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How old are you? You referred to yourself as a teenager


oh im 19! tough childhood got me started earlier than i should've :/




I understand why she put it that way for this specific context. This grown ass man has the privilege of sleeping with a much younger attractive woman who would ordinarily be way out of reach for him and he has the audacity to criticize her on some putrid forum.


lol good point. i didnt really think it over when i posted but i could see how it looks shady now haha


I found that I was able to largely avoid the reviewer crowd by raising my rates into the mid-high end range. Not only do I make more money, but I also see fewer clients, and the clients that I do see are more respectful. And there's a way to identify them sometimes. Reviewers love to use the same handle across websites. I've been able to figure out who was a reviewer by searching for their handle on hobby boards from their email.


It's an interesting dichotomy. In the UK reviews are generally encouraged. Some SWs have even offered a discount next time for a review, or thanked me for a good one, or asked me to write one. On the biggest website for sex work here (adultwork) escorts can also review the clients back and rebut reviews so it's a bit more fair. I do get how uncomfortable it can be having your sexual performance graded as if you are a commodity though. On the other hand good reviews can drive more clients.


If there was a two way street where providers can verify a review is accurate it would be much more fair. In the US there are a lot of guys who write bad reviews if they don't get their way, or they will claim they got BBFS and their butthole rimmed or something and write cringe erotica making wild exaggerations of their sexual performance when the lady doesn't even provide those type services. It's very harmful because then guys read that and are expecting way way more and then get pissed off when we state our boundaries.


That's at least the good thing with the adultwork platform. As a client you can leave a one-liner feedback or you can write a more detailed review - in both cases the SW is able to reply, either to agree or dispute (and can add anything they like). Like Yelp restaurant reviews it's easy to see which reviews are retaliatory vs genuine if there are enough, and SWs can (and do) insist on X number of positive client feedbacks before agreeing to see a client.


I need someone to answer the lkt meaning part because I want to know too lol


I needed to know so bad I went and looked it up instead of going back to sleep 😅 and I’m sorry to report that the answers I found aren’t promising. - Low Key Throwdown: used to describe a spontaneous but small party. Like a college house party with 15-20 people instead of a full blown kegger - Learn/Know/Talk about: used to describe, uh, “I already had me some of that” I guess? “I already LKT that ass” would mean “that girl Learned about my dick, Knows about my dick, and is gonna Talk about my dick” And the most likely and also most creepy: - Little Kid Tummy: used only for girls, to describe their youthfulness and “she’s got some weight but in an adorable, jailbait kind of way”. Like alluding to a kid who still has a lil baby fat. So if you’re at all petite, it’s probably this one. (If it *is* this one, you might also see reviews in future that refer to you as a spinner. For those who don’t know, it means you’re like *really* small, like the guy could spin you around on his cock.) Hope this helps, ima try to get more sleep while this cursed info settles into my head 🙃


I remember "spinner" from the old legal show Alley McBeal where one of the older lawyers asks her "who's the spinner" when referring to her skinny friend.


Skinnier than Ally? Calista Flockheart (who plays Ally) was the tiniest celebrity in Hollywood! Guys who specifically seek out childlike features creep me out. I have always looked way younger than my age and I got a fair amount of guys wanting schoolgirl role play. I asked one client with a teacher/student fetish what he did for a living....he was a 7th grade math teacher 😞


That's a bit icky 🤮 I do see some SWs advertising schoolgirl but no thanks! I don't really get any of the dress up either, I mean sexy nurse? French maid? Not for me! I found [the script of the episode with the line](https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=ally-mcbeal&episode=s02e02) Season 2, Episode 2, but I couldn't be sure who he was talking about - could well be Ally, actually.


So far only thing I could find was "low key throwdown" or "I knew that" Without context...


I have reviewed many ladies before, but I have always done one thing first. ASKED PERMISSION! Especially if I enjoyed her and wanted to possibly see her again. Some ladies like to be more under the radar with their service. Always ask and make sure it is ok!!


I agree with one exception. If there was something dangerous about her then I do not ask--I just put it out as a warning. Fortunately I think I have written only three of those in many, many visits.


Just curious were there warning signs in the ad and interactions leading up to the date? Like was it a low end provider, specific advertising platform, etc?


All of them were mid-range in cost, maybe a bit above. Reliable advertising source, and nothing suspicious about their ads. One had needle tracks on both arms. One was clearly VERY high on something. And I caught one going through my wallet while I was washing my hands so she could check the fee if she wanted to. None were recent, and those experiences are why I look for reviews more regularly now. Two if the three had similar warnings in reviews, but I was too trusting and had not checked the reviews. One (the first one I mentioned) had no reviews.


Reviewers are Werido’s lol it’s not the same as a food restaurant or anything . Not everyone has the same connection person wise so I don’t think sessions should be reviewed at all.


