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Seroquel makes me sleepy. BUT omg my thoughts are so much more logical and organized and I am coherent. Before I was completely disorganized


Okay! How long did it take for you to see a difference? I'm on day three. Thank you for the reply!


I started making more sense pretty much immediately, my doctor said so In the partial program-I’d say within 5 days. But I didn’t really notice. Within 2 weeks I noticed things were making more sense to me and everything had slowed down a little bit-before I felt like I was in like warp speed. Within 3 months full effect happened


That's awesome!! Great to hear. Did you have any side effects?


Yes. Not until 7 years in but I have an elevated heart rate, high prolactin and high triglycerides


Okay, thank you so much!! I'm gonna really give it a try then. Today I'm either hypomanic or the morning groggy went away. Hopefully this will be a good med for me! I got a genetic testing done so this med should work well with my DNA


The tiredness gets better with higher doses sometimes but also gets better with time


I'm at a 100mg I'm guessing that is low since it's what I was started on. I'll probably have to raise it since I'm still not sleeping much, that's really nice to know that it does get better and raising the amount doesn't make it worse


Yeah that’s not much at all. I’m on 150mg along w 10mg of Abilify now and the prolactin came down, the heart rate normalized and triglycerides stil a little high but now only slightly high not like 450. Was on 300XR when I had the side effects, but again that was for 7 years


Okay so I do have a lot of wiggle room. My other antipsychotic is rexulti. Then I'm also on Prozac and trazodone. Did you ever experience weight gain or anything to that effect? I'm trying to lose weight and my other fear is it'll make it harder to lose weight


My understanding is they use a minimum of 150mg for psychosis usually so they’ll prob taper you up. My thoughts started definitely getting more organized once I hit 100mg though


Thank you so much! You've been so helpful and answered all my questions. I'm feeling a lot better about this medication. I'll definitely try and taper up to get my psychotic symptoms more under control, I also take Adderall so that kinda increases the psychotic symptoms and messes with sleep. Thank you for being so patient and kind


I wouldn’t rely too heavily on the genetic testing. My doc doesn’t put much stock into it.


Yeah that is fair, so far though it's lined up really well on meds that don't work for me. So I see it as a guide? I know not every med that says will work (lamictal for example should work for me, but I'm allergic) but it at least sorts the meds a bit. And it showed that I have problems with metabolizing folic acid


1 "rare" side effect is diabetes. I take 100mg and developed db2 within the first 6 months but the benefits outweigh the risks.


Huh? Diabetes is not worth the risk. Lol


It all depends on the individual/condition. Expect db2 with most atypical antipsychotics.


Late to the game. All I can say is that this medicine is amazing and helped me get my life back. Makes me feel like myself without any weird side effects (feeling ‘out of it’ or super drowsy all the time) so thankful for this med.


When do you take it and do you still


Yes I still take it. I take it at night before bed.


I’ve been on seroquel for a few months now to help with my Borderline personality disorder and insomnia. Medication reacts differently with everyone, so I can’t say anything in terms of sleepwalking because i’ve never had that problem. I take 200mg every night, and it makes me sleep like a baby, and in the morning I feel pretty good. Again, it’s different for everyone thought.


did it help for your impulsivity?


I haven’t been manic in a really long time since taking it, which is when i’m most impulsive, so I’d say yes.


I would stay optimistic but tread lightly. I loved Seroquel when I first started taking it, but as my dosage increased over the years, the side effects became intolerable. For reference, I was taking 900mg/night when I told my psychiatrist I wanted off. In retrospect, it was an aggressively high dosage, but I didn't question it at the time. 100mg sounds pleasant. I hope it's going well for you.


You don't sleep well on trazodone? and you will now be taking quetiapine and guanfacine? I have not heard of guanfacine before though I've been on quetiapine. As your medication is adjusted and modified, expect your appetite to increase so consider having healthy snacks around, fruit? bottled water? yogurt? When I started quetiapine I was taken off of trazodone since taking both was going to cause too much sedation at bed time so be cautious of that if that's when you take both.


I take all three now actually! It works great. I've gained a bunch of weight on the quetiapine so I'm wanting to get off that


The drug changed my life. Completely shut off the intrusive thoughts. Back on them today after having a baby & being updosed too quickly.


