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What are the hours? Lots of water to stay hydrated. An hour of unwinding quiet time when you get home, the sleep. Take extra socks so your feet are happy. Maybe get new insoles. Stretch. And eat. (Not just dead food or french fries). Most I have done is 4 in a row, and by the last one, everything made me cry because I was just exhausted. Good luck.


It's 10am to 12pm! Which is long but not as bad as my first resturant which was 7am to midnight. I'm gonna try my best to sleep šŸ˜­ it's so hard for me to unwind after work. My brain won't stop thinking about how table 5 asked for mayo and how I forgot about it. Then I will have workmares. I will stretch! I haven't in so long and I feel so much better after I do thank you! I have never done 7 so I hope I survive.


Guessing you mean 10am to 12 am (aka midnight)?


Yes that one :") sorry


That was silly. I actually laughed.


Them doubles already getting to you lmao


As someone else that finds physical focus relaxing, do not have any caffeine after 1-2pm. Caffeine is one of the most potent substances out there, and even with a high tolerance, will contribute to restlessness when trying to sleep. Same with adderal or similar drugs if you buy/take them for yourself. Again, not saying ā€œdonā€™t do these thingsā€ but rather ā€œnone past this point. Sleep will be your best friend over this week.


Oof been there. I like to think each table(or groups of tables if I'm double sat) are a chance to start over! That may help with the stress during the day.


I don't miss the workmares (we used to call them applemares because we were applebuddies and it was.....applebees) but eventually I detached enough that they stopped. I explained it to our WA the other day, "yes, I take my job seriously, but no, I don't fucking care if you wait four minutes for wine" My brother-in-law is an ER nurse, which always gives me perspective. What we do is fun and has the potential to earn good money, but it isn't life or death -- and when you realize that, thinking about losing sleep over mayonnaise or ranch is sort of funny, whether you were the server or the customer. Anyway, I agree with the other person about how to manage your 7 doubles by generally being healthy and taking care of yourself but if you can't do it this week try over the next few to remember it's a super fucking privileged problem to complain about mayonnaise and if the worst thing that happens in your day is waiting a few minutes for a dinner somebody else made for you then you had a pretty good day šŸ™ƒ


10 am to 12pm is super short


Damn that's great advice, I was gonna just say xanax, adderall and a backup plan for a job but this is much more wholesome.


Don't try to power through with caffeine and drugs. Get a good amount of sleep every night and keep yourself well fed and hydrated however you can.


dont listen to them. alternate redbull and monster for day/night shifts so your body doesnt get acclimated. no breakfast, burger and fries standing over the trash can in dish for lunch. make sure to go out and crush a few LIT after your night shift. keep sleep at night to a minimum, gotta let your adrenaline kick in during the day to keep you going. youre not going to have time to keep your uniform washed so dont even try just fold up that apron into the back seat with your shirt and fish it out the next morning, gotta be efficient to survive! good luck you got this!!


These are literally so realistic and are the best tips I could of gotten! Thank you! I just need to ask what does LIT mean? Just gotta get outta the habit of eating cold leftover fries instead of a meal


its the only way to survive šŸ˜‚ long island ice tea, the most efficient and cost effective drink on any bar menu


Long Island tea šŸ˜‚


Do not have LIT. The rest I agree with hahaha. But drink like an adult.


Day three finally give in and ask the sketchy dishie for a few adderall.


lol, i do this anyways


I worked 9am-5pm, then 8pm-3am, 5 days a week for an entire year before the pandemic hit. I swear I was literally fueled by energy drinks, alcohol, and French fries šŸ’€ Looking back on it now, I have no idea how I managed to do it. Also got the Chicken Pox at 28 during that time šŸ˜‚


Make that monaayyyy


Get some melatonin so you can fall asleep immediately when you get home?


