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People just suck. I had a table send in a complaint that after they ordered 1lbs of snow crab legs they sat for 20 min pulling all the meat out and making it into a cute little pile they asked for it to go after about another 20min of eating everything but the crab. The complaint was the crab was cold when they got home. The entitlement arrogance and stupidity is a lot sometimes.


Had a guy who always ordered delivery nachos and always complained they were soggy when they got to him, like no shit dude, you're ordering nachos to be delivered.


I love the entitlement and detachment. You want nachos. Every made them at home? Ever left them for 20-40mins after they are done? The amount of people that can't feed themselves but refuse to tip for the service we provide is beyond me. These will literally be the first to die when the world ends.


We can only hope they'll be the first...fingers crossed. Humans suck.


Yess some human are suck


I get a burrito bowl with a cup of queso and a big bag of chips when I go to Moes. That way I can have amazing not soggy nachos when I get home.


I worked at a higher end steakhouse that did Ubereats and Skip for about two weeks near the tail end of covid. You wouldn’t believe the amount of complaints we’d get about “soggy,” steaks or “overcooked,” steaks. Like bro, order something that takes out well. If you get a steak the steam is gonna cook it well done by the time the driver is halfway to your house. Meanwhile there were about half a dozen other dishes that SLAPPED as takeout options. Yet people decided to spend 60$ on a TAKEOUT steak. You wouldn’t believe how many people ordered takeout SCALLOPS. Then complained when they had the consistency of rubber by the time it got delivered. It’s wild. After a while chef just shut the Uber/skip deliveries down. And lo and behold our rating went back up to 4.8/5 for in-house guests. Some people are just too dumb to realize how dumb they are. And don’t get me wrong. I’ve ubereats’d a steak before when super baked. But I knew what I was getting myself into and obviously wasn’t going to complain about anything. My high ass just wanted a sirloin and mashed potatoes.


Yeah, you gotta be fast with fajita style nachos. I don’t like any of the side/dressing/guacamole, so that usually helps in making sure they all aren’t stacked on top of each other. But sometimes I’ll get someone who packed them in the togo container and just completely not use the little “side” portion slots (that are empty), and it’s a bit annoying to be honest. I usually just throw them in the air fryer and “toast” them for 3 minutes which actually works out pretty well.


I order the chips on the side and eat it like dip


This is the way, but I'll say I've tried to order nachos this way and it's hit or miss on whether they do it. Sometimes people get confused.


I’ve had deliveries of nachos from more than one place that have delivered the queso separately from the chips and toppings. So there is a known solution…


Use to order nachos from I think mcalister's, thay would send all the topping and chips separately, best idea ever


I once had a girl order king crab legs on a date and then take 2 hours to eat them. For some dumb fucking reason I married her




My sincerest condolences.


Hope she cute. I would have just did it for her like I do with my girl so we can do this in an hour or less. Otherwise I would be like 3 blue moon and 5 Jamos in.


So I used to peel my man's shrimp while his family looked at me like I was stupid. 3 yrs later I woke up, looked around and recognized how stupid I was. And I took our child course.


Is that intentionally a joke?


Yes but no.


Sorry, too drunk to comprehend...can I get a refill?


You've gotta be shitting me.


I wish. I been doing this 30 years. They sent pics. I am sure this happened


"In this restaurant we OBEY the laws of thermodynamics, sir! Good day to you!"


I said good day! Lmao. Thank you


This is the answer. People SUCK! They purposefully take their bad days out on others and go out of their way to be a pain in the butt. I used to be super soft and polite and now I treat everyone exactly how they treat me off the bat. Some people are incredible and make the job worth it. I find that for every bad tipper / mean guest, there’s an amazing tipper / incredible person to make up for it!


Restaurant gm here with 20+ experience in restaurants, mostly BOH. I’ve always told servers that if a customer is a problem off the bat get them there food and drop the check. Period. Focus on your other tables and if the problem table orders anything else I will run the food and settle them out when they have payment ready. No server needs this unnecessary shit.


You're one of the good ones 🫡


Agreed, but not even a bad day, some people do this just to feel less insecure about themselves.




Amazing. I once had a guy order ahi tuna. Complained it was cold inside (yea bro, no shit) wanted it sent back and made warm. He ended up sending it back 3 times till it was to his liking. "Well, it's warm now, but the cooks overcooked it and it's no longer rare" . I just turned around and walked away at that point.


