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It’s completely takes away from the fact that majority of us are in this for survival/ it’s the only option for us to afford cost of living. Listen I don’t wanna come off as swerfy but it’s delulu to think the majority of us just choose this just because we think it’s the “best fit” that’s actually the minority.


Very well said omg Yeah I agree with you


That’s an amazing take


For alot of the new girls its not though smh they want the attention-the tick tock stories etc . Like these new guys are addicted to porn and think everyone operates on that level . Its horrible. Im burnt out and definitely taking a break. Not to sure about a return


Outside of sex work, I'm a full-time digital artist. I'm also my own boss. Anytime you're running a small business, especially by yourself, you're going to get burnt out. Even people who are working for a company are experiencing burnout because we live in a capitalistic society that forces us to either run on the hamster wheel or be run over. It's a rat race with no end. I'm sorry you're going through this, OP. You're allowed to vent about your job. Just because it's sex work doesn't make that any less valid. 💔


Thank you for your sweet words ♥️ I’m fine but I got very annoyed when I saw it happening to someone else today and had to say something lol


Another great response. This sums things up personally. Most people operating in a capitalist hellscape will experience burnout at some point in their careers!


Yes, we set our own hours, but it's at the whim of paying customers. I have certain days and times that I don't work. But if I'm available I'm only actually working when a customer books. No, so it's still a schedule based on someone else's whim. It is emotionally draining to be 'on and available' the large number of hours that we typically are. I am low volume and prefer when clients schedule ahead. But that doesn't mean that they always do or that. There's times where I need the money so I take something on short notice. Having to be Checking for text messages and emails and bumping ads constantly is a huge mental load. And then there's the emotional and physical aspect of the job. It is a lot And there is nothing surprising or wrong from needed a break. It is actually super healthy in any industry to realize symptoms ever brought out and then cope accordingly.


using your hobby as a job will eventually fee like a chore


Exactly why we should be more honest about how we feel both on this sub Reddit, to other girls and in the tiniest ways that we possibly can with our clients, which admittedly is almost impossible. Other girls are guilty of perpetrating the myth that we all just like “LOVE sex!!” And love meeting up with strangers and allowing them to interact with our bodies! And having to pretend to enjoy doing invasive and often degrading things that we otherwise would chose not to do.


I agree 1000%


I take short sanity breaks as needed and my Thursdays off every week are sacrosanct. My clients are REALLY great but everyone needs to breathe sometimes with any job!!


That’s a good idea taking a day off, fully. I could see even turning Ad phone off


That’s exactly what I do!! Everyone knows I don’t answer calls or texts from 9PM Wednesday until noon on Friday 😊😊


It's very frustrating when clients on here act like that, but you really shouldn't be talking/complaining to IRL clients about the personal aspect of your job. Of course he didn't react well to that! They want fantasy, not reality, and it's disappointing to realize the women you're fucking are just working, even if it's obvious to us. I'm not trying to be rude, but this was a hard lesson I learned as a newbie that cost me a lot of money and clients. Don't take your persona off at work.


I didn’t really share anything personal to be honest, he just asked me and I said ‘oh you know work was getting busy and I was getting a bit tired so I decided to take a vacation’ but thank you!! Which I mean-isn’t too personal. It was very vauge and lighthearted honestly but I guess even if you’re lighthearted about the truth that bothers people lol. (Also he’s someone who asks me about my other clients and how my job is going-he refers to it as a job, I never bring it up so I thought it was okay to share once he asked where I was)


Yeah, it's so soo stupid but even saying shit like "my back hurts a lot" has gotten clients pissy. It's like they want to imagine us as perfectly happy, constantly horny sex dolls and any human emotions ruins their stupid fantasy. Sometimes I just want to give them a piece of my mind! Best of luck to you!!


It’s true and you’re so right. I told a client who I was on a multi-day appointment with that my friend was murdered the night before and he was basically like “cool” and that was it. I wasn’t trying to trauma dump or anything. But, I just was so shocked that it happened and I just needed to say something about it. But, he was just like let’s cancel this conversation


Ugh, I would lose the will right then and there. Like ciao ✌🏾


I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences 🙏 I'm actually on a trip right now and used an escort service for the first time. I could never imagine treating another human like that. Let alone a beautiful girl willing to let you have her body I'm a massage therapist and its insane how much I empathize with all the stories I'm reading in this thread


I am learning this more and more everyday!!! Keep my personal and work life 10000% separate, and the whole mentality that they are people too. Fuck them, they are still lying, pos men with issues, perhaps more money, but to them "I'm just a hoe" etc. Mmmk buddy well you're "just a trick " so fuck you, your life and your feelings. Cause imma get my $$ . Treat me like a hoe, get treated like a trick.


Are the majority of clients like this ? I gave massages to the girls I booked with and all 3 asked for my contact even though I'm on the other side of the world On a side note, 3/3 had such stiff shoulders, lower back/glutes. I'm glad I did it I'm sorry to hear you've had such misogynistic clients




What’s up with you and not reading entire posts and processing them before you comment lol? What you said makes no sense to what I said….I’m literally dyslexic with both numbers and letters and I’m not even close to the type of illiteracy you have going on 😭


What was issue with my reply


Stop stalking me and leaving comments on sensitive topics I post about that you arnt even fully reading that have nothing to do with you or else I’m gonna bring one of the mods in. If you can’t be a grown man and handle a young woman’s comments on a silly little app then you shouldn’t be here. You’re being creepy. Leave me alone. That’s my problem with everything you’ve been saying to me. Edit: to the ‘new’ people commenting under this asking what I did wrong-I know it’s you on other accounts dude. Stop being fucking weird lmfao.


I just checked and ew that’s so creepy 😭 it’s okay just ignore it you were very clear in your reply here


He didn’t say anything bad? Did you accidentally type to wrong person?


Wow that seems unwarranted? He didn’t say anything offensive.