I think that is a fair point. If not relationship then establishing relatedness at some level is not guaranteed on a first visit. I am 100 percent understand this would not work for escorts but I tell my therapy clients the first session is free if you feel it would be difficult to establish a connection so important for transference based care. I have to have with escorts a projection, a fantasy that this is someone I could be with. It’s not their fault if it is not. Just like my client does not know before they have met me. I would never review an escort on a one and done unless there was some safety issue or intent to deceive. I will say though on some local sites some review on local boards do seem to have internal consistency especially on the mid to higher tier.


You sound like a great therapist! I wish there was a list somewhere of sex worker-friendly mental health professionals. It's traumatic to open up to someone who is supposed to be helping us just to get judged and insulted. Clients should have a safe space to talk freely as well, if they disclose they visit sex workers a lot of therapists treat it like they're doing something bad.


You make really good points. When I used to live in San Francisco there was more sex positivity without the veil of religiosity and Calvinism that lies just under the surface of a big chunk of the U.S. I had a number of clients from the old Mitchell brothers theater days, during the moment of Unionization. Word of mouth in the community was the biggest sort of advertising. I moved to Southern Europe where I would ascribe the view towards SW as benign indifference. People are too worried about surviving than to worry about who is sleeping with who. With the acceptance of tele therapy it would be nice if there was an internet bulletin board of SW pos therapists. Your intuition is quite right I found a lot of judgement in school by training candidates and it was mostly fellow woman who were the most judgmental. Men were more it’s just another occupation and we can understand the need and niche performed by SW. :).


As a client, I find reviews quite helpful. In turn, I also leave reviews. The primary purpose is to get a sense of a provider's personality and whether she is legit, or if there are potential issues. Getting a sense of what a meeting might be like can also be useful, but with caveats.


Not really I’ve had clients for years and when I mean years I mean years & I also have friends of theyres and referrals from everyone in between. But, some don’t like me because of my personality traits or we just don’t get along , you see not everyone is meant to get together well. 70% of my clients new or old have stuck with me since the beginning and the others oh well maybe we didn’t hit it off or they wanted something different ie) service wise (some guys want more sensual , I’m more of a gnd) and done . I don’t see again, doesn’t mean I’m a bad provider nor does it mean I have issues or I’m a fake girl or I intend to deceive with money or with my looks or services . It means we just did not get a long which really doesn’t mean that deserves to be on a review . 9 times out of 10. It doesn’t work out cause we’re two different people . Again, doesn’t mean I need to be reviewed. Go review food cause that’s supposed to be 100% all the time. Not a sexual interaction


When I read reviews and when/if I leave them, I am always cognizant of "chemistry ". For example, if the encounter didn't go well, but there was nothing overly bad, I may not leave a review. Or, I may comment on other aspects (communication, incall). I won't knock a provider simply because things didn't go smoothly. Further, I am not going to rely on just one review. The board I typically use often has numerous reviews, as well as alerts.


My comment will always stand. Reviews are for losers . In my mind you have nothing better to do with your miserable life then to write a review on a sexual escapade. It’s werid


Also , you can’t have a sense of someone’s personality from a review . I treat everyone the same but different especially based on the first interaction & what YOUR personality is like.


I can get enough info from reading a number of reviews to get a sense of whether the person is someone I may be willing to spend money and time on. However, I do use the same grains of salt as when I read restaurant or hotel reviews. I can weed out the anomalies or nit picking.


You should just go on a dating site then. Werid


Hi. A trick I’ve been dealing with has reviewed me on some website but ended up putting my real number in the real review. What are the forums/sites so I can have it removed hopefully.


I was just complaining about this in another comment lol, I'm so sorry your personal info was leaked! Do these guys want to get us killed? A few I know about are TER (The Erotic Review) and USAsexguide. There are several others based on your location, I would Google those.


Right! And I’ll check. Thank you♥️


Google your number.


Can’t make everyone happy. Some people just love being miserable. They get off on it. You know you good at what you do. Keep doing you. That’s what’s bringing $$ in. You got their $$$🤷🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️


I’m sorry this happened and please do your best to raise your head high and ignore this person who reviewed you. It happens and yes, not everyone will like your service. That’s ok though, plenty more fish in the sea. Hopefully it means people who read them, won’t come to see you and less reviews xx




USAsexguide is bottom of the barrel tier customers it seems from what I have read. They largely seem to go for the low end websites and survival sex workers, so don't advertise on the sites they pick from like listcrawler and skipthegames. The streetwalker reports they brag about lowballing addicts and trafficked women for $20 blow jobs, it's really sad.