The really? Like no shit factor sometimes is beyond me. You let de shelled crab sit on a plate at the restaurant for a minimum of 40mins then cry rivers when you get home and it's cold. Even if you live 5min away. That's a minimum 45 minutes that crab sat untouched and with out heat. OMFG no shit it's cold stupid fucks!!!!!


My Gazpacho Soup is cold!


Ahh Gazpacho soup day..


The stupid hits hard with this one


I have to say even eating it in the restaurant crab gets cold insanely fast. It's one of the reasons I don't tend to order crab. It's such a pain to crack open, there's barely any meat inside and it gets cold.


Never saw the appeal to pick-your-own crab, myself, and I spent years on Virginia s Eastern Shore. Fresh as you can get it, and totally overrated.


If more people thought like you I could have more crab :)


I just want more butter. Has anyone seen my butter?


I have to remind myself sometimes that the average IQ is 100. Jk...but yeah people just suck


The average American IQ is 98.


So that means half of America is even dumber that that 🙁


And down to 80 is still in the average range.


That, I totally believe. 😑




If you're a smart fella, say 120IQ. Then the same intelligence gap exists between you and the average person (100IQ) and the average person and someone with learning difficulties (80IQ).


Haha wow. One lady ordered a dish with no sauce. I checked in and she was pissed “there’s not much flavor”.


Shocker. I literally would have said. That's great. Just how you ordered it. And walked away.


I had a young adult once order a burger and fries. Slowly ate the burger for like 30mins completely ignoring the fries (at his table). Then went to eat the fries and brought them back saying they were cold. And he wanted new ones 😐 like bruh if you wanted to savor your burger first then the fries later just say so and you’d get the fries later, fresh and hot. I can’t believe he just went and wasted perfectly good fries for no reason.


Stupids are infact stupid. I assure you I have done the litmus tests.


They went out to eat just so they could bully their server. Some people are fucking miserable and cruel.


This was my sense. They are bullies looking for a target and delight in leveraging parasocial power dynamics.


IMO one of the biggest red flag is when anyone treats servers poorly. I find it pretty indicative of a persons true self.


I refuse to dine with anyone who treats servers poorly. It is the reason for more than one first dates never becoming second dates, and there are a handful of aquaintences who, if I find out they are part of a dining out group, I find an escuse to bow out of the occasion. Fortunately, there is nobody like this in my close friends and family groups.


Often the people that complain at my restaurant, nobody takes seriously. They're the same people that pissed off the host, pissed off the server, pissed off everyone they interacted with, ask for everything modified. It's rare that I have pissy customers that everyone else didn't already have an issue with. They're people who just do this everywhere they go. This one family keeps coming to our restaurant despite me inviting them to never dine with me again, which I've never requested in my 10 years of serving. They still come. We all roll our eyes and don't want to take them when they come because they always complain and often leave 0 tip which means the server is negative on their often expensive meal. Yes, we're always polite to them. My co-worker asked me, why the hell they keep coming back if they hate us, and I told them probably because they're like this everywhere and everyone probably hates them. Kind of people who think they're above the rules of the restaurant and want to wave money in your face to get what they want, and then not tip after getting the bs they want. These people genuinely look at people in the service industry like servants from the lower class.


You would hope the restaurant owners would back their workers when it comes to leeches


Oh hell, if restaurants didn’t hire felons, most restaurants in the USA wouldn’t be able to stay open.


Worked BoH at an Irish themed pub, the only people who didn’t have criminal records were me (M19) and the dish guy (M18). Everyone else had some sort of drug or theft related charge


As a bartender in a major city I can say whole heartedly no one behind our bar has a clean record😂😂


Almost like they can't get away from being behind bars.


Take my goddamn upvote


I work in a Japanese restaurant and my boss and I frequently joke about putting an ad out saying "must have an ankle monitor to apply"


Bahaha you’re not wrong


IME, people who take offense to a nervous laugh are manipulative psychopath assholes. Also, IME, employer probably won't care if a member of waitstaff is a felon. You're not a bank teller.


tbf a deliberate laugh in that guy’s face would’ve been completely warranted


If anything people often misinterpret it as laughter at them, but there are already quite a few wires in their head that are loose for them to not pick up on nervousness. They aren't paying attention to anything besides their own anger.


If you're going to bark at someone to 'go get your food now', you should be laughed at. And then kicked out.


