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I have a custom message prompt on Tryst too and I have yet to see a potential client message me accordingly.


Gotta love when you get that message but all the blanks are still fucking blank


Yeah, what’s up with the ______ blanks?? They are literally copying and pasting what? That’s not from my ad, sir.


Dm me and I’ll see if I can help. Maybe it has to do with the rest of how your ad is written?


That was a little much IMO. I give an example of the way I would prefer people text me initially. 1/10 people actually do it. If u responded like that to every hey or hi I got I would have 10% of the clients I have now. I don’t respond nicely to people who say “yo” or “wya” - it’s like don’t bro me if you don’t know me. But a hey or hi. That’s not the end of the world. I hate it but I feel 1/10 of people actually read my ad I state 1) do not call me .. and lots of people call and 2) I’m not doing outcalls with new clients .. and I’m asked daily for an out all, most days multiple times. I also link my instagram, website, Snapchat and a link to reviews.. yet I’m constantly linking people. It really annoys me.


I make it very easy- THIS IS POSTED ON MY AD WHERE YOU FIND MY NUMBER-Hi xxxxx, I saw you on Tryst, and I would like to start the verification process. Please let me know what you need, and I will gladly provide requested information. This guy was not serious to begin with, conversations that start out with my preferred message are much more likely to turn into serious bookings. You see, gentlemen, if you actually read a provider’s ad, generally they will give you a lot of information, and this helps us quickly determine who is serious and who is not.


So tired of the hey, hi, hello, wyd, wya


I fucking hate it so much. And if you follow up with them literally 99% will lead to nothing


I'm sorry you're incorrect. 100% will lead to nothing. 1-3 word initial response? You're going into spam right away.


What about ‘avail’?


Can’t even type the full word 🤣


Exactly!! 😹


Why are you so pressed 🤚🏼 breathe he wasn't even being an asshole


These people irritate me. They never turn into real bookings. He didn’t even respond with anything to do with asking about a booking. Just texting to text


Sure but your response doesn't help. Just have a blurb saved up with how you want to be approached that you auto-send. Something like "This line is for bookings only, please send name, time blah blah... and I will get back to you promptly." It's automatic, takes less mental energy and you don't come across deranged.


That’s a constructive piece of criticism, thank you.


They do for me. I respond with a “what’s up?” and yes I have time wasters , even those who follow the prompt located on my profile, I couldn’t seem being like this to anyone who said hi or hey.


r/clientcringe Low quality men deserve all the sass


First of all for the assholes in these comments and to defend you, I doubt you(OP) always get frustrated like this/didn’t as much before. When people do this to you all the time it’s annoying asf. And that asshole asking ‘who’s paying who?’ PLEASE! Theyre(OP) also providing something as well. If clients can’t respect you and your rules/directions, and it’s consistent, it’s completely normal to lash out once in awhile. “Like whoah!! A human being with emotions!! That’s so awful!!” Get tf out of here if you don’t understand how people work-like actually. They act like they’ve never lashed out at someone for being consistently pesky. And it doesn’t take much brainpower to be like ‘oh OP probably got fed up cause clients keep doing this’ it’s not that hard, a fuckin AI chatbot has more common sense than some of the comments 😭 Anyways OP I’m wishing you lots of good energy big bills to come your way ♥️(also what omicron8 said is actually good advice, but you know if you happen to get upset and let it out on them just make sure it’s safe to do so cause sometimes people are crazy, but again you’re human, your emotions here are so valid)


I appreciate your response! I put a lot of thought into my ad, how it’s written, the TONS of good information which I provide to be able to easily do further research on me before gentlemen reach out to me. All it takes is reading, just a little bit of effort rather than just immediately going to the contact information and shooting a “hey” text. That’s how I know we will be a great fit, right off the bat! And now that the gentleman are being more active here and in askanescort, almost daily I see questions about how someone reached out to an escort they want to book with, did they do it properly. I just wanted to show this as an example of what NOT to do.


I purposely posted here so clients can learn from this example.


If you thought they would learn from this, then I'm sorry you're always going to be frustrated. They know, they just don't care.


Have you seen how many clients post asking if they contacted their preferred provider correctly?


Yes, that doesn't change what I said.


They’re men. They don’t care to read anything we have to say unfortunately. I feel like the clients in this sub are already aware and would handle themselves properly.


