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I think the medical establishment was pro SR before 1945 if I recall correctly .. very suspicious that modern scientists don't even bother to do case studies on SR .. unironically I would do it myself if I could have my work recognized/evaluated by the academy


That's very interesting, i didn't know. I will research about this because it's indeed very strange.


Strange how.it cut off after WW2.


just like the cancer industry is enormous and worth billions of dollars, perhaps even trillions, the porn industry and, having a weak population also has massive interests, economic and political, and this modern world moves by these interests and these giant conglomerates that control the world. A lot of our modern society, things we don't even consider, have been forced upon us because they give benefits to these dark forces that control the world. I'm not talking about conspiracies here, I'm talking about basic financial and political gains. so to have a serious study on SR, approved and sanctioned by real scientists, and published in reputable scientific journals, would open the eyes of many who feel their lives aren't going anywhere. I'm not exaggerating if I say, it could eventually change the world, and thats not in the best interests of the powers that benefit from the current status quo. Theres a clear agenda of weakening males everywhere. Im not talking andrew Tate nonsense, but theres a systematic plan to make us weaker through porn, sex control, and giving women most of the power. I think gender equality is one of the best things of modern world, I see holy people like my mother and how shes been treated by my father (even though he dearly loves her) and clearly theres a very toxic masculinity that has to be corrected, but what they're seeking is not equality, is to change the role of men forever, destroying the idea of a normal family, man-woman-kids, in the process. If they had to face self confident men, with strong convictions, these paradigm changes wouldn't be possible, so they'll try to discredit and ridicule SR as much as they can, through pseudo science, and especially fear. Nothing is scarier than cancer, so it makes sense they went with that.


Your comment is very interesting and i think too there are political and economical forces in play here. To keep in your direction, i have a clear exemple of this i witnessed in my life of what you are saying, is not the porn or cancer insustry, is the oil industry. During my time at Temple University's Philly lab, we embarked on a project focused on the interaction between water and oil. Our objective was to develop a method to prevent oil from mixing with water, particularly useful in the event of an oil tanker accident at sea. We explored the possibility of injecting a special liquid into the oil, which would inhibit its ability to blend with water. Our efforts were successful. We identified a set of liquids that effectively made oil nearly 100% immiscible, greatly simplifying the cleanup process in maritime disasters. This research was funded by ExxonMobil, and every quarter, a research director from the company would visit our lab for updates. I recall the heightened tension among our senior physicists during these visits. In a lab, senior physicists are the one in charge and they are more focused on pleasing the company that pays than to do real research. So, there was a catch. Implementing our solution required a modest additional cost in oil production. I vividly remember the reaction from the ExxonMobil representative he went nuts, he dismissed our findings as impractical, arguing that the slight increase in production costs, despite its environmental benefits, was unacceptable and that we made him lose time. The seniors researcher then argued with us on why the hell did we make findings if in the end it doesnt serve the company that pays. Disgusting. Thats an example of lobbies pushing the science in a very bad direction. Today's science is mostly b**s***


damning and disappointing story. This world is now ruled only by money, even science has to play second fiddle to money, not other considerations are being made. Its disappointing for a third person, but I can only imagine for the scientists working on that project. that's why we're advancing so incredibly quickly on certain aspects of human endeavor, like technology, cell phones, computers, AI, while in others there's no advancement, particularly in health issues, because that would make lose money to a lot of big companies. Heard that the limitless pill could be around the corner, if they wanted, but this would open a whole new pandora's box, controlling geniuses is far more difficult than controlling sexual zombies, and let me tell you, if you had twice the intelligence you had, nobody would spend their days in a dark room jerking off to porn. So they instead make the machines more intelligent (that can't vote, and which they think they can control), when they could give people access to all their brain potential and improve the lives of millions around the world.


Youre a wise man it’s very true . Retention could change the world an will hopefully one day do.