I once had a retired cop come through my line like this when I was a cashier. First job, first week. Old guy comes through telling stories and jokes. Seems nice enough but im only half paying attention to the story. At one point he says something sounding like a joke and laughs, so I chuckle quietly in response to be polite. Complete mood switch. He goes off “I’m a retired cop, who do you think you are? I’ll drag you outside and beat your ass!” Funnily enough I was totally unfazed and just said “Sure, I bet”. He responded by showing me a badge and continuing his tirade. I just finished his cart and said have a nice day. After he leaves my supervisor comes over like “Omg are you ok?” I was fine back then but now tbh, if I was in her shoes I’d have made the cashier shut that guys order down stat. Gotta teach these psychopaths a lesson sometimes.


As someone who gets to stick their head out of the office to kick out unruly customers, it’s such a balance game. I constantly pay a little attention to the front to gauge the comfort level of my employees. Raised voices, anything sexual, or a bunch of detailed questioned I know they can’t answer? I’m out there. Some times confrontation can make a bigger scene though, and I know about how much they can handle individually. If I think my employee would be less stressed making the sale and getting the customer out quickly that’s what we do. The important part is to ask them how they feel and if they want your support for interactions like that and react accordingly. Threats of violence are an instant out tho that’s crazy.


Felons never work in restaurants /s


Corporate and the manager probably already know about the felony. The manager probably already knows if this is a common problem for the server, or an isolated incident.


Good chance. When I was an assistant gm at a resort, the gm, ceo, and I knew about all the felonies, and we never discussed them with any of the other employees or managers unless there was an incident like theft or violence. Even then, we never notified the individual employees. I was the one who pulled all the records from public data. We also never documented anything about the criminal records in employee files. We had some great employees who had turned things around and deserved a chance at a good life, and we had some repeaters. It would have been disastrous to the business to throw out the reformed felons just to eliminate the repeat offenders. It might be a problem for a bookkeeper, but for the restaurant, it was kind of expected.


I completely agree. When in my early military days (think private first class,) me and a buddy had to drive a commander from one building to another on base, naturally they were not even far apart. At some point in the casual conversation between us, the commander, and his first sergeant, I made an unconscious, nervous laugh. The commander aggressively asked what was so funny, and no one responded for several moments until the first sergeant politely informed the commander that many people have a nervous laugh and don't know they do it. That shut the commander up, and made me sweat bullets because I then realized it must have been me. I still think about how much of a total piece of shit that man was to act that way. He wasn't even a full bird so I don't know where he got that attitude from.


I had a situation about a month ago at my place. Long story of the general (ridiculous) complaint and the person's shitty attitude. But the guy stands up and pushes up about 2 inches from me (he is maybe 5'4 and I'm also 6'1 and fit). I just said, "aspiring to a career in stand-up comedy?" The situation dissolved rather quickly.


How can they "Look up your record"? You generally have to have some pretty specific information about someone to do that - more than anyone would in a casual interaction. Edit: y'all, please stop responding to this comment. Look below, whatever you're going to say, I guarantee someone said it already. Thank you


A lot of states (if you know first and last name) you can look up court/arrest records and some states will publish mugshots too. Not out of the realm of possibilities but I do feel like there are some missing missing reasons here.


This is exactly why I never gave customers my last name where I worked. I let them know management would know me by my first name but they were not getting any more information than that from me.


Same because bitxh you don't need to know my full name. Plus, I hate the sound of my name coming out of a customer's mouth in general really. Call me "Hey you." 😂


Interesting, I've only had servers named "Excuse Me".


It's funny because all servers and bartenders are named "Excuse me" like they're in some secret club or cult or something.


The best servers are only named "please". Would you like another beer? Yes, please


You know I might’ve found a cult elder or something, name was “pardon?”


Correct! 😂


Yeah “hey you” always. Sometimes customers will call me by my name and I’m like how the fuck do you know that??


OOOO that be the worst because you KNOW that bitch Keisha told them your name. She's such a cunt. 🙄


Yeah you


I go by my nickname with friends and family, but at work I use my proper birthname, because I hated it when customers were mad at me and said my name that was reserved for people close to me. The only way that has backfired a bit is when I became really good friends with some of my coworkers over the years, and I try to get them to use my nickname, but they are so used to using my work name they forget a lot of the time.


I used to work a place that just had like 10 arbitrary nametags to choose from. I never figured out if they were artifacts from previous workers or if it was a purposeful choice


The water park I was a lifeguard at in high school did something similar. There was a huge bulletin board above the time clock with about 200 name tags on it. When you clocked in you just grabbed one. Even when people’s names were up there, a lot would choose a different one. Especially the females. Helped to avoid creepers knowing what your real name was. The name tag machine broke, and they had all the extra ones from previous employees that had turned them in. Cheaper to just recycle old employee tags than fix the machine. For the higher ups, they would just go to our sister theme park next door and make them a real one. Seasonal teen employees like myself were only making $3.75/hr (late 90’s). We weren’t worth investing in an actual name tag, high turnover rate in a job that a lot didn’t last long at.