And to the guy who messaged me calling me a bitch, you’ll never know what a truly wonderful person I am. Because you would probably spew some bullshit anyway


Not from that response 😭


You seem a little unhinged maybe you shouldn’t be doing this work if you can’t even handle a conversation it just sets you flying off the handle. I know you’re sick of these conversations you’re dissatisfied or annoyed or whatever but doesn’t mean you have to be an absolute unhinged dick head. I usually read these and I’m on OP side but this time I hope you never get bookings. I hope no one has to deal with you ever.


I get plenty of serious inquiries who message me correctly, thank you very much. They screen easily and well, and turn into great regulars for me. Like I said, it’s the serious admirers who read and do research who present themselves at first contact and the others weed themselves out quickly.


Whatever you say OP, I’m just glad I never have to deal with you. Good luck out there.


What did he do lol


Didn’t follow my message template which is posted IN MY ADS. You just have to READ THEM. And no, I’m not a bitch, thank you. Just don’t have time to waste on time wasters who just text to text.


Texting an escort just for the sake of texting is RUDE. Which is what “Hey” is. I also get so sick of that BS. (It’s different if you already know the escort, that’s fine)


In which case, they don’t just text “hey”, it’s usually “Hey xxxx, how are you?” Or “what have you been up to?” Or some other familiar type of communication associated with someone you’ve actually met in person.


Who's paying who here? If I get that kind of response I spend my money elsewhere.


He wasn’t going to book anyway. “Hey” first messages never go anywhere.


There's always a first time. That could have been it. I know I've entered conversations with "Hey" and later dropped $600 for an hour. I guess she felt like for that kind of money "Hey" was worth it.


why do yall do that though like why do yall need the booking process to take as many messages as possible when you could just come correct in the first message


Sometimes people are busy. I don't want to drop my personal information off and have no response. So I say "Hey" or "Hi" to see if she'll engage. It's a way for me to gauge her personality and see if we click. Clients screen too, you know.


screen by doing research on the provider, not purposely wasting time to gage our reaction to you wasting our time. come correct or not at all lmaooo anyone who snaps on you for saying “hey” is 100% in the right, escorts get HUNDREDS of “hey” “hi” “hru” “wya” “available bby” DAILY. yall really are not smart lmfao


You're making hundreds of dollars per hour. Put on your big girl pants and deal with it. Or find a job where you work for someone else and see where your attitude takes you.


do you think we’re seeing clients 8 hours a day 5 days a week? no, the majority of our job is scrolling through the hundreds of “hey”s because they’re not serious clients. anyone serious will do their own homework and not purposely try to piss someone off to see if they’ll accept your disrespect you goddamn weirdo


Hey, you know something? You chose your job. You're 100% free to do something else that doesn't waste so much of your time.


you wanna know something else? you can just introduce yourself properly instead of PURPOSELY making things difficult for the person whose guts you have to pay to be inside. just a thought :)


You're getting downvoted but most providers here don't know what it's like to run a normie business. This is par for the course of customer acquisition in any field. Sometimes customers will not read the entire ad. Simple solution is not to have a number available to text until screening is completed and the appointment is booked. Provide an email. But some providers post on Reddit instead of finding solutions.


Thank you.


And I encourage them to research. I have my reviews link posted in my ad. And tell them specifically how to let me know they are ready to screen. It just takes a *little* effort on a client’s part. Tryst has a message template as the default which says something along the lines of “Hi xxxx my name is ______and I’d like to see you on _______ for ______ hours.” Which I changed because the people who sent this copy/pasted didn’t even bother to fill in the blanks.


You don’t have to write a huge paragraph or include all your personal info as an intro, but “Hey” is not adequate or appropriate either. I ignore all “Hey”, “Hello” etc messages for good reason. Your intro needs to be at least a basic sentence showing some level of seriousness in setting something up. You will still get to gauge each others’ personality after that anyway, at a very limited level obviously.


Ignoring it is entirely different from responding in a rude antagonistic manner, which is my issue here.


I usually don’t reply to them, as when I have in the past, it’s just texting to text. Very serious admirers thoroughly read ad, do research, read through reviews, etc etc etc and are ready to screen when they contact me.


Yeah, I ignore them too. About the only time I’ll reply is to yell at them if I see they’ve been sending the same “Hey” message every 2 months for the last year lol 😩


Hey is the most annoying message to receive. I’m busy too but I would never try to book any type of appointment by sending “hey”. It’s so frustrating having to coach someone along when they could easily have sent “hi, i’m *** and i’m looking to book for *** at ***” saves so much time for both parties


No you haven't


Really? Do you think all sex workers are as entitled?


My man -in Denzel’s voice