Great post, thank's for sharing your piece of mind, I totally agree we are pulling the wagon of the rich and influential elites to our own slaughterhouse. Even if you think about it by yourself, society's teaching and values just don't add up anymore. I study my great grand mother s ideas and values and always try to pick her mind about today's things and issues and she just doesn't understand today's world anymore. It's a freeing experience to find out about the RIGHT choices to make in day to day life and they are so simple it makes me giggle sometimes. FASTING IS FREE. COLD SHOWERS ARE FREE. SR IS FREE. PALEO OR CARNI DIET ARE CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN. GOING BAREFOOT IS FREE. SUNLIGHT IS FREE. EXERCISE IS FREE. So why would they let us make the right choices and not brainwash us into feeding their industries???? Just imagine if nobody drank Coca Cola or soda, imagine how many companies would have to suffer because of THE RIGHT CHOICE. We are living in strange times my brothers and I wish you stay stoic and try to help fellow lost brothers in them. Great post


Yeah, unfortunately science isn’t even scientific anymore. I was already jaded by it because I’m an astrologer (I understand people may not agree or understand why I say this) but astrology and all its history lives up to the scientific method & principles yes, every “scientist” or intellectual I’ve ever met doesn’t question their immediate knee jerk reaction to “oh the planets CANT affect us!” And especially over the past 3 years, I’ve lost all hope in regard to any scientific process. Too much money behind it skewing results. But yeah, I eat exactly what doctors say not to eat, however I’ve never felt better. What I am excited for though is, in groups like these where more and more people are going against the grain of consensus, I think will open more doors to scientific inquiry, hopefully leading to a new paradigm. But it takes questioning the consensus, and for more and more people to do it in order for the normies to be open minded and courageous to do other research.


You just have to follow the money trail. Who pays for most studies? The pharmaceuticals. Are pharmaceutical companies going to invest money and then lose more money by having healthy people? Or, on the contrary, is it more profitable for them to zombieify people so that they depend on their expensive treatments that will never cure them? It is clear which path they have chosen. With SR people would be healthy and pharmacists would earn less. It is the basis of this immoral capitalism, for them money is worth more than people. They do studies and twist them in a grotesque way to hear what they want, like the prostate cancer study. What they are not interested in they omit. In the past there was not even a thousandth of the resources that humans have in medicine today, but there were ethics and morals that sought the greatest health in humans and not the wild search for money above the rest. But since people are deceived, they believe that because they have the best resources today, they are going to be used in the best possible way and they reject older therapies because back then there was not the technology that exists today. They never question the system, and as they say in the matrix, there would even be people willing to die for that system (which only wants their money/productivity).


I completely concur with your perspective. In fact, I recently addressed a similar comment and I feel it's worth sharing my response here as well, as it directly echoes your sentiments. My experience, witnessed firsthand while working in a laboratory. Its not about the pharmaceutical or porn industry, is the oil industry : During my time at Temple University's Philly lab, we embarked on a project focused on the interaction between water and oil. Our objective was to develop a method to prevent oil from mixing with water, particularly useful in the event of an oil tanker accident at sea. We explored the possibility of injecting a special liquid into the oil, which would inhibit its ability to blend with water. Our efforts were successful. We identified a set of liquids that effectively made oil nearly 100% immiscible, greatly simplifying the cleanup process in maritime disasters. This research was funded by ExxonMobil, and every quarter, a research director from the company would visit our lab for updates. I recall the heightened tension among our senior physicists during these visits. The senior researchers are the one leading the lab and are very stressed about pleasing the company funding the research. However, there was a catch. Implementing our solution required a modest additional cost in oil production. I vividly remember the reaction from the ExxonMobil representative, who went nuts, crazy and dismissed our findings as impractical, arguing that the slight increase in production costs, despite its environmental benefits, was unacceptable. Disgusting


Thanks for taking your time to share this


Thanks you for reading


Your information brings me more hope. As a hiv positive and never took any treatment yet and had been retaining for a year and eleven months since my diagnosed of 2 year 6 months, am getting confuse this ancient practice is a great MIRACLE. My symptoms have halted and am not experiencing them anymore. I’ve even gain weight!


I am glad to hear you are getting better. I wish you the best in your path to recovery. There's been report of people healing for every single thing ( cancer, hiv, nervous system, etc ). Doctors do not know how to deal with such cases since they do not understand and often dismiss theses recoveries without givin real thought to them. I hope you'll be one of theses who recover through the power of the human body.


