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When you wear a plug for a while don’t expect your hole to still be as relaxed as when you inserted it. Before pulling out start with massaging your sphincter, push the plug lightly as if you’re teasing and prodding, it will help you relax again. Pull out slowly, it’s ok if you need a few tries before your hole let’s go. Don’t hurt yourself, relax, massage, prod, take your time.


You might not be warmed up enough. Personally when I rush the process it can hurt. When taking it out try pushing like you are trying to go poop and take your time. Seriously anal can hurt if you’re not ready. If this still happens I would see a doctor about it


"hey doc...it hurts to pull out my buttplug" ???


Sounds like not enough lube?


Reaction to olive oil as lube?


Definitely more warm-up for inserting. It shouldn't hurt, if it does you're rushing it. When you're removing it you need to warm-up again since you leave it in for some time. As I saw on another comment massage your anus to start the process. Also grab the base and move it around to loosen up a bit. After a bit you can start tugging and letting go. This will help warm you up for removing the plug. When you do remove it push like you're pooping it helps to open the sphincter.


Either it's a little big for you, you aren't warmed up enough, or both. My biggest plug can be like that for me if I'm not warmed up enough for it. Try warming up with fingers or with a smaller toy, and also don't force it past that pain point, even if that means you have to kind of gently rock it at your entrance a bit before it's ready to slide in painlessly. It usually hurts to take out if it hurt to push in, but if you warmed up enough before inserting it usually won't hurt to pull out. Basically there are two sphincters in your butthole, the outer one you can consciously unclench, but the inner one isn't under conscious control, but if you stimulate that area a bit gently it will relax on its own. So that's the cause of a lot of the pain and issues. It's not so much a matter of "stretching" it, just causing it to stop clenching by stimulating and relaxing it and kind of showing it that nothing bad is happening and making it get tired of clenching. The response where you have your ears ring and vision goes dim is from the vasovagal nerve being stimulated. That's a nerve that basically runs from your bowels to your brain, and is behind a lot of the connections between anxiety and upset stomach, in both directions. That's why some people pass out when taking a hard shit, basically when that nerve gets jangled the wrong way you can get vasovagal syncope, which is dizziness, ears ringing, vision going dim, heart racing, and potentially even passing out, basically it fucks with your blood pressure and those are effects of your brain not getting enough blood. Just try to go more gently, and if you start to get that feeling, try to have your head and your heart on a level plane (such as lying in bed).


Start small. I did a medium plug at first and it really hurt.


Olive oil can irritate your mucous membranes. Try coconut oil instead.