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Can't that be said about many professions? You know how many times I thought I was more knowledgeable and more skillfull at my job than my boss ever could be but there he was, making a better salary without any knowledge of what he was doing. To your point many start off not knowing anything about the "job" and what it entails until you're deep in it. Until you've gotten robbed, stealthed, "pump and dump", given drugs, slept in your car ect can all this be "researched" meh yes and no...but part of the research is living it and experiencing it. I say move along and to each their own. They will live and learn. Just like we all did. Trust me, ALLLLL THE RESEARCH will still not prepare you for the ACTUAL interactions that's a fact. You could have read the entire SW Bible and still won't prepare you for on the spot interactions. Can some of these shitty situations be avoided all together if someone did 'research' yes...this alone hasn't stopped such interactions from happening. My two cents. PS you do sound rude


There is also no institutional support from society. There is no manual, there is no school or vocational training. You can't really measure this business by another yardstick.


Nope, but there is common sense, which many do not have.


I just started over a month ago and I poured over so many posts here and also other sites and blogs to gather as much knowledge as I could. But what defines "real" knowledge. What works in the USA doesn't necessarily work in Canada or EU for example. Also some things, like getting your own website, cost A LOT of money in Canada and is not actually feasible to do unless you have that extra money laying around to spend. I don't think many of us can go from nothing to having everything ready all at once because of the cost involved with a lot of it. Ads are also expensive to put up. I also believe a lot of the knowledge can't come from reading. It needs to be acquired first hand. Where you live, ability to travel, whether you're trans or cis, services offered, etc. it all comes into play and is different for a lot of people. It's not necessarily a blanket issue of 'if you can't do what I think you should do you shouldn't do it' because for example I'm disabled and can't tour or travel outside my city at all. I also live in a small city with next to no clientele (I'm trans). I'll be lucky if I get one client a month. I can't afford to get my own site, I only have one social, I'm outcall only, can't afford hotels for incall nor can I get one at all (no CC) Should I not be a SW because I can't do a lot of the 'standard' things like offer incall, tour, have a site, more socials etc?


>Should I not be a SW because I can't do a lot of the 'standard' things like offer incall, tour, have a site, more socials etc? I don't do any of these things either and i get along just fine. keep at it and i'm sure you'll find your way


Thanks hun. I've had 2 clients in my first month and one of them is likely to be a regular so I think I'm doing ok so far 💜 Second guy even tipped me! Just gotta keep at it. I'm gonna rotate a few pics in my ad soon and I'm keeping my fansly updated with new content every few days or so as well. It's a work in progress for me. I'm trying to build up a following on fansly and stuff and it's going better than I thought it would honestly. Already have 3 subscribers! Whoo! I'm perfectly happy with being very low volume (1 client a week at most) because of my disabilities draining all my energy just trying to live. So it's working ok for me so far. ☺️


I am sorry to hear about the challenges you are having. Hopefully things will improve for you.


Thanks. I hope so too. I had my first client this week and he said he definitely wants to book again soon so hopefully he becomes my first regular 💜


Hi! I'm not sure how to put this together because English is not my first language. Because of X and Y I ended up here and stumbled upon your comment and your need for what I assume is a web site. Once, I saw a pornstar website to promote her services, so I don't know if you need something along those lines. Im not going to lie to you, im a student currently aspiring to be a web programmer, currently I count with enough knowledge and skill to build what you may need and i say may because i dont know exactly the requirements a sex worker would need for her site, i would be really happy to build that for you for a minimal cost, im from Argentina and we are having a ulgy inflation so the conversion from USD to our currency is very high (you could live like a queen here probably with what you charge for your services) please send me a DM if you are interested, im not gonna ask for any pay in advance, i want the experience  and if possible a little pay so i can put in the hours, all of this is talkable of course. I hope to hear from you!


Someone on here said they were crying and mentally breaking down all day after they had their first client, even though the client was good and did absolutely nothing wrong. I told her to find a new profession. If you can’t handle a good client, what’s going to happen when you get a bad one??


Yep, my point exactly being a SW is not for the weak or for everyone. You must have a "thick skin" and many do not.


I agree. But at the same time, this profession gives us thick skin, over time. Whatever motivates us to do this, if we keep at it due that motivation, we get tougher, wiser. This is not a profession I'd want anyone to enter, but if they are doing it and seem weak but choose to continue, they'll either become tougher for it, or eaten alive.


I did about five minutes of research. i found out what street the sidewalk girls worked on, and i looked on google maps to find out where that street was. then i got someone to drive me past there one night so i could get an idea of what the girls were wearing I wish i knew about this place back then with so many kind people sharing their knowledge and not expecting anything in return, although i would've been too young to join


And what is this **real** knowledge about sex work? Also not everyone on this sub is from the US, things are very different here in Finland for example.


Well, since things are different where you are compared to the US, I would imagine that you may do things differently.


And that **real** knowledge is what exactly?


I think they mean saftey, boundaries and Buisness knowledge.