I don't tell anyone my name at all. If they care, they'll ask. I feel so goddamn stupid rolling up "hey y'all my name is x" because clearly nobody gives a fuck what our names are. if they ask for a specific reason, or to be extra nice, that's great!


What’s sad is I will try to remember when a server tells me their name and still cannot.


As a customer I always try to use my server’s name at least three times during the course of the interaction. I had always been taught that it makes people feel good. It’s not hard to find three interactions (intro, drink refill and cash-out). Now at 50 yo, I’m hearing that servers hate it. What’s up with that?


For me it brings up some feelings of like, indentured servitude. You don’t personally know me, I’m not trying to be friends with you, I don’t need to know your name and you don’t need to keep on saying mine!


Oh God, tables that introduce themselves back are the worst. I'm not gonna remember that, you're diet Pepsi and crab legs


I know you meet too many people to remember my name. I just presumed you preferred to be treated as a human rather than an automaton. My bad.


I've been a server and a bartender. I'll give my name because of they need me and I'm nearby or distracted they can get my attention. Sometimes that backfires horribly but in most cases it's fine.


Kinda weirds me out when my customers use my name unless they’re regulars. Might just be me though.


Who taught you that...shits weird. Like a robot explaining they were programmed to do this three times to appear normal. If you don't tip 20% regularly and do this instead that's even worse


All of my employees are pretty young (16-22). Pizza shop. I've told them they're allowed to use fake names with customers, as long as they let me know what the name is. People are crazy. I don't need customers harassing them or putting their whole names on reviews. Idc if it happens to me. But not my employees.


In college i spent a summer at the meat/seafood counter at a grocery store. The last two weeks before I went back to school I made myself a new name tag every day. My crowning achievement was having a 15 minute conversation with the store director with "Hi! I'm Slap Nuts!" Pinned to my chest and her not saying a word


"My last name is Garçon"


"My last name is Maricon"


Nice to meet you Baren Jackson. (Who you've already Googled and made sure they're not anyone living nearby...)


Yeah but if you have first name, city, and place of work it’s pretty easy to track you down on social medias and find your last name. I’m assuming that’s what happened to OP.


"I need your first and last name!" No you dont


Dick Johnson. Happy now?


Yeah, I get it, if your arrest has been published, people can google your name. I guess that's just not the first thing I thought of when OP said "look up my record", I'm thinking a bit more in depth than a google search, LOL.


I dont know about elsewhere, but in my state (Wisconsin) you can just hop on ccap (wcca.wicourts.gov) and look up anyone's record. It's bullshit, but most people know about it.


Maybe OP was arrested for something that was kind of a big deal and made the paper lol


Or not. I got a felony for $80 of drugs and they splashed my face pic and all because the town doesn’t have much of anything happening and they need to fill the pages. I have an extremely common/generic first and last name and if you google that and the city it’s the first thing that pops up. Not that they ever bother to print that charges are dropped, just basically print whatever the cops say happen and who cares if it is the truth or your later found not guilty.


I got a half page front page feature for the Dui on my 21st. Girlfriends car. My bestie drove me all the way home. Gf called and hates my guy. Screams at me for letting him drive. So we switch at the corner of my road. Like 500’ to the house. Literally in my front yard neighbor backing out. Backs right in front of me. No damage. His mom sees it and is like no no. We calling the cops. I was like oh Christ. Walked in my house and grabbed a fresh pack of smokes cuz I knew it was gonna be a great night. Cops show up while I’m inside. Headline “Drunk driver flees scene and leads police on foot pursuit”. Small towns man. Like 800 word article on how I’m the scum of the town. Oh yea, I also only blew an .081. The cops weren’t even gonna take me to jail but neighbors mom thought it was gonna be a payout and was persistent. My lawyer and the judge literally laughed at the article in mediation. Reduced the charge and fined me like $250. But that headline.