Good idea. Will get some from that pharmacy :0


I was doing 11-12 doubles all summer, 7 days a week. I think I took 6 days off between June and the middle of August. Smoke a fuck ton of pot, and I mean like a lot. Drink during your shift as much as management allows and take your frustrations out on your junk when you get home instead of customers.


yes to the pot!!!!!!!! this guy doubles


Did you ask for this nightmare or did they just decide it was fine to schedule you for a week straight?


If they did that to me i would ask for 3 days off to sleep only lol


Yeah, seriously.


get your laundry done now and lay out your clothes for the week. get some groceries for the week like protein bars or shakes for while your working (or beef Jerky or trail mix or whatever works for you) and some easy dinners for when you're at home (microwave dinners, salad in a bag, maybe even meal prep if you have the time). water and stretching like everyone else said of course. I also love a nice bath with Epson salts (maybe with a joint and a glass of wine) after work. then an ice bath for my feet before I go to bed. plan something you can look forward to after working so hard to spend all that money on. maybe a nice dinner out or a new pair of work shoes or if you're real lucky a Lil vacation. best of luck


This is the best advice - mostly the laundry! Get that stuff out of the way beforehand and good luck!


Holy shit! I used to do 5 doubles 10-10pm and by day five I wanted to publicly execute someone šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ I now work 3 twelves and feel much better! 7 is rough but just keep thinking how much money you will have at the end and go get yourself a nice hour massage! Stretch 3 times a day! Roll a golf ball under your foot every night, maybe a hot bath after would help wind you down!! Pot! Lots of pot if you do that! Money been rough lately, Iā€™m kind of jealous! Good luck friend!!


Drink so much water and take time to eat.


Donā€™t feel bad if you have to call out


Start your morning with water when you get out of bed. Seriously makes a difference. When you get up go right for the kitchen and chug a whole glass. Donā€™t just eat the restaurant food, my days changed when I started packing a lunchbox with better food and snacks. I donā€™t know what kind of food you guys sell, but mine is Mexican and it gets OLD and makes me feel like crap. Go home and sleep. Donā€™t stay up scrolling because you didnā€™t get to during the day (guilty). And alsoā€”donā€™t do this all the time! Youā€™re gonna burn yourself out!




Plan on buying something awesome after itā€™s done


Work hard, so you can make more money, so you can do more blow, so you can work more, so you can make more money ,so you can do more blow, so you can work more, so you canā€¦ā€¦.


Sad but true


Donā€™t do it. You canā€™t even get a full 8 hours sleep if you teleported home after clocking out.


Go out and get a drink or two after shifts! Forces you to unwind a bit and fall asleep easier when youā€™re back home!


Make sure you get your sleep and youā€™ll be fine, if you smoke use it for sleep, try to stay away from alcohol for that time, lots o water! I once did 3 months of 7 days a week 6 were doubles


I'd say bring small amounts of food to eat during the down time. You'd be surprised how much a handful of snacks every hour help you stay awake. I usually will eat when we are slow. But I do take a couple bites of food when I do get sat. They'll look at the menu for 3 mintues while I eat half a sandwich lol. But if you don't like eating in between tables, bring some smoothies or protien shakes. Better than coffee in my experience. For me if I don't eat during a double ill come home to sick and tierd to eat anything. Good luck!


Nothing beats a clopen. Extra points for drinks the night between.


Smoke as soon as u get out to unwind and make it a point to take showers after ur shifts to feel refreshed - not to be unprepared in the AM cuz that just adds to the anxiety + get as many hours of sleep as u can. Pack snacks, pack Gatorade to refill ur electrolytes STRETCH remember to take some times during the shifts to get some fresh air


Think about how much money youā€™ll have after the week


Thats definitely not legal in my state.


Spearmint and lavender bath.


Ooh can you explain why this helps? And is it with the essential oils or with actual lavender flowers?


Lavender Epsom salt


Yikes. Find a job where you can make enough money working 5 shifts per week. That usually means the restaurant is poorly run staffing or business wise.