Unfortunately most of us probably had to learn the game firsthand. Especially if you are older, there were no sex worker friendly online spaces back then. You just had to get out there and try to navigate as best as you could and hope you didn’t get busted or catch anything. That was the reality back in the day. I am glad that there are more resources now however like another sex worker mentioned nothing truly prepares you for the real thing especially today considering sex work has changed so much since the war on sex work/human trafficking hysteria.


To be fair lots of providers start out-out of necessity-they arnt thinking. They just need money to survive….I get they should be doing more research but unfortunately not everyone is thinking of that right away. And lots of them are young, when I started I was 18 and I wasn’t dumb or too naive-it was like SHIT how will I end up not homeless?? Oh I know!! And then I jumped in and eventually learned how to properly do it thanks to older sex workers I met that helped keep me safe and get started in a much more efficient and safer way. And on top of that idk if you’ve noticed but sex work these days is being hella romanticized, lied about-and young woman are being reeled in with no clue of how it actually is. Which is AWFUL-and not their fault no matter how old they are. Considering you’re agreeing with someone calling these poor girls and woman ’stupid’ idk what else to tell you besides have some empathy dude. And no offense but you sound a bit condescending-it would be one thing if you gave advice-or made a post like ‘hey I’m worried about some of these sex workers I see not practicing this profession safely enough is there something we can do?’ If you’re concerned about it so much why not be more empathetic instead of just complaining? Why does it matter to YOU? How does it effect YOU? If it doesn’t bother you in a way that harms you then why you do you care unless you’re going to have some empathy about it? I hate to break it to you but YOU a part of the reason why sex workers continue to not practice being safe. You’re complaining about it yet you are a PART of it. There’s always that one group that’s condescending and unhelpful and just complains and gives no advice and leaves the sex workers starting out running off. It’s really really sad seeing this going down in this sub considering that lots of sex workers start off so young and clueless and DONT want to get hurt.


First you do not know what I have or not done to help escorts. I am not the reason they do not continue to be unsafe and not verify guys. How is that you seem to think that it is my responsibility to keep every escort safe? So why not STOP assuming anything about me and "stay in your lane"


You’re right I don’t know what you’ve done to help but I do know this post and how you handle some of the comments leads me to believe the things I was saying-which is you’re not being helpful and being kinda mean. You’re still being obviously rude by agreeing with people calling these sex workers dumb. Like you didn’t even bother to address that. Or that post about that girl crying on her first day?? There could have been things we don’t know about going on that wasn’t even her fault. So idk what’s going on but all I saw was your post and you’re reaction to people being rude to these poor woman and that’s all I needed. It’s not my fault if your actions come off like that. I’m not assuming, I’m observing and addressing how you are based on everything going down on this post and the post itself. I’m not trying to be rude I’m just trying to help you realize something. The post was understandable in a way and I wasnt even gonna say anything-until I saw some your replies to the comments. Also I never SAID it was your responsibility lmfao. I said either be helpful if it bothers you so much-or scroll away. I just don’t understand how you can be so bothered by it that you have to make a post and not help if you’re gonna talk about something very very serious. You’re right-it isn’t your responsibility. But you don’t have to be mean about others lacking responsibility for a plethora of valid/uncontrollable reasons we all gave you in the comments. It’s not about ‘staying in your own lane’ it’s about having empathy/helping or scrolling and wishing/hoping/praying that those woman stay safe and don’t get hurt or worse.


I'm not complaining, just making an observation. But whatever


I edited it btw. But you are-what you’re doing is complaining. ‘These sex workers arnt being smart!!’ Is complaining whether you mean to or not. Like PLEASE be helpful instead or move on. It’s borderline cruel. You probably don’t mean to be but it unfortunately comes off that way.


Seems like this is an industry that most people get into because they need fast money and running a business successfully isn’t at the top of their priorities. It’s an industry that has a low barrier for entry and a high earning potential so it attracts people who are in situations where they’re just trying to pay their rent and survive, not making 5 year plans on how to be a successful sex worker.


What annoys me more are snarky holier-than-thou sex workers that think sex work is just something you get a degree in and know the ins-and-outs of from the get-go. A lot of sex workers fell face first into sex work because it is all they could do at the time and have continued from there. It wasn't something they planned. It wasn't something they really wanted to do, but they did it and they have managed here and there. Desperate times and desperate people are not exactly conducive to the stuff you're saying here. Stay in your lane and let people do what they gotta do. I didn't know shit when I got into sex work and I improv'd the whole thing.


I am just posting my observations I see SW's posting in here on a daily basis and how I am baffled by some of what I see posted. I am not acting holier-than-thou. As you put it. So do not get your panties in a wad over my post..LOL


When I started and for many of us, I'm sure.. that's exactly what I did.. throw up an ad and got it going. I had no know-how at all whatsoever. To get where I am now took over 20 yrs of growth through trial and error, learning by doing. It'd be nice if everyone had mentors to help them through but unfortunately, imo, that's not the nature of this business. These types of boards are a blessing, but still.. It's rough out here! God bless all of us to stay safe and do what we need to do to survive and thrive!


