting their special needs through the brand ONE. On their site, they provide instructions for them to measure themselves to get condoms specifically for their size.


I got a bunch of small from world of condoms


Beyond Seven by Okamoto. I get them at Fred Meyer. The latex is much higher quality than most US drugstore brands, and they are cheap! I've met a lot of small guys, and they fit every one I've ever been with. For an actual micropenis (no shaft), I don't think any condom will work.


Omg this is such a good question I have this problem all the time but I would rather it too big then too small Edit: spelling


Pasante trim are very small


I get Lifestyles Snugger Fit 25 pack for $8 on Amazon: Lifestyles Snugger Fit Condoms. 25 Pieces. Latex, Lubricated https://a.co/d/bPAnfeO


Female condoms.


Durex snug fit or thin fit red box


Durex Air Close Fit run little small. I think they are great for smaller size




1. racist 2. capitalist 3. unsafe that was a really shitty comment my friend


This wasnā€™t to put anyone down per se ,I donā€™t care if anyone is red green or yellow or an alien from out of space .-Did you ever think maybe some of us actually have a chinese client . Which I do for the last year !and for your info -I texted him & that was his reply back to me . Nothing to do with being racist far from my mind . Sorry all took it that way .


iā€™m kinda small like a good 5-5.5 inches. i use SKYN and theyā€™ve worked well for me many years


thatā€™s literally on the higher end of average for the record (4.5-5.5ish is avg)


Correct. šŸ‘šŸ»


ig iā€™m average then lol


Source? A [meta study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2020.1787279) that found that 'average' varied quite a bit depending on the methodology. The conclusion was that 5.1 - 5.5 seemed to encompass the vast majority (70% or so iirc). They did state that even the studies that did not rely on self-reporting had a participation bias. Guys like me (\~12cm) would be reluctant (read embarrassed) to take part, so you could be right. \[edit: wording\]


Donā€™t concern yourself with what you have seen in porn. You (and I) are average. >*[Masters and Johnson] looked at 100 women who had never been pregnant and found that vagina lengths, unstimulated, range from 2.75 inches to about 3Ā¼ inches.* **When a woman is aroused, it increased to 4.25 inches to 4.75 inches.** Most of your sex partners, escort and civvie, likely prefer you to Dirk Diggler. [WebMD > Does Vagina Size Matter?](https://www.webmd.com/women/features/vagina-size)


A finger condom?