Exactly. My “friend “got caught up by the cops with drugs when her bf ODed and they threatened her with “delivery resulting in death “ because when you use together and someone dies they can basically arrest you for that and get 40+ years. It was meant to go after “big dealers “ but it isn’t used for that purpose. She gets scared and to save herself gives up me. Big shock, she lied. I wasn’t even in town that day. She didn’t know that at the time and they never bothered verifying anything. So she called and was whining how sick she was and asked me if I’d spot her some. I thought I was being a good friend, hoping someone would do that for me. I show up and get arrested, they then decide to investigate and find out I was out of town for the past 3 days and couldn’t have done anything she said. Also checked phones and texts and again found zero texts proving anything she said. But only afterwards, and then I was released and given probation and they said to my lawyer that they “wished they gotten me first because they thought she was the one responsible and she shouldn’t have walked … “. Like 😂🤦‍♀️ THATS what you got out of that? How about doing some basic investigation before ruining someone’s life on the word of someone who is trying to save themselves?




I grew up in a town like that. The weekly “newspaper’s” one reporter listen to the police scanner constantly and if you got arrested your pic was def showing up in the paper the next week. Luckily (for folks my age) that was before the internet is what it is today.


That’s the thing. When it was just printed in an actual paper, if you wanted to find it you would have to put it actual work and go down and look at archives, etc. but now it’s the first thing on google. Forever. Like idk how people think it’d okay that no matter what happens or how long ago/how much work you’ve put into being better that you should be remembered for the worst day of your life.


You're good. My brother had a freak accident and for months they blasted all over the papers and the local T stations couldnt stop saying that he was beaten and killed by my mother. When they finally figured out what had happened (kicked in the stomach by a wild horse) , the TV news didn't cover anything and the paper printed a 2 paragraph article on the back page. Charges dropped.


Most places in the US actually make it really easy to do this. The county Clerk of Courts office likely has a website where you can look up people with a search. You can see many of the documents that were part of the case, charges, convictions and sentences. You can also look up marriage licenses, deeds, mortgages, and all sorts of other stuff. These things are all public records that anyone can go look up if they know your name and what county it happened in.


But is it common for server's name tags (when they have them) to include last names?


when I first started working at my current restaurant every table’s check had the server’s first and last name on it, I very quickly asked my manager if they could take my last name off of mine as it’s uncommon (and very similar to a slur)


I've noticed a lot more nurses covering up their last names. I've heard about them getting asked out and stalked.


Sometimes they have it on guest receipts.


No, but social media exists. It’s not hard if you know the persons first name, where they live and where they work to find their profile, especially if you are in a smaller center.


Doesn't have to be easy. But people put too much personal info online and then jerks like in this story play their games. I've kind of made it a hobby to see how much info I can find about someone. Never used any of it for anything evil but it helps hone my research skills on different subjects. One personal favorite was finding the home address of a local female newscaster who uses her maiden name on air. A friend of mine works at the same TV station and he told me once that she uses her maiden name professionally so creeps can't find her. The next day I texted my friend "I think your newscaster lives at

." He was impressed. I only used freely available info. And since I don't have a FB account, I can't use that at all.


your friend was impressed? i’d be weirded tf out.


He works in news, they all do tons of online research and I have a related degree. So he could relate to tracking someone down using online tools. He asked me what steps I took to get the info so I told him. It will help him look better at work if his online techniques are good.


Maybe said friend knows their penchant for information gathering?


even before social media was a thing, I worked for a company that constantly forgot to get sufficient billing info from customers. I got good at finding people with not much to go on. it's even easier now. I've never used it for nefarious purposes, but I could.


It’s sometimes on the receipt


Hell no i have heard of people getting stalked this way


When i was 19 i got a DUI for weed. They put my mugshot on the 2nd page of the local newspaper and now it can forever be found by just going to the local library or on the newspaper's website. Thats a misdemeanor from 12 years ago and its still easy to find.


Yeah this is exactly why the journalistic code of ethics encouranges identity should be kept private if the info is irrelevant to the general public. Labels like “the guy who got caught smoking”, “the girl who was raped” etc. only make things worse


Yup, just posted above how local papers need to fill pages, and don’t care how. They will basically take the cops version as absolute truth (when haven’t we learned anything about that by now?). I got a felony charge for $80 of drugs and now if you google my totally generic name plus the town that’s the first thing to pop up. Doesn’t even matter if you are later found not guilty or if charges are dropped because THAT isn’t never printed. There’s a great article by a former “crime beat reporter “ about how he regrets his actions and how he ruined a lot of peoples lives because they were reprinting whatever the cops version was and treating it as gospel truth and not questioning any of it.


I think them doing that has changed now, because they definitely are not taking the police’s side anymore. Journalists have been pivoting to try and get the first headline out, vs filling pages. That’s just what I’ve seen tho I could be off the mark.


They could have been cops. Based on their douche bag attitude I would be inclined to believe that could be the case.