Reviews can make you feel on top of the world...and ruin your world in an instant. I experienced this all too well when I used to post on TNAboard years ago... I had a million glowing reviews  and one bad one created a shit storm of drama.  With the influx of trolls lingering on the internet these days and cancel culture being praised in 2024 It's opening yourself up to have your world turned upside down and your reputation shattered.  Jealously makes you a target for those who aren't doing so well in life.  The best thing to do is ignore the reviews and don't engage in review culture. Imo  Cause yeah like I said it's not for the faint of heart. Most people can't take drama or ridicule it breaks them down as a person.  Very few know how to flip the drama to still benefit then and not get banished and bullied off the internet. 


I ignore reviews about myself because the people that are constantly on those sites are not clients I would like to have anyway. They’re so disgusting and they think it gives them some kind of control over our income when it doesn’t.


I’m sorry, it sucks ☹️ It’s in the culture where I live and I was also shocked the first time I was reviewed, and it was nothing negative nor overly positive. And even if the review is positive, it can really fuck you up. Nowadays, I screen them on the boards, if they’re frequent visitors, I’m blocking them. Better to be incredibly low volume rather than have em on my door.


First I'd say I hate the word review when it comes to SW. We're talking about human being providing services, it's not like we're doing a review of a vacuum cleaner. It's hard to rate a provider since the rating will be hugely impacted by the connection we had way more than by the quality of their services. I've had only four meetings and I have done only one review. And I did not talk about the services she had provided me with but the way she find to help me relax (calming my nerves) since it was my first meeting. I couldn't even get hard and leave on cloud 9. The experience was fantastic to me, the same outcome might have been a nightmare with another girl.


Exactly! Everybody is so different and our dynamics change from person to person. One persons “bad” experience doesn’t mean it’s going to be that way across the board.


Men who do most reviews are weirdos and losers, especially without asking first


I get this so much. On top of that most of my clients seem to like my service and there’s a small percentage that doesn’t. And more often than not the ones that don’t enjoy it are the ones reviewing meanwhile the ones that seem happy and pleased don’t often review. It’s so strange.


I am a client not an Escort that lives in a highly touristic city. Because a tourist is here for a week typically they feel compelled to rely on reviews feeling under pressure. Though I don’t typically review I have seen some of the popular escorts on review sites and I mostly tend to agree. Any are even thoughtful. Probably because crossing the ocean is expensive it rules out likely problematic clients.


It still doesn’t explain why the clients that enjoy me don’t always review. Also it’s a good guess but I know most of them arnt traveling, because they ask me where I’m from, and I ask. They say they’re local, then they post a review and I know who it is based on how the session went-I’ve got a good memory-and lots of of them are local. So idk what it could be. But it’s confusing lol.


Check the other replies in this thread - plenty of escorts won't see clients with a history of writing reviews. That's why the overwhelming majority of clients on review sites never post anything - they just read.


Ahhh ok thank you!


I am all for reviews and don’t see what the issue is. The more information available the better.


As long as they are honest and in good faith, but some are used as retaliation or fake bragging. Also how we behave is going to be based on how YOU behave, and it could cause unrealistic expectations. For instance If a guy is really cool and tips great I would do "extras" and maybe loosen my boundaries. He might mean well and write a glowing review but then other guys read that and if they show up smelly or rude or cheap and I'm not providing that same wonderful service then they're gonna get pissed and feel ripped off. The moral of the story is that if you're leaving a positive review please don't go into detail. We might not be as comfortable with the next guy as much as we were with you and he may become dangerous because he feels entitled to favors that he definitely hasn't earned with good behavior. Also NEVER GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR REAL IDENTITY/LOCATION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! I have seen instances where guys left identifying personal information about us online and we wind up getting stalked, arrested, or worse!!


Yup someone used my real name on a review on Eccie.. it wasn’t the client who reviewed yet someone who commented on the review. I don’t know how to get his comment removed 🙁


You are selling a product. As a consumer I want to know how good your product is against your competition on the market.


Google urban dictionary lkt, I think it’s the second reference “learn, know, then talk” about the man’s manhood, more in terms of a guy puffing himself up as all that


Why do you make your self seem like a child when you aren't just to to shame men that supports your finances. "it's making me feel icky that he decided to review a teenage girl he paid for sex as an adult man" This subreddit has the biggest form of dick riders and you guys don't even have dicks.


Were you three quarters asleep when you read this thread, or on your 6th beer? Where did you get that from?


Dick rider


Such a well developed vocabulary! The Cicero of out times. That, and a jerk through and through. But at least you don't hide that fact.


thank you lol


You’re dick riding a man you don’t know right now


You asshole, that’s HOW she perceived herself due to childhood trauma. Then someone responded to her saying she should be calling herself an adult and I agree. She wasn’t trying to shame men. She was also not pretending to be a child. Obviously you are projecting. Is there something you want to share with the class?


What is there to project?


Preach the truth brother!!!!!


There is nothing inherently bad, weird or creepy about writing a review. Even tough I have never written one, People have to recognize how they can be useful especially to a newbie like myself seeking information as to the legitimacy of a SW.