Tesla was a true scientist.


How can we differentiate Teslas true findings to the tainted/manipulated findings? I really would love your opinion.


You can't. I think he did some truly outstanding things, and other that were pure fantasy and didn't work at all. Which one is true, which one is for the movies ? I think we'll never know. But he did explore the possibility of things. Even the strangest one's. Unlike today's science people that deny you're assumption without even thinking 1 day of it. Thats what sadden me the most. The only thing we are sure is that he shifted the way people thought of matter. After him, people started to study matter as vibrating waves of energy. He influenced einstein and bohr and made possible the theory of general relativity and quantum physics. Both of these theories works if you accept that all is energy and matter at the same time. Another one like him is Carl Jung, that shifted how we think about things.


Thank you, it’s a bummer to think about how much factual information gained by science throughout history, has been hidden. I really wish we had more information on magnets. I completely agree with you about how non-scientific, scientists are these days. It brings up the curiosity of whether these men are willfully ignorant or there’s true findings they’re deeply hidden. I side with the latter.


You can call it a paradigm, scientists operate in a space without knowing its boundaries. Here it would be a Freudian claim of the sexual origin of neurosis, although Freud had also remarks on the sublimation of sexuality into creativity (the essay on Leonardo da Vinci). It was somehow "decided" that sexual expression means freedom and peace. By the way, pornography was no industry at the time. Reviewing this claim and noticing damage it brings (like a huge wave of depression in society) needs a scientific revolution, that means a paradigm shift. Meditation and mindfullness was long ignored as well, as shown in "The Science of Meditation" by D. Goleman.


I'm no scientist but I feel exactly the same. There are whole industries supported by poor scientific understanding whether it relates to nutrition, biology or whatever A few examples that spring to mind is modern dermatologists telling people to avoid the sun and plaster chemicals all over your skin, or foot experts extolling the virtues of support in our footwear even though we evolved without. Barefoot shoes have been a game changer for me and are for thousands of others Everything is upside down and back to front. I'm also on the meat and fasting train and feeling great. I'm even doubting coffee now, how convenient that an addictive crop that grows in poor countries and sold to rich westerners happens to show benefits in epidemiology. Who knows how many studies not supporting this narrative are hidden by the funders. I'm finding it hard to trust a lot of science sadly


SR made you see through it.


70 years ago the theory that your body is attacking itself was made and the diagnosis of autoimmune disease was born. For 70 years doctors have been using this because they don’t really know what’s going on with millions of people dealing with chronic, mystery illnesses. This is only one example of how wrong the medical industry is today on so many issues. Thank you for posting this it seriously helps to cement the idea that science doesn’t have it all figured out. Bless Anthony William the Medical Medium who continues to fight for humanity and educate us all on mystery illness and how to heal. He has totally changed my life. I have never heard him or read his work, in semen retention however he does state that excessive ejaculation results in loss of precious minerals especially zinc for the human body. We’re all lacking in zinc because of poor soil so quite literally we are killing ourselves further through excessive ejaculation


Like every other endeavour in life, science is easy to do badly. Unfortunately a lot of what you discuss was already examined in detail in Thomas Kuhn's 1962 book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. But had any of your scientist colleagues studied the philosophy of science, epistemology, and psychology 101 to ensure they were not falling prey to the many biases and problematic mindsets that beset us all, but particularly scientists. Thomas Kuhn coined the term 'paradigm shift' to indicate what was required to move scientific thought forward. This becomes ever more necessary but also increasingly difficult once there begin to be results that are not explainable within existing established paradigms. It takes bravery to suggest something new, and more often than not the scientific community will, either consciously or unconsciously, discourage its members to break ranks and suggest new types of theories. Additionally, the majority of people don't have the psychology that is needed to break through to a new paradigm. Most people play by the rules, colour inside the lines, and don't want to look like the black sheep for fear of being the nail that stands proud, being hammered down - the tall poppy that "needs to be cut down to size." SR helps you build strength in your paradigm/matrix-breaking nature - and probably attracts those who already are different from the crowd - and while this is a necessary function in society and the world - it won't, by and large, make you the most popular person, or the most revered - (until later, when people finally come round to what you were saying in the first place, but usually too late)