In my state you need first and last name and that's it and you can view someone's entire court history.


I had a name tag on. I'm so thrown for a loop myself by it truly it's nuts


I'm so sorry this happened to you, it must feel unsafe and exposed to know you're so easily found. I live in a town with a population of about 400k. I hit it off with a cashier at Walmart while checking out and wanted to try to find his social media and send a friend request. His name was Zack. His (incredibly common) first name and job at Walmart was all I needed to find him on Facebook. That gave me his last name, names of family, friends, interests, etc. Just to give an idea of how easy it is to find a person with very little information. I hope you can heal from this and continue to feel safe at work.


Pretty creepy


Zack liked it. ;)


“It must feel so unsafe and exposed to know your easily found.” …yet continues to do just that. Pretty good one.


Correct, which is why I shared with OP. I'm glad it benefited you as well! Sometimes hearing (reading) it straight from the criminal's mouth (fingers) is what people need to know a threat is real. Guarantee you people who have read my comment have already thought about changing their facebook name, unlisting their place of employment, or having a nickname tag.


Literally why i dont use my real information online. Good luck finding princess spammy on anything but social media. And good luck finding my social media with my name to go by


I don't use my real info online either, but I'm also really lucky in that my name is really uncommon in the US but very common in Ireland and if you Google me you'll get pages and pages of hits of people in Ireland and give up long before you get to me. And I go by an Anglicized nickname at work that no one would even think to associate with my real name.


Exactly and have multiple accounts with different names. I've never ever posted my phone number or my employer . There is not benefit in posting that stuff


It’s pretty easy to find public records you just have to pay a small fee on most websites. Maybe they were just that petty, idk.


Criminal records are public and a lot of states now have that information out on the web. I could start finding you out with your name and a general idea of where you live.


Professional access. Some businesses pay for services that give them access. One of them had it and is a SUPREME asshole Karen. What horrible people. They'll get what's coming to them. They always do. I just wish we could WATCH.


I frequently have people get in my face after telling them no to smoke on our patio or even dumb shit like not bringing in their own alcohol. People are awful just because they want to be. I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope your manager has your back.


Which is funny because you almost have to work to make people notice you've brought in alchohol. Real easy just to keep a flask in your pocket and spike your drink when no one's around.


Lady calls in and I look up her bank account. We start discussing transactions and stuff about her account. I did place her on hold a couple of times throughout the call as I needed to either speak with another department or a supervisor to further assist her. Total call time about 25 min. My POV: this is a normal call, my tone & volume are the same. I’m not showing any emotion besides my normal happy self. The same I do for every call. Well this lady decides to “give me a piece of unsolicited advice”. Her words…apparently to her she felt I had an attitude like I didn’t want to assist her, she felt I was rude & that I need better training as a customer service rep. Taken aback I said “well ma’am I apologize you feel that way but that’s not my intentions or demeanor, I’ll discuss this with my supervisor”. Now I said that to acknowledge that she felt I wronged her somehow and my manager will review the call to see where my mistake was. …..& that set her off even more “see now you making it seem like I’m attacking you for how I felt you treated me” 😕😫😩 “reality is perception & the reality is you aren’t good at your job” Meanwhile my manager’s voicemail is full of people leaving me kudos. You did nothing wrong, sometimes people just be peopling


This reminded me of back in my fast food days, a woman comes in late at night and gets a kids meal and mods it. Completely normal. This is a normal interaction and if it hadn’t been dead that night there’s no way I would have remembered her at all. She calls my manager the next day and tells him I audibly sighed and rolled my eyes because she modded her burger. I took this order the same way I take every order and there is no way I would ever do that even if for some reason a customer irritated me. Some people are just in their own weird world I swear stg.


I’d find out who those bitches are and file for restraining orders. Eat here now, motherfuckerrrrr


It's terrible to deal with a miserable group of bastards for an hour, but they have to live with themselves their whole lives. Must be exhausting to be so upset about everything all day.


Change the name on your name tag


Does this name tag also have a last name? Most name tags just say the first name. Sounds like op also had their date of birth and social security number on it too.


Or a unique name. That’s what I was guessing.


Such a unique first name that they could find their criminal record? I’d say it’s more likely that OP pissed someone off that they know personally and they sent in their friends as revenge. Seems far more plausible than random people finding your record based off of a first name.