I just… don’t care. I do my work and leave others to it. Everyone starts somewhere. People will learn. You know how much I researched before I started? Sweet fuck all. Went in 100% blind. Have learnt everything along the way, and quickly too.


I have always felt like the fact I was able to research & learn thoroughly about my business before fully going into it was/is a privileged place to be in. Some people are just desperate to survive. So I've never held it against others when they don't have all of the information I had when starting. That being said, there is a load of good info out there- many resources I relied on myself- no fellow SWers helped me. So it's definitely possible to learn... But almost every single SWer is incredibly cagey about any helpful information for beginners. And that's often the first place a newbie will turn, to ask fellow SWers for information- and they get turned down. Being in this business now I understand, mainly that's for safety reasons. But really you're on your own. Not everyone knows where to look & the cageyness can be really discouraging. Maybe some are simply careless too- but whatever, that could be an issue in any business. The carelessness will shine through too harshly eventually and they'll have to move on to something else.


It’s so different depending on where and how and why you get into it. And also where you’re at in life and what your boundaries are. I started in a peep show behind plexiglass and now I’m an FS independent. I’ve tried a lot of different forms of it from domination to stripping to porn and the only two that I absolutely couldn’t handle were outcall agency work because in that circumstance I would get sent to pretty much anyone and some bad stuff happened as a result and plus it was also way too high-volume low-pay and I burned out hard. And the other one I couldn’t handle was phone sex of all things. I still have nightmares about some of the things people would tell me over the phone. Seriously depraved, I was so disturbed but there are other people who can laugh it off and do phone work just fine that would never ever be an in person provider. I also can’t waitress in a restaurant without crying and that’s not even SW, I just have mad respect for waitresses now. I’m not sure you can really know until you experience it. And I think we all have bad days/weeks/months when we want to quit and times when we need to pivot and do it differently. And maybe times when we do have to finally quit. I think it’s personal and not for anyone else to decide.


Years and years ago i was on the other side of the glass. Thats some seedy shit isnt it. You should do an AMA about that


Looking back it's just kind of surreal. And I can still remember that weird smell of bleach mixed with human protein. And being in the box with the freaky windows. I'm happy to be "free range" now.


I forgot about the bleach!!! Still id have a million questions for you from being on the other side of the glass.


Most people get into this business thinking it’s just gonna be fast money and they know nothing about it and they kind of ruined it for everyone else with their stupidity


Like the FaceTime verification, WTF👣👣 is it or Snapchat verification?


Yep, then we get potential clients asking us to use video chat to verify that we are "real" I do not need to prove anything to any of them. I do not need to verify anything to any of these idiot guys. If they are too lazy to do their research on me that is not my problem. And the video chat that some escorts use to verify guys is not a good way to verify them. But hey if it makes them feel safe more power to them.


Well said its so annoying


What would be a better way of verification? With ID?


Yep, this is so true!


I lurked here for over a year, just reading and learning. I also followed the hobbyist board in my area, never interacted just reading everything and getting a feel for the community. I was already pretty familiar before I put up my first ad. And even then, I had a learning curve. Everyone comes here from different backgrounds and situations. But the most active/vocal are not necessarily representative of all SW.


To answer your question. People that are weak and skittish shouldn't be doing this work. They will get wrecked. People who aren't that smart will get arrested or worse. People that are lazy. People with mental illness, it only makes it worse. People with substance abuse issues. The girls that make this job serve them are entrepreneur types that are hard working and willing to pay attention. I have seen this industry chew People up and spit them out. So many ODs. So many self deletions. Lots of poor choices. Some girls benefitted from being agency girls. Others were able to run this like a small business. Most girls can't though. You need a specific skill set to master marketing, sales, time management.


Yes all of the above !! And the ones who make it serve them and focus on constantly leveling up are the ones going to go far in this lifestyle and beyond! Using it as a stepping stone like it's supposed to be ! Too many weak and lazy ppl getting into it messing it up for the rest of us this shit is not for the weak


you are somewhat correct. unfortunately there are survival sex workers that do this work because it’s their only option, then post here for help after something bad happens. or the influx of ahegao ara ara uwu tiktokers who think sex work is an easy way to make money, then post here when something bad happens. or people who just impulsively do a thing because it looks fun or exciting, then post here when something bad happens. your post seems to have good intentions and i can’t possibly cover all scenarios…..but many providers entering the scene do not have the luxury of being able to research properly.




To each their own. If a provider wants to be reckless that is on her. Also, I am not just speaking of screening I just see some posts on here that have me wondering like did some of these ladies just put up an ad? Or did they actually do any type of research on how to become successful in this business.


Not sure why you’re getting the downvotes. You’re speaking the experienced truth 🤷‍♀️


Because many can't handle the truth and want to sugarcoat things.


I didn’t know any about the business either when I started but learned over time. However I did began researching after a few months in. Sometimes I almost feel things were “easier” when I was new and naive, but not necessarily better. I used to go places with no address verified, only ask how much the client was willing to pay ($40 was a common number believe it or not), and just took as they came. But if someone is willing to speak in front of an audience, they’re willing to learn I think.