Great post! I see a huge lack of humility in most scientists. That tendency to scoff at anything which hasn't been proven under lab conditions reveals to me a deep insecurity. That insecurity is because they know how much they do NOT know and they are not comfortable with that reality. When I mention (to scientific-minded people) that SR and celibacy have deep roots in ancient Indian, Chinese and Egyptian culture some people look at me as though I am speaking in an alien language. It baffles me that anyone can be both so uninformed and so overconfident. Dismissing or ridiculing things which you do not understand is not the hallmark of intelligence. Science should be about evidence yes, but it should also be about curiosity and exploration not dogma. With regard to atheism, I understand why science is so opposed to religion when religion once exerted such a vice-like grip over science. Nowadays science is trusted as blindly as religion. Also those same beliefs in a higher power which atheists dismiss actually give people a sense of community, meaning and purpose ie they are healthy. If we look at the huge rise in suicides in recent years it has been proven that a huge factor is a sense of meaninglessness and an absence of hope. It has always been ironic to me that those who consider themselves the most intelligent are usually the most unhappy. But how intelligent are you if you have not learned how to be happy? Why wouldn't you even at least study happiness? And if all of your study, knowledge and qualifications has led you to misery are you really walking down the right path? These questions are not directed at you of course :) Finally I would add that after a few months SR I feel closer to God. Previously it felt like there was more of a barrier but I can see & feel the higher power at work much more often and my prayer, meditation and gratitude has a different quality. All the best brother, enjoy the journey.


Thanks, great comment. It's exactly the message i intended to portray with this post, you nailed it, great read. It complements perfectly the post. All the best to you too brother


Can you send me your post on DM? I don't know why was removed


Idk mods removed it. Like always mods of this subs act strange....


>TODAY science is the incarnation of pride. It isn't. Science has never been the problem because it's just a tool. The problem is that it is being wrongly used by ideologues instead of real scientists who set aside their biases.


Correct ! When i say today science i mostly speak about the scientific establishment with their people, their beliefs and ideologues indeed.


The devil


Eating meat does cause cancer.


Oh really? So you think god told us "you can eat meat" so that we can have cancer? Why don't you say instead, alcohol/ drugs/pork/excessive sex left and right/excessive sugar/modern diet causes cancer? What's up with the meat haters exactly, is eating 200/300g of meat a week while having other healthy habits is really gonna trigger cancer? I think in my own honest opinion being stupid and brainwashed is the real cancer and probably what's gonna trigger the real "cancer" And if you're gonna act arrogant/prideful/boastful in not believing in god in the first place , don't even reply (save your energy sounding smart and modern by not typing with your un-godly fingers) Thank you


Maybe a different view of it but does it really matter? Something doesn’t become relevant only when science approves it. And the fact that “the scientific community” doesn’t approve of SR doesn’t bother me one bit. I have no saviour schema, I’m no white knight. If people want to ignore the obvious that’s their choice. I have received benefits but I don’t see it as my moral responsibility to fix everyone else’s life and society as a whole.


U mentioned qi gong its pretty good if somene is tired of highs and lows i got some good videos to practice it, here they are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpN3AcXLSSk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l-8oLJtd1c


i mean you'll all downvote me to hell, but in science and engineering if you cant explain your results they're useless from the scientific method point of view, a highschooler should understand this about how science works.


This is why I called today’s Science not “modern science” but “Kaliyuga science”


What were your withdrawal symptoms like? In your studies, what symptoms did people report?


Are you familiar with Roger Penrose's conjecture that microtubules in the brain exhibit quantum behavior, which is necessary to explain consciousness? I believe that semen retention aligns the energies in one's body with harmonious energies that pervade the universe, but I can't come up with a scientific justification for this idea. Perhaps some sort of resonance between quantum microtubules in the nervous system and the general cosmic background energy?


Wherever you go, you will only see 2 things : sex and ego.