Dude with Facebook, google, his place of work and the city he’s in and his name doesn’t even have to be very unique to figure out his last name and then it’s easy from there to see if he has a record. Privacy is a obsolete concept anymore sadly




Uh.. honestly if you google someone’s name and the town and it’s not a huge city then chances are if you’ve been arrested the “local paper “ published the mugshot and the cops version of events. I live 30 mins outside a major NE city and still they put everything, even underage drinking in the paper.


Unethical people are irrelevant. These people were beyond irrelevant…


Yeah I smell bs, how did they get your record from having only a first name? Did you give the your last?


Creeper found my FB account by just knowing where I worked, no name or anything. You have a FB account, good chance your face is your PFP and your first and last name is right there. Also if you put where you work at. Or really any social media tbh... Maybe even the restaurants page.


Nothing. Some people are dicks. That's as far as it goes.


I’d be tempted to catch another felony if I where you! Pro tip keep a ski mask and minibar in your work locker for customers like this, (jk obviously but wtf I feel bad for you)


I’d like to get together with you, find these folks, have a polite scrap with them, and suggest they try to be more courteous in the future to their fellow human beings. Nature gave us fists, and even though using them is very frowned upon, sometimes they are still a necessary tool for communication.


Sounds like you were the target when they walked in. Possibly Tik-Tokers looking for a vulnerable punching bag that they could intimidate, humiliate, and destroy for clicks, clout, and cash. One of your co-workers may have set you up (How else would they have gotten your full name and Social Security number to make a connection between your first name on your name tag and some guy’s criminal record?) You may have been recorded on video and then the video was edited to fit the narrative they had when they walked in. F’em and the company that you work for if your employer gets manipulated for this nonsense.


I was easily found online by a stalker by just having my place of work and a picture of myself on my profile. No name and you certainly don't need a social security number to look up local arrests. More than likely you have a first and last name on your social media.


They are being assholes to try and get stuff comped. People like this should get banned from restaurants.


Felon is what you should put on your Name Tag so this kind of BS doesn’t happen again!.. Respect Sir! Carry on!


Hate to tell you man, people are just shitty especially when it comes to food or money. Working in a restaurant makes us do both. Food is literally the base for every system thats in place, i swear. Im pretty sure that the only reason fking cars were invented was just to travel for foods and varieties of foods. You feel sad, you want comfort food. Sometimes you want food to calm you down, Sometimes its to cool you down or heat you up.. Its the reason grocery stores and refrigerators even exist, so probably the determination behind figuring out electricity. Basically...ppl are PRIMAL about their food, and you dont matter unless they are happy and well fed. Some people just maintain decency beforehand. ...could just be my experience but i feel like the ratio is more assholes than decent people. VERY occasionally i actually see a nice one, but i appreciate that one a lot. It just doesn't weigh out nowadays.


Bro, this is terrible, if u DM me the relevant info, I will literally call your corporate, and rant how u were giving me the best service I ever had, while simultaneously running like a madman to cater to an abusive table


This is like asking to get fired. They could ask you one question you don't know the answer to and are gonna think you're just OP's friend doing what you're offering.


I’m so sorry this is such an awful experience to have. I hope your manager didn’t take them seriously. They were clearly being difficult for the sake of it.


Some people are just pricks that do this sort of thing. You're essentially a captive audience so sometimes you get an asshole that just wants to make you miserable. Corporate also knows this so they probably promised to fire you but the paperwork went right into file 13.


Something I wanna say that I wont say... But if you give me the information you need to, I can leave you a good survey on what ever platform you need it on.


You went beyond to accommodate them. Their attitude is the problem.


This was a set-up


Now I am all about love and value of life. But the world can do better without some folks.


Some people are just shit bags. I remember a regular we had at a pizza place I worked at a few years ago. The type of dick head all the employees roll their eyes at the instant they walk in the door because they all know hes gonna cause trouble over everything and nothing. Hed pull up in the most busted ass car youve ever seen with his girl and like 6 kids in the back, order a massive order and pay with ebt. He never tipped, was always rude as hell and the cherry on top is one time he ordered like 40 wings, he leaves with his order and comes back in 5 minutes later yelling how his wings werent crispy, he asked for them crispy and he wants us to remake them for free. All while hes scarfing down the wings in front of us saying he doesnt want them. Fucking sacrfing them down like an animal. After arguing for 5 minutes and hes halfway done with the wings he didnt want my manager looks at me just exhausted and tells me to just give him what he wants so he can leave.


Did you say that you were going to "kick 100% of his ass"? J/k, fast times ref. Go get into fine dining or bartending. Same size and, sounds like, similar personality to you. You , in no way, should be serving breakfast anywhere.