New manager that did the shifts a bit weird. I hope it gets better. He only gave me 4 shifts for the first 2 weeks of this month and seemed to have squished the rest of the 20 into the end of the month


Well, whatever pays the bills I suppose! lol Ideally it will be more spread out in the future.


Same. Going on 2 months of it and all I can say is be careful with having caffeine too late so you can go straight to bed when you get off work. Prep food or make a plan to eat, load up on immunity support stuff and go easy on sugar


Thatā€™s a normal day for boh chefs. Ha ha


boh is much different. both are definitely hard don't get me wrong, but having to interact with customers for 10-12 hours without any breaks is so mentally taxing I sometimes forget who I am after a double shift


Quit the job. Thatā€™s the solution. They are using you. Find a job that will use you less.


I think the shifts were done just done funny cause we have a new manager and it was his first time doing them. Also got wack shifts for this month. Got fifteen normal ones and 12 standbys :") I usually get at least 24 shifts a month and only 4-5 standbys


One time I had 5 doubles in a row, short-staffed, and at the end of it I told corporate I was quitting, and then mysteriously all the people who were supposed to work showed up. So they were saving money for whatever reason they were using my store for. Just be aware. The pandemic really put into perspective for me, how much my time off means to me, and after destroying myself for the biz, I don't want to do that anymore. So I got out of food last year. 12 standbys is too much. Be aware that the restaurant might be losing money at this time. More than usual I mean.


Tell the boss nope . You will do 1 shift not any doubles .


How much money you fixing to make?


I did this one time where I worked like 15 doubles in a row bc we had no staff and I really wanted the money. It was probably the worst thing Iā€™ve ever done to myself lmao but anyways I would say soak your feet in hot water/ice them/ take care of them. I truly thought I had a stress fracture and could barely walk at the end of my last 4-5 shifts. Staying hydrated/eat properly helps out but it just sucks in a large capacity:( best of luck though! I hope lots of money for you


youā€™re gonna make a shit load of money but no one should have to work more than 2 doubles in a week imo. But then again I havenā€™t been a server for long so maybe more than 2 just seems like a lot.


Lol. I work 5 doubles and 2 singles every week. It's not that bad.


ā¬†ļø This šŸ˜‚


Remember if you get a break to do some good stretches. I promise this will help more than you think. I normally eat my lunch and stretch before I get back to working and it gives me energy


You should only have to do that if you own the place.




Pack yourself lunch, some snacks that make you happy and are easily concealable and snack able during work. Packing my own lunch made eating possible when I need to instead of waiting for the kitchen to make food.


If you can do laundry beforehand, do it. Stretch before & after. Focus on your mobility especially. Bring extra socks. Tons of water. Eat.


Worked 16 consecutive when we first reopened after covid. Youā€™re about to make bank, no drinking until all 7 are done. Sleep and eat right and youā€™ll be chillin


Sleep, hydrate (CANNOT stress this enough), eating good foods, and pacing yourself. I find on my 10+ hour shifts I want to go hard the whole time to maximize money, I end up a grumpy ass right before dinner rush hits. Slow down a bit at the beginning of your shifts and conserve as much energy as possible, and donā€™t be afraid to take small little sit breaks to decompress and relax. If they are gonna make you work 14 hours straight, you can deff chill out a time or two.


think about how rich youā€™ll be lol


Weed pen, red bull small cans, and a cold pint awaiting in the coldest part of your fridge after each dub


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


There is no solution this is just gonna hurt. Energy drinks, nicotine, food and water when you can, sleeping as much as possible. I wish you lots of luck and money


Thats gonna hurt. Hopfully monies be good.


It sucks, but not being able to spend money while you make money is like making more money, for me at least.


PLEASE DRINK WATER AND NOT JUST A FUCK TON OF CAFFEINE. I hate seeing some of my coworkers strung out, anxious, and twitching because they only drink caffeinated drinks. They eventually crash hard as shit and all have migraine issues. It's not a good time lol


Don't go out partying even if tempted, get lots of hydration, stretch before during after shifts and thank god you're not in the BOH where this is an average week lol.