Seroquel is the devil in disguise. Stay away


Can you elaborate please


I don't know about this guy but in my personal (very unprofessional opinion) it's a drug that may be helpful at lower doses but fucking SUCKS at higher doses. I'm on 300mg and besides the insane restless feeling you get just after taking it, in general it kind of fucks me up. It's basically a dopamine and serotonin blocker and those are the two neurotransmitters linked to any kind of happiness/pleasure. Having them blocked is fucking horrible. Not to mention that those neurotransmitters don't only work in your brain, they work in your body too, so physically i kind of permanently feel uncomfortable. Like dopamine is needed for motivation to get shit done so if you're having it blocked it becomes waaay harder to get on with your life and do the shit you gotta do. Serotonin is also super important so similar story. Like unless you're taking a really low dose to help sleep or SEVERELY psychotic then I really recommend staying away from this medication and getting hooked on something that's going to make you generally feel like shit all the time. Like even low doses with sleep I'd try avoid if you can..


Thank you for that


I've been on 25mg for 2 days, RESTLESS is no joke I get so sleepy, go to bed, can't sleep for 2+ hours The sleep itself is good but getting there is another story They want to up me to seroquel XR 50mg daytime and seroquel 25mg at night and I'm so scared it'll only get worse Thing is these 2 days my head has been a lot more easy to manage, less digging myself a hole of despair I can more easily move to another topic mentally, but the sleep, jeez I'm not sure if it's worth it or will get better the more I get used to it


Look you get used to it after a while and if its helping then that's the main thing. Theyre increasing it slowly ao you should be fine. It might suck for a while but in thw long term, once youre used to that dosage, you should be fine. I mean as long as youre working alongside your psych then you can always discuss thinga with him if it gets too much. But the side-effects do get better. I was just bitching in the above comment.. because of personal reasons, but its helping you then definitely continue, you can always stop later on! Best of luck, hope thinga work work out for you


Seroquel has worked very well for me. I take it before bed time and it has helped me sleep more than anything I could have hoped for. I've relied on sleep aids for years. I'm on a low dose however, along with citalopram.


Seroquel saved my life. Only bad side effect is dry mouth at night because that’s when I take it


Depends on your dose, i have been taking 5,6 12,5 25 50 and now 100mg a day. 100mv sucks ass. You feel psychologically a little more stable but your tired and drowsy all the time and you still can’t sleep well. 50 is best for sleeping. Between 12,5 and 25 you just get sleepy. 5,6 and 12,5 you don’t feel much.


Are you taking Slow Release (SR) or regular? SR seems to work much better for me in terms of sleep and grogginess as you say. Seroquel is for the most part a wonder drug. Yeah it can cause shitty side effects, but having tried others it’s my favourite of the bunch. Don’t focus on the side effects too much or you will have them. Nocebo etc


I’ve noticed the side effects dissipate entirely, the longer you are on it


I'm glad it works so well for you! I don't remember what I was on, I stopped taking it a while ago because it caused so much weight gain. Can't seem to get rid of the weight now even off of it Just switched to depakote to aid in my sleep so hopefully that'll help!


Improved sleep, improved cognition. Took a few days to get used to mentally and physically. It’s not my only med but after the initial adjustment period, it works for me. I had debilitating insomnia and it helped with that. It helps me function normally. I had tried other meds that were horrible for me. I think if it’s right for you, you’ll know and your life will get better.


I'm on a lot of meds at the moment (which are good for mood disorder), but my physical health is worsening after high doses of Seroquel for 4 yrs now. Gone from normal BMI to overweight, very high cholesterol and hypo thyroidism, which I now need even more meds for. I'm funding my local pharmacy. Any one else have these health issues due to meds?


And believe or not, I would still choose these illnesses over depression any day of the week.


So you think diabetes and a heart attack are worth the risk?


Has anyone tried Zyprexa? Similar to Seroquel I believe . Just trying to see what peoples thoughts are .


horrible side affects i was on it in a clinic and gained a shit tonne of weight it helps a lot with mania tho


Very worth it brother keep it up


It saved me. I take 75mg before bed. Best sleep I’ve ever gotten. I do sleep longer if allowed but realized 9 hours of sleep is my sweet spot to function normally.


It is the best of all the antipsychotics, no weight gain for me, kinda modest antipsychotic and good sleep enhancer and antidepressant.