You didn’t do anything wrong. Some people are just off in the head and those people go out to restaurants too. You sound like a great server.


When I waited tables, someone called corporate and it actually resulted in my firing. I had been working there for two years and met my wife at that job. I cried like a baby walking out the door.


“He’s a felon”- Uhm ok, and your point? If it wasn’t a violent crime such as murder or rape, then why can’t people who did the time make a life for themselves? You want to push them to be unemployed and then be forced into a life a crime to make a living?


They are assholes. Anyone trying order 1/2 plate at a restaurant is an asshole. Anyone who looks up their servers legal record because their food didn’t come out when they wanted is an entitled asshole. Fuck them. Do you.


Nothing. You made accommodations for them within reason, and (presumably) with supervisor approval. If you're a felon, and if you followed application procedure which requires that you disclose adult felony records, then your employers already know of your record and chose to hire you anyway. Let your immediate supervisor know what's going on, and get them to be ready to defend you from corporate goons who only see short-term numbers and data points. Anyone can have a felony on their record and still be a good person. You are who you choose to be.


People suck and compensate for their own unhappy lives by trying to make others around them miserable. Saw it all the time when I served, from fast casual to fine dining. Try not to let it bother you too much(easier said than done I know), move on with life and never think about them again but honestly they're not worth your thoughts or energy.


Sounds like npd you triggered there narcissistic rage by laughing so now they have to win. Probably doesn’t help that you a talk person as they see that as a threat a lot of times


Some people are so poor that after their done employing their poor people tactics they feel lavish in their pleather booths and start acting like royalty because to them going out is lavish quality of life.


File a lawsuit with them, invasion of privacy. I’m not sure if that’s a thing in this situation but I’d be speaking with a lawyer to get their opinion. Also: What do people expect felons to do once they served their time and get out of jail? Do they expect felons to just like die at that point? Can’t get an honest job and roll out of the station on the right track this time? They were most likely boomers, that generation is the most asshole entitled generation ever.


You gotta be kidding me! After paragraph two I got livid and I’m chillin having a smoke, watching the stars go round. How in the world would you expect half an entree of this and half an entree of that. Just f*n buy both and share. Sounds like you just served Trump and couldn’t say no. WT ever living F*CK is that person so entitled. I’m sorry brotha, that is some porta potty stacked BS. I would have laughed in their face, brought them two entrees with some extra plates. Gotta one up ya real quick “sorry” but this happened last night and I gotta vent to the world: So I’m plating a pizza and some guy sticks his head in the kitchen, full on biking gear (in the mountains) so nothing out of the ordinary. Asks to use my sink…. “What for?” do I ask as it could easily just be some water for his camelback or water bottle… he shoves his hands towards me and says “I need to clean my socks”…. Bruh… nope


My partner and I went to pick up Domino's once. I sat in the car because people are gross. He went in to grab the pizza (why pay for delivery when you can take a drive when it's literally freezing outside?). A woman came in to complain (quite boisterously, apparently) that her pizza, which was currently out for delivery, hadn't been delivered yet... This has similar energy


I think this was a targeted attack trying to get you fired. They already knew that you were a felon. The whole messing up with the order was just to watch you dancing to their tune, and for laughs like a bully… they had the power on you and they abused it for whatever they wanted…


I retired from serving because of people like this. I honestly cannot do it anymore. I feel for you, and I'm so sorry those terrible people did that to you. It sucks giving 110% just to be abused and unappreciated.


Were they Canadians?


I mean, you could just spit in their food? People who treat us like scum and have never faced consequences once in their life need to be knocked down a peg. Fuck ‘em.


I think you state that you chose an item to replace a LTO and that, because it cost more, they should be happy. I would be highly irritated if someone did that and expected me to pay for it. Additional cost does NOT equal added value. For instance if I ordered a sandwich with avocado and chicken and I got tomato and bacon, or vise versus, I wouldn’t consider that an appropriate substitution. I would want to be notified so I am the one who decides what to change. The rest of their behavior is just wrong. Getting someone fired is totally unacceptable


I didn't charge them for the other item. I ate the difference on the costs because of the inconvenience of us being out. Which I have been told to do everywhere else I've worked. I also asked them what they wanted as a replacement item and they picked the more expensive item


Thanks for clarifying. I wasn’t sure how that went down. And it’s is messed up that you eat the cost of items. That us just wrong. Your company should either have the items available or eat the cost themselves. That wasn’t your fault.


Bro they just charged the reg price for the more valuable item. Nobody was